#ice-e's secret boss
indiemedley · 1 year
Ice-E's P'E'ZZA Secret Boss: Greas-E
Time for a new Deltarune secret boss, this time for Ice-E's! The lovely art was done by the splendorous @zootyplex (commission her, her art rocks) and the fabulous @creepa-b0t-inc for the sprite renditions!
Now then, for the boss himself. Greas-E hails from the Corporate World of Ice-E's, run by the head C'E'O. In days long past, Greas-E served as the C'E'O's top enforcer, the one he contacted to get shit done, through violent means if necessary. Greas-E was fiercely loyal to his boss, being a part of the Family Menu in the upper echelon. He new the job came with a lot of risks, a lot of downsides, but he didn't care. He served his duty well.
One day, however, a haphazard Darkner spotted him in the middle of his less than moral activities, word of which did take very little time to spread throughout the Dark World. The C'E'O was certainly not happy to hear this, as he sought to maintain his profits with a proper family friendly image. As much as it killed him, he had to banish Greas-E, remove him from the menu in order to save face. As such, he was banished to the Icy Shelf, and left to be forgotten.
It was here that he came to meet a special someone among the tundra, one who showed him capabilities he never knew he even had. Powers that linked him to a grandiose machinated giant that lay dormant in the ice. He was ready to Supersize, all he needed was the right group of schmucks to help him finish the last minute prep time "That Weird Guy" got him on track for.
As for his Light World origins, his story is slightly more complicated than the average Light World Darkner backstory.
Greas-E was originally the benign pompadour type mascot for an item on the Ice-E's menu, part of the corporate attempt to make more of a cast for Ice-E, so they could market more toys and boost their funds. He was meant to advertise and sell the Super Mega Pizza Burger Triple Patty Greasemaster Deluxe, which was even more unhealthy than it sounds.
Of course, this terrible menu item led to some serious health concerns for the public, inevitably leading to its removal from the menu. However, the franchise had jumped the gun by a significant margin and had already begun construction on a line of animatronic entertainers for the Hometown location. They were intended to be half machine and half organic material from whatever product they were supposed to represent, that way, they could Serv-o Up Smiles!
This was an all around terrible idea.
Greas-E's animatronic was the first one to be put into production, and subsequently the first to be canned. However, they couldn't get rid of it, so, they just shoved it in the back of the freezer at the restaurant alongside the last unsold Super Mega Pizza Burger Triple Patty Greasemaster Deluxe patties.
It was here he was to stay. Here he was to rot. Mold and mildew slowly overtaking the meat on his body, but his hate still remains. His desire to get back on the menu and prove to his boss he can still be useful burns just as bright as it did before. And he'll serve up a 2-for-1 deal on pain along the way.
"What? What? Youse single serving punks tink you got ANYTHING on da Greasemaster? Tink again, Cornball!"
"We all pass our best-by dates, cornball, even the freshest meats expire!"
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As for his general deal, Greas-E is a dirtbag sleazeball mafioso. He's a dick to most people, except his boss who he holds in the utmost regard. He speaks with an Italian American accent, much like a stereotypical mobster. He also consistently refers to himself in the third person as Greas-E or the Greasemaster. During his speech, he also sprinkles in a variety of food service references into his speech pattern. After meeting Kris, he tends to refer to them as Cornball or Order Reference Number M040N, or moron.
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rejonaanojer · 10 months
My 3rd Chapter's secret boss take
Edd-E A cartoon character similar to Dora the Explorer. A childhood friend of Kris. His design is vaguely based on Ralsei but mostly on Ice-E.
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sepsis-tank · 7 months
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Oh yeah I forgot to mention it here. But he has been made 3D!!!!!!!!
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Look at him. Posing and shit. It's crazy.
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buckosartthingamabob · 7 months
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mercair · 1 year
I was looking for some stuff around my house, when i found some sort of saferoom sealed behind one of my walls, and there, i found MY NEXT SB OC: LEFT-E
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He used to be a mascot for ICE-E's P'E'ZZA sometime around the 80's. In the darkworld, he was a new kind of warrior, an animatronic that could both entertain the kids, as well as being a really tough soldier. And so he became protector of his darkworld. That did not last long...
One day, a strange persone came to the darkworld, they said they were curious to see this new warrior, as some called it "The greatest invention ever made by darkners". The CEO of the darkworld happily let them see their new invention, they thought they were a business man. The person stood right in front of the robot, deeply analysing it, that was when something inside of the robot snapped. It suddenly tried to attack the person, for some reason, the robot classified them as a menace. Both of them fought each other while the guards tried to pull the robot away from a potential client. Surprisingly, the person was completely fine, as if nothing happened, it was the robot the one that took a beating. The CEO quickly realized how dangerous this soldier was, and decided to dismantle it, and then seal it awyan deep down in the basement of the pizzeria.
But the robot wasn't done yet. What it saw inside of that person's eyes was too dangerous to let them go. It couldn't move anymore, it's core has been removed, but it's WILL persisted. And now it waits in the depths of the basement for a new source of energy, strong enough to let it hunt that person down, no matter what. A human soul... That'll do it.
Heey so i finished my new lil' guy. Well, no, actually he's a pretty big boy, even without legs.
As you may have already guessed, this guy is an ENORMOUS FNAF reference, and by that i mean is that the whole point of his existence is to be a FNAF reference.
