#ibu's wife took care of his hair for once
yanderecandystore · 1 year
I was reading about Azir and MC who either given up or not playing his games. With Azir being controlling, I thought about something. What if there is something that Azir can't control, like death? Because what if he made one scenario with MC who has given up that causes them great harm or worse death. Either MC is still young and doing shit, or maybe they are old that inevitability of death is near.
Stress is sometimes good, but too much is bad and may cause some.... Unfortunate accident. :)
Be mild, Azir
In today's episode of Choco not knowing how to goddamn read: Another request where I fixate on only ONE aspect of a request! Hwrqefjegjq I'm so sorry boo ;-;
I just realized something… he isn't a player… he is a craftsman 💀 he spends too much time taking pieces of different planets and realms to make into snow globes… I don't know why I named him a player lmao
I decided to be mean and make Azir's life worse by shoving another person to take care of you.
TW/Tags: mentions of reincarnation; death; complete obviousness/disregard for human life // the depiction of the afterlife is vague and based on nothing that I'm aware of(?); Subconsciously, it could be based on something that I don't remember // Multiple reader deaths (someone keeps killing you)
Guardian Angel [Yandere!Eldritch!OC x GN!Reader - Headcanon]:
Oh Azir, how I missed playing with you just like how you miss playing with your darling-
I think he never really bothered with getting humans back from the dead, especially since they just tend to be born again. They always go back to Earth, of course, so he never bothered searching for specific people to put back in his little games.
But an essential character like you can't be easily replaced and you have too much potential to be forgotten by the universe like that- So, he would absolutely violate your natural born right to have a peaceful eternal rest.
What? It's not unheard of for entities to simply revive their favorites, although his brethren aren't really allowed to do that, he simply wishes to continue the plot you were previously following.
Which one? Well, all of them. All of them in their right times. Think of it as resetting a game and starting all over, but the mechanics slightly shift through every playthrough.
You're the same you as you always will be, maybe with a different appearance, a different mentality molded by the variety of environments and backgrounds he can put you on- Oh, but you're just his favorite actor in each of them! How is he NOT expected to bring your soul back regardless of the trials and errors?
The first time you died was the only time he slightly felt, well, worried? It wasn't exactly guilt nor grief, but it was something like a sense of emptiness especially if it was his fault… Making you overly stressed, be it at a young reckless age or at your last moments standing- He probably wouldn't feel your loss in the same way mortals do.
His favorite toy broke, his game feels incomplete without it, and although reanimating your body was quite easy… hm… pretending to be you was fun at first but it lacked the spark of something natural and random.
He liked to be in control of everything, yes, sometimes watching but most of the time finding ways to implement himself in the lives of others- He didn't want to pretend to be you forever though, nor did he like the idea of using your inactive body as a skin puppet, the flesh was a fun but not so intriguing part of the mortal experience.
He needed to find your soul, wherever it was. Searching the different realms for it was easy, and quite boring actually, but getting you to come back was something else.
He wasn't really allowed here. None of his kind was, they were powerful and followed no "rules" but had some limitations when it came to the simple task of bringing someone back from the dead. It's not like they couldn't do it, it's that they shouldn't.
Would he really taint the afterlife forever and snatch you away just to keep himself entertained for longer? Yeah, yeah he would.
In the mix of different voices, a colorful sea of different souls collectively sleeping and awaiting their return, one of them screamed while being forcefully dragged back to their already rotting corpse.
Ah dear… A rotting corpse isn't suited for souls to stay in, although you looked adorable as a living-dead variant of yourself, you didn't seem to be cooperating with the vision he originally had in mind.
His first experiment to bring you back was a failure, as your body was no longer suited for a soul- But with just a few adjustments he got to bring you back with your same appearance and memories intact! Your body was healthy again, aren't you glad to be back?
… Ugh… Why can't you stop complaining to him about your death? People die all the time, shouldn't you be glad he brought you back from that boring afterlife?
Sleeping peacefully for eternity sounds absolutely tedious, he can't imagine why anyone would consider it a good choice to spend their time.
