#i've seen alot of medusa killing perseus recently
dappergoth · 6 months
Medusa and the intruder
"Why do you wish to harm me?" Cried Medusa, her snakes coiling around each other in some semblance of embrace. "I live alone far away from the monsters, yet you still hunt me down, what must I do to protect myself? To live freely from the cruelty of man?"
Perseus was shaking, he was using all his strength to hold up Athenas shield so he could properly address the gorgon. The young child took a deep breath and steadied himself. "I wish you no harm" he managed to reply "I wish no one harm" he let go of the sword that was half his height, letting it drop to his feet, "not you, not the Fates nor the Gods."
Medusa stared in shock at the intruder, only now hearing his voice and registering his youth, her snakes uncoiling themselves and stretching out towards the boy. "Then why come?" She asked "why make such a perilous journey?"
Perseus cried, he tried so hard not to but the tears kept coming, he dropped the shield and covered his face, the sounds of his sobs echoing around the cave masking the sound of the approaching gorgon. "To save my mother" he choaked out "I only want my mother."
Medusa lent close to the boy, wiping away the tears that leaked from his hands, taking in his small stature that was drowning in the ill fitting armour. "Where is your mother?" Medusa whispered "why must you save her?" The boy cried for a while more before replying.
"With an evil king who wishes to bed her."
Medusa hissed and her snakes writhed around angrily, she calmed her voice before speaking again. "Why would coming here save your mother?"
Perseus forgetting who he was talking to began to remove his hands.
"Don't" said the gorgon, placing her hands over his. Perseus shuddered before speaking.
"I challenged the king to keep him from my mother, he said that if I brought him the head of the gorgon he would let her go."
Medusa seethed at this information, bowing her head in rage she noticed the shield. Medusa picked it up and immediately recognised it as her Goddess Athenas. Looking upon the shield Medusa remembered what Athena had told her when she was turned into a gorgon.
"I cannot punish the man who did this to you, but I can give you a gift to stop it happening again. May this blessing protect you and other women from the hatred of men's hearts."
"What is your name child?" Medusa asked tearing off a piece of the boys tunic.
"Perseus" he replied.
"Well Perseus," Medusa said tying the piece of cloth around her eyes, before bending down to pick up the fallen sword. "Shall we go save your mother?"
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