Now, about his design, i tried my best to make him look like a "What if ICE-E was a FNAF animatronic?"... thing, but still tried to give it that magic/fantasy vibe from Deltarune with that holographic arm, also, it's his left arm, get it? CUZ HE'S LEFT-E. Honestly, i'm not sure if i succeded at it.
He has no SUPER for or anything like that, he is just that strong. The SOUL mode for his battle is ORANG SOUL, which would let you parry some of his attacks.
It seems i haven't done enough references here, so have this;
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If you know, you know.
Fun fact: This one is partially based/inspired in the FNAF 1 song by living tombstone, i tried to make the Freedom motif drop similar to the one in that song. I clearly failed, but i still LOVE how it came out. Anyways, that's all folks! Keep dreaming!
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sillzy · 1 year
My own DELTARUNE fanboss, CRISP-E
I tried making a secret boss design for the burnt ICE-E box from one of those "blogs" that appeared in the spamton sweepstakes
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l1zardart1stre · 1 year
2: MIN-E
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Number two in my series where I make a secret boss for every location in hometown, this is Min-E! A toy that Ice-E’s P”E”Zza used to give away with their kids orders, he came broken in his package and was unable to be sold to the public. He views the player as his playmate, and uses his strange crystal to grow larger than everyone else.
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Also, Official sprites of the two made so far! Eventually, I want to show the battle concepts I have for these two since I have good ideas for both of them in my head. Also, the next one is in Berdly’s House, I don’t care about the stupid poll that character is one of my favorites.
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glitch-the-artist · 9 months
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I want someone to make every ice-e secret boss beat the shit out of bonslick. It would be funny as hell lmfao.
btw this image is from a post from @mercair
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splatwav · 1 year
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Wow, my co-worker seems so energetic lately! I don't know what happened, but...
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roxroxtbm · 1 year
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Another stupid idea for a secret boss from Deltarune... He is Coly. E! He is an animatronic from ICE-E-PIZZA'S, he used to deliver the pizzas from the place, but one day he met a "Mysterious Guy" who drove him crazy by corrupting his internal memory.
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cannibala-co · 2 months
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deltaswapjevil · 2 months
Deltarune Secret Boss Chapter 5
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Chapter 5 Ice-E's pizza secret boss
Forgotten Concept: Scrapped/Discontinued Mascots
Toy: Windup Toy/Kids Meal Toy (has a Windup mechanism in the back that's only visible in battle)
Undertale Boss: Papyrus/Sans
Mental Disorder: Bipolar
Sin: Gluttony
Light World Object: The last figurine of the old Ice-E mascot that Pizzapants stumbled upon and hopes to sell
Soul Mode: Blue
Items: Pizzarang (Violence, Used for Burgerpants), Heros Emblem (Spare)
Circus/Dialtone variant: The Hero in Blue (Plays when encountering Annoid)
Other Themes: Nyuh Nyuh Nyuh! (plays during his puzzle segments)
It's Raining (Post Battle Theme)
Story: Used to be the mascot of Ice-E Pizza. Think the reverse Noid, trying to help people get their pizza on time. After some rebranding he was replaced with Ice-E and all about forgotten. He was then lost for a bit until he met a mysterious man who showed him the future of Ice-E's pizza and how it would fall under its new reign. Determined to stop this fate he tries and keep Ice-E's alive. He takes a Lancer sorta role and appears throughout the chapter but only can be fought by completing all his puzzles (which can all be skipped easily by just walking past them) and collecting all the key pieces and using them to unlock the hero body which he fights you over. Defeating him causes him to realize he can't stop fate and hopes that you will tell his story
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mrchaosman · 4 months
Yesterday, I promised my friend @deltaswapjevil that I'll make a secret boss for them
So here is He
(cut the bull crap, no one has time for your funny long intros).
OK, anyway, everyone give a hand for... SHARK-E.
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Here is he, the weird-looking weirdo.
The secret for the an idea for a beach-themed chapter.
Anyway, his lore and backstory:
He used to be the most coolest in his dark world, known by his skills in surfing.
He was this week's flavour.
He was a sharp and colourful (he still sharp, don't let him bite you).
That all didn't last long...
The darkners start getting bored of him, and left him.
No matter how hard he tried, how good he was, no one seemed to care.
He felt a big, painful void inside him.
He thought no one is gonna give him the respect he desperately wants.
His days of being alone has over.
A strange man has came to the jobless surfer.
He told him about everything, the reality of his existence, about his world.
Effected by what he heard, SHARK-E decided to use this for his advantage.
Waiting for a lightner to get their SOUL.
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With their SOUL, he can be this week's flavour once again.
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And here is the superboss form, I'd like to call it: THE GREAT SHARK-E.
And now, about some fun facts and other things:
He is kinda based on Surfs Up, Jaws and SCP-054-FR.
He uses BLUE SOUL (jumps at the waves).
He was supposed to be more muscler and be more shark-like but I discarded that, since the majority of the secret bosses (if not all) are a weakass weirdos.
His text qurik is that he repeats E many times.
I hope you like it buddy
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sepsis-tank · 9 months
The worst fucking car ride in the EVER.
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Roat trip :>
Petaly by @tumourloaf (rattel_m_bones)
Flowery by @bep-celeste
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buckosartthingamabob · 9 months
tat guy
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@roxroxtbm fuuuuuuck
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little Ind-E doodle
Ind-e is @sepsis-tank’s
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