Mixtape and UFO
i did mixtape already but i’ll do UFO for a few OC’s!
ufo: identity! what are some key identifying qualities or traits of your OC(s)? how do they identify in regards to gender/sexuality?
Eliot > outwardly a jerk but inwardly a softie, male, demi
Salt > v salty, v depressed/edgy, male, sexuality = ?
Enigma > ?????, non binary, ????
Snepi > crybaby, not confident, male, bi
Koha > yandere, sadistic, obsessive, female, doesnt care
Lacie > sweet, cute, pure, secretly angr, female, straight probs
Lark > anxious, introverted, quiet, male, gay 
that one mouth guro oc that i have that i still need to name > cannibal, hungry, flirty, trans male, pan
those are just off the top of my head, im sorry i have too many oc’s riP ;v;
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