#id completely forgotten how collaborative it is as well
voxphantasma · 1 year
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just started relistening to skyjacks from the top and yall. im so in love with how character secrets are brought up in this show. theres something so magical about how things are just brought up as if the audience already knows but we dont. theyre just like hey. sun has started to go down. the thing that travis does every sundown is happening. and its so casual and familiar and it makes me feel like im in on it too. fuck i love skyjacks
[IMAGE ID’S: four screenshots of episode transcripts of campaign: skyjacks. the first one is from episode 1 and reads:
JPC: Exactly. He’s currently hunched over captain Orimar Vale. Orimar is kind of like sitting there like staring straight forward, he is holding Orimar’s jaw in his hand which has completely separated from, the bottom part of his jaw- Liz: Wuah. JPC: -has completely separated from his mouth. Orimar, by the way, looks very much human, looks very much alive but is very much missing his jaw and doesn’t appear to be worried by it. As Gable comes in, Dref turns. Dref: Don’t worry, I can fix this. This- this will be fine, I, I can fix this. Gable: What do you mean you can fix it, it’s not attached to his head. Dref: Yes, um and, and I can explain that. Gable: What did you do? Dref: I had to take it off.
the second one is from episode 3 and reads:
JPC: As we are talking, the sun has started to go down. James: What does it look like, Johnny? [music begins: soft, mystical, acoustic, slightly eerie] Johnny: I think it's kind of horrible. You can hear it. It's bone crunching and— Liz: Ugh! JPC: Does it hurt? Johnny: I think, probably, yeah. Tyler: Every single night.
the third one is from episode 3 and reads:
You raise this dart up. You line it up with the board. [mystical music begins] You breathe in; you breathe out; and your eye opens beneath your headband. And in front of you, the divine light of the universe, you can see in this moment. It's not something you can ever voluntarily do, but here, feeling the warmth of the liquor in your belly, the warmth of the woman at your side, and the weight of the dart, everything is connected.
the fourth one is from episode 4 and reads:
Travis: Interesting. Hmm. Of course, it could be nothing. They're just cards, after all. Gable: You talk a lot, don't you? Travis: Me? Gable: Yes. James: You're looking at each other, now, standing across this war board, and you've got these divination cards between you two. And you also are the only two members of this crew that know about each other, that really know about each other. You don't know in detail, but you have a hint that both of you have been around longer than anyone else would imagine.
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georgiaeveritt · 2 years
Unit Conclusion:
I really enjoyed this unit and the fast-paced nature of the projects, even though I did struggle with it to begin with. Initially, the first project ‘Why?’ did throw me off, because I felt stuck for ages. After completing the project and evaluating it though, I realised I could have had more fun with it if I hadn’t thought about it so much. I put all my time into research, and not enough into outcomes. This was my least favourite project of the four, because I am not too pleased with my outcomes, however I still enjoyed the nature of it and I think with more time I could’ve developed my ideas better. 
I learnt lots of helpful tips from the workshops in this unit, the refreshers especially, because I don’t always notice that I have forgotten simple things that save sometimes hours of work. I liked learning how to use Glyphs as well, as this was a new software which I had never tried before, and I thought it was so cool to download and type my own font I had made in that session on my laptop in my process book.
I had lots of fun in the group project as well, especially because it gives me a chance to speak to new people and collaborate with them. Even though we had a small hiccup halfway through due to our time management, I believe as a group we resolved this well and really improved our designs. Group work can be challenging but it is also really fun, and I enjoy getting to work alongside other designers and to see our different styles become one. I always feel inspired when I talk to other people and view their work and the way they have approached a brief, compared to how I may have approached it. I believe this group work has made me feel more confident in working in groups.
The type project was another challenging one for me, even though I enjoyed lots of aspects of it. I found the workshop about type really interesting, especially the history of type, and it really inspired me seeing other designers work of letterforms they’ve made from scratch. I feel like this project gave me further insight into typeface design and has improved my skills massively than before. Even though I am not satisfied with my final typeface i still learnt a lot from it, and I intend to learn more and develop my skills as a designer. Overall I enjoyed the fast-pace of this unit as it kept me on my toes, and a lot of the briefs and presentations really pushed me out of my comfort zone. At the end of this unit I do feel a lot more confident as a designer, especially in my presenting skills.
BBC Bitesize. “What Are Tides?” BBC Bitesize, BBC, 5 Sept. 2019, www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8c9q6f/articles/zdqr97h. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022. 
“Fonts in Use – Type at Work in the Real World.” Fonts in Use, 2016, fontsinuse.com/. 
“Goggo.” Pentagram, www.pentagram.com/work/goggo-2?rel=sector&rel-id=17. Accessed 30 Nov. 2022. 
Healthline. “Full Moon Effects: What Research Has Discovered.” Healthline, Healthline, 17 Sept. 2020, www.healthline.com/health/full-moon-effects. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022. 
“KAREN LYNCH.” Leaf and Petal Design, www.leafandpetaldesign.com/about. 
“Login • Instagram.” Www.instagram.com, www.instagram.com/36daysoftype/. 
LPI. “Explore Space Science Activities.” Www.lpi.usra.edu, LPI, 2022, www.lpi.usra.edu/education/explore/marvelMoon/background/moon-influence/. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022. 
Murphy, Zoe Loring. Typography Glitches and How a Diagnosis Shed New Light on the Winding Path to Growth: WEDZICKA X Everpress - FEMME TYPE. 4 Nov. 2022, femme-type.com/typography-glitches-and-how-a-diagnosis-shed-new-light-on-the-winding-path-to-growth-wedzicka-x-everpress/. Accessed 30 Nov. 2022. 
Rentals, Perry’s Cafe and Beach. “Perry’s Cafe and Beach Rentals.” Perry’s Cafe and Beach Rentals, perryscafe.com/. Accessed 30 Nov. 2022. 
“Roller-Skating Creative Oh Mu on How They Used Illustration to Get over a Painful Fall.” Www.itsnicethat.com, www.itsnicethat.com/articles/oh-mu-illustration-160522. Accessed 30 Nov. 2022. 
“Rollerblade Hire.” Riverlife, riverlife.com.au/project/rollerblade-hire/. Accessed 30 Nov. 2022. 
Royal Museums Greenwich. “Can the Moon Affect Our Health and Behaviour?” Www.rmg.co.uk, Royal Museums Greenwich, 2022, www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/can-moon-affect-our-health-behaviour#:~:text=Taking%20inspiration%20from%20Isaac%20Newton. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022. 
Sissons, Claire. “What Percentage of the Human Body Is Water?” Www.medicalnewstoday.com, MedicalNewsToday, 27 May 2020, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-percentage-of-the-human-body-is-water. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022. 
The Noun Project. “Noun Project.” Noun Project, 2000, thenounproject.com/.
0 notes
ggyutea · 4 years
into the aether // jjk [CHAPTER ONE]
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pairing: agent!jungkook x agent!reader
genre: not-so-secret organization au, rivals to lovers au, sci-fi, action, slow burn, mutual pining, future mystery 👀, eventual fluff, eventual smut (probably), teeny bit of future angst
word count: 4.4k
summary: As a rookie member of an organization that deals in investigating and neutralizing paranormal and extraterrestrial threats, you get assigned to your very first case with Jeon Jungkook as your partner, a former classmate you’ve never been too fond of.  But what happens when your supposed low-tier rookie case begins to unravel into something more serious than anyone anticipated?  And, more importantly, how do you come to terms with your growing feelings for Jungkook?
contents: jungkook being a little shit, y/n is a bisexual disaster, the tension is real honestly, female!namjoon, long haired Kook, mild info-dumping for context
warnings: mild cursing
a/n: behold, my first posted fic! i have absolutely no idea how long this series will be but i’m super excited about it!!  i hope anyone who happens to come across this enjoys it :))
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The agency-issued suit is surprisingly comfortable.  Form-fitting without being tight, the dress slacks and jacket cling softly to your body as you adjust your badge before entering your new workplace.  Taking a deep breath as you push open the double doors of the Aether Headquarters, you are greeted by the sight of many bustling individuals, all dressed in suits identical to the one currently adorning your body.  A potent mix of excitement and nerves light up your veins as you take in the sight, the moment almost surreal.  
Your heels click across the linoleum floor as you begin to make your way through the massive atrium to the semi-circular elevator.  You check and double check your badge for your assignment details, noting in relief when you realize that you haven’t already forgotten them.  Floor 7, Division S01.  Floor 7, Division S01, you repeat over and over again, a mantra of sorts.  Beginning at a brisk pace, you inevitably slow as you take in the sights of the cavernous space.  Massive glass windows stretch high towards the ceiling on every wall, letting in beams of early morning sunlight that cast a warm glow over everything they touch.  Two large LED screens are affixed on either side of the main elevator across the way, one showcasing a map of the city, the other a map of the country, with all of the paranormal and extraterrestrial hotspots highlighted in bright red pulsing circles.   A small cafe sits nestled in a corner to your left, baristas rushing around frantically in the midst of the morning rush.  A circular desk occupies the center of the room, currently manned by two individuals as they supervise the row of turnstile doors on either side.  Agents stand lined up in front of the doors, some impatiently checking their watches as they wait for the people in front of them to swipe in, others leisurely sipping their coffee.  
You’re reminded that in your haste this morning, you forgot to make yourself coffee, so before you join the agents at the doors, you cheerily purchase your own steaming cup of liquid energy.  You’re not sure if you really need it, with all of the adrenaline rushing through your system, but you figure it can’t hurt.  Sure enough, the warmth of the drink floods your body with a sense of ease, and you can’t help the smile that overtakes your face as you swipe your badge, watching the light on the console turn green as an automated voice says, “Welcome, Agent Y/n.”  Continuing your path towards the elevator, you note with glee an approaching directory indicating that the library and research facilities are to your right, with the short-term containment facilities lying to your left.  Of course, you have learned about all of this in your four years of training, but learning about the immensity of the resources available in the Aether Headquarters and actually seeing them and experiencing them are two completely different things.  You make a mental note to check out the library before the day is over as you enter an elevator car with several other agents.
The electricity in your veins feels nearly tangible as you ascend to your dream.  You note with an amused quirk of your lips that your internal energy seems a stark contrast to the yawns and sleepy gazes of the rest of the elevator.  The 7th floor arrives in the blink of an eye, and you excuse yourself as you weave past a couple agents to exit the car.  After a short navigation of the floor thanks to the clearly labeled and numbered signs, you finally approach the door to your division.  Pronounced in bold, simple characters, the division code ‘S01’ stares at you from the door as you regard it, a slight lump forming in your throat as you take one last sip of your coffee.  Thoughts fly through your head as you go through your mental checklist.  Supervisor = Agent Kim Namjoo.  Your hand is on the shiny chrome door handle.  Mixed division.  You’re turning it slowly.  Potential for other recent graduates to be working here.  Before you know it, the door is swinging open and-- “Ah!”  You’re suddenly met with the startled yelp of a young woman, causing you to flinch as it snaps you out of your reverie.  
