#i've had so many bad therapists. did so much research to find her
trans-axolotl · 4 months
had a therapy appointment for the first time in a couple months and i think one of the reasons i like my current therapist so much is that she's completely fine with me taking breaks and not replying to her emails and ignoring her for a couple months and then coming back and she never makes me feel judged and just asks what kind of support i want. also she reads a lot of disability studies stuff and supports my antipsych organizing 👍
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surveysand · 1 year
How much did your senior prom dress cost you? i think $150? i honestly don't remember.
What dreams have stuck with you since childhood? the very first dream i ever remember having has always stuck with me, but that's it.
Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? yes.
Did you ever take your dog to school? no.
If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? ella. i was absolutely obsessed with that name, lol.
If you had a baby now, what would you name him or her? caroline for a girl, noah for a boy.
Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? no.
Do you get motion sickness? i have been more recently only in the car, but nowhere else.
Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what? i don't believe in god.
What is the most boring church you have ever attended? the church i grew up in. i've only been in a few, but i think that one seemed the most boring because it's the one i went to the most.
What is the most lively church you have ever attended? literally none. they've all been roman catholic churches where everything is so orderly and monotonous.
Do you find church fun or boring? boring.
What do you hate the most about summer? being hot all the time.
Which part of your body is the most muscular? my legs.
Did you ever take Latin in school? no.
Which major holiday is closest to your birthday? does halloween count? i'm counting it, lol.
What is your favorite Japanese name? i have no idea. i'm not knowledgeable in that area, lol.
Have you ever ran a cash register? no.
Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger? i had one or two, but i was much more of a barbie girl. i had hundreds of barbies.
Do you think your mom is attractive? yes, i will always think my mom is beautiful.
What was the last thing that disappointed you? realizing i forgot to refill the brita before going to bed, lol.
Do you like the feeling in your stomach on a big drop on a roller coaster? yes.
Skeletons or scarecrows? skeletons.
Do you own pumpkin earrings? no.
What computer game did you used to play all the time? webkinz. i still play it every now and then when i'm bored.
When was the last time you read a book? a few weeks ago.
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) no, i don't think so.
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? i have no idea.
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? instagram.
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? probably trying to format a presentation for a class some way, lol.
Do you watch political shows? no.
Do you play any fantasy/roleplaying games? What? no.
Do you like salami? it's okay.
When was the last time you ate meat? a few days ago.
What was the last hot drink you drank? i have no idea.
Have your parents met your boyfriend/exes? yes.
How about your boyfriend’s parents? Met them? yes.
Do you know how to say I love you in at least 4 languages? i don't think so.
Do you find the sound of a cat’s purr relaxing? yes.
Do you know your mum’s first pet’s name? ugh, it's right on the tip of my tongue, but i can't remember. i know it was a sheepdog, though.
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, for what? only if it was for research accomplishments. i'm too insecure to do anything like signing/acting/etc.
Would you ever get a heart tattoo or your back? probably not.
What fruit can’t you stand? none. i love every fruit i've tried so far.
Do you know anyone autistic? yes.
How about someone bipolar? yes.
What do you consider private to you? health issues and finances.
Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have: one of my close friends.
Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: overthinking, lol.
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: sleeping at a normal time. i love being a night owl.
Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you: one of my old therapists. she was awful.
Name a date that has a lot of significance to you: august 7.
Name something in your life that was a blessing in disguise: my dog. i knew i would love him and he would be important to me, but he came into my life right before a very traumatic event and saved my life in so many ways.
Name something that you’ve done that would be considered rebellious: smoke weed.
Name something you wish you had enough money to do: travel.
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hotchley · 3 years
hey sumayyah! i saw your sign!! I'm writing the JJ & Emily parts of the really out of the blue and shitty mini-whatever it is 💀 and hopefully I'll figure out how to shorten it or something lmaoo
but i wanted to come here and talk for awhile i guess
it's like, 2am where i am right now and I'm just so drained mentally like idk i can't seem to focus on getting all my work done (school work) and i just submitted a fake corrupted file to pass off as my homework because i haven't been able to finish it (it's not graded or anything it's just 2 biology practice papers for revision for the upcoming exam but they're really long & biology is not my strong subject......)
