#i've seen some other stuff in her room that is hmmmm i don't think it's my place to share but it was such an insight into hollywood
it's so cool having celebrity gossip or whatever you want to call it, but when kate beckinsale was staying in the hotel i worked in, she was there for probably 2-3 months and let me tell you she is quite messy and disgusting and she also had cats and dogs with her so it was all super nasty, i wasn't in charge of her suite so i didn't do much there, but my coworkers were and they worked so hard every day. do you think she left a tip? a single tip in all those 3 months? nope.
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2, 16, 23 for the ask game? :)
2.a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Hmmmm. Honestly? I was really iffy on Tazercraft mindlink to begin with, but not it is 100% some of my favourite stuff to play with. Every time I go do write something else I miss it so badly that it gets in the way of me finishing things oops.
I still don't think I'd apply it to canon? I'd give them earpieces or some other form of own wireless communication if doing strict canon, ones which when Mike was taken got broken and they don't have the resources to make more of, but I absolutely adore it for fan activities.
16.a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
And now watch my mind go completely and utterly blank. I can think of things but none of them seem tiny to me? Like how much Etoiles loves people even if they are very tiring (and the them being tiring is also important sometimes), or the fact Baghera is/was an amazing investigator (the was is there because the trauma of finding her childhood room fucked her up so bad and I haven't really seen her investigate nearly as much since - but she is so so good at it when she can try, just the last thing she found was so traumatic she stopped looking for fear of more pain or something and agh I adore Baghera but never talk about her), or hmmmm. Maybe the look Cellbit made when Philza didn't take photos and the 'but I like your photos' with that Fed worker meeting, where Phil didn't think it worth taking any as Cellbit was there. Or the fact with the first Rose message when Philza asked to join Fit and Pac in the dungeon so he had company, it was *Pac* not Fit who said yes (and it says so much about all three of them that little interaction idk it just. That entire day but especially that one interaction).
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
Hmmm it's not so much curiosity as I've now fallen down the rabbit hole, but my mutuals are definitely the reason I watched even OPQ, let alone the fact I'm now 3 episodes into OPD a series which requires me to use youtube auto-subtitles auto-translate to watch. And I am in deep enough I wasn't willing to wait the few months for the subbing team to make actual ones (they're working on it). (If I've vanished a lot, its because I'm watching Ordem Paranormal and crying, and it's mostly Saga's fault).
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