The woman chuckles as she brings a hand to adjust her glasses, face quickly smoothing into a sweetly dimpled smile as she looks at you.  “I am so sorry,” she begins upon seeing your startled expression, “you caught me totally off guard.”  She laughs lightly.  “I don’t believe we’ve met!  You must be Agent Y/n.  I’m your supervisor, Agent Kim.”  She extends her hand to you as you blush, blurting out an apology before reaching out your own hand.  “Sorry we couldn’t have met under more formal circumstances, but it’s really no problem as my office is right here anyway,” she explains, gesturing to a door to her right.  
“Nice to meet you, Agent Kim!  I’m really very excited to be here,” you let out a soft chuckle as you begin to regain your composure.  Agent Kim flashes you another gorgeous smile that puts you immediately at ease.  
“I’m so happy to hear that, Agent.  If you wouldn’t mind following me into my office?”  She begins making her way towards her office door.  You quickly oblige, stepping into your supervisor’s spacious office.  Agent Kim takes a seat promptly behind her desk, motioning for you to have a seat across from her.  
“Hold on just one second.”  Your supervisor begins typing away at the keyboard of one of her two computers and you take the brief moment to admire the immaculately trimmed bonsai tree perched next to her.  However, your gaze quickly turns back to your supervisor as you can’t help but acknowledge how absolutely gorgeous she is.  Her skin has all the warmth of the first golden hues of a sunrise.  Brunette hair tied back elegantly, a few strands escape to frame the elegant slope of her face.  Her jawline is pronounced without being too sharp, culminating in the graceful point of her chin.  You flush slightly at your thoughts, mentally scolding yourself.  Great.  First day of work and you’re already simping over your boss.  It’s not your fault you’ve had such a wonderful first impression of her.  Everything about her presence immediately calms your racing heart and soothes any apprehensive thoughts that had crossed your mind on your journey into S01.
“Alright,” Agent Kim removes something from a desk drawer before setting it on the desktop and turning her attention towards you.  “First and foremost, welcome to Division S01!  Like I said, I’m your supervisor, Agent Kim.  This is a mixed division, which I’m sure you’re already aware of as it seems you specifically requested it.”  
You nod.  In the Aether, there are generally three types of divisions that field agents work in.  Each is composed of agents of all levels, from rookies like yourself to seasoned veterans.  Some divisions are dedicated entirely to the more peaceful reports from around the city that are generally non-violent and consist of relatively minor disturbances.  Nothing too serious, but due to their nature, these divisions see a lot of cases on the daily.  In your time at the Academy, you’d interned on a few of these types of cases, one of them involving the containment of an alien squid horde that was interfering with the local fishing economy.  Other divisions deal with the more intense, higher-magnitude cases.  Often violent, these investigations require collaboration from multiple agents throughout the division as they look into paranormal serial murder, shape-shifting extraterrestrial identity theft, and the like.  Divisions like yours, S01, are a hybrid.  They get the best of both worlds and are well suited for agents who are capable of handling everything across the board, and, more importantly, for agents who want to take on that kind of responsibility.  Since you graduated at such a high class rank at the Academy, you had no problem securing a spot in a mixed division such as this one.
“Now,” your supervisor picks up the item she had previously pulled from her desk.  “This is your tablet.”  She slides the device over to you.  “All of your assignments and case files will be sent to you through this, and you’ll have access to a limited virtual library via our digital databases if you find yourself needing that kind of resource.  Of course, you’ll use your agency-issued ID to login and it’ll give you full access!”  She beams as you hold the tablet in your hands.  “Your first assignment has already been sent to you, it looks like…” she trails off, turning to glance at her computer monitor.  Your heart starts picking up again.  You are literally holding your very first professional case in your hands!  
“Do you know what level it is, or who I’ll be working with?”  You can’t help the questions that bubble from your mouth.  Agent Kim shakes her head.
“Unfortunately, that information comes from higher up, so until you open the file yourself I have no way of knowing the details of your field assignment,” she says with a shrug.  Your stomach twists in anticipation, and you’re tempted to unlock your tablet and read through the entire assignment right then and there.
“Alright,” you say with a tentative smile.  Agent Kim returns your expression.
“Now, do you have any questions before I show you to your office?”  Her eyebrows lift as she looks at you expectantly.  “Don’t be timid, I know I had plenty of questions when I became an official agent, but I have found that the Academy really does a spectacular job preparing agents for the field.”
“I do have a question, actually.”  Agent Kim’s face immediately brightens.  “Are there any other recent Academy grads other than myself assigned to this division?”  You’re already aware that your closest friends from the Academy, Yubin and Jeongin, are stationed in different divisions, but you’re dying to know if anyone you recognize from your class at the Academy are in S01.  
“Ah, yes.  I figured you’d ask eventually.  Agent Jeong Jaehyun has been here for about a week now, and Agent Jeon Jungkook started yesterday morning.  They were both listed as having graduated with your class.”
You stiffen as soon as the name ‘Jeon Jungkook’ leaves her mouth.  You aren’t very familiar with Jaehyun, but Jungkook…  That’s a name you’ll never forget.  Top of your class at the Academy, teacher’s pet, fuckboy, irritatingly pretty Jungkook.
“Oh!” you squeeze out through gritted teeth and a tense jaw.  “Good to know!  Thank you, Agent Kim.”
“Of course,” she replies with her warm smile that almost eases the growing knot in your stomach.  “Would you care to see your office now?”
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Your office isn’t huge, but it’s certainly functional.  A large sleek metal desk occupies the bulk of the room, with an equally sleek office chair to match.  You silently hope that it swivels.  Apart from the desk and chair, a filing cabinet stands tall in the corner, in addition to a floor lamp.  Another lamp sits perched on your desk beside two computer monitors and a telephone.  A screen nearly identical to, albeit smaller than, the ones mounted in the atrium sits above your desk, the blue and red graphics of your city adding a touch of color not unwelcome in the otherwise very neutral room.  Immediately, you begin considering ways to add your own personal touch to your workspace, inspired by Agent Kim’s bonsai tree.
Agent Kim explains the presence of dual computers, indicating that one is strictly for classified research purposes and details regarding any cases the agency might want to keep more under wraps than others, so to speak.  “The screen,” she adds, gesturing to the wall, “can be used for any video conferences, calls, and the like within the Headquarters and nationwide, as well as providing the same information as the screens--I’m sure you noticed them--in the atrium.”
You nod as she continues to talk, all the while setting your bag on your desk and beginning to unpack your few personal belongings, including your diploma from the Academy.
“I suppose that’s about all you need to know about your office for the time being,” Agent Kim says after reinforcing that your agency ID will be your key to accessing your electronics.  “Go ahead and start getting yourself settled, Agent Y/n.  Agents Kang and Choi should be in the offices directly adjacent to you…” she trails off, seemingly trying to recall if those are the correct agents.  “Anyway,” she claps her hands together, “If you have any questions, well, you know where to find me!  Let me know if you need anything at all.  I mean it.”  Agent Kim once again gives you that calming smile.  Her smile brings you a type of comfort you can’t quite explain, and you honestly couldn’t be happier with your supervisor so far.  She’s warm and inviting, intelligent, beautiful, with an air about her that simply exudes leadership and command.  
“Thank you, Agent Kim,” you match her smile.
With an amiable wave, she heads out.  Your thoughts very quickly turn back to your assignment, and you scramble to sit at your office chair, which does in fact swivel, much to your delight, agency tablet grasped tightly in your hands.  Questions race through your mind at the sight of the black mirrored surface, knowing what lies behind the locked screen.  You figure the case will probably be something low-profile, as you are brand-new, but you really hope that it’s something more advanced  You did graduate close to the top of your class... which brings your mind back to Jeon Jungkook.  He had the honors of graduating first, and you’ll never forget that fact.  You wonder what he’s been assigned, if it’s a more advanced case than is typical for rookie agents.  You probably don’t want to know, however; it’ll only make you more upset if your assignment is comparatively mundane.  At least you can rest in peace knowing that as a newbie, you’ll probably be paired with a more senior officer, and, with all of the agents who work in this division, the odds of running into Jungkook on a case are relatively slim.  You hoped that after you graduated you’d never have to cross paths again, but alas, here you are.  You sigh and run your fingers through your hair before focusing your attention back on the excitement of being here, your future literally in your hands.  The closest you’ve ever been.
Finally unlocking the tablet, you’re greeted by a relatively simple interface that allows you to very easily navigate to your newly received assignment.  The small folder icon sits amidst a sea of other completely unassuming icons, the tiny graphic completely unaware about the significance of its appearance to you.  You open the file, trying to empty your mind of any expectations, and then… your heart sinks.  At the very top of the document, next to your own, who else’s name do you see but Jeon Jungkook.  Well, fuck.
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You spend the better part of the next hour contemplating whether you should read the file by yourself or get your shit together and go track down Jungkook’s office so you can go over it together.  Eventually, you settle for a quick skim, though the words barely stick in your mind as you find yourself somewhat preoccupied with thoughts about your partner.  How are you supposed to work with him?  You certainly don’t hate him, but you’ve always had your disagreements.  And you’ll never forgive him for taking your spot in the class, not to mention breaking your best friend’s heart.  
After absorbing as much information as your distracted mind can handle, which consists of a jumbled mass of something about a flower shop and floating objects, your rational professional brain gets the best of you, and you head to your supervisor’s office to inquire about the location of Jungkook’s--Agent Jeon’s--office.  You have a job to do, and as much as you’re dreading facing Jungkook, you’ll get the job done, and you’ll get it done well.  Just as you always have.  And though you can’t stand Jungkook, he’s not useless.
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You approach the doorway to Jungkook’s office, finding the door already ajar, before stopping to lean against the doorframe, crossing your arms with your tablet clasped in one hand.  Jungkook is currently intently focused on one of his computer screens, face tense in concentration, chewing lightly on his lower lip.  Tie hanging loose around his neck, the top few buttons of his dress shirt undone, jacket foregone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows with his long slightly wavy hair dangling in his eyes… yep.  That’s Jungkook.  You clear your throat and give a small knock on the threshold.  Jungkook immediately shoots up.  “Y/n!” He exclaims, eyebrows lifted, a goofy smile toying on his face.  You resist the urge to roll your eyes.  “Sorry,” he clears his throat, “I mean- Agent Y/N,” he says, face growing serious as he emphasizes ‘Agent’.  “So,” he folds his hands dramatically on top of his desk.  “What can I do for you?”  You enter the room at last, mouth pursed in a firm line. “Agent Jeon,” you begin, taking a seat across from him.  “It appears as though we have been paired together for our first assignment.”  
