#i.    ❲   interactions   ❳   /   viceprone
knivesdrcwn · 4 years
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❛❛ Just give me my cut of the money and I'll be out of here. ❜❜ @viceprone​ sent 💬 for a dialouge generated sentence starter
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curlsncynefin · 4 years
closed starter for: @viceprone. plot: Amelia is arguing with the man who handles the bets, about her share, when Anthony steps in. 
A bloody lip and a bruised jaw weren’t bad if one realised how brutal these underground fights can be. Then, to be able to walk away with barely any damage... some would call it miraculous. In the blonde’s own words, it was just hard work. She had been a part of the underground fighting scene for over five years. No amounting of boxing practice had prepared for just how hard it’d be to fight an opponent who was there to win money. Unlike Amelia, who was there only to enjoy the pain. However, over the years she had honed her skills enough that eight out of ten time she emerged victorious, no matter what kind of opponent she faced.
While she wasn’t in it for money — she earned a decent enough amount from her actual job — the blonde wasn’t going to let the slimy man handling the money fleece her. “This is almost fifty per cent of my winnings,” she protested, staring down the man with her usually kind blue eyes. “I don’t care who your boss is. Okay? I fought and won, fair and square. And I want the original seventy five per cent.” There was an ‘or else’ in her tone that she just didn’t explicitly put into her words.
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floralege · 4 years
@viceprone​  sent     /   slurred  words 
there’s  been  a  steady  stream  of  whiskey  sours  slotted  in  front  of  her  for  the  last  two  hours,  a  gracious  gesture  from  trusted  leelan,  the  casino’s  beloved  bartender,  seemingly  the  only  person  who  had  noticed  a  shift  in  miss  holliday  ever  since  the  arrival  of  jack’s  latest  muscle  man  and  her  new  bodyguard.  comfortable  silence  always  defined  their  after  hours  interactions,  but  heartache  and  liquor  made  rotten  bedfellows  ----  and  nostalgia  runs  deep  when  javier’s  just  beaten  the  ever  loving  shit  out  of  some  heckler.  “  i’m  never  gonna  be  happy  again,  lee.  isn’t  that  a  horrible  thing  to  realize  ?  ”  she’s  dizzy,  lonely,  wearing  a  rock  on  her  finger  that  dwindled  in  meaning  every  time  she  locked  eyes  with  her  protector,  her  ghost.  leelan  doesn’t  ask,  which  encourages  more  honesty,  “  i  loved  him  -----   more  than  love,  i  breathed  him.  he  was  under  my  skin,  he  was  every  waking  thought.  which  terrified  me,  y’know,  because  i  know  the  business.  you  don’t  fall  in  love  with  these  guys,  it’s  collateral  damage  for  everyone.  and  trust  me,  loving  someone  is  never  gonna  be  a  problem  again,  mark  my  words  . . .  ”  she’d  never  love  jack,  her  heart  is  still  thoroughly  placed  in  another’s  bloodied  palm.  “  i  was  gonna  marry  him  . . .  i  wanted  to  marry  him.  never  thought  about  it  once  in  my  life  as  more  than  anything  than  a  power  play,  but  my  baby,  i  wanted  it  all  with  him.  that’s  the  rotten  part,  because  they  wouldn’t  let  us.  nobody  would.  sometimes  i  think  even  his  blind  fury  wouldn’t  let  him,  ‘til  he  achieved  whatever  vengeance  he  was  looking  for.  it’s  hard  to  compete  with  revenge.  ”  her  throaty  rasp,  dulcet  and  delicious,  becomes  wet,  broken,  mirroring  those  baby  blues  that  couldn’t  look  away  from  javier  -----  but  swiftly  did  when  he  looked  back.  “  i’ll  never  be  happy  again,  because  the  only  time  i  knew  what  real  happiness  was  like  was  with  him.  and  i  left.  there’s  gotta  be  a  world  out  there  where  we  made  it.  where  we  exchanged  vows,  where  i’m  his  missus.  i’d  fuckin’  chuck  this  diamond  in  the  river  if  it  meant  being  kissed  by  him  again.  ”  she’s  beyond  miserable,  beyond  agony,  slowly  hollowing  out  into  a  restless  vessel.  a  pathetic  laugh  shakes  out  of  her,  realizing  how  much  she’s  divulged  and  the  tears  that  have  slithered  down  her  cheeks,  clasping  spindly  digits  over  her  mouth,  “  let’s  just  keep  drinking,  yeah  ?  ”
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