#ic thin tempered ravager drake|r.t
@itsravagerlifeforme appeared!
"Uh Kraglin are you completely sure you want to spar with me? Especially considering last time?" R.T had a right to worry considering last time they sparred they got too rough and she almost accidentally put him through a wall. They were pretty good friends it's just R.T really didn't know her own strength sometimes and she didn't want to accidentally seriously hurt him.
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Closed rp poor luckless little chick
A small baby plasma drake chick was running at breakneck speed through the market on all fours. Trying desperately to get away from something until that is she ran small snout first right into someone's leg. She reacted by standing her ground and trying to puff herself up to look bigger, flaring her right wing (the left seemed to be injured), whiping her gnarled tail threateningly, and letting out a loud snarl for such a small thing.
A closer look showed she was very thin and filthy wearing nothing but rags. She also seemed to be covered in both old scars but also injuries that seemed fairly new still scabbed over. She also seemed to have a shock collar locked to her neck and what look likes the remains of an cruel looking metal muzzle strapped to parts of her muzzle. She all around looked like she had been through hell.
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Ask box open!
"Alright so I don't know why I'm doing this but I've got so much fucking free time lately in between jobs it's not even funny. So introductions I'm Rust tail but I prefer R.T and don't any of ya terrans or whoever the hell I end up talking with dare call me rusty only the captain can. Unless y'all want a plasma dagger chucked through your head or suddenly decide you don't need your head on your shoulders anymore. Anyway feel free to ask me shit or whatever the hell and I'll try to get to it.
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