#ic.| akihiko
sentofight · 5 months
clearly she's been challenged to try him; all of the sudden, hitting a fast sprint to then leap up at akihiko. " senpai, catch ! "
He just opened that protein bar when so suddenly all he heard were fast footsteps towards him and the leader's voice. "Wh--!? W-wa-wai-wait!" Is she nuts!? Well, sometimes he DO question that whenever they are in the Tartarus. She literally went on her own one time to fight the reaper. THE REAPER. What made it even crazier the fact she turned around, saluted them with some weird gesture--he could bet it was from a movie or something she read or saw, and dashed while saying one of these protagonist shonen lines. She's unreal sometimes, but that's what keeps me alive let's be real.
She is really coming at him, huh?
She's not messing with him, huh?
There is no 0.0001 chance she is just going to stop before reaching him, huh?
Yep, she is going to jump at him for sure.
God, have mercy on his soul. Mitsuru did warn him about this year seconds. Geez, fine! He can't be outdone by these seconds!
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"Come at me!" he shouted back, extending his arms to catch her. In the process, the poor protein bar was tossed to the side so he can catch Minako (and not dirty her school uniform.)
Calculating that her weight will definitely make him recoil forward so he braced himself, and fixed his posture to handle that sudden weight. Once she jumped at him, he made sure to have an arm to support her back and the other to hold her legs. "--oof! Got you!" proud of himself, he grinned.
"Okay, so ... What's the deal?" was she betting someone to do this? Junpei?
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in relation to this | @foolshoujo
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eeniiart · 8 days
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Suo is just kidding <3
or is he >:D
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aucrowne · 12 days
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-- I'm suddenly reminded of that ice cream trick thing I used to see before.
⬅ Windbreaker Silly little sketches ➡
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marikodraws · 6 months
hurt my hand at work today so i did a bunch of left handed doodles to feel better 😩
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✏️ Persona 3 sketchlog - left handed hand hurty edition (2024 March)
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Aigis: Amada-san, your persona has changed. Why is this?
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Just what in the world would Aigis want to ask him? Coming from her, it could be anything, and that makes him…a little nervous.
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Almost everybody looks surprised– Mitsuru-san and Sanada-san both look surprised and interested, in a way that reminds him of every good-guy scientist he’s ever seen in a scifi movie. Fuuka-san is the only person who doesn’t. She could probably sense Kala-Nemi even before Aigis did and just hadn’t said anything.
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Yukari-san groans and rolls her eyes, but Fuuka-san is hiding a smile again and Arisato-san is nodding with a sage and thoughtful expression. Aigis and Mitsuru-san both look like they have no idea what Junpei-san is talking about. 
Sanada-san’s face is interesting– he looks like he thinks it is a good comparison, but he isn’t thrilled about it. Ken is honestly surprised he even knows what Pokémon is. 
“Kinda?” Ken says. That feels like a diplomatic enough answer. It is the easiest comparison to make, even if it feels a little childish. 
“Do you know why your Persona would change?” Sanada-san asks. “When did it happen?”
“Um… It was last night, after we talked. I guess…it’s because I realized I didn’t need Nemesis anymore. She was there for me when I did, but now that I don’t, she turned into something else.”
Sanada-san glances over at Mitsuru-san, who has a knuckle pressed thoughtfully to her chin. “Have you ever heard of anything like this, Mitsuru?” He asks.
“Secondary awakenings have been considered possible in a theoretical sense for some time, yes,” Mitsuru-san says, sounding contemplative.  “A Persona is a mirror of its human user, after all, and human beings change and grow all the time. If an individual’s mental state changes enough– if they experience a dramatic shift in perspective, or acquire a new resolve, for example–  then it stands to reason that their Persona could change as well.” 
Sanada-san hums and crosses his arms. “That does make sense, but you make it sound like you’ve never actually seen it happen before. Amada’s the first person to have a second awakening, then?”
That can’t possibly be true– the Kirijo group has been researching Personas for at least ten years, right? Probably even longer than that. There’s no way that he’s the first person this has ever happened to... 
