#i've stopped fast travelling so I could enjoy the views and damn. did not disappoint
aaphra · 9 months
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Skyrim Scenery 11/∞
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
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The Tale Of A Coffee Shop
Pairing: Joshua x Female reader
Genre: Fluff, slight crack, bad attempt at romance, this is just bad
Warnings: Slight cursing
Word count: Idk, it's pretty long
8:35 am.
He should be here anytime. Your palms sweat, foot taps excitedly against the floor of the cafe. Though there's a lack of mirror, you try to smooth your hair with your hands, unnaturally cautious about your appearance.
"Calm down. It's not like he's gonna propose you or shit."
You turn to face your coworker who has a less than amused expression on her face. "Am I that obvious?"
"Duh. It's like written all over your face. Chill already y/n, he's just a man passing by. You don't even know his last name."
Your hopes shrink slightly though you are surprised at yourself. What are you actually hoping for? Him to ask you out? Your coworker is right, he's just a man passing by. Except, he's  regular customer who's insatiably handsome and makes you all jittery.
The said male is Joshua, an English professor at the popular university near the cafe. That's all you know about him. He happened to pass by your workplace one spring morning, looking for a quick jolt of caffeine to start the day and he's been visiting ever since. He visits the cafe 3 days a week, around 8:30 in the morning, ordering his usual plain latte.
After the first couple visits, you made small talk with him and all he offered was his name and profession. He always seemed to in a hurry or busy but he was always polite.
And the most handsome man you have ever seen. He had luscious black locks which were  somehow messy yet neatly arranged and touched the nape of his neck. His eyes always seemed to sparkle, hiding a galaxy of their own. High cheekbones, a perfect jawline, plump lips and to complete it all,an adams apple - he had it all.
His outfits were always neat and perfect, sometimes a trench coat covering a turtle neck, sometimes an unbuttoned blazer over a plain tee and of course, a wrist watch. Sometimes he'd wear glasses, big metal frames covering those eyes and those days you'd melt into a puddle on the inside. He looked so damn hot.
The bell at the door of the cafe chimes and your ears perk up, eyes moving to that direction.
He's here.
You try your best not to look like a love struck fool and offer a professional smile. "Welcome, sir."
"Hello, y/n. My usual please." comes his smooth voice and a polite smile.
"Yes sir, coming right up." You mutter, trying not pass out from the way he said your name while putting in his order.
He waits at the corner tapping away on his phone while his latte is prepared. Once it's done, you call his serial number, offering him his drink. "Your latte, sir."
"I've told you before, Joshua is fine."
You stare at him for a bit too long not understanding that he asked you to call him by his name. However, when you realize that, you are a blushing mess, unsure what to reply.
Joshua doesn't say anymore, only offers you a kind smile. And just like that, he's out the door, leaving you feeling warm all over.
"That was the most cringy thing I ever saw." Your co worker's voice brings you to reality. You roll your eyes and continue your work with a smile in your face.
"You seriously need to stop thinking about that dude all the time." You friend says standing in front of you, crossing her arms.
"I do not think of him all the time." You say, ignoring her and squinting at the book in your hands.
"Then great. You are coming to the club with me tonight. I'll introduce you to some guys and I don't know... get you laid."
"Excuse me?"
"Okay okay, not get laid, just... Meet some guys you know, what's the harm in that? Do you wanna die virgin?"
"Don't." She holds up her hands signaling you to stop. "You are coming. It's final. Thank me later when you find a hot dude."
Hot dude my ass. You stare at the drink you got after getting away from your friends who were having too much fun getting drunk. You had almost zero alcohol tolerance and you knew that you had to stay sober to get them home safely.
As you had expected, none of the guys your friend introduced you to piqued your interest. You realized what a bad idea it was to come to the club rather than staying at home, curled up reading your favorite book. As the thrum of the music continued to blast through the club your thought only proved to be truer. But your friends wasn't leaving this place anything soon.
Damn you hated it here.