“Oh, that’s right!  I saw that. I already read the whole file. Simple stuff.”  His hands are still perched steepled on top of his desk.
You gawk before realizing that of course he had gotten the file first; he’s been here since yesterday, and you figure that there was probably a fair amount of sucking up going on mixed in with, apparently, file reading.  “You...already read the whole file?  Were you ever going to come find me about it?”  It’s about mid-morning at this point, pushing towards noon, and most agents are already well into their work days.  You wonder what Jungkook has been up to all day if not coming to find you, but you suppose you can’t complain.  Reading Jungkook’s name on your assignment with an hour to process that information before actually seeing him is a far better scenario than him randomly showing up at your office expecting you to work with him.
He shrugs.  “I figured you’d come to me first once you found out about it and got settled.  I asked her about you and she told me you’d be here today.  I’ve been busy, and besides, it’s not like it’s a top priority case.”
How can he be so nonchalant about everything all the time while still managing to kiss nearly everyone’s ass?  And what the hell has he been busy with?  You smooth your hair back as you take a deep breath, mentally steeling yourself so as not to go off on Jungkook on your first day of work.  No doubt, you’re still harboring several grudges from the Academy, but you’re a professional now.  A professional.  What a way to start your dream job.
“For future reference, if necessary, I would prefer that we go over the file together in detail first. This isn’t the Academy anymore, Agent Jeon. These are real people dealing with real problems and I’d like to be on the same page as much as possible at every given moment.  Even if the case isn’t ‘top-priority.’”
Jungkook has been like this for about as long as you’ve known him, and although you are mere acquaintances, albeit rivals of a sort, everyone in your class at the academy was well-aware of Jeon “The Golden Boy” Jungkook’s disposition and ass-kissing tendencies.  Top of your class, he always managed the best possible marks while seemingly caring about his work as little as possible.  Showing his face at every party, event, club--you name it--available to him, you have no idea how he managed to get along as well as he did and continues to do.  You suppose it’s probably due to his incredible charm, and some suspiciously large quantity of natural talent, not to mention his good looks.  You may dislike him, but you aren’t blind.  Naturally, his success always bugged you, as you constantly worked your ass off.  Always trailing behind him, never quite catching up, like a dog chasing its own tail, you graduated second in your class.  Years of hard work and careful studying, focusing nearly all of your attention on taking every possible opportunity available to advance your standing, was evidently not enough to best The Golden Boy.  You always got the feeling he wasn’t too fond of you either, not that you really care.  I guess the universe has a strange way of torturing you by assigning you two to the same division in the Aether.
“Noted.”  Jungkook nods.  
“What were you so ‘busy’ with anyway?”  You can’t help yourself.
Jungkook shifts uncomfortably, eyes shifting away from yours.  “It doesn’t matter, Agent Y/n.  Sorry I didn’t come get you earlier,” he says before clearing his throat, eyes meeting yours once more.  You decide to let the matter go.  Work awaits.
“Very well, Agent,” you say, eyeing him curiously.  “Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to go over the contents of the file with you so we both know what’s going on and we can go forward from there.”  You put every effort of your being into injecting nothing but professionalism into your voice, even managing a small, tight smile.
“Fair enough,” he replies as you scoot forward in your chair and unlock your tablet as Jungkook does the same.  Upon closer inspection of the document than earlier, you glean that the report comes from a Mr. Kim Seokjin who apparently owns a flower shop called Worldwide Bouquet downtown.  He claims that his bouquets are disassembling themselves overnight which, understandably, is negatively affecting his business.  He reports instances of his materials floating out of his reach, flowers being flung about his workspace, and the resulting frustration.  Jungkook taps his fingers on the table as you scan the screen, one hand lazily scrolling through his own tablet.
“Sounds like some sort of sprig,” you mutter after perusing the report.  Sprigs are one of the more docile paranormal creatures you’ve studied, typically materializing out of the playful spirit of a child.  As a result, these spirits are typically very mischievous without malicious intent.  Some have telekinetic abilities, some illusory capabilities and the like, but all in all, they are generally fairly easy to take care of and contain until their energy eventually dissipates into the atmosphere.  At least, the Academy had taught you as much.
“That’s what I was thinking,” Jungkook offers.  “A telekinetic one, most likely.  Should be a quick job.”
You nod, slightly disappointed that you weren't going to be dealing with something a bit more exciting than a simple sprig, let alone dealing with it with Jungkook.  The Aether probably isn’t too fond of handing off the more sensitive cases to newbies, even if you and Jungkook more than proved yourselves in the Academy.  Too bad there isn’t too much about the case to actually discuss.  You feel a bit foolish for making such a big deal about Jungkook not coming to you after he originally read the file as you feel your shoulders slump ever so slightly.
“See?  Not top-priority,” Jungkook smirks.  “You didn’t think they’d really give us something important for our first case, did you?”
“Am I really that obvious?”
“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been hoping for something more, but it’s all important work Agent Jeon.”  Besides, if you manage to execute this mission perfectly, considering working with Jungkook proves to be manageable, you’d hope that your next case will be of significantly higher status.
“Of course,” Agent Jeon says, tucking a stray strand of inky hair behind his ear.  “The super important case of the floating flowers,” he snorts.  
You scoff.  “Can’t you take something seriously for once in your goddamn life, Agent Jeon?  I will literally never understand how you managed as well as you did in the Academy.”  Grabbing your tablet in preparation to leave and shaking your head, you stand up.  Jungkook sits unbothered.
“Apparently not,” he retorts, folding his arms across his broad chest.
“Since you seem so blatantly disinterested in this case, I’ll just take care of it myself,” you huff.  “Go back to whatever you were so busy with before, Agent.”
“Agent Y/n, we both know you can’t do that.”
He’s right.  If you execute the mission by yourself without Agent Jeon, it wouldn’t reflect well on either of you, and you can’t risk compromising your image this early in your career.  Especially if it meant you’d be stuck investigating nothing but sprigs for the next ten years.
A long sigh escapes you as you shoot a glare at Jungkook before sitting back down across from him.  You force the fakest smile you think you’ve ever conjured.
“We’re going to stop by Mr. Kim’s later today to get the initial visit out of the way, okay Agent?”  Your voice is thick with mock sweetness.  “3:00, my office.  I’ll be calling Mr. Kim and letting him know we’ll be checking in, kay?”  
“Sounds great, Agent.” Jungkook returns your phony expression.  
You stand up once more, this time with the full intention of actually leaving.  “It was a pleasure, as always, Agent Jeon.”  You straighten your jacket with one hand before promptly exiting, not bothering to close the door behind you.  The last thing you hear is a prolonged, exasperated exhale.  That makes two of us, you muse to yourself.
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Upon returning to your office, you slump down in your chair, mind spinning with the incredulity of what just happened.  You’re not sure at all how you’re going to manage working with Jungkook, especially since he seems so hellbent on being as difficult as possible.  This is exactly what you were afraid of.  The feeling, however, is probably mutual, so all you need to do is get through this.  Hopefully after this you’ll never have to man a case with him again, even if you are still stuck in the same division.  
Encouraged by that sentiment, swiveling ever so slightly back and forth in your chair, you manage to boost your mood just enough to finally be able to pick up the phone to call Mr. Kim.
Well, you sigh inwardly.  This should be interesting.
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ohnoyoonoh · 5 years
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little fan | jaehyun x famous reader | 1593 words | no warnings
nervous? excited? thrilled? so many emotions stuffed into one single body, your dreams of meeting your favorite group was going to be fulfilled. dingo, the famous youtube channel, had given you the chance to interview nct 127 in korea. accepting the offer in a heartbeat, well after checking your dance group’s schedule. your group was famous for the performance covers of the korean music industry. as if your group was a kpop group, you made each songs into your own mix, the rearrangement of the songs, vocals, and distribution of the parts going to the member who fit it the best. so, your group had definitely gained much attention from the k-netizens. 
“are you nervous?” the manager of the dingo team had probably sensed your fidgeting, as she adjusted the mic on your shirt. 
“yeah, just a little. i’m just really grateful for this experience, you know? it’s only a once in a lifetime thing to meet your favorite group,” taking a deep breath, she given you a warm smile.
 nodding at your words, she continued, “you’ll be fine. the nct members are very nice and welcoming.” a male had walked onto the set, whispering into her ear, a grin appeared on her face as she turned to you, “they’re here. just be yourself, you’ll do great. for korean customs, as they walk in, just bow your head to greet each of them. just like how you did earlier when you saw us. and the translator will be in your ear, too.”
“alright, thank you so much,” taking the question cards off your lap, placing them on the high chair. the stylists had touched up your makeup and hair once more, as you waited for the members to file into the room. hearing the chatter of the boys, mark and haechan being the loudest, they had walked onto the set. seeing you, they had bowed and which you returned. 
your heart raced, beating against your chance, as you greeted each member. they all had looked soft and fluffy, like puppies. the staff delayed the recording an hour, as there was a mishap with some of the cameras. allowing you to get comfortable with the members, they had been respectful towards you and tried their best to help you warm up to them. as most of the hour passed, each member had separated into their own talks. the only ones accompanying you were jaehyun, mark, and johnny.
“[name], do you need a blanket to put over your legs?” johnny had questioned, pointing, as it’s custom for female idols to have something to cover when dressed in skirts, dresses, or shorts.
shaking your head no, you cleared your throat, “i’m okay.”
not noticing the nudge that both, johnny and mark, had done to jaehyun. jaehyun had taken his jacket off, handing it you as he was the closest to you, “here. um, my jacket. just in case, you know, fans. kind of, like. say something about. you know.”
smiling at his offer, it would be rude for you to decline, taking the jacket with two hands just like how the staff had taught you. they had given you a miniature lesson on the korean culture beforehand. placing the jacket over your legs, you looked at him, “thanks, jaehyun. my legs are actually warmer now, it’s cold in here.”
the other members had peered over the shoulder, watching the interaction. they know that jaehyun had taken a liking to you. he had always watched your videos, talking about you, maybe 25/8. the members also enjoyed your group’s videos. the boys often teased jaehyun about his crush on you. as much as jaehyun tried to defend himself, saying he doesn’t, the glint in his eyes as he talked about you was something else. 
the boys quickly tore away their eyes off you both, as soon as the staff had said that they were ready to start filming. giving your cue to start, you introduced yourself and the boys. the interview had gone smoothly, stopping the fliming as you transitioned to a different segment. the new segment of asking the interviewer questions, due to the fans wanting a complete interaction between you and nct. 
“okay, [name], are you ready for your questionnaire?” johnny asked, as he read the cue cards.
“yes, why yes i am,” you nodded, smile stretched on your face.
