#i. in ALL my school years. have mever had a good hear before graduation
kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Dan Torrance x Fem! Reader
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This smutty request was submitted by @oneirnaut Might be a little different then you imagined but I hope u enjoy.
You always knew you were different from the time you were little. You could tell the future and have conversations entirely in your head with people if you wanted to but you couldn't. You never met anyone who had the same abilities as you and nobody understood you.
Your siblings would make remarks as to how you were weird or your parents would just ignore you because they were afraid for you. Or of you. Sometimes you couldn't tell.
It was a lonely gift another person until you met Dan seven years ago. He certainly wasn't in a good spot when you met him but it didn't matter to you. It was the first time you met someone didn't make you feel lonely or question your sanity.
At first he was confused to how you figured it out but it wasn't hard for you to put two and two together between the things he did at the hospice while you were at work to the first time you went to his apartment and seen the little blackboard messages on his wall.
It was an unorthodox friendship that your parents didn't approve of but their opinion didn't matter to you. You helped him heal and you healed from him and to you, that was a beautiful thing.
Overtime you grew closer to him. Hell, you loved the man but that was something you told yourself you'd never express verbally or through your shine and he told himself the same thing.
While you were a woman, you still were much younger than him and he never thought it would work out between your family and your age gap.
It was your day off and you and Dan were at a local place pizza place getting dinner together at an off time. He was acting like himself but today he just felt..different.
"So how's your little pen pal?" You asked quietly, holding a forkful of pasta up to your lips. "She's alright. She tried explaining this RWBY stuff to me I don't get. The one girl has blue hair or something."
You giggled and shook your head. "It's an anime, Dan. I think it came out a little after or before I graduated nursing school."
"Because I remember what happened so clearly 5 or 6 years ago. I don't know. When I was growing up it Bugs Bunny. All simple stuff."
You rolled your eyes. "Okay gramps." You joked and Dan rolled his eyes. "Gramps? Next thing I know you're going to be calling me as Abra calls it, a boomer. Does that mean I get the respect you would give to your elders?"
"Dan, stop it." You smacked the back of his hand playfully. "If I didn't like you, I wouldn't tease you."
"Well could you like me a little less than?" Knowing Dan, you knew he was kidding but his words came off semi snappy.
"Maybe I will." You mused and ate in silence for a few moments. "Good." He wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Okay snippy." You snapped.
(Well if you seen what I did, you'd be snippy too.)
You over heard the thought and Dan cringed. Yep, definitely wasn't supposed to hear that one.
"What's bothering you?" He narrowed his brows. "Nothing..I'm fine. Just a long day at work the past few night."
"Don't give me that bullshit, Dan. You and I both knew it was a semi easy night and I know what you're trying to do with that look on your face."
"It's not exactly something I can talk about in public." He wouldn't meet your eye.
(I know you want your privacy and I respect that but just know I'm here for you.)
"I know it's just..I can't drag you into this." Dan rubbed his face. "Is it something with family or-"
"No..well..maybe..Damn it Y/n! Can't you just it go?" He actually yelled at you and people stared.
You blushed out of embarrassment and looked at the people in the restaurant. "Hi! Take a picture. It might last longer."
"Y/n." He scolded. "Don't you Y/n me. You started it." You knew you sounded like a child but he was being pissy.
"You're being ridiculous." He whispered venomously. "No, you are. It's seven years ans you won't talk to me about somethings and all I want to do is help you."
Your waiter came over to your table. "Is everything okay?" You nodded and handed her a wad of cash. "I was just getting to go. This is for the check. Any change is yours."
You stood up from the table and Dan sighed. "Y/n come on..Y/n, I'm sorry." You started to walk away. "Don't talk to me Dan, please. I need some space."
"But Y/n I didn't mean it like that." He chased you outside to your car. "It's too late for that. I'll see you tomorrow." You got in your car and slammed the door in Dan's face.
"Y/n.." You ignored him and pulled away. Dan sighed ran his fingers through his hair. "Damn me."
Meanwhile as you were driving down the road you felt a presence in the back of your car. "You know, Doc might not be the best at expressing emotions but he does care about you."
You tensed and looked into your back seats and found a woman sitting back there. "..you're Dan's mom aren't you?"
She nodded and smiled. "I'm Wendy. It's nice to finally meet you Y/n." Her voice was soft and gentle. It reminded you of being a little girl all over again and having your own mother speak to you before she realized your "phase" was not going away.
"Nice to meet you too Wendy." You felt a rush of cold air go through you as she ran her fingers through the back of your hair. "Oh yes..I approve. You have a heart of gold."
You gave a tight lipped smile. "Oh no..Dan and I don't have a relationship like that." Wendy just grinned. "Not yet at least."
"Look, I'm not trying to be rude but why are you here?" Wendy lost her smile. "Because you're my only path of communication to him. Danny doesn't think about me anymore. It pains him too."
You thought back to the death flies you seen inside Dan's head and seen them in a flash over Wendy's face. You gripped the steering wheel tighter.