You realize someone sitting down on the barstool next to yours but don't look up, too busy tracing the edge of the glass in front of you with your fingers. It's until you move your head to take a swing of your drink that you take notice of the person beside you.
A small squeak leaves your mouth as you look at the man sitting beside you, thinking that the couple drinks you had got to you and started playing with your mind.
It was him. Joshua. The English professor.
You quickly cast your eyes back on your drink but then glance a peek at his direction just to make sure.
Of course it's him.
Joshua sits there, oblivious to his surroundings, eyes on his phone. Your heart races. What is he doing here? Did he notice you?
You swallow, trying to calm your beating heart. Why do I feel like this? Maybe he didn't even notice me, I'll just finish this drink and leave.
You take another tentative glance at him, who is still busy on his phone. His hair looks a little bit messier than usual and his face looks a bit tired. He has his jacket draped across his lap and the white tee shirt he's wearing gives you a nice view of his arms. You don't realize you are staring unabashedly until he speaks, "Penny for your thoughts?"
A squeak leaves you and you almost fall off the stool.
"You've staring for quite a while. What is on your mind?" he says, putting down his phone and turning towards you.
You let your head hang low as a wave of embarrassment washes over you. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
"No don't be. Funny meeting you here though."
You look up to meet his eyes and it feels like your heart has traveled to your throat as you try to come up with a reply. "Y-yeah."
"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself."
"I-... Yes, I'm not."
He chuckles softly and reaches for his drink as the bartender places it front of him.
"What brings you here?"
"Well, um, my friend wanted to introduce me to some guys so she dragged me here with her and none of the guys piqued my interest and I didn't like sitting with them so I'm here."
You really need to stop talking.
Another soft chuckle escapes him and he asks, "What kind of guys pique your interest then?"
You. You do.
"I... I'm not really thinking about dating right now, I'll graduate next month and I want to focus on finishing college and getting a good job." 
"I see. What is your major?" he asks.
And that leads to a rather long conversation between you and him,which you obviously didn't mind, about your major -literature- and what inspired you to study that and so on. Since the both of you studied the same subject you had a lot of common grounds to talk about.The conversation went on and you felt happier than ever. You really needed to thank your friend for dragging you here.
And just when you think that, you hear her voice, "Y/n!"
Oh shit.
She appears behind you, a drunk mess and rests her head on your shoulder garbling drunk nonsense. You realized it was time to go before she embarrassed both of you in front of Joshua. You stand up abruptly and give an awkward nod to Joshua to looks at the two of you with an amused expression.
As you drag your friends to their car, there's a tinge of disappointment that you couldn't be with him longer but also an excitement that fate had given you such a chance.
Couple days later Joshua arrives earlier than his usual time at the cafe. You were clearing orders for the first few customers and when you look up hearing his voice, you swear you can die right there happily.
He wasn't in his usual look, rather a black shirt and a black shiny blazer hanging on his arm that matches his pants. His hair was neatly back brushed to one side but some locks managed to escape and you smell a hint of his cologne. You stared at him shamelessly, cheeks flushed.
"Y/n. Y/n?"
"My usual, please."
"Oh, yes... of course."
You fumble, putting in his order and peeking glances at his direction. You knew you were acting like a deprived, shameless woman but you could care less. You don't know if he realized you were checking him out but even if he did, he didn't say anything.
As you hand him his order, he murmurs a thank you and asks, "When do you close?"
"This cafe. When do you close it?"
"Oh, um, we take customers until about 10 pm. Then we clean up."
"I see. Thank you."
He turns around and leaves, a few heads turning towards him as he does so. You stand there, confused as to why he'd ask that.
"That was a goddamn piece of snack right there. " your co worker chirps as Joshua leaves the cafe.
"Seriously?" You raise a brow at her.
"It's fucking true. I mean look at him. He has heads turning around as he walks by."
You couldn't argue with that.
