#i've missed doing thissssssssssssssssss thank u so muc/h molly u saved me
guaek · 7 years
AAHHAFHSDHFADJFA YESSS thanks molly (and anon, too, who asked for wheebyul as well) YALL READY FOR THIS BC MAN O MAN I’M A BIT RUSTY BUT IM READY
who said “i love you first”ok lets talk 2 diff scenarios: when sober, moonbyul bc she’s such a cheesefest like everything that comes out of her mouth is so CHEESY AND CRINGE but wheein loves it so much god she rly REALLY loves it esp when its to her she fucking bathes in byul’s romantic cheese. and when drunk, wheein - which, ok, is some kind of AU here idek like wheebyul trying to outdrink each other and damn both of them are drunk outta their minds and whoopsie did wheein say that? did byul hear it? and is hwasa recording this? is solar asking for the check now? or asking for more fritters god knows
who would have the other’s picture as their phone backgroundBITCH THIS SHIT IS SO CUTE OFC BOTH OF THEM WILL like byul’s will be of wheein and ggomo and wheein’s will be of byul and daebak bUT OH MY GOD IMAGINE THEY HOLD EACH OTHER’S PETS LIKE BYULS BG IS WHEEIN W/DAEBAK AND WhEEIN’S BG IS BYUL W/GGOMO OH GOD AS I LIVE AND BREATHEEEEEE but u kno they can also have polaroids on the backs of their phones too or photobooth pics and all those stupid ass fluffy coupley bullshitt GOD I AM FINE
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirroroh for sure byul but u kno wheein would go the extra mile like she’d write sth AND draw sth cute as shit for byul U KNO This TO BE TRUE AGREE WIH ME OR FIGHT ME IN THE PIT
who buys the other cheesy giftsso it SEEMS to me that byul always buys panties (lingerie) for her girls so im gonna say wheein buys cheesy gifts actually scratch that they’d buy each other cheesy gifts and try to outdo each other like who is cheesier than the other they make it into some goddamn competition dumb babus
who initiated the first kissok at first i thought byul but thats such a fucking fake idea like if u are a tru wheebyul shipper u would say wheein bc HELLO HAVE U NOT SEEN WHEEIN ALWAyS GOING TO BYULS BUBBLE ALL THE TIME AND SHIT SHE KNOWS BYUL’S WEAKNESS WHEEIN IS SUCH A TOP SHE WEARS THE PANTS IN THIS RELATIONSHIP BYUL IS A WHIPPED MOFO ok this was about first kiss and what im SAYING HERE is that wheein would initiate bc she just dgafs and tbh she wants on that moon byulyi ride
who kisses the other awake in the morningbyul is such an up-and-at’em kid so it’s byul bc she’d wake up first, just look at wheein, breathe her in, caress her hair out of her face, maybe take a pic and keep it as leverage (bc wheein sleeps with her mouth open when she’s hella tired) and then byul would start to leave tiny kisses on wheein’s forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and finally on the lips HELLOOOOOOOOOOO I AM GONE WITH tHE WIND WITH THsI FLUFF??????? I DONT WANT TO BE HeRE ANYMORE??????????
who starts tickle fightsbyul is SUCH a sneaky little shit so she’d start this shit but wheein’s an even sneakier little shit ESPECIALLY to byul so yea byul can start but wheein ends it on her terms (i mean byul should kno not to mess with her gf but she does anyways bc what the hell wheein loves it too)
who asks if they can join the other in the showerok i just thought like byul is conservative~ and all that so i think she might ask but honestly?? yall been dating for so long and T B H yall have forsure been fuckin in the shower those new pianoman endings got me thinking otherwise i mean………….BUT ANYWAYS byul would ask. but wheein? she’d jump right in (saves water, wheein says) (byul thinks the opposite but yall aren’t gonna hear her complain)
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunchbyul bc wheein is so busy making money doing collabs here and there and like even if this was for some au, byul would still be the one doing it bc even if it seems like byul is a perfectionist (though all of them are), i think byul knows best on how to take care of others when they’re too focused on their tasks. esp wheein, such a free bird soul byul is wheein’s nest tbh WOW WHICH IS SYNONYMOUS TO BYUL IS WhEEIN’S HOME?? HOW DID WE GO FROM LUNCH SURPRISE TO EACH OTHER’S HOME???
who was nervous and shy on the first dateok tbh this is hard i think byul bc yea maybe she’ll be smooth af and be the most gentlewoman to ever gentlewoman but deep down but not so deep down she’s still a complete nerd but its ok bc wheein’s prob just as nervous too bc she’s a complete dork who’s so extra all the time WOW DORK AND NERD They COMPLETE EACH OTHER I AM A-OKAY FOLKS ARE U???????
who kills/takes out the spidersbyul forsure. maybe one day (or more often than not) she pranks wheein with fake insects but wheein can read through byul’s pranks now so they team up to prank solar
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunkTO CONTINUE FROM THe FIRST QUESTION lets say byul hears wheein say it first….and wheein catches herself like oh shit now what and byul sees and it feels like an out of body experience bc, for one, she can’t recall how many bottles of soju and/or sake they’ve been drinking and two, is hwasa rly recording this shit? so byul downs her shot, slams the glass down and puts her hands on wheein’s cheeks and says “you are so cute you’re too cute for me you’re too good for me” and kisses her and at this point we’re all hwasa and solar being all “the fuck??????” and byul drunkenly yells to hwasa’s phone thats recording all this, “I LOVE YOU TOO JUNG WHEERUN I RLY DO SINCE WE FIRST MET” bc YALL KNOW byul was a gone motherfucker for wheein since the beginning BC THEY ARE MFEO. and damn is wheein blushing from embarrassment or relief or asian glow?? is hwasa praising byul and pouring more shots for them?? and yea this time solar is asking for the check and the girls prove to her yet again why she doesn’t drink 
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