“you are aware that we are your fans, correct,” he flipped the card towards the back. you hummed in agreement, the boys had brought up the fact and watching your videos on the daily.
“so, in our most recent nctzens would like this, too, a member had said that he liked your videos and renditions of your group’s videos. he would like to be your partner in a song one day, which member was it?” he questioned. mark peered over johnny’s shoulder, reading the question. a bright smile appeared on his face, quietly laughing, then hitting the older male in the shoulder repeatedly. johnny altered the question quite a bit, which had made mark laugh.
on the other hand, you were deeply into your thoughts. you had watched the tmi video the first it came out. when your name was mentioned during that session, you were overjoyed. you immediately knew who the member was, as you almost passed out when the person behind the id was revealed.
 a blush tinted over your cheeks, a grin taking place onto your face, clearing your throat once more to compose yourself. you croaked out, “it was jaehyun.”
“jaehyun, would you like to explain your tmi? the fans said they couldn’t hear you well,” johnny smirked at the male behind him. 
the male’s ears started to turn red.well, they’ve been red for the past hour and a half. he sputtered out, “uh.. yeah. sure. [name] is a very skilled performer. she is very pretty, too.”
“what was your favorite video that she’s made?” johnny continued. the burn on your cheeks, fanning yourself to cool your face down. mark was having too much of a laughing fest against the wall, trying to contain himself. the rest of members, smiles on their faces, they had gathered around jaehyun.
“i like all of her videos, i can’t pick one. but maybe, the god is a woman collaboration with chungha? the table choreography was nicely done and she done a really good job. or maybe, their version of the irregular office teaser. she looked really pretty, well, she’s already pretty, but like more prettier, you know?” he looked up at the members, trying to explain his thoughts. they nodded, helping johnny on instigating. for a second, the male had forgotten that you were sitting across from him. 
“alright, pretty boy. we got it. what are your thoughts, [name]?,” johnny chuckled, using the fan to help cool down mark who’s still laughing. you had finished your water bottle, as jaehyun had answered the question. the said male covered his face in his hands, waiting on your response.
“i think, it’s very sweet. thank you, jaehyun,” you gave him a smile. your gaze turned to mark, who had finished laughing, maybe he was laughing at his hyung. the interview had continued with other questions, some regarding jaehyun and some about trying to step out onto the korean industry. 
as the interview ended and exchange of goodbyes to the camera and the boys, you were the first to leave. dingo had been told by your manager that you were scheduled for other interviews. as you taken off of the microphone, jaehyun, johnny, and mark had caught up to you. the filming had taken a break to reload the batteries, switch camera angles, and whatnot. 
“hey, [name]. we have a question, well two,” mark had asked first, “the first is do you want to join us for dinner and the next couple of days? we asked your manager if it would be okay, she said yeah if you wanted to.”
“yeah, i’m down. i would like to enjoy my couple of days in korea with trusted experts,” you chuckled.
“cool, we have more content for our vlogs,” johnny laughed, “and also, jaehyun has a question to ask you.”
jaehyun’s head snapped to you, wondering what possible question could he have. he only had join the two to ask you about dinner, but johnny had said the previous day to ask for your number. looking into your eyes, he scratched the nape of his neck. he turned to his members, seeing they escaped to the snack bar with the rest of the members, in which they threw him a thumbs up for support. as he turned back towards you, you noticed that his ears turned a bright red. knowing that video when he attended hello counselor, you couldn’t help but feel the blood rush to your cheeks as you waited for him to speak his mind.
“so, uh, what is it?” you question, breaking the rising tension between the both of you.
“i, um, can i.. have your number? or anything you want to message me with? if not, that’s okay, too. i just-”
“yes, jaehyun. you can have my number, do  you wanna.. i don’t know, get boba after?” you hoped that you hadn’t pushed on too much, scaring him is the last thing you wanted to do.
giving his million dollar smile, “i would love to.”
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this is certified trash, sorry. i tried my best and my brain was in a hole for the longest, but i am trying to my best to make up for it
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Serendipity (C.B) | Chapter 2
Summary: Serendipity: (n) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way
Popular youtuber Isabella Hart, known as Bella to her audience, bends over backwards to separate her youtube life from her private life. Known for her overall clean content and her bubbly attitude, Isabella has a wild side to her that only those inside the youtube community know about. When Bella meets Colby during one of the trap house parties she finally meets someone she can be her genuine self with. When trouble arises after their meeting, will Bella be able to hand the pressure or will she destroy her relationship with Colby as well as herself in the process. [This starts in 2018]
Written: 2019
Word Count: 2,902
Warnings: swearing
Serendipity Masterlist
The day after the party, Sam and Colby left LA to go shoot a few videos for a week. The whole time they were away, I've been talking to Colby. Whenever one of us had free time we would text the other. Whoever ended the conversation the night before started the conversation the night after. My phone was going off more than ever. Normally I would only get youtube/ work related notifications and the occasional booty call from an annoying "big" youtuber on my Twitter DMs. Now, all my messages are texts from Colby.
I don't know what to label this feeling. I set a different ringtone for Colby so whenever I hear that tone my stomach somersaults. It can't be a crush, despite the fact that we've been talking nonstop I hardly know Colby. We planned on leaving the getting to know you questions for the date. That's not saying that I'm not into him. I definitely am. From the conversations I've had with him, I can tell he's more than just a pretty face. And for someone who's lived in L.A her whole life, I can attest that, that doesn't happen often.
But I still don't know how to label what I'm feeling? The nervousness that I'll somehow find a way to mess this up? Even if this doesn't work out as a romantic relationship with Colby, I hope that I can at least make a friend out of this whole situation. I don't have very many friends. If anything, I have one and everyone else I know is either an acquaintance, an old hookup, or someone that I collaborated with. Making friends in this industry is hard. You never know who's using you for views or to leech off subscribers.
One thing I know that I'm feeling for a fact is nervous for this date. Colby never told me where we were going. He insisted on keeping it a surprise. I did manage to get him to tell me what type of clothes I should wear. All he told me was "Olive Garden casual" but also being beach things just in case. I changed my clothes at least three times. I finally decided to stick with a white and floral romper with some sandals. I put my but length curly hair into a fishtail braid and called it a day. He also insisted on picking me up. So I spent all morning over cleaning my already clean apartment. I finally got myself to calm down enough to sit down and finish editing my video and thumbnail for Saturday.
I finish putting the final details on my video when I hear a knock on the front door. I jump so high that I nearly deleted the video upload. I put my laptop on my couch before going to answer the door. I open the door to reveal Colby wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black jeans.
"Hi, come in. I'm just finishing uploading my video for this weekend. It'll only be a second more." I move so that Colby can walk in. I close the door and quickly grab my laptop and move it to the coffee table so Colby can sit
"Wow, nice apartment you got here. It's very homely." Colby says looking around. I finish the upload and close my laptop and see Colby wondering around.
"Thank you. The front area is just for show mostly, you know for the off chance I get guest. I can give you a small tour if you want."
"Sure. It's only fair, you saw basically the entirety of my house."
"Very true. So, over there is the kitchen. There are no guys there that show their id instead of carding you though. I hear that's one of a kind. We're standing in the living room slash tv room where I spend a lot of time when I'm not working or partying." I pick up my laptop and walk with Colby to the back of my apartment.
"I hear they fired the id guy. To be fair, he didn't know what he was doing but he was glad he did it." Colby mentions.
"To be fairer, I hear the girl who ratted herself out as underage felt the exact same." I turn to see Colby smirk. I turn back around and blush before opening the door on my right.
"This is my office and youtube room. I spend a lot of time working here." I place my laptop on my desk and plug it in before walking out with Colby.
"What do you keep in the closet?"
"Equipment for my hobbies that are not youtube related. In between both rooms is the guest bathroom. And the door right here leads to my bedroom. Complete with its own master bathroom and walk-in type of closet." I grab my bag from my bed and watch as Colby looks around.
Eventually, we leave and walk to his car. When we get in, Colby pulls out a blindfold.
"I know you don't know me that well but trust me when I say put this on." He holds the blindfold in front of me.
"Somehow, I knew this happen. Good thing I didn't put on makeup today." I take the blindfold and put it on.
"Wow, you're just going to do it. No questions or anything?"
"You haven't told me a single thing about this date all week. For all I know, you can be taking me somewhere to murder me for all I know."
"Very true. But that's not going to happen. I promise. Anyway, how long have you lived in that apartment?"
Even though I willingly put on the blindfold on, I'm still a little nervous. Colby senses this and slips his hand in mine.
"Uh, I moved in officially moved in on my birthday last year. I started moving my stuff in the month before."
"You're parents let you start moving out at 17?"
"That's a story for a later time. Um... why did you and Sam start in youtube?"
"Back then it was a way to reach out to our fans and get different content out their aside from our vines. Flash forward to now where we break into abandoned places or do overnights. I glad we started youtube though."
"Isn't that kind of dangerous or scary?"
"Yeah, but here's the thing..."
For the rest of the car ride, we kept talking about our channels and ourselves. There was a brief moment where we stopped somewhere and Colby left me in the car to grab something. When we finally reached where we are supposed to be, Colby placed my bag on my lap went to get the things out of the trunk before helping me out. We walk a few feet before Colby tells me I can take my blindfold off. It takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light.
"Are we at the Santa Monica beach?" I ask after seeing the infamous ferries wheel on the pier.
"Yeah, I thought we could have a picnic on the beach and try to look at the stars?" I looked at Colby who was blushing a bit.
"Why did you phrase that as a question? Why do I feel like you aren't 100 percent sure about this date? I think it's a great date."
"I was just worried that you would think that it was too cheesy?"
"What part of me makes you think that I'd find this cheesy? Let's go, the sun is setting." I drag Colby closer to the water so we could set up the picnic.
Maybe it's because it's the beginning of February or maybe it's because it's Monday but there are hardly any people on the beach. It's vitally empty and it kind of feels like Colby and I are alone. Colby has actual picnic food, complete with chocolate covered strawberries. We spend the whole time talking and eating. Before the sun completely set we took pictures of each other. My favorites are the candids that I took of Colby when he wasn't paying attention. All the conversation and small talk that we avoided for the past week came out today. Colby had a speaker playing soft music in the background. It felt like every romance movie I've ever seen.
"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked while we looked at the sky. We had pretty much finished eating and the sun is completely set.
"Well, it's not really a secret. I used to live near here before I moved out of my parents' house. Whenever I felt like life was getting to suffocating or the drama was too much I would sneak out here and just look out at the sky and listen to the ocean. I've actually forgotten how calming this was. I miss it." I adjust myself so my head is no longer supporting my head.
"I kind of know what you mean. Moments like this make me miss Kansas. I like nature and being submerged in it in a way." I turn my head and look at Colby who was already looking at me.
"What do you miss most about Kansas?" I adjust my body so I'm completely facing Colby.
