#and it always rubs me wrong because perseus just wants to save his mother
dappergoth · 6 months
Medusa and the intruder
"Why do you wish to harm me?" Cried Medusa, her snakes coiling around each other in some semblance of embrace. "I live alone far away from the monsters, yet you still hunt me down, what must I do to protect myself? To live freely from the cruelty of man?"
Perseus was shaking, he was using all his strength to hold up Athenas shield so he could properly address the gorgon. The young child took a deep breath and steadied himself. "I wish you no harm" he managed to reply "I wish no one harm" he let go of the sword that was half his height, letting it drop to his feet, "not you, not the Fates nor the Gods."
Medusa stared in shock at the intruder, only now hearing his voice and registering his youth, her snakes uncoiling themselves and stretching out towards the boy. "Then why come?" She asked "why make such a perilous journey?"
Perseus cried, he tried so hard not to but the tears kept coming, he dropped the shield and covered his face, the sounds of his sobs echoing around the cave masking the sound of the approaching gorgon. "To save my mother" he choaked out "I only want my mother."
Medusa lent close to the boy, wiping away the tears that leaked from his hands, taking in his small stature that was drowning in the ill fitting armour. "Where is your mother?" Medusa whispered "why must you save her?" The boy cried for a while more before replying.
"With an evil king who wishes to bed her."
Medusa hissed and her snakes writhed around angrily, she calmed her voice before speaking again. "Why would coming here save your mother?"
Perseus forgetting who he was talking to began to remove his hands.
"Don't" said the gorgon, placing her hands over his. Perseus shuddered before speaking.
"I challenged the king to keep him from my mother, he said that if I brought him the head of the gorgon he would let her go."
Medusa seethed at this information, bowing her head in rage she noticed the shield. Medusa picked it up and immediately recognised it as her Goddess Athenas. Looking upon the shield Medusa remembered what Athena had told her when she was turned into a gorgon.
"I cannot punish the man who did this to you, but I can give you a gift to stop it happening again. May this blessing protect you and other women from the hatred of men's hearts."
"What is your name child?" Medusa asked tearing off a piece of the boys tunic.
"Perseus" he replied.
"Well Perseus," Medusa said tying the piece of cloth around her eyes, before bending down to pick up the fallen sword. "Shall we go save your mother?"
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hiswhiteknight · 6 years
The Chained Damsel
Summary: Reader is gets locked and chained away by Hydra because of her mother’s callous boasting. She waited for the end, until a special someone comes to rescue her from her fate. 
This is for @the-canary Constellation writing challenge ( #fab1kchallenge ) . I’m a little late, but I hope everyone likes it. This was such an interesting prompt challenge! I loved working with the Andromeda constellation and story, really it could be a mini series. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1300
Warning: Some mention of violence, woman being restrained, fluff
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And here you lie on the cold cement, wondering where you would be if it weren’t for your mother. Would you be the modest, quiet person you find yourself to be? Or would you be more like your vain, cruel mother?
She bragged to the wrong people. She drilled in your significant abilities and beauty – how unique and lovely you were, more lovely than anyone in the whole universe. I became a tool, a possession that had to be stolen, as well as a punishment to my callous mother. It was either you or your father’s island. They had threaten, destroyed, and beaten our little community down. It was either you or a whole island. And alas, your beaten body nailed to a stone floor, as a treasure – a prize.
You weren’t sure what would become of you. You heard of the monster that you were promised to – the man, the beast. He worked for an enemy of your father, a organization called Hydra – or used to be Hydra. They had mocked you, criticized, and harassed you about what would happen. You just waited, cold and afraid. You were in your head now, just thinking about the what-ifs. Part of you felt like you deserved this. Some kind of cosmic karma with you family.
The door slammed open, smashing against the wall. You tried to make yourself small as possible, shrinking next to the sink with your arm stretch out with the chain. He didn’t say anything, he just took one step at a time being slow, but strategic with his moves. This was it, this was going to be your life – this man, pain, and then nothing.
You had planned for the worse, when red lights started flashing. All you saw was red and the blinding sound. This is what it felt like to be in a pure panic, you had accepted your fate originally, but this was new. Men charged past the open door. The monster merely glanced back, before continuing to walk towards you. He had a mission to destroy you, he wasn’t about to get distracted by this alarm.
About a foot away from you, you blinked up at the man. This was it, this was going to be the end of everything. He squatted down to face you, hand grasping your neck quickly, and pulling you up to be against him.
Suddenly you were shoved to the ground and another man stood between you and the monster, “Winter Soldier, back for more.”
