Admin's commentary: I don't think this one is going to be particularly tense, I am just waiting for the match 1 of the next round, which is going to be SPICY.
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I.Béla (Belo I.) 1060-1063
stole the throne from his brother, who died in battle with his forces, which is a dick move, but also honestly typical Arpád dynasty behavior
during his reign, there was a pagan uprising apparently?
he ordered that town markets be held on Saturdays instead of Sundays (something something christianization or whatever, honestly this is like his most lasting contribution to Hungary and it's not even close)
he divided duchies of Nitra and Bihár between his sons or something, honestly I don't care and neither should you
he apparently died when his throne collapsed under him, no I am not making this up and no I don't know why, I am just reporting what our professor said I swear-
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I.Lajos (Ľudovít I.) 1342-1382
ruled for the impressive 40 years and spent 30 of it in war - around Neapolitan succession (don't ask, it's High Middle Ages, Angevins are EVERYWHERE), invasion of Wallachia, against Venice, crusade against Lithuanians, fending off Mongolian invasion of Moldavia
but I guess that's what happens when you have a country at its peak - you can afford to go to wars; to be fair, his dad already took care of the whole "consolidation" part of the process, so he could get into the expansion, during his reign Hungary at its peak extent territorially
founded the first Hungarian university in Pécs
made some minor provisions to the Golden Bull, namely forbidding the kidnapping and forced relocation of peasants by nobility
made important administrative reforms, like founding of the Secret Chancellory
also king of Poland, @rulers-of-poland-tournament said about him: "Lajos, or Ludwik Węgierski is often held responsible as the ruler who begun the tradition of Przywileje Szlacheckie - those being economic or judicial privileges of the nobility granted in exchange for loyalty. in the long term they led to drastic inequalities and ineffectiveness of royal power, but of course, Ludwik could not have known what he was laying the groundwork for"
@majowajutrzenka said about them: "He recognized his daughters as heirs to the thrones. He also have nickname the great. He wonderful king, son, husband and father. He familly dude. Lajos declared war on Charles of Luxembourg, when he insulted his mother (Elizabeth of Piast, big sister Casimir the Great)"
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I.Béla (Belo I.) 1060-1063
stole the throne from his brother, who died in battle with his forces, which is a dick move, but also honestly typical Arpád dynasty behavior
during his reign, there was a pagan uprising apparently?
he ordered that town markets be held on Saturdays instead of Sundays (something something christianization or whatever, honestly this is like his most lasting contribution to Hungary and it's not even close)
he divided duchies of Nitra and Bihár between his sons or something, honestly I don't care and neither should you
he apparently died when his throne collapsed under him, no I am not making this up and no I don't know why, I am just reporting what our professor said I swear-
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III.András (Ondrej III.) 1290-1301
supposedly of dubious legitimacy; okay, so basically, remember the stepmom that IV.Béla was feuding with? - well, she apparently had a son soon after the death of II.András, and that son later also had a son, and that son was a last male-line member of the Arpád dynasty
poor boy was beset by people craving his domains from the word go, from later Károly Róbert to Rudolph I. of Habsburg to the fucking pope
apparently unable to stop the ongoing decay of royal power kickstarted by his shitty grandpa; honestly, I just feel bad for him, look at that picture, he looks so sad???
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