"If I'm being honest? I just miss being around my family all the time. I can explore or find my own piece of nature anywhere in the world. I can't always be with them." Colby faces me completely too.
"Wow, you guys sound close."
"We are, in a weird way. What about you? Are you close with your family?"
"Um... to make an incredibly long and depressing story short, I am the black sheep of the family. Completely shunned and unwelcome. I could tell you the whole story but that probably wouldn't be first date appropriate."
"I get it. You can tell me anything though. When you're ready obviously. You probably can't tell but I can tell that we're going to be really important to each other."
"Really? You can tell that from one date and our super long talk at your party that I probably shouldn't have been at?"
"I know it sounds like I'm just trying to get into your pants or something, but I'm being 100 percent serious. There's something about us, we just click. Like we were made for each other."
I examine every part of Colby's face that I can. For once I feel like I actually met someone genuine. He doesn't sound like every guy that I've met who actually want to just hook up. He definitely doesn't sound like someone who would hurt someone or use them. I feel safe with Colby, something I don't think I've ever felt.
"Isabella?" Colby says breaking my concentration.
"Yes, Colby?"
"Do you mind if I kiss you for real this time?"
"Yes— I mean, I don't mind. You can kiss me for real."
We both sit up and I close my eyes and slowly lean in and only stop when my lips meet his. The kiss starts off soft but quickly gets more and more intense. We both pull away before things got too heated.
"Whoa..." we both said in unison. We were both quiet for a few seconds, trying to process what had just happened.
It was a perfect moment. At that moment I realized that I've never kissed anyone like that. Not sober, anyway. It sent a tingle down my spine and caused a wave of calm to wash over me. This kiss was real and I wanted more. Not just to kiss Colby more, but to feel more real things with him.
Colby takes me home about an hour after the kiss. We talked a bit more to get to know each other. The more we talked, the more I wanted to know Colby on a deeper level. I wanted Colby to know me more too, something I've never felt with anyone.
When Colby dropped me off I let him know that I would plan our next date, if he wanted there to be. He responded by kissing me again. When he left I lay on the couch and replayed the past few hours in my head. After that, I went into my bedroom and grab one of my empty notebooks. I choose the one with a tree carved into it and open to the second blank page. I write down everything from what happened and how I'm feeling. I even write about the events from the week before. As I write I set my photo printer to print out the photos from tonight. Even if things don't work out with Colby, I want to remember the first time I ever felt like this.
After I finish writing and taping the photos I take a shower and try to calm down. I place the notebook on my bedside table and go to take a shower. I climb into bed and try to decompress so I can sleep and wake up for my lectures tomorrow. I can't let my feelings for Colby make me late for classes. To help me calm down I go on my phone and scroll on my Instagram accounts. I have two, one for my fans and all business that is very public and a private one where I only let a few people follow. Right now, I'm only following Colby's private account. He has three: his public account, his fan appreciation account, and his private account. I check my public one and make a few comments and watch as people post about parties and birthdays. I get a few DMs from people asking where I wasn't at some party. I gave the same excuses of working on videos and switch over to my private account. On my feed a picture of me that I don't remember taking shows up. It's a candid of me from the beach. I'm laughing about something and the fading sun is hitting my face with my messy hair blowing in the wind. I see that Colby posted it and scroll to the caption. It reads: I can already tell my life is going to be better with you in it. Can't wait until next week.
I like the picture and quickly post my own picture of Colby with a cheesy caption. I switch back to my main account and see that I have a message from Brennen Taylor.
BT: Where were u tonite? Hooking up with some other insta-model?
Me: Actually, I was busy working tonight.
BT: Well, if you're not busy anymore do you want to hang out? The party was lame, I was hoping for sum fwb time.
Me: We're not friends and the benefits haven't been a thing for a while. Plus I'm seeing someone right now so the benefits are never going to happen again.
BT: We both know that that's not going to last long. Just come over right now and we can "talk" about it
Me: ...Night Brennen. Stop messaging me before I block you again.
BT: Goodnight sweet cheeks, I'll dream of the time we'll have a face to face convo again.
I close out of Instagram and plug my phone in. I make sure that my phone is charging before staring at the ceiling. At a party a few months ago, before I turned 18, I made the mistake of hooking up with Brennen. Ever since we've had an on again, off again hook up relationship. We were both in the same party scene. We would drunkenly hook up at parties, sometimes after I had just finished with someone else. After our first encounter, he found me on Instagram and would hit me up whenever he wanted to sleep with me, no strings attached. I would go only because he offered alcohol, sometimes weed. I would use him to get drunk or high and he would use me to get a quick lay. I didn't need him as much when I got my fake id but he did, even when he had a girlfriend. When I found out he was dating someone new I terminated our unspoken agreement. I wasn't going to be the reason his relationships failed. Still, he would hit me up every few days. If I'm being honest, he makes me feel uncomfortable and I try to avoid him at all cost. I never block him or expose him out of fear of being exposed myself. So I deal with it and I just tell him I'm busy or I was with someone else. It only works sometimes.
But now I met Colby and I really don't want to screw this up. I'm hoping Brennen won't screw it up for me. That sometimes happens at parties. I know that Colby and Brennen are friends. So I'm betting on the fact that Brennen wouldn't get in the way of his best friend's relationships, in every aspect of the word.
My phone lights up the room and I check to see a notification from Colby. He tells me that he got home safe and how much he enjoyed tonight. He also mentions that he's looking forward to next week. He ends with a good night. I type back a response with a huge grin on my face. I put away my phone and dream about the date over and over again.
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Criminal Minds-The Good Ol’ Days
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Tagging: @marvelfanlife​, @itsmeedee​, @cynbx​, @jaqren​, @gabriellewritermua​, @princesswagger15​, @screaminginbi​, @tleighstone12​, @cosmicmelaninflower​, @ssadavieboy 
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15​.
After a long hiatus, the wait is finally over
Chapter 8-Crash
  Meanwhile, Kate has been standing outside for a while, looking at her watch to see that an hour has passed and sat down, wondering where Stephen is and what’s taking him so long. She then texted him a few times, only for him to not respond. She then called him a fifth time, but like the previous calls, there was no answer. Each passing second left her impatient.
“Hi, this is Stephen Walker. I can’t get to the phone right now, please leave a message.”
“Steve, it’s me, Kate.” She paused. “Where the hell are you? I’m outside the campus center right now. You said that you’d be here at seven and it’s almost 8. I’m getting a little worried right now…..i-if something is going wrong, could you at least tell me right away? Please call me back.” She hung up as she continued to wait. Just then, she heard a couple of footsteps approaching her. Curious, she got up and turned around to see who it was.
“Stephen?” She smiled, only to frown when she sees JJ instead. “Oh, it’s just you, J.”
“Yeah its me, were you expecting someone?”
“Uh, yea, I guess you can say that.” She crossed her arms. “And to think that I was actually looking forward to eating tacos with him.”
“OOOhhhhhHH so a date stood you up then?”
“I-I seems like it.”
“Oh honey! Don't let him get you down. He probably wasn't even worth your time.”
She rubbed her eyes. “You’re right, the guy’s a complete jackass.”
She nodded. “If you want, I can join you for some tacos. Just a little girls night for us.”
“You know, that sounds really nice right now. I mean, i shouldn’t let this outfit go to waste.”
“Well, it’s a pretty nice outfit. Too bad, I’m a little…...underdressed.” JJ looked down to see herself in a demure blue shirt, black jeans and converse sneakers. “But whatever. We’re just gonna walk cause apparently there was some huge accident on the road not too far from here.”
“Wait, there’s was an accident?”
“Yeah, they say it’s really bad.”
As they walk farther down the road, they come in contact with the accident that’s been wildly talked about. They see a few people from their campus along with a few civilians standing next to and nearby the car. As the girls get closer to the scene, they slow their pace to see what was going on.
“What happened here?” Kate asked as many people surround the the area.
“There was an accident. One of the students in this campus is in critical condition right now.”
“Wait a student? Who?”
“We’re trying to find some ID on him.”
Both Kate and JJ then looked around to see if any of their friends are present. Fearing that something could’ve happened to them. 
“Kate, do you see them?”
“No I don’t. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
Just then they hear someone from the crowd shout, “Does anyone here know a Stephen Walker?!” Kate turned around and raised her arm. “Wait! Wait! I know him!”
“You know him? Are you sure ma’am?”’
“Yes, he’s a friend of mine. What about him?”
“He’s been severely injured. He needs medical attention and soon. We’ve all called an ambulance but none has showed yet.”
“Wait what?! He’s-” She and JJ looked over to see Stephen, badly wounded and knocked out.
Just then, an ambulance and police cars showed up and immediately ran to tend to Stephen’s car.
“No.” Kate croaked, feeling her eyes watered as she caught sight of Stephen being strapped down onto a gurney and taken into the ambulance. “S-Stephen.” She cried.
“Kate, why are you crying? What happened? How do you know him?”
“H-He was supposed to pick me up at 7. W-we were supposed to go out for dinner.”
“Oh my god Kate….. I’m sorry. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
As JJ comforts Kate, Blake pulls out her phone to dial Rossi’s number. 
“Hello, David Rossi speaking.”
“Hey David, it’s Blake.”
“Oh hi Alex, did you find something to do with the case?”
“Umm well….. Not really.”
“What’s happened? Is everything okay? Where are my students??”
“Well um if i’m not mistaken, two are at the crime scene.”
“Crime scene!!? Blake whats going on?” 
“There was a huge accident on the road near campus, i guess they got curious about it. Oh and uhhh by the way Rossi, does the name, Stephen Walker mean anything to you?”
“No, why? Is he a suspect?”
“No, he was the young man in the crash, they just put him in the ambulance and left. But i had this feeling that, something about this accident just isn’t right. You get my drift?”
“Yeah i do. I’ll be down there in a few minutes.” After she hung up, she turned around to see JJ and Kate walk up to her.
“Oh uh, hello.”
“Hello there Miss….?”
“Blake, I’m Professor Alex Blake. What can I do for you?”
“Uhm, we just couldn’t help but notice that you mentioned ‘David Rossi’ on the phone. Do you know him?” “Why yes, I’m a friend of his.”
“Is he on his way here?”
Blake nods. “Mm hmph. I’m sorry, but I didn’t get your names-”
“I’m Kate and this is my friend JJ.”
“Hi, nice to meet you.” She shook their hands as they continued to watch the wreckage. 
“I’m sorry about your friend, Kate. I can only imagine how you must’ve felt when you found out.”
“Yeah, thanks for the support.” “You’re welcome.” Just then, they see a police officer approach them.
“Evening sir.” “Ma’am, we’ve search the entire wreckage.”
“We’ve managed to retrieved the young man’s backpack.” The officer then hands Blake Stephen’s backpack. 