He didn’t speak, the man that stood between you and this villain just attacked. And it was fast and hard. You scurried away as far as you could. Your chains pulling at your arms again. The sound dulled away and the next thing you felt was a gentle touch, “Hold on,” you looked up to the blue eyes, gently trying to meet yours. You tried to pull away more, “It’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you. Come with me,” he reached his hand out. You didn’t want to grab it, all you felt was fear. He guided your hand, just grasping it enough to guide you up. Without you knowing it, he had freed you from your chains. You skidded behind him, walls were whirling by you.
You found yourself on a jet, numerous people around, “You found a damsel in distress,” someone yelled over the sounds.
A woman approached you, you tried to pull yourself against a wall, “My name is Natasha,” she pointed to herself before pointing to the man who rescued you from chains, “This is Bucky. We just want to help, what is your name?”
All the eyes were on you, you felt incredibly vulnerable. Everything happened so quickly, you looked down to what you were wearing and your bare feet. You felt warmth and weight on your shoulders, Bucky had pulled a jacket on you. You wrapped it tighter around your body, “You don’t have to say anything,” he whispered, “Just come sit down,” you nodded and continued over to a chair.
You felt the craft moving, Bucky sat next to you, still holding your hand. Time started to fly, just like you were. You weren’t sure why you couldn’t find your voice or why you still felt scared, “It passes you know,” he said, grabbing your attention away from your hands, “That feeling, numbness and lack of your own identity. It doesn’t last.”
“How do you know,” you whispered, finally looking at him, “Maybe I deserve it, the pain and destruction.”
He shook his head, “No one deserves to be controlled or frightened like that. And I don’t even know you or your name,” he chuckled with sarcasm. He was trying to make you feel safe and comfortable and it was working, “They had me once, for a very long time, but these people,” he pointed towards the crew flying with them, “They helped me find myself again. And I’ll help you find you.”
“Y/N,” you whispered, looking at him again. He put you at ease now, this voice, his eyes, there was something about him, “My name is Y/N.”
He put out his hand again, “It’s nice to meet you,” you shook it this time. Your body was still shaking from contact, “We’re going to get you help, Y/N, and I’ll be there the entire way.” You gave him a little smile, before turning back towards the window. You felt a weight off your soul, just enough to breath freely again.
3 Months Later
Your fist smashed against Bucky’s face, “Gosh, I’m sorry,” you pulled your fists against your body, “I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”
He touched his face, sending a smile your way, “Y/N, that was amazing.”
“Really,” you shined again. You didn’t know it, but Bucky loved to see you glow in pride. It didn’t happen very often, “I did alright?”
“Oh, much better than alright,” he pushed your arm a little to give you encouragement, “I feel bad for anyone who has to come against you.”
Bucky rubbed his jaw again, “I do feel awful, Bucky.”
“Don’t worry about it Doll,” he grinned at you, “I’m proud of you.”
Blush reached your cheeks again, “Where is my little genius,” you turned to see Mr. Stark bouncing towards you, “I got a little project only you could do,” he pointed towards you to follow him.
“Hello Mr. Stark,” you said, nearly saluting him, “I’m happy to help however,” you look back to Bucky.
The way he looked at you made you glow, like you were more special than some possession, but an actual person, “You can start off by not calling me Mr. Stark. It’s Tony and the second thing, you can follow me. Let’s go genius. You can play with Perseus here later.”
Tony waltzed out of the room, “You heard the man, you have a special task to do. Go be the hero you can be.”
“I’m no hero Bucky, just a helpful hand,” you looked down at the ground.
Bucky pushed back some of your messy hair, “Y/N,” you looked up at him, “You are much more a hero than you can imagine.”
You pulled yourself up on your tippy toes and kissed his lips, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing. I just think we were destined to find each other,” he put his forehead against yours, “Just think, in three weeks we get married.”
He went in for another kiss when, “Love birds, shake a leg. Soon enough your honeymoon will be amongst us and I lose my genius,” Tony’s voice yelled over the sound system, “We got stuff to master, Y/N, I need you more than gimpy.”
“Not true, I always need you,” Bucky growled, “But the man has a point with getting stuff done. Steve’s got some mission for me to look over.”
“Be safe out there, hero,” you kiss him again, “I need my fiancée alive, to get married, and rescue me from my controlling mother.”
He shook his head, cradling your cheek, “Doll, you don’t need anyone to save you from anyone. You’re a warrior, inside and out. But I get it, I’ll be safe. Have fun with Tony.”
“She always has fun with me,” Tony’s voice boomed over the room again, “Y/N, shake a leg.”
Rolling your eyes, you blew him a kiss, and ran in the direction of Tony’s lab, completely missing the love in Bucky’s eyes towards you.
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