like I'm 60-70% done on both papers and yeah i feel so bad for doing what i did and i am still planning on finishing those 2 papers (both as legitimate practice/revision & just in case my teachers do check and decide to ask me to resubmit/send them the file through another channel) and idk i obviously can't really talk to any one in school about this so i came here.... sorry for this bout of negativity i just feel so drained inside and it's not even the first time.... I'm on my break right now (mid years break) but my break is ending in roughly 4-5 more days? and I've felt unmotivated and horrible throughout the entire break idk :/ idk if this is just burn out or something else.... I've been planning on finding a therapist/professional to talk to? but 1. i can't exactly do it "openly" because i come from a rather conservative family and mental health issues (& sexuality etc) aren't things we talk about in my family.... and 2. I'm still a full-time student & I'm not sure of what services are available + the costs and all the other concerns? so like idk I'm not even sure where to start :(
and because I've been feeling like cr*p most of the time the last 3 weeks, I've done absolutely nothing & so i have TONS of school assignments piled up (those that were due during the break I've finished (somehow lmao) and submitted, but those that are due AFTER the break when school reopens.... i have completely not touched) & the worst thing is I'm not even entirely sure what's my entire workload.... so i definitely have to start seriously getting my work done from tomorrow (technically today) onwards.... but like i genuinely have a hard time focusing on work and I'm not sure if it's just my issues with procrastination or if i have a genuine illness or something and i don't want to self diagnose so I've been trying to not think about this but lately it's been so hard because i can't even finish my work on time and exams are coming and it's just really affecting me? and it's getting worse? i don't even have anyone i can truly talk to about this irl too and SKDJSKSNS idk 😭😭
i am SO SORRY for all the negativity!!!!! i just felt so alone and really had to vent somewhere i am so sorry, feel free to delete this ask if you're uncomfortable 🥺
i hope you're having a much better day/night and i love you ❤️ your blog (& cm Tumblr) is really giving me hope & keeping me alive, if i can put it that way 🥺♥️♥️ thank you for being you, and thank you for simply existing. I'm sorry things got so depressing all of a sudden lmao I'll be fine (eventually, probably)
- 🌙
I feel like my answer got long, so I put it under the cut :)
Also, I did see this when you initially sent it, but I'm working on boundaries and priorities, which is why I didn't answer it then- I just needed a break <3
Look, you're learning during a pandemic that has disrupted everything and caused a lot of pain and stress. One corrupted file does not make you a bad student. You're still going to try.
There were so many days during lockdown where I just... didn't submit any work, and then I would submit it later saying the thing broke- which seemed believable because the thing we used never functioned properly.
And we cannot be happy or perfect all the time. Sometimes we need to share our problems. I have always said you can talk to me, it just may take me a few days depending on my own situation, and I stand by that.
Sometimes breaks just make us more miserable. Sometimes it is just genuinely a phase that you will snap out of. Sometimes it isn't. Either way, you need to let yourself feel this. Don't try and bury it. That'll be worse.
So when it comes to therapists, if you've been thinking of seeing one, go for it. Chances are, it'll help.
I get what you mean. I don't know what it's like where you are, but in England, everyone over 16 has control over the medical stuff. That basically means your parents cannot be told what you're doing, and you can do things without their knowledge. If I wanted to make an appointment, I wouldn't need to tell them I was making it, or what was discussed. Neither can the doctors.
I asked one of my friends (I have consent to share this), and she said that she went through the BetterHelp website, and that it's really helping her. Now I know BetterHelp had some real serious problems, so I would be cautious, but that is one option. Hers is between £50-£60 a session, but there were cheaper options.
You could also go through your school!! My school has what is called a "well-being practitioner" who you can just go and see when you're feeling down, and it all remains confidential UNLESS they think intervention is needed. So you could see if there are any sessions they do, or if there's any help you can get from them :)
I have seen SO, SO many teachers on TikTok recently say two things: ask them for help if you need it, and they will give it, and just do something. I don't know what you're teachers are like, but they're probably stressed and burnt out too. If you need an extension or a break or help, they'll do their best.
And if you can't do everything, then just do one thing. Do your favourite subject, or the easiest thing. I know people say do the hardest thing first because then everything gets easier, but the one time I did that, I started crying and I gave up for a good three days so...
If you've done extensive research, then maybe it is something, and if you think that there is that, then you should try and get tested <3 and it's okay if there really is nothing. Sometimes brains are weird
You don't ever have to apologise for being human <3 Remember how I mentioned crying for twenty minutes to my history teacher? I said the same thing to him: that I feel bad talking about these things because everyone has their own problems. His response was: well yes, but there are so many people that want to help you. And they would tell you if you were being a burden.
You need to trust that. And it's hard. It's painful. It's difficult. But I promise you, telling someone will always be better than bottling it up- and this comes from the person that was pissed for six weeks because I got a phone call home from someone higher up because previously mentioned history teacher told them that I was not doing great
I love you too!!
And sometimes life gets you down! That's okay! Things will get better! Maybe this isn't healthy, but my thing is: things will work out, and things will get better because they need to, and I refuse to believe I am living a life where they won't.
You will be fine! I have every faith in you!!
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sarahfalciani · 5 years
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3 years ago I was medicated out of my mind, just released from a military psych ward after having a full psychotic break, with a plan to end my life.
1 year ago today I was in the process of extracting myself from my 6 year long abusive relationship.
October 10th is my no contact anniversary. October 11th is my release date from the hospital.
Today I woke up, feeling present and grounded. I had a pretty cool dream/vision that ended up being a really cool metaphor for my coaching program that I've created for you (I'll save that story for another day's blog post). It woke me up at 0345 and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got in my car, grabbed some Starbucks, and started driving in random circles listening to music and reflecting on my life.