It's almost 10:30 in the night and you are having quite a trouble cleaning up. It's the weekend night and there were more customers than usual, which was the thing you hated about working full-time during the weekends though the payment was good. You wipe the counter, sighing, your back muscles tired from a long day.
The bell at the door rings, slightly irritating you.
Service is over damn it.
The last person you expect, walks through the door. Your mouth hangs open and a small gasp leaves your co worker's mouth as you both stare at the person. It's Joshua.
"I'm sorry, sir, we're closed." You manage the words out.
"Could I maybe,  have a word with you?" He asks, ignoring what you said.
"Uh-um, sure. I- I just have some things to finish up." You stammer, your heart beating way too fast to your liking.
"Good. You don't mind if I sit, do you?"
"N-no, of course not."
You turn to face your co worker who stares at you with wide eyes.
"What the fuck is going on?" She whisper-yells.
"I have no idea!" You reply back.
You finish your work quickly, your heart hammering the whole time. Once you both are finished, your co worker starts to dress up, ready for home. She gives you a good lecture to lock up properly before taking off.
You stand behind the counter trying to even out  your breathes, eyeing Joshua who sits at the table by the window.
You swallow and free your hair from the ponytail, smooth it down and walk over to him.
"Oh, hey." He looks up at you gesturing you to sit. You take a seat in front of him on the couch. He doesn't say anything but looks at you with a subtle smile.
"You look different," you blurt out, indicating his look.
"Oh yes, I had a meeting at the university."
"On the weekend?"
"Apparently, yes."
"So, uhm, why are you here?" You fidget rubbing your hands together, feeling nervous.
"I wanted to see you." He replies casually.
You almost choke on air.
"Last time we didn't get to finish our conversation and you seemed like an interesting person."
You flush, almost not believing your own years.
Joshua runs his hand through his hair then rests his hand under his chin, looking directly at you.
"I'll be honest with you, you've been on my mind a lot lately, Y/n."
You stare at him, mouth hanging open.
Did he just really say that?
A soft sound comes from outside and you both turn your heads to see it has started to rain outside.
"I want to date you, Y/n."
You gasp and a nervous laughter escapes you. "I, um, I- uh..." You don't know what you are trying to say.
He laughs softly, "I know you have a thing for me. Your stares aren't that secretive, you know."
You blush furiously, looking down at your lap, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's cute." He laughs.
You meet his eyes, trying to find out words to say.
"So what do you say?"
"I... mean, we barely know each other... "
"Isn't that why people date?"
"Yea, right."
"Am I making you uncomfortable?"
"No!" You gasp out, afraid that he'll leave. "I just, I don't know what to say."
Joshua offers you a  kind smile and to your surprise he stands up and sits beside you. He softly strokes your hair, his eyes on yours.
"I mean it, I want to date you."
You stare at his eyes, transfixed. The sparkles in his eyes, the fact that he was so close to you made your brain fizzy and heart skip beats.
He softly leans down, his eyes on your lips, "May I?"
Oh my god.
You nod without a delay and he captures your lips in a kiss. He tilts your neck gently cupping behind your ear. Your hands find purchase on the lapels of his jacket as you let him kiss you.
When you pull back, you feel like you are burning from embarrassment. The night is silent other than the sound of rain outside and you are scared that he can hear your heart beat.
"Did I convince you?" He asks tilting your head upwards.
"Yes." You whisper, feeling your insides warm up.
And without thinking much, you grasp his jacket and pull him in for another kiss. You can feel him smile against your lips and it only urges you to go on.
As the night proceeds you rest your head on his shoulder, intertwine your hands with his and watch the rain outside. You felt slightly overwhelmed with joy as you talked with Joshua about anything, your heart skipping beats every now and then. Maybe this is what it felt like to be in love.
You look at his face taking in the details as he softly talks about his favourite novels and such. You only hope you can look at his face and feel his warmth in the coming days.
A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first tumblr fiction so I'm sorry if it wasn't so good. I hope you continue to support my blog. Your comments are really appreciated! >< 💕
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