#i've taken so many pictures of this fucking dude and yet somehow i still manage to take more
playitagainmyjohnny · 2 years
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( some of ) my favorite shots of hakon from 2022 🖤
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oh my gosh I love your list on why to love Jude Duarte. Another thing about the not having had sex before and the way that's respected is that it also isn't being sexualized. As someone who hasn't had sex before even though I'm in my twenties, I've experienced my fair share of people thinking it's "hot" that I haven't had sex and it's kinda gross. It seems to be fading now (thankfully), and I'm not sure if that has with me now interacting with older dudes or if society is progressing past the "innocent virgin" trope. I just love how in the series, despite having sex and having lots of it is considered pretty normal, her not having had that isn't a thing that's looked at as neither strange, childish or hot. Anyways, just needed to get that off my chest
ffs do people really sexualise that shit?? listen, i can't relate to that reaction because i was never exposed to anything like that but i was in my twenties before i had sex. all people ever did upon learning of my "virginity" was go "😳 oh." and make me feel like shit for not having had what can probably only be described as a very anticlimactic (pun there if you want it) life experience.
in retrospect, this could've just been genuine surprise that i, absolute mantrap that i am, had yet to woo a bedfellow (/s) and therefore i am retroactively flattered. but anyways, my point being, most people either saw my virginity as this huge burden that i was putting on them, or they just thought it was weird that i hadn't had sex by that age.
and it absolutely shocks me to my core that the flip side of the coin is taken to such an extreme as some gross fetishisation (i mean i can believe it, cos how dare we expect to exist without being sexualised, i'm just extremely disappointed).
so i guess this is all to say yes. i 100% agree. i love the TFOTA series for not making virginity a big deal point blank period. and you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NAILED IT by saying that despite this hypersexualised world that the fae live in, they still somehow manage to not have Opinions about what other people do or don't do with their bodies.
whether it's when Jude legit had her first kiss at 17/18 (which some would consider "late") or that it didn't matter to Cardan how much experience she had or hadn't had by chapter 21 of QON because THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF SEX, the concept of Jude's sexual experiences throughout the series were put forth simply as this:
"here is this life experience that many people who are in love or not in love have, and it is sometimes scary and sometimes vulnerable and often times not quite how you pictured it happening for the first time, but it's one way of connecting with someone in ways that even words can't. and if you don't want to partake in that, here, have a sword."
thank you so much for sharing, nonnie. ilysm 🥺❤️
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