“The first that we have on record, yes,” Mitsuru-san replies. “There have been unsubstantiated reports, and some cases where it’s been speculated to have occurred, but never anything that could be confirmed.”
Ken shifts a little in his chair, feeling suddenly antsy with a weird combination of pride and something that’s kind of like– stage fright? “Would Ikutsuki-san or any of his research team want to–?”
“Absolutely not,” Mitsuru-san says, her voice suddenly sharp and fierce. 
Eyebrows go up all around the room. Mitsuru-san looks embarrassed and clears her throat. “I apologize for my tone,” she says, much more levelly. “It’s a fascinating development to be sure, and it’s– generous– of you to offer to help expand our understanding of Persona as a phenomenon–
“But there’s already a great deal being asked of you, Amada. I wouldn’t have you subjected to– additional pressures.”
Mitsuru-san mostly looks just as relaxed as she had before, but her hands are tense. Sanada-san watches her out of the corner of his eye.
Ken decides to drop the subject.
“Well,” Mitsuru-san says. “Unless anyone else has a particularly pressing question, I think it might be a good time for us to bring this meeting to a close. Is that alright with you, Amada?”
“That’s fine– I’m pretty tired.” He doesn’t realize how true that is until he says it– his whole body suddenly feels very heavy, and his bed has never seemed more inviting.
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marquisecubey · 1 year
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femc has escaped from the dungeon at pax
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almoststedytimetravel · 5 months
As much as I clown on Akihiko getting hit with Persona's patented time-skip-cop-inator, the fact that in Arena he wants to be an insider for Mitsuru is really funny. He strolls up to Kurosawa and says, "I wanna be a cop who's compromised by huge conglomerate. Do you fw that?" And Kurosawa says, "Yeah, we fw that." Is never not going to be funny to me.
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pleasuregave · 7 months
@bittcnneck sent . . . "is that all?" Akihiko growled, a fist full of hair in one hand, his other hand placed on Jin's ass as he very slowly and teasingly fucked him. "Beg more. Beg louder. Show me how much you need it.." pulling his hips back until only the tip was in, he slammed it hard, just to continue the slow movements. He knew what he needed to do to drive him crazy.
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Since he hasn't told Akihiko about Devil yet, Jin hasn't quite told him why he was so desperate in this moment. Yes, it's hard not to get horny over ten inches. But Jin's arousal levels have shot up to over a thousand. All he can think about were those ten inches getting in deep, & fertilizing him.
His face was so red, he swore its heat could be compared to a fire's. You can't even have a baby, he thought to himself. Yet he was in desperation to have Akihiko's.
❝ Ah - ! Dammit . . . ❞ he's trying not to whimper from all this teasing, but he's struggling while he's in this state. ❝ Please ! PLEASE ! I'm right here, I'm right here . . . please just . . . please use my body & breed me, I need your - I need your seed in me. Your - ❞ he gasped lightly, ❝ your cock is perrrfect to breed me . . . ❞
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epitomees · 2 months
"Aragaki, I was wondering what you'd like for your birthday. I know it's coming up soon. And I know you're just going to tell me you don't want anything. But at least let me treat you to dinner." Mitsuru is not about to take no for an answer.
Oh...that's right. He nearly forgotten.
It wasn't a day Shinjiro acknowledged, much less celebrated or shared with other people around him. Mitsuru and Akihiko, on the other hand, made it a point to gift him something small or bake him some sweet treat for their private enjoyment. It happened every year, without fail and without any rebuttal. No matter his disdain towards his own birth, or his inner scorn towards the life he was cursed to live, those two always attempted making at least one day out of the whole year...somewhat happy for him.
They wanted to see him smile, at least for a little. But how could he now when he knew his time was nearly at its end? Would he make it until then?
Would this be his very last birthday?