"You got to keep him away from the woman in the hat, honey doll. She's bad news. You're the only one who can keep him from going. He'll listen to you but not to me or even Dick."
"The woman in the hat?" You were so confused. "What hat woman?!" You felt your heart begin to race. "The one who killed that little boy. You know Abra?"
You thought back to Dan's little pen pal and your car began to slant up in the air. "Wendy!" You screamed as the road began to float away from you. The word Redrum was broken into the pavement. "It's okay sweetie..soon you'll see just what exactly I mean." The ground began to vortex and you were flung inside the swirling black hole.
You screamed and eventually landed face first in an old hotel. There were signs on the walls. BLUEBELL CAMPGROUND and OVERLOOK you could clearly see. 'Good old western hospitality.' You noted mentally as the first thing that came to mind and took in the smell of the place of grimaced. You knew it well. Funeral parlor and sickness. 'Like that time I accidentally walked in when Dan was helping Fred Langston cross over and-'
You only had a few more seconds to take in the scenery before you felt a small thud against the top of her head. Then whatever the substance was ran down to your nose. You wiped it off and stared at it. 'Blood.' You had a single second to think before the floor began to shake and what looked like red smoke or some sort of..steam rolled in. It had a face and by God it was horrifying.
You covered your face for a moment and dropped to floor, attempting to shield herself from the scene but then something strong pushed back her hands. Forcing you to look up.
The hardwood began to crack and there was a single word scrawled upon it.
"Oh fuck.." Ghostie faces covered in blood flashed in front of your face and you began to cry. The world began to slide again and you fell through the set of floorboards and this time awoke at a wooded area.
We are The True Knot
'Breath Y/n..Breath. It's a just nightmare.'
Or worse. You immediately shut that little voice out of your head and stepped forward. You wanted to go back to her body. Wake up in your bed or your car, screaming bloody murder. At least Dan would be close to you then even if he wasn't physically present. You knew he'd protect you. That was or if you did ever wake up. Because there always was that chance you wouldn't and you'd get stuck here.
What is tied may mever be untied
But something kept pulling you forward. You followed the voices through the dark woods. The smell of embers and smoke entering your nostrils.
We Endure
It all looked so familiar. There were tables everywhere. Almost like the ones in the park you went to when you were little. Except without the chipped paint you were afraid would give you splinters or get into the homemade sandwiches you brought with you so you didn't have to stop at the local gas station to get food.
Your made your way down the beaten path and what was there horrified you. A group of people stood their. Like a chain of paper dolls or snowflakes chanting in some sort of foreign language. Hebrew based maybe?
Either way, it didn't matter to you. The worse part was the body on the green grass. The boy on the ground was 13 to 14 years old. Maybe the same age as Abra.
A cloud of what you thought was campfire smoke was above the group. Next to the body was a woman in a hat. Her hands like bloody gloves and a man with intense eyes. Like a Crow. They all turned to stare at you.
Redrum indeed
Fear coursed through your veins. You wanted to run. Sprint. As far a way as she could but you stood there. Completely frozen. Not able to speak or move.
You would never know which one of them it was that knew your name and called it but that was all it took for you to start running. You could hear some of them laughing. It was sick.They were killers and they certainly weren't people either. They were monsters.
"Wendy! Wendy!" You screeched, hoping either of them could hear you. She sent you to this damn place. She should be able to get you out. Unless it was something else..pulling and dragging you there. You made it half way down the path before you felt a tug on your knotted tresses.
You screamed and immediately fell to your knees. It was the hat woman and you were terrified. She scooped you up in her arms and laughed. You were fucked.
"Let me go!" You kicked at her but she was strong. "Oh no sweetie..no, I won't." Her hand connected with the back of your head and you seen yourself laying on the ground. Blood all over you and the steam floating out of your mouth and Dan in the hotel with fire burning around him, blood running all over his legs.
The hat woman blasted away from you and you were flung back to your car, screaming and kicking the whole way.
You felt Wendy's hand running through your hair as you crashed back into your seat and you started sobbing. "Shhh..it's okay. She's gone. You're alright."
"How do I-how do I stop this?" You wiped the tears away from your eyes. "Go to him and tell him what you seen. He'll listen to you. I can't protect him anymore. I leave it to you."
"But what-" Wendy shushed you. "Just go to him." Before you could even respond Wendy was already gone and you were alone. One way or another you had to save him. Whether he liked the way you were going to do it or not.
Later on that night you sat with a very sleep deprived and cranky Dan Torrance. "Are you crazy?!!" He held his hands up defensively. "No, I'm not Y/n. Believe me I don't want to do this as much as you don't want me to."
"If what you're telling me is true, these people are going to fucking kill you. I'm not saying that out of assumption. I'm saying it because I see it. You know too much Dan. They see you at that gravesite with a shovel in your hand, you're fucked."
"I know..I know but Y/n, Abra's right. We can't just let the kids body just sit there and if she's right about all this then I have to protect her from these things. Whatever the fuck they are." Dan rubbed his face.