“Oh uhh, my goodness, thank you sir.” As the officer walks away, Blake unzips the bag, scourging inside while JJ and Kate watch.
“Did you find anything?” JJ asked.
“Let’s see……….” Blake stops when she feels something wrinkled inside the bag, pulling it out to reveal a crumpled up piece of paper.
“It looks like a-” Just then, Blake turned around to see Barnes and Strauss approach the young professor and two girls.
“Oh, Linda, Erin. I didn’t see you there.”
“Evening Alex.” Barnes tilted her head to see her holding a red backpack. “I see that must be Mr. Walker’s bag.” “Uh yeah, as a matter of fact, it is.” “You mind if we take a look?”
Blake nods. “Uh, sure.” She picked up the bag, while at the same time, sneaking a piece of paper into Kate’s pocket. “Here you are.” She then hands the bag to Barnes and Strauss.
“Thanks.” Barnes smiled as she and Strauss walk away. Not long after, Blake decides to follow them, but not without turning back to JJ and Kate.
“If I were you two, I’d hurry and leave the scene immediately. Try to be careful.” As she points out Kate’s jacket pocket. The two girls nod and flee the area while Blake watched. Once they fled, the two stop for a moment as JJ wondered what Blake put in Kate’s pocket.
“Why would she point out your jacket pocket?” “I have no idea…….unless.” The two walk up by a corner consisting of some large trees, looking around to see that no one else is present nor if there were cameras around, as Kate reached into her pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and unwinding it.
“Just a piece of paper?” Kate complained, while JJ stared longingly at it. “I don’t think it’s just any piece of paper….look at it.” She points out the edge of the paper, being partially ripped. “Looks like it was ripped out from some fairly old book.”
“An old…...wait JJ, you don’t think that this paper happens to be a page from….”
“Rossi’s journal. Fuck. We gotta go back to campus and warn the team.” The two girls then rush back to the campus to warn their friends.
     Kate and JJ rush back into the campus when they see the rest of their friends standing beside the entrance. The two girls ran up to hug them, being somewhat relieved that they’re okay.
“I assume you all found out what happened.” JJ said as she hugged Tara. “You don’t know how worried Kate and I were. When we found out that a student got into an accident, and judging from how things have been constantly happening to us, we thought one of you guys were hurt.” 
“We all thought the same thing J.” Tara replies. “But we’re glad you’re both okay.”
JJ gave a crooked smile as she hugs Tara. “So am I…….but Kate…..” She pulls out from the hug as she turns to a distant Kate.
Elle was the first to walk up to her. “Kate….you okay?”
 She wiped the tears from her eyes. “It’s Stephen.” She whimpered. “S-Stephen Walker.”
“I’m so sorry.” Elle reached out and pulled Kate into a hug, comforting her while Garcia pulls in, even offering her a tissue. Hotch rubbed his forehead in frustration.
“Why must this happen?” Emily asked. “First Gideon, then Kyle, now Stephen? When will all of this stop?”
“I don’t know, Prentiss, I don’t know.”
As Elle pulls out from the hug, she felt something crumple from inside Kate’s jacket. “What was that?” “Oh.” Kate paused as she took out the piece of paper. “I almost forgot.” She unwinds it, revealing the torn out page to the rest of the group
“There was a professor on the scene when we found out it was Stephen in the car. Said her name was Alex Blake. She told me and Kate to run to find you all on campus after she stuck a piece of paper in Kate’s pocket. She said find Rossi, and give it to him.”
“It looks like a page...” Said Hotch, as he analyzed the paper.
“Is that from some type of old book? The page look really old.”
“Wait a sec…...you don’t think it’s from his journal, is it?”
“What does the page say? Did you ever read it?”
“Uh no?” Kate unfolds the paper as she reads the writing out loud.
“I know he’s still out there. He hasn’t forgotten about the massacre of 90’ and never will. He’s fueled with hate, I know he is and I may or may not deserve it. Despite all, he’s still his son and he will never rest till he seeks justice, even if it means going after the people I loved. When he was arrested, I thought that was it…….but it turns out that I was wrong. I’ve lost Gideon, and I can only imagine who else he’ll come after. After his death, I received a letter, saying ‘There’s more to come’, and I know it was from him. Who else could he possibly go after? Blake or Erin? Or worse……..my students, the twelve teens that have been for me after Gideon’s death. My heart can’t handle it if anything happens to them, not again….”
“What the hell is the massacre of 90’?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Garcia, is there anything that pops up when you type massacre of 90’?”
“Uh, let’s see…….” Garcia sat down, pulling out her laptop as she searches online. 
“Massacre of 9-Oh.”
“Garcia? You okay? What happened?”
“Uh guys, you might not like this.” She turned her laptop around as the group all looked at the article. “Campus mourns as 10 students were brutally murdered….my god.” Tara gasped.
As they scroll down, JJ leaned over as she took a look at the photo of the students. “Wait stop.” “What is it?”
“T-those students, their faces look familiar.”
“What like you’ve seen them before?”
“Yea……..oh my god!”
“At Rossi’s cabin, there was a photo……..those students, they were on that photo with Rossi.”
“OH YEAH! I remember that!”
“That explains why Rossi looked upset when we brought them up.”
“Rossi……...We need to find him.” Emily said.
“How…...and where?” Derek asked.
“Do we have the professor’s email or phone number?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Sure, it’s *** *** ****.” They all turned to Reid.
“What? I memorized it on the syllabus….and his list of contacts when we were snooping around in his cabin.”
“Damn Reid, Is there anything you don’t remember?” 
“Uh…………….nope.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Anyway.” They all took out their phone, calling their professor while Elle and Tara text him a message. As they wait for a response, JJ noticed Ashley staring at the floor. 
“Ashley, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just wondered why that page was found in Stephen’s car.” 
“Well, based on what the note said, i think whoever this is maybe is sending a message to Rossi. Like maybe like this could be another 90’ massacre.”
“Yeah, but that page was ripped out, meaning that he could have had the journal.”
“So someone broke in after us, or it could still mean one of us have it.”
“Maybe that’s it, maybe that’s why it happened to Stephen.”
“.....cause he knew what was up.”
“Damn, we need Rossi here asap.”
“What’s going on?” Matt asked JJ and Ashley.
“I think the accident must’ve been a set up.” “What do you mean?”
“The page was found in his car, meaning that he had the journal. Earlier, he asked Kate if she knew where to find Rossi…...It all adds up.”
“It seems like it.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He saw something he shouldn’t have and the unsub ensured to keep him silent.” “Oh my god, that explains it.” Kate thought. 
“Not everything, it still doesn’t tell us who exactly would go through this length in endangering another student’s life.”
“Maybe if he wakes up in the hospital, we can interview?”
“I’m afraid that won’t happen.” The group all gasped and turned around to see Blake watching by. 
“What? Why? Who are you?!”
“I’m Alex Blake. And as for Stephen, the doctor says that he’s currently comatose. It’ll be a while before he wakes up again.” 
“But he’ll be alright Ms. Blake, will he?” Garcia asked.
“Hopefully he will, but right now, he’s in critical condition. He’s lost so much blood, multiple fractured ribs, there’s even some pieces of broken glass and shrapnel found on his legs.”
“Oh my goodness! That’s horrible. But, why are you here?”
“Because it seems that you all need someone you could rely on for help.”
“Says who? Who sent you?”
“Rossi, I happen to be a friend of your professor.”
“You know what’s going on?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.”
“Would you maybe want to give us some of your theories if you have some?”
“Wait.” Elle stopped JJ before she could answer. “Why should we even trust you? No offense.” “Really? You’re not gonna trust a reasonable professor like me?”
“If we do, how do we know that you’re not gonna turn us over to Barnes or Strauss?”
“Why would I try to turn you guys in? That would be foolish. I want to find out who’s doing this as much as you and Rossi.”
“Guys, this is a friend of Rossi’s. If we trust him we can trust her.” Marissa says. The group all gathered, whispered amongst themselves while Blake watched.
“Are you sure about this Marissa?” Derek asked. “I still think it’s weird that she’s willing to trust us.” Derek, she’s a friend of Rossi’s. If he can trust her, why can’t we?”
“She’s got a point.” Hotch adds. “I mean, there’s no way she’d want to turn her back against him.” He sighs. “Fine, do whatever the hell you want, I don’t care.”
“Derek, I don't know what the hell your problem is, but pull it together.”
“So, Miss Blake, do you know a place he would go besides his cabin? Or at least another way to communicate to him?”
She shook her head. “Not that I know of.”
“So we got nothing, is that it?”
“I wouldn’t say that…….” Blake nonchalantly responded. “We have a spare page found in Stephen’s car. And he ends up into an accident. You guys want to fill in the blanks?”
“A-are you saying that someone planned this?” JJ asked.
“It’s very possible. It could be another student in on this or some high in the ranks.”
“But why would someone do this to him? Stephen couldn’t possibly do anything that could make him a potential target.” “Well Callahan, it’s possible that he was near someone who was having a conversation and maybe thought he heard them and they decided to off him. Or this could be their way of saying they can get to any of us at any time. Because they could’ve easily kill Stephen but they decided to let him live.” Blake explains.
“If that’s the case, should we notify our significant others or other family members about this? Put them in protective custody?”
“I think it’s too soon for that.”
“Well how do we protect the one we love? If it’s true that he could get to us at anytime, then we should be doing all we can to protect ourselves and our family.”
“I get that, but you have to understand. It’s Rossi that he’s after. 
“Okay fine, but we need to find Rossi quick, these people are escalating quickly.”
“Okay.”  She then looked at her watch. “I think we had enough for one night. I suggest that you all get some rest.”
The gang all nodded, walking away before Blake stops them. 
“And guys.” “Yes?” “It’s nice to know all of you. I hope we can meet again.” 
 The group all part ways, returning to their respective dorms as they ponder over Stephen’s accident and Blake. 
“Well that was a hell of a night.” Emily muttered as she and Elle get ready for bed. “Poor Stephen, I hope he recovers.” “Hopefully he does. I especially feel bad for Kate, seeing how she was supposed to meet with him today.”
“Which gives me one question: Why is it that a lot of bad things keep happening here let alone us?”
Elle pulled out her blanket. “I don’t know, but I’m getting real tired of all this bullshit.”
“Me too.” The two lay lay down on their respective beds, both staring at the ceiling above them.
“I still don’t trust her.” Emily turned her head. “Who?” “Blake.”
“Why? She’s helping us big time. We need more people on our team.”
“I don’t know.” She stammered. “I just sense a weird vibe from her, that’s all.”
“Oh Elle, I’m sure we can trust her. After all, she is a friend of Rossi’s.” “I know, but what else could she help us with?”
“Well she’s helping. That’s all that matters right now. Just hope that Rossi gets back soon. We’ll need him.”
