flameheroesjourney · 8 months
Endeavor is out on the field when a villain sneaks up on him. And right as he turns around, a sewer cover knocks the villain right in the abdomen. Folding him in half like an omlette and sending him flying.
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Enji had barely gotten the curse out at his sloppiness when the sewer cover set the villain flying.
"I had them." He said curtly with narrowed eyes.
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[ Text to: taek2wo ] I know I dropped off the face of the planet for a couple days...weeks... but just checking in to see how you're doin?
[ Text to: taek1ne ] Hey hyung! (:
[ Text to: taek1ne ] I’m doing… good. I’ve been better.
[ Text to: taek1ne ] And you?
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flameheroesjourney · 8 months
How goes the cat?????
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"Oh... The cats doing well... though nobody still hasn't come forward to claim him." Enji replied as he watched the kitten bat around his toy mouse across the floor and pouncing on it, "so I suppose he'll stay here."
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flameheroesjourney · 8 months
"Then why didn't you save me? Why did you leave me to burn?" The boy whimpers.
Enji had been asking himself that for years.
Why hadn't he gone to him until it had been too late? Why hadn't he tried to do more to prevent Touya from dying?
He knew why...he had become so self absorbed with his own goals that he had turned a blind eye to his son who had obviously been crying out for help because he just didn't know how to help and was too proud to ask for help. He thought of his own mother distancing herself from him after his father died...how lonely he'd felt. He'd done the same thing with Touya...with all his children...
Hesitantly Enji knelt in front of the small boy before pulling him into his arms.
"I was selfish...I put so much on you and didn't want to face the results and hoped it would just...solve itself." Enji said as he gently stroked Touya's white hair, "I can never take back what happened...but... I never hated you. I'm just a weak man who couldn't let go of his ego long enough to see how much he was hurting his child."
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flameheroesjourney · 8 months
Rumor has it you want to kiss All Might.
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"Who let you in here!?"
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flameheroesjourney · 8 months
Tall? Blond? Blue eyes? Able to bench press a semi truck? How does that sound?
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"Absolutely not!"
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flameheroesjourney · 9 months
🐾+ kitten
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Answered from X
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This has to be some kind of prank...and if it was then it was very poorly planned one. Picking up the box the kitten was sleeping in, checking around the pillow that nestled it for any signs of a note or identification frowning when he found nothing. He hoped that it wasn't someones pet that had taken.
He couldn't very well leave it outside. With a sigh, Enji shut the front door and carried the box to the bathroom. Best at least bathe the cat before he checks for any missing pet postings.
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
@drengar said: He blinks up at his boyfriend for a moment while he debates to be a good boyfriend and agree with Enji. "Really homo?" And he decides to be a gremlin instead because even his boyfriend and favorite person in the world can't escape that side of him.
The utter betrayal.
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
The little boy felt so solid in his arms. He cries and sniffles. "All I wanted was for you to love me. To be proud of me."
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"I do love you, Touya." Enji said, his arms tightening around the boy, "I'm just terrible at showing it...I'm sorry I didn't believe in you... I'm sorry I failed you."
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
"I know fire bird but we can take a raincheck on it. I care more about cheering you up than that anyway." He wasn't a big fan of arriving and finding Enji upset. If his top priority hadn't been making sure the big guy was alright then he would have tracked down whoever had hurt Enji and given them a piece of his mind. Maybe turn them into a pin cushion too. "Do you wanna talk about what happened or wait for later?" Keigo asked while his fingers continued to run through Enji's hair. "I can also make you something to help make ya feel better."
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Enji thought about telling Keigo what had happened but he didn't want him to feel like he didn't trust him because of course he trusted Keigo. More than anything Enji was more frustrated with himself for being so easily upset by something that wasn't true.
"Can we talk about it later..." He finally said, "we can throw something together with the ingredients I bought and watch a movie."
Next to them Miso sat curled up next Enji with his chin resting on thigh, softly purring as if trying to make him feel better as well.
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
Not at all minding Enji's head resting on his shoulder, he moved his arms to move around his neck instead. One of his hands moved to gently thread through Enji's red hair as he continued to coo softly. "Everything will be fine, fire bird," Keigo murmured softly, hoping to give a bit more comfort to the older male.
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Enji turned to bury his face into Keigo's shoulder, his big hands gripping the back of the blonds shirt being mindful of his wings.
"'M sorry...I was looking forward to our plans..."
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
Keigo is just going to climb into Enji's lap and snuggle up against his chest. His arms wrap around Enji's torso while he lets out content chirps.
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Enji would rest his forehead on Keigo's shoulder, his arms wrapping around the blonds small frame, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to escape.
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
Dabi sighs "fuck. I'm sorry. Don't just break up with him because of me. It's weird though. It's really weird. Just...tell me if he ever comes over for like dinner or a movie night or something so I can get out if the house ok? Our thing was a couple years ago and there were no feelings involved for real, but I know I hurt his real bad when I broke it off."
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Enji walked past him, trying to conceal the look of genuine hurt on his face. He wanted to be angrier but the little voice in the back of his mind that was fueled by his self loathing and depression just concluded he deserved this.
"Then I'd suggest you find accommodations for the night...we have plans." Was all he said as he walked away.
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
"There's so many other people out there!" Dabi huffs. "Look. Normally I wouldn't have two fucks about why you get with. That's your business. Not mine. But I. Me. Your son. I fucked him!"
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Enji didn't think it was possible for his already cracked heart to break anymore but here he was.
"I think you need to leave...now." Enji said coldly, "I am not going to sit here and listen to this nonsense."
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
He sighs heavily. "Good. Well. Don't. Don't fuck him. And break up with him." Dabi says.
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"No" Enji said plainly but firmly, "he makes me happy even though I don't deserve to be with someone like him."
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flameheroesjourney · 7 months
Dabi groans and facepalms "please...you didn't fuck him did you?"
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"Wha- no!" Enji retorted cheeks turning red, "we just started dating!"
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