Considering no normal person would feel good about being brought back to life by their killer (directly or not) especially knowing this person has the power to keep you bound to them forever, it is understandable that you would be quite pissed about it.
So maybe keeping your memories wasn't a good idea, but he knew a quick way to fix it.
As long as you belong to his simulations, living inside them you're not going to go anywhere else, dead or alive… He "could" try to take a piece of the afterlife and shove it in a snowglobe, but truly, that's something that he doesn't have any control over.
It was too tricky to try to trap it there, whenever he would come back the globe would be empty. It doesn't matter what arcane dark magic he uses, he can't ever keep that "terrain" fixated in one location.
But, he could maybe make his own..? Oh, wouldn't that be lovely? Instead of having to constantly take you back by force, he can just make a self-sufficient system of afterlife and reincarnation, he could make it so there was no other choice than to keep the cycle going as much as he could!
Or he could make something special for you for once, how would you like a smaller snow globe just for you? Every fantasy your heart desired could be real if you just behave a little more.
Ah but there was also one small thing he didn't really consider… So, remember how he isn't welcome in the afterlife? Yeah, he is also not "allowed" to take a soul and force it back to the realm of the living, especially not a soul that is screaming and begging to be left alone already.
Someone is responsible to keep these souls intact, perhaps there are multiples like this entity- But only he came to fix the job.
Think of it this way, you have a being that is almost like a guardian angel, with a grim reaper mentality that keeps chasing your soul to bring you back to the afterlife (the correct version of it). And on the other hand you have Azir, a being that keeps bringing you back and who although "lacks authority" over your little "angel", won't ever back down about doing what he wants whenever he wants.
And then there's you, being brought back for a certain period of time, perhaps decades in your lifetime before having to die again and again by a safekeeper of souls. One wants to play with you like a toy and the other sees you as some sort of sheep that got lost from the herd.
If there's Hell, I would bet you it's more pleasant than this existence. Hah, wouldn't it be hilarious if you got them both to fall for you? Hah, as if that would happen.
I like to imagine your little "guardian angel" and Azir have to be passive aggressive when interacting- As any small fight could lead to a war between realms and let's be honest, the ones getting the short end of the stick here would be you and all of the mortals of every other planet and realm.
Everyone is fucked except the ones that can withstand the existence after existence itself has imploded, and no one really wants to see the age of nothingness and darkness return, life as fragile as it is, brings light to those that don't understand it's real value- But miss it dearly when it's gone.
What I mean is that congratulations, I'm giving you another mythical boyfriend who will try to restore order to your peaceful afterlife while the other one keeps bringing you back out of spite at this point.
It's not just about you, it's also because he is well aware that shiny looking asshole is probably spending time with you in that calm, "wonderful" place that only hosts exclusively mortal souls.
Well… But now that I think about it, technically this whole process of reincarnation is technically working inside the laws of the universe. You are born, you live, you die, you get sent to the other side and then get reborn again. It is also sort of very beneficial for both parties despite their mutual hatred towards one another.
You really need to find a cosmic lawyer or something like that though, this work practice is really unethical since you're very much aware of why and who keeps you inside this vicious cycle, it's hard to live a life you're constantly getting reminded of your previous one.
I just wanted to draw the three bois in human disguise, Diph being angry at Azir for being reckless and getting unwanted attention from an "angel" (and also for letting the human die like that, like bro, you have so much power yet you did nothing?).
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And then reader have to deal with this bs.
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Part 3: Bitch Are You Trippin’?
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Part 1: Pride or Clan Part 2: The Hand That Binds
She need not hint any further.
Victor understood, even if his expression said in ice-carved all-caps, “BITCH ARE YOU TRIPPIN’?”
 Okay, no um, the real beginning to Part 3 -cough-
 She need not hint any further.
As if carved from stone, Victor’s expression did not change.
“Hardly the most romantic proposal,” he said finally, and Miho couldn’t help but laugh.
“I would have brought flowers but you don’t seem the type to care for the finer details of wooing. Your father turned mine down when we were just children, but you will not refuse me now because you know this is about no more than the future of both our clans. United, we destroy Lucien.”
“Agreed,” he asserted, and Miho bounced to her feet.