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"...fine." He surrendered. There's no point arguing with Mitsuru when she clearly had already made up her mind. A stubborn woman was hard to argue against, and he knew that fact firsthand. Shinjiro shoved his hands in his pockets, leaning his body against the wall for a bit of support. "...I'll let ya do sumthin'...but only on two conditions." He stated flatly. His cold eyes found hers. "I'll let ya make dinner, but it'll only be between you 'n me. 'N secondly, no one else is invited, because you're not gonna tell anyone else in th' dorm about it. That sound fair?"
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ethien · 1 year
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Day 3: Ice Cream
Kotone always messing with shy boyfriend
Just lick it Aki, we all want it
(I also tried after a long time lines all in black...and I am still no fan of it...idk it looks extremly anime for me... I really prefer the lines in different colors... but all in all, i think it turned out great...even if i dislike the lines)
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katokosmos · 9 months
@petalswept wrote. who did this to you ? (from the morbid curiosity prompt list, my mitsuru to your minato !!!!) / morbid curiosity.
"...a shadow." minato confesses, trying to dodge the question in its entirety. he can guess why she's concerned, but he still doesn't want her to. sure, junpei and yukari would certainly tell the story of minato's injury much differently, as in, minato last-second shoving junpei out of the way of a particularly nasty attack, and just barely getting hit by it himself. minato telling it himself, however? a small nick, barely anything for mitsuru to concern herself with.
"i'll be fine with rest, it's nothing major," he says while being increasingly aware of the biting pain that makes increasing demands for attention, practically stumbling his way to the stairs, where mitsuru stops him.
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sentofight · 3 months
starter @caramialunaestelle
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"Do you think we can go without leader to Tartarus, tonight? Don't think they can join us, not with that pale look they got." he's itching to go and train.
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mythcaels-a · 7 months
Valentine's Day Open Starter.
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❝  Do  you  not  like  it  ? ❞  His  gaze  flickers  from  the  Valentine's  Day  pink  stuffed  bear  to  the  other,  smile  slowly  falling  off  his  face  the  longer  that  it  takes  for  them  to  grab  the  plush  from  him.  ❝  I  should've  gotten  something  better,  huh  ?  I  can  still  buy  you  something  else  !  We  could  go  buy  something  now  .  .  . ❞  Anything  to  make  them  happy.
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seesnseless · 2 years
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@iptosi || Settling Dust Prompts
“ if you can’t walk, i’m gonna have to carry you, alright? we can’t stay here. “ Shinji to Akihiko!
If there was one thing Akihiko hated it was being weak. His shortcomings on full display, especially in tense situations such as these, were shameful. It brings him back to moments of the past. Things he'd rather not think about during a normal moment. But especially not now when they were all in danger and his own body wasn't listening to him.
His entire body felt like it had been filled with sand, weighing him down to an extreme degree. He tried to stand but his legs wouldn't listen to him. It's never been this bad no matter how many times a Shadow's attacked his weakness. But now more than ever he needed to get up and help his team. He can't lose anyone else and the dangerous Shadow was closing in.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He tries to offer his friend as reassuring a smile as he can muster. Unfortunately if anyone could read him it was probably Shinjiro.
Finally he struggles his way to his feet even though he sways as he does. He can't let the team down. He can't let Shinjiro down. So he has to pull himself together.
One hand clutches his evoker as the other arm winds itself around to hold against his ribs. He refuses to slow them down.
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"Just go! I'll be right behind you!"
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galaxythixf · 1 year
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@fatexbound said: 👀 Akihiko to Hamuko Send in 👀 for my muse to talk about yours || Accepting
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"Strong." It's the first word that slips past his lips, taking a sip of his water bottle. "She's a lot stronger than you think, don't let looks fool you." Akihiko says it with a hint of a smile but behind it lies a sense of fear he wouldn't let on to. A fear that something may come of that one day when her strength isn't enough. He knew she was strong but was he strong enough to support her?
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[Continued from here] [First question]
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Ken can’t help but snort a laugh. Fuuka-san looks like she’s trying to hide laughter behind her hands as well. Even Mitsuru-san seems a little amused.
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He feels warm all the way through.
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If he’d been asked to guess, Ken would have thought that hearing those words would hurt. But it doesn’t– not at all.
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