“God, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss him, I really do.”
“Me too.”
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Your questions answered
Recently you tweeted us questions. Gabi and Quiara spent a day eating lunch, sunbathing, and responding to what you asked:
@gmorningstunner: If you are an Afro-Latinx woman, and you look more African than Latina, how likely is it that you will be cast as a Latinx role?
A casting director cannot legally ask about your identity when casting. But if you want your identity to be known, you are free to and encouraged to share it! So, please do go audition for those Latinx roles, and consider sharing your identity on your photo/resume for that particular role.
Self-designation and self-id is an under appreciated casting tool! And trust me, the director, writer, and casting director want as much information about you as possible! But they’re not allowed to ask, plus if they have a more limited sense of the Latinx diaspora then they really may not know.
QUIARA: For writers, we need to consider ourselves producers, too, and push very hard for Afro-Latinx casting as normal and not exceptional. I have had to educate producers and casting directors that the cousins in my Elliot Trilogy plays, well, one cousin can be a black Latina and the other cousin a white Latino, and that this reflects the reality of many Latinx families. Many producers and casting directors didn’t know this and it was absolutely my job to advocate for the truth and integrity of my work. I have given up expecting other people to know my truth and reality, and I say it aloud and clearly and with love and as early in the process as possible. Say these things at the very first meetings, or it may be too late.
Another call to action for playwrights: designate on the script that your casting must include Afro-Latinx. Or say that loud and clear on the first casting conversation.
@SalvadorVasqu10: Why are stories of the latinx community still to this day some of the most un-produced works? How can we make Latinx stories more accessible to all? When are you and @TanyaSaracho gonna team up for a musical?
Who picks up a play and reads it? Not necessarily our family members.
Call to action: professors, help us spread the word about Latinx work by assigning Latinx reading.
Call to action: artists, we need to produce our own work and each other’s work in order to get it to the community. Downtown institutions are our allies, but if we rely exclusively on preexisting production pipelines, the community will remain on the fringes. Our assignment is to figure out how to center the community as artistic creators and producers.
Call to action: we are the living library. Keep creating and producing. We need a few more generations of this work. We need to reach a critical mass.
Call to action: swap reading lists with your Latinx theater allies. Spread the word about the work you know.
(As to Tanya Saracho, I can’t wait to world-build with that FEROCIOUS artist. Till then, I’m blessed to call myself a fan and ally.)
@dbirdsoprano: How can we do more to address the imbalance of privilege in representation onstage?
Call to action: playwrights, literally address it. Write poor characters, working class characters. Write non-college-educated characters. Show various family structures. Break silence.
Call to action: producers, invest in the leadership of POC. Not internships, top positions. Scrutinize and criticize seasons centering wealthy and well-educated characters.
Call to action: universities, teach about professional sustainability (grant-writing, for example) in addition to art curriculum so poor and working class students can stay in it for the the long hall and we don’t lose them for financial reasons.
@AlexChurchyG: As a Young Latina director, who can I look to for role models in an industry of old white men?
WOCA  (Women of Color in the Arts) is a mentorship program for women of color in the theater.
Latina women have been directing plays and kicking ass. Latinx Theatre Commons is a phenomenal community of Latinx theater professionals including working Latina directors.
If you network with someone, follow up. It is not their job to chase you. Chase them! Invite them to coffee! They may say no. But they may say yes.
As Latinas, we’ve been trained to not ask for help. To be caretakers and never be on the receiving end. Stop it! Our spirits can ask for help.
@LaMeraFeli: I’m not in theater myself but have a daughter… can we talk about body type? Roles for the llenitas and the gorditas?
Make sure your daughter knows how to write. Make sure she’s jazzed about producing. If she’s sitting around waiting to get cast in gordita roles created by others, it’s not gonna happen or it will be brutal.
She should write her own stories and act in them. Or she should find a writer friend who gets who she is and ask them to create monologues for her.
Teach her to find her village. She’s not gonna do it alone.
Gabi literally started an entire theater company for this reason. Power Street Theatre Company. They are amazing and breaking new ground in Philly. Come to Philly and join their journey. Or create something like that in your own backyard.
@itsnikkig_: When are we going to start casting some fat Latinx actresses?!
Now. Writers, put ALL BODY TYPES in your actual character descriptions. Producers, put ALL BODY TYPES in your casting calls. You have to write it in as a clear directive or it will be more skinny bodies, always and forever.
@starmacosta: Is hiring an agent necessary? My mom does most of the work when it comes to booking or auditions…
GABI: I’ve always had that question myself. In Philly most of the actors I know don’t have agents. This may be contingent on where you live.
QUIARA: Find local working actors whose career you admire and ask them. For playwrights, no an agent is not necessary until you have a production contract in hand, or an offer from a producer. Then you get an agent. Before then, you have to get your own work produced. Use google to figure out which theaters have produced work that most resonates with your own. Submit your work to them. Or find your fellow travelers, find your village, and produce together.
@saybarra: How do we make space for aaaaalllll the variations of what it means to be Latinx in this country? In casting, in writing, in subject matter, in form, etc etc etc etc
The Latinx Theater Commons is very diverse in terms of pan-Latinx community. Find organizations doing the work, and they may not necessarily be theater groups. They may be drum circles, community college teachers, prayer circles. If you really can’t find a space you need, then it’s time to create the space. Bring the space into your living room or local park. We must always be creating space.
We are a diaspora, so how do we both engage all the specific variations of who we are while also embracing fluidity and openness? Those with more cultural leverage can use that to create spaces for underrepresnted Latinx stories: for instance, Latinx queer stories, Latinx trans stories, Afro-Latinx stories, biracial stories.
@zjriv: How do you manage your ideas? Every time I get writers block it’s because another comes along and I can’t stop thinking about it. Then another idea. Then another idea.
QUIARA: Sometimes you get 30 pages into an idea and can’t take it any further. That’s ok. Let it go. Let the new ideas continue to blossom in your imagination at their own speed. If they are still growing six months later, there may be a play there. Write what is speaking to you most today. No need to ignore it. The other stuff will still be there tomorrow. But also, letting ideas blossom is enough, they do not always need to be written out yet. I just had new insights for a play I thought up in 2003. I had forgotten about the play completely and then it tapped my shoulder over 15 years later.
@sleeplessinmit: What opportunities are available for presenting blended-language or Spanish-language works of theatre? What tools are available to make them accessible to all audiences?
Repertorio Espanol in New York has been doing this work for a very long time! Reach out to them and ask if they know of other bilingual theaters in your area. Ask what tools they use for this work. Suerte!
Also check out Spanglish theaters in your area. Miracle Theater in Portland, Power Street Theatre in Philly, Urban Theater Company in Chicago are just a few. Make allies and seek out mentors!
@omixmix: my plays are nonrealistic and include Spanglish. How do I shift attention to working on my style of nonrealism when everybody else seems to latch on to the “challenges of a foreign language”?
See above answer about Spanglish theaters. There are probably some in your area!
Also, stick to your guns. Live your truth, speak your truth, write your truth, and that’s what matters. You don’t need anyone’s permission to create, and you also cannot control others. Articulate to yourself and others why this work speaks to you and is important to you.
QUIARA: I have had to get into a deep practice as a playwright that I have no control over an audience. I only have control over the words I create. I have to believe in my writing, whether or not it’s what people want.
@ajdm: How do the Iberian colonial conquests in what we now call Asia (east, south, and Pacific) and those diasporic movements figure into this conversation?
Exactly. They do. What about collaborations and bridge-building between local Asian theater groups and Latinx theater groups? This would be fire. Let them know you’re hungry for this. Let them know how you willparticipate in bringing this question to the stage!
For instance, Power Street Theater Company (Gabi’s company) supports the Asian Arts Initiative. Gabi attends their town halls, though she’s Puerto Rican. She listens, observes and supports. And when she’s invited to share, she does. World building together, and doing the work.
Showing up for each other.
@alejandroraya_: I find casting requiring Latinx are given less reach than castings for other POC. Many projects in need of POC are often wide searching, but it seems casting for Latinx feels somewhat inaccessible. How do you feel casting directors can create larger reach for Latinx artist?
This is not necessarily true about other POC groups. A lot of communities have limited casting access and are underserved. This may be for budget reasons, and also because the roles simply aren’t being produced.
Create a list of all the Latinx folks you know, find out who the casting director is, and send it to them. Are there Latinx casting lists and resource groups in your area? The Kilroys did this cool experiment about creating a visible google-searchable list of unproduced plays by womxn. This may be a neat thing to do in your area for Latinx actors. The internet is a great tool for harnessing visibility!
@mingarla: If you don’t sing and dance as a Latina actress, is there any chance of finding work in theater? Seriously thinking of giving up my Equity membership.
GABI: I seriously relate to that.
QUIARA: This is hard. As a playwright, I have recently pressed pause on my playwriting life. For various reasons. It’s ok to step aside. I think life as an actor must be hard, because you’re at the whims of writers, producers, directors, etc. However, if you’re an actor who’s also a writer, designer, producer, then you can start to create work for yourself.
GABI: Another option is to find other paying jobs that sustain you, that you love, because you will need that income. If you’re only sustained by being an actor in someone else’s thing, then the reality is that’s a hard road.
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ejsponge61 · 6 years
Why You Should be Excited for RAGE 2
RAGE 2 has officially been announced by Bethesda this morning, and gameplay is going to be revealed tomorrow. As someone who played, and mostly enjoyed, the original game, I was very excited to see a sequel for it, even after all these years. But, RAGE is not a game that had any real impact on the gaming landscape when it dropped in 2011. Due to its problematic launch on PC, it’s lack of compelling multiplayer, it’s abrupt ending, and its shallow open world and gameplay loop, it was quickly forgotten.
So, upon the announcement of a sequel, I’ve been met with many indifferent feelings and baffled reactions. Why would Bethesda greenlight the sequel to such a random franchise? Well, that is something I can’t answer today, and it may be answered once we see gameplay. But I can tell you all why it is not only ok to be excited for this new game, but why you SHOULD be.
If you look back at the first game, you’ll initially notice the game’s best aspect: the beautiful animations. Sure, friendly characters and quest givers would animate with a district bounce and liveliness most often found in Pixar films, but what impressed even more was the enemy animations. Shooting in RAGE was so satisfying because of how dynamic the enemies animations were; they would reaction to getting show and traverse the environment in a way that was legitimately impressive in 2011. Sure, there may have only been 2, maybe 3, main enemy types, but how they held onto their arm when you pierced it or flung their head back when getting impaled by a Wingstick was endlessly entertaining to see. Those animations alone were the primary aspect that made shooting so satisfying. If they carry those animations through to the sequel, and update and add to them accordingly, they still have the potential to impress again.