“Rest and recover,” she instructed, heading for the door. “Reinforcements and supplies are already enroute to the needy, and I’ve been informed Lucien has fallen back, no doubt to plot our gruesome demise. I will have attendants bring you breakfast, and do not hesitate to request whatever else you require.”
Miho didn’t wait for thanks, did not expect any under the circumstances, and left Victor to mull over his inescapable future as the Li half of the Fujiwara Clan.
“You look especially pleased with yourself, Lady Miho,” a bright voice announced, and Miho turned to find the youthful face of Kiro beaming at her. “Could it be you’re only just now sneaking from Lord Victor’s quarters after a night of passion?”
“Have you actually met him?” Miho chuckled.
“You make a point,” he giggled, such an innocent sound.
But Miho knew it was all a façade to mask the actuality of his profession.
“Still,” he continued. “There is a certain satisfaction about you which is more than a little incongruent with current events.”
“I take my successes where I can,” she shrugged, moving up at him to plant a light kiss on his cheek. “I hope you’ve brought me some more.”
“You know I love to please you,” he admitted, offering his arm.
“Then do so over breakfast.”
Kiro brought Miho valuable intelligence about secret Xu movements and footholds, after which she conferred with her remaining warlords to map out their strategy. It wasn’t until well into night that Miho called an end to meeting, and she retired to the garden to unwind in peace.
Sighing, she listened to the soft rustle of the wind across the pond, tracking the scoot of a leaf to the other side. Many found the darkness an isolating place - in the unseen depths a fear they cannot name – but the shadows fell around Miho like a comforting shroud.
“You should still be resting,” she said quietly, tilting her chin to the side a little to indicate she knew exactly from where her observer was approaching.
“I have rested enough,” Victor responded, drawing closer until he stood at her side. “Perhaps it is you who should retire.”
At this Miho laughed, and lolled her head to look up at him.
“The night is my friend, Lord Victor, as time is yours,” she explained. “These are not secrets easily concealed.”
“You are a clan of spies,” he agreed. “Secrets are your stock and trade.”
“Well, I am expanding the family business,” she mused, reclining in a relaxed manner, “to include monster slaying.”
“I take it you have a plan?” he prompted, sitting down beside her, just enough space between them to be proper.
“I do.”
The lack of specificity in her answer caused him obvious consternation.
“And you are not going to share it… with your betrothed?”
With raised brows, Miho looked at him.
“Then you accept?”
“As you have pointed out, mine is not a position to be envied,” he reasoned. “I have few options, and if the price of my people’s survival is union with you, then as their lord it is my duty to shoulder that burden.”
“And I am quite the burden,” Miho smirked. “It’s good that you understand that from the beginning. I hope I can trust you to behave yourself in my absence.”
“And where exactly would you be going?” he frowned.
“Bad guys to kill, war to win,” she shrugged. “I leave at dawn.”
“We leave at dawn,” he corrected, and Miho exhaled a heavy breath.
“Yesterday you were at death’s door,” she reasoned. “You’re in no shape to…”
“Be left behind,” he interrupted sternly, but Miho was shaking her head.
“Absolutely not,” she sniffed, getting to her feet. “I need you alive, and I can’t guarantee your survival until I have the means to neutralise Lucien.”
“I do not require your permission,” Victor dropped flatly.
“You require my protection,” she volleyed, matching his frigidity with acid. “Something about you limping through my gates bleeding.”
“If you believe I will allow my wife to ride into battle while I remain behind with the women you are sadly mistaken,” he growled, joining her on his feet.
With her teeth bared, Miho gripped Victor’s left shoulder, and dug the thumb of her other hand into one of his chest wounds. Instantly, Victor doubled over, muttering in pain.
“I cannot use you,” Miho told him firmly, eyes hard and uncompromising. “Not as you are.”
With that she swept away in the direction of her quarters, leaving Victor to contemplate his weakness and his pride in further tatters.
Once more within the privacy of her walls, Miho felt Gavin slip through the shadows and step into the lamplight.
“Are you certain you don’t want him dead?” he snickered.