"Then I'm going with you!" He shook his head. "Like hell you are. Just like you said, they see me and I'm fucked. I'm not dragging you into this whole mess too. You've still got a life to live and time left."
"But how am I supposed to enjoy it when you're not here?" Dan's face went flat. "What?" You ran your fingers through your hair frustratedly. "For God's sakes Dan, I love you."
For a moment there was silence. "Y-you do?" The words were barely a whisper. "Yes! I've loved you since I started my job at the hospice doing clinicals and that was almost 7 years ago. You were a little skittish with me at first but I don't mind because I know you went through alot, even if you won't tell me what it."
The silence continued for a long stretch. "Dan, please just saying something." You begged. "I-i love you too..I didn't think you would reciprocate the feeling though because you're younger than me."
"Dan, I'm 3 years away from being 30 and you're 40. Your age doesn't matter to me. Or your past. I love you for you." You wrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled you close to him, cupping the one side as he leaned forward to kiss you on the lips. His lips felt soft like silk and you melted into his warmth.
"I love you..so so much." He ran his hands up and down your sides. "I love you more." You gasped as he picked you up in his arms and laid you down on his bed.
Dan leaned over top of you and continued to kiss you all over. You ran your fingers through his hair as he made his way down past your chest.
"You're so beautiful." He hummed softly as he examined every inch of you. "I think you're perfect."
He crawled up your body, leaving his face inches away from yours. You caressed his cheek and smiled. "And you're so handsome." He smiled and smashed his lips passionately against yours. It felt like an eternity when he finally pulled away.
"Dan?" You were panting like you ran a marathon afterwards. "Yeah Y/n?" You forced him to look at you. "I want you."
"You're sure this is what you want?" You nodded and he worked his way down your body. You could feel his scarred but soft skinned his hands caressing your stomach as he pulled down your pants.
"Such a gentle man." You murmured softly and ran your hands down his still clothed back, gripping onto his shirt tight as you felt his fingers beginning to move around down there.
"D-dan!" You could hear him grunting from beneath you. "Is that okay?" You nodded feverishly. "It feels so good! Fuck! Faster Dan!"
He began to quicken up the pace. "God you're so tight. I can feel you clamping around my fingers."
"S-sorry." You blushed a little bit and he smiled. "It's fine, babe." He continued to work his magic and you squirmed in pleasure. "Dan I think I'm gonna..gonna cum!"
"Then cum for me." You arched your back as you felt the jolt from the orgasm take over your body. It felt euphoric and you never wanted the sensation to end.
Dan pulled his fingers out from inside you and straddled you. "That felt amazing." You panted as you slowly released your grip on his sheet and took of his shirt.
"I try." He was blushing a little bit, which brought out some of his features more, and you thought it was adorable. He bent down and peppered kisses all over your neck while and you did the same to him.
"I'll be as gentle as possible." He whispered in your ear as he moved painstakingly slow down to your lower area and began to plunge himself inside of you at a steady pace.
You whined and dug your nails into his back. "M-more Dan..Faster! Please!" You begged. He did as you asked hesitantly, making his whole way inside you and you moaned. "Fuck! You feel so good." Dan grunted in reply and moved around inside you. "So tight. Saving yourself for me?"
"Maybe." You tone was lower and raspy. It drove Dan mad. "God you're gorgeous." He quickened his pace. "The most beautiful woman you've ever seen?" You pulled at his hair and kissed him all over. "Fuck yes."
"You're mine, Y/n. I want everyone to know it from now on." Dan's tip hit your spot and you thrust yourself up onto him more. "Yes! Right there Danny. Don't stop!"
"Tell me you'll be mine." He was begging and you took such joy from it, knowing you had him wrapped around your finger. "Only yours, Dan. I swear!" You screamed.
You rode each other for a couple more minutes and you both were getting near the finish point. "Should I pull out?"
You shook your head and nuzzled closely to him, the layers of sweat on the both of you interlacing. "N-no..go for it."
You tensed as you felt his seed entering you and you both came simultaneously. Dan pulled out of you and flopped down next to you on his bed. Holding you tight in his arms as you both attempted to regain control of your breathing.
"I love you so much." You cupped the sides of his face. "I love you too." Dan pressed a kiss to your forehead. Never wanting to ever let you go. "I mean what I said before when I said you're mine."
You smiled softly and nuzzled closely to him. "I'm not letting you go either." You tightened your grip on him, thinking back to everything about Dan everything that Dan told you about the baseball boy.
"I'm afraid for you." You started to tear up. "Because I know it's not going to pleasant and I just got you now and I-i don't want to lose you."
He laced his fingers through your hair. "We go on, Y/n. It might be scary but I'll be okay in the end. It might not be my first choice on how we'd be together forever-" Dan attempted to joke and you glared. "But know that I'd never truly leave you."
You smiled despite the tears in your eyes and clear despair. "Yeah...I guess I wouldn't be." He held your face. "We'll figure it out together, okay? As long as we have each other we'll be fine."
"Okay..I love you, Dan." You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you too, Y/n..I love you so much."
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