I have been in therapy and worked with coaches here and there consistently since the year of my hospitalization. I have been off meds for a little over a year now. I have one successful business and another one that is taking off at a rapid rate. I'm in a master's program that I love, doing the research I've intended on pursuing since freshman year of undergrad 10 years ago. I'm a professional coach. I'm about to be a published author. I'm almost out of debt. I'm physically healthy, and have a deep love and acceptance for my mental health and dedicate time every day to my self care and my personal growth and development.
And you know, I still have days where I can't get off the couch. I still get anxiety in big groups of people. I still have some pretty deep trust issues with men & love that will take time and consistent work to heal. I still numb my emotions sometimes with one (or two) too many glasses of wine. I still cry in the shower sometimes because I just feel sad and alone. The idea of ending my life even still crosses my mind sometimes, although it's more and more rare as time goes on.
I don't get up at the same time every day. Hell, sometimes I sleep all day and work all night. I don't do the same thing every day. I don't exercise every day or follow a diet anymore. I don't follow rules or structure in any way, shape or form. Not because I made it a point to be a rebel or anything (hint: that would be choosing to follow a set of rules or structure in it's own right...) but because I made a choice to be happy doing exactly what I want every day, without judgment.
Being a leader, being a coach, being "successful" (whatever the fuck that means, anyway), having a voice doesn't mean I've got it all figured out all the time. I don't. I'm a human being who has just embraced exactly where she's at and made up her mind that she was enough exactly as she is in this moment.
It doesn't mean I'm happy all the time, or positive all the time. But I AM in tune with my needs. I AM in tune with my identity (and even that shifts & expands daily). I don't have it all figured out, but I've come a long way since my days of being in hospital-issued PJs, not allowed to write with anything more than a pencil the length of my thumb and having to ask a nurse every time I wanted a cup of water. I have come a long way since leaving my relationship.
I chose radical responsibility. Radical self love. Radical self acceptance. Radical self care. I stopped hiding and I did the work. And I show up every single day and I choose to do the work. Inside and out. The good, bad, and ugly of it.
I never not once have shut up about "that coaching thing" and now I am WELL on my way to having a fully booked coaching practice which is going to change the world, helping one person at a time to fall in love with themselves and their life exactly as it is TODAY.
Never not once will I stop sharing my story. Never not once will I not be real with y'all. Never not once will I not show up for myself, and for you. My one hope is that by sharing my experiences with the hospital, the military, my relationship, my rape, my mental health, and every other dark and twisty (and sunshine filled barrels of AWESOME) parts of my journey that you will know that you are never alone. Even if it feels like you are, you're not.
You're loved. I love you.
So with that, Happy Anniversary week to me, and thank you so much for being a part of my journey. Special shout out to the human who took me to the hospital (even when I didn't want to go. You know who you are. I owe you my life ❤) and those who visited me while I was there. Thank you to my coaches, my therapists, my family, and my friends who have been there all hours of the day and night, on the worst days AND on the best days. I'm so excited to report that the best days are happening more and more, and the VERY best is still yet to come. 🖤💫🤗
Pictures below: the cup they gave me for water in the hospital. I probably will never get rid of it. The IG post I wrote the day I was released. And a picture if me with Ro yesterday at the park.
I love you,
P.s. If my story and my message resonates with you and you are interested in working with me:
I have a few spots left in the beta version of my private coaching program Unapologetically You!
It's an elite, 3 month inner circle one-on-one coaching experience with me that takes you from the box you've been living in to throwing out the rulebook. You're going to get back in touch with WHO you are and what your values are, you're gonna shift the limiting beliefs and bust through blocks that have kept you small and you're going to learn how to start unapologetically showing up in your life with a focus on self love, self care, and an abundance of Queen (or King!!) Energy. I'm going to take you through the exact process that I used to go from small, broken, depressed, controlled by food, codependent in friendships & relationships, and constantly apologizing and anxious, to standing in my power as an Unapologetic Badass.
We're gonna cover money, time, body, food, relationships, friendships, family, self-esteem, business/career, guilt, shame, and anything else that is at your CORE holding you back from where (and who) you want to be.
During our 3 months together you get:
✨ One 30 minute coaching call at the start to set you up for success
✨Two 20 minute coaching calls per month after that
✨Unlimited whatsapp/messenger access for text/voice note coaching as needed
✨Journal prompts
✨PDF trainings
✨And more as we go (beta version = testing some things out. There will be some flexibility with the calls and such)
I know this program is priceless and it has been a long long LONG time coming. Literally my life's purpose. I've lived it. Breathed it. And I've been tasked by the Universe to help others along their journey.
This means the world to me. It's taken me many years, a lot of courses, coaches, mentors, therapy, trial and error, life experiences, journals, meditation sessions, brainstorming, and nights in the fetal position crying in my kitchen to finally find peace with my purpose. This is it. This is what I'm meant to unleash into the world. This is how I'm meant to lead and help others.
This is for every woman (or man) who has ever cried in the shower feeling lost and alone.
This is for me. This is for you.
If this resonated and you would like to grab a spot in the beta version (thank you in advance for being my guinea pigs!!!) DM me with any questions and let's do this shit. ❤
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