“In his place I’d be equally as stubborn,” Miho pointed out, pulling her hair free from its tightly wound confinement and sifting her fingers through it.
When she took her brush from the dresser, however, Gavin relieved her of it.
“Why do I feel a lecture in my immediate future?” she grumbled, sitting down with her back to him.
“I would never presume to lecture you, My Lady,” he said, beginning gentle strokes through her long, dark locks.
“Mmmm,” she murmured in bliss, closing her eyes to better enjoy the moment. “But you would presume to keep me from my war with this pacification. Perhaps you’re seeking to send me to early slumber to keep me from other activities?”
Gavin’s movements did not falter.
“Yours is an unfettered privilege, My Lady,” he answered evenly. “You may have whatever you desire.”
“True,” she mused. “But that does not mean I should.”
“My Lady?” he queried, gently coiling her hair at the nape of her neck.
“Your affections for Liana have not escaped my notice these years,” she elaborated easily. “Nor how serious they have become.”
Only now did Gavin put the brush aside, and Miho swivelled to peer up at him from her seat.
“You think the shadows do not whisper to me as the winds do to you?” she laughed. “Please. And you would never say a thing for your loyalty to my family, but your love for her is too important for silence, don’t you think?”
“My loyalty to you,” Gavin corrected seriously.
“Oh, I know neither you nor she would come to my bed if not willing,” she smiled fondly. “But I think the time has come for you to commit yourself to her heart and body, and I know that will not result in your loyalty to me being any more absolute.”
For a few silent seconds they just peered at one another, until Gavin’s brows began to knit. With a short laugh, Miho rose and drew him into a hug. “Don’t be conflicted,” she whispered. “You love me, but you are in love with her, and I am happy for that."
Tightly, he held her to his chest until she pinched him with such severity, he let out a little cry and leapt back.
“As of now, the both of you may no longer enter these quarters without permission,” she asserted. “I leave you to inform Liana and be on your way. You have your orders.”
“My Lady,” Gavin bowed deeply, a slight waver in his voice.
Then he left Miho to get what little sleep she could before her intended departure at dawn.
 Ibu’s sure-footed canter carried Miho from her stronghold as the world was slowly waking. With her small entourage in tow, they made haste across the valley of undulating farmland and through villages toward the border. Their goal was a small town on the far side of a dense forest, one known to have harboured bandits in the past. Not that Miho was especially concerned about them.
The closer they drew to the limits of her kingdom, the more likely they would be to come across Xu scouts.
She hoped they did.
Unfortunately, it was quiet and uneventful on their journey, and as night closed in around them, their camp settled.
“You’re upset,” Jazz said, giving Miho a bit of a hip-bump before sitting by the fire.
“I know I shouldn’t be, but I am,” Miho sniffed. “Lucien should be taking me much more seriously.”
“He will,” Jazz assured. “Your plan will work.”
“Of course it will,” Miho grunted. “If you have managed to do what no other has.”
“And if I can escape before he kills me,” Jazz added, and Miho grunted again.
“I’ll in place by then,” she assured. “When he is weakened I will rip out his throat.”
“And this is why you have so few friends, My Lady,” Jazz laughed, and in a mock huff Miho stomped from the ring of warmth to where her horse was tethered.
Imagining Lucien’s blood slicking her fingers, she stroked down the mare’s neck, humming a little tune.
Until she wasn’t.
And she wasn’t because she felt something – movement in the darkness that was not the natural wave of the trees or animals skittering around.
In practiced silences she drew her katana and stepped between the slender trunks, placing her feet carefully in the underbrush. There was still time in her evening, it seemed, for her to sate her bloodlust if this interloper belonged to Lucien.
Suddenly, there was something underfoot, and the figure Miho sensed tripped and hit the ground with a rather loud groan for a well-trained spy.
“I should have known,” Miho dropped sourly, planting her boot-heel next to his head, and Victor turned it slowly, cursing himself and her. “This is more than a little inconvenient.”
“I am not some damsel in need of cloistering,” he snapped, laboriously pushing himself back into his knees.
“No,” she agreed, but still didn’t sound any more impressed. “You’re an injured liability.”
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