Now, as for the rest of the game, it’s next strongest elements are definitely flawed. The car combat was underdeveloped, and didn’t remain engaging for long, even though it comprised the entirety of the PvP multiplayer. The vehicles largely existed to traverse the “open world”, but it was completely barren without the presence of other cars to destroy. Since nearly all of the storytelling took place in hub towns and nearly all of the gunplay took place in underground or indoor corridors, the presence of an open environment that seemed only to exist for the sake of car combat just felt unnecessary.
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There wasn’t much in the way of player progression. But the end of the game, the only aspects that your player could improve were armor sets that gave stat boosts, and some minor weapon upgrades. Every other gameplay aspect was disposable or, more accurately, consumable. You could craft items like bandages, turrets, and the aforementioned Wingsticks, but all these items are meant to be used in combat and don’t give any long-term enhancements to your character.
The story was forgettable, and the ending was laughably abrupt. The graphics were gorgeous and beautiful, but textures were noticeably low res once you looked close enough and even had trouble loading in time in some instances. and the cooperative missions were fun, but there just wasn’t enough of them.
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So, with all these flaws, why have any faith in id Software to try this idea again? Well, think of it like this:
RAGE was the first game that id created for the last generation of consoles. With the promise of powerful hardware on the first set of HD consoles came exceedingly high ambition. Their “mega texture” technology, which meant that one giant texture would cover the entire game world rather than duplicating multiple textures to cover the play space, was a big risk that ultimately delayed the game’s release. RAGE had a troubled, 5-year, development due largely to trying to fit these mega textures onto the PS3 and 360.  This is what likely lead to the shallow player progression, car combat, and the barren open world. It seems they simply ran out of time to do everything they wanted.
So, let’s compare RAGE to another last generation game that didn’t quite reach its full potential on its first go: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Uncharted is far from a bad game, but it does have flaws that make the game inferior when compared to its peers. It was Naughty Dogs first game on the, then, next generation of consoles. It was also their first time making a game in such a grounded universe, which meant they had to scale back their more cartoony tendencies. The game completely lacked any multiplayer of any sort, so besides replaying the game for trophies and unlockable, there was no reason to play it after beating it’s 8 hour campaign. But, as we all know, Naughty Dog took all the criticisms of the pacing, gameplay, and longevity of Uncharted 1 and came back with the classic known as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
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Now, think about what id has been up to since RAGE was released. Sure, they might have heavily scaled back the planned DLC for RAGE, but they soon began development on DOOM 4, which eventually lead to the release of the amazing DOOM (2016). Their struggles with mega textures were largely alleviated with the added power of the PS4 and Xbox 1. The gameplay had a clear direction, since the original DOOM was the framework for it. Player progression was on point, as there were numerous collectables that upgraded weapons, health, and armor. And the multiplayer, while initially discarded as a soulless addition to a stellar campaign, was eventually considered to be a fun and rewarding diversion after numerous updates.
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So, now that id Software has proven they can make a great shooter once again, I fully have faith that they can deliver on the great concepts and ideas that were in the original RAGE. Like Naughty Dog, they have learned from their previous attempt in the franchise. But, unlike Naughty Dog, they have also had an entire other game in between to master their game making tools before returning to RAGE. And even if you don’t think id can make a great game on their own, RAGE 2 is being co-developed in collaboration with Avalanche studios, the developer behind the fantastic Just Cause series and the underrated Mad Max. They’ve shown time and time again that they can make solid games, even if they aren’t always Game of the Year caliber.
It is all these aspects that have me not only excited for another visit to the wasteland of RAGE, but also confident that it will be a solid shooter. So, if the excitement shared by the few of us on the internet who know what’s up confuses you, then hopefully by now you either understand our excitement, or you are on board as well.
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lsmithart · 3 years
** Research: Points of Trauma by Oliver Guy-Watkins
This is a book of an essay that I came across a while ago which theorises ideas about trauma in relation to contemporary artists. The short book discusses many artists who I have explored and returned to over the course of my practice and provided helpful insight into these artists from a similar perspective to my own. After reading and reflecting on the text, I began thinking about trauma and how it exists within the body. It became evident from the text that what all of the artists explored have in common is the need to divulge the internal into the external, material realm. Sometimes this is in response to collective trauma seen, processed and then regurgitated; whilst others use their art practice to process and release their own traumatic experiences. Both concepts felt very relevant to me as my work often explores very personal histories. At the same time, I am also an empath which means I often absorb external traumas; causing them to become enmeshed in my experience of the world. 
When researching trauma as an entity that attaches itself to the inner tissues of the body, it is described by ‘Integrated Physical Therapy and Wellness Miami’ that ‘pain and trauma are incidents prevented from being completed’. 
Specifically, ‘traumas can be considered anything that keep us locked in a physical, emotional, behavioral or mental habit. Recovery from trauma is the process of the body finding balance and freeing itself from constraints. All too often, the recovery process is halted, preventing the traumatic occurrence from completing.’
‘The energy of the trauma is stored in our bodies’ tissues (primarily muscles and fascia) until it can be released. This stored trauma typically leads to pain and progressively erodes a body’s health. Whenever we store trauma in our tissue, our brain disconnects from that part of the body to block the experience, preventing the recall of the traumatic memory. Any area of our body that our brain is disconnected from won’t be able stay healthy or heal itself. The predictable effect of stored trauma is degeneration and disease.’
Three things are necessary for the body to release stored trauma: 1. The inner resources to handle the experience that were not in place when the experience originally occurred. 2. Space for the traumatic energy to go when released. Being full of tension and stress does not allow space for the stored trauma to move into. 3. Reconnection of the brain with the area of the body where the trauma is stored.
It is apparent from the consideration of trauma within art practice divulged by many artists that it can act a tool for creating a resource for processing. Therefore materiality through the form of making and channeling can act as a release and ‘regurgitation’ for such stuck trauma to make its way into the realm of objects. It is therefore my view from experience that these expels of the inner body can latch themselves to an material or external object within the capacity at the time of processing. Often through the means of art making this means a new sculptural or material form, but also existing objects that can be repurposed as commodities of new narrative. This is a notion I am exploring in depth within my dissertation.
Key notes from the text:
Page 9:
In his essay ‘Forgetting Things’, Freud discusses how a person’s mind will block locations, people and events that are links to traumatic experiences. E.g. you may block out the location of a shop as someone you fell out with lives nearby. Artist’s work can act similarly - the creation of work can replicate the function of the mind by compartmentalising trauma. Instead of locking it away to be forgotten it chews it up into pieces and presents it as a new entity - released from the individual artist.
Page 17 & 18:
Briony Campbell used photography to say goodbye to her father in ‘The Dad Project’. She uses subtle photographs, in conjunction with simple and delicate captions to guide us through her journey. E.g. the first photo in the series is a shot of a building engulfed by the rays of the setting sun, with the caption ‘the sunlight supported me this year’. The sun as healing power. Campbell found a way to keep the memory of her father alive, as well as to overcome her own grief.
Louise Bourgeois - used symbols and prompts from past memories in her later work. E.g. she recalled a memory of how her father created a model of her from a tangerine skin and made disparaging remarks as a phallus emerged from inside. Years later she posed with a phallus of her own making for Robert Mappelthorpe.
Bourgeois often stated that to be an artist was a guarantee to your fellow humans that life’s harsh reality would not make you a murderer. Her statement echoes an underlying truth that art can channel the emotions of its makers and offer them some form of release from captivity.
Page 24-28:
When the public’s desire for backstory and gossip is coupled with the artist desire to create we find an area in which stories are told regardless of intent. The Polish filmmaker, Krzystztof Keilowski, said that his life and its influences should always be present in his work but that the viewer should never be able to notice it.
Louise Bourgeois did not reveal her history until her husband's death, whereupon she gained a level of notoriety that revolved around her life story her critical appreciation began when the viewer was told what to think. Similarly, Tracey Emin has always confronted her personal history directly in the public eye through her practice. In her work everyone I have ever slept with Emin’s story was there in the title the work and even the exhibition guide. Her collaboration with Bourgeois again highlights Emin’s desire of the story.
In discussing not becoming a mother, Emin has stated that she sees her paintings as her children, and describes the feeling of failure that engulfed her as being sued by seeing her work exhibited. By telling you who they are and why they came, do the artists open doors for further interpretation, or do they close them? If an artist can drive a viewer to a specific thought pattern, then there is a greater chance of success in achieving transferences of an exact attitude.
Page 47:
“Up until this point I had undertaken a largely relational practice, asking others to contribute their words to my work. I thought it more important to portray their emotions than mine in order to connect. Yet, as a backbone to each project I used my own backstory. My own struggles. As if I was afraid to confront myself directly. As if my own identity was easier to find in the words of others. Maybe I just didn’t want to feel like I had been alone. Maybe I just wanted validity.”
Page 50:
Wolfgang Tillmans is a massive installation at the Tate modern as part of his 2017 retrospective featured a number of projected screens displaying extracts of his video work, whilst a constructed soundtrack played and white spotlights rotated across the bare concrete. Occasionally blinded by light, or overpowered by music, your eyes and ears remain active, searching the darkness for the next movement, waiting for a video to begin and wondering which screen it may appear on. In between the films, in the time you wait and as your eyes adjust to the light, you search the actions of others. You wonder which anxiety or fear stop them from becoming a must, and even what the initial cause of that feeling was. Tilmans creates a space where we are drawn into a natural instinct of voyeurism, a characteristic of his work as a whole. - A thinking point for my 303 installation idea.
Page 56:
Freud continued on to say in his essay that painful memories are easily hidden for good reasons. It seems to me that there is an obvious similarities within the practice of certain artists to vary their own personal traumas within the work they create. Where the conversation dilutes is the point at which an artist confronts trauma on a collective scale. An artists job is to conceal the trauma in such a way that it is revealed to the viewer.
Guy-Watkins, O., (2017). Points Of Trauma: A Consideration of the Influence Personal and Collective Trauma Has on Contemporary Art. Ruysdael Press. Available at https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=-6TcswEACAAJ. IPT Miami, (no date). Learning How to Unlock Tissue Memory. [Online]. Available at https://www.iptmiami.com/news/Learning_How_to_Unlock_Tissue_Memory. [Accessed on 30/01/2021]
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tech2guides · 4 years
Frontier Mail Login | Frontier Mail Sign Up Step by Step Guide
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Frontier Mail Login: Frontier Communications is an American Telephone company that is in Connecticut USA. If you look at the History of a Frontier then they are offering different types of services that can simply help their customers and the Service including digital TV, Internet services, and computer technical support.  
Frontier is the 4th largest provider in the United States of America and it Mostly is known as  Citizens Utilities Company until 2000 and the Citizens Communications Company until 2008. So by based on this, you can easily estimate how Frontier has Grow and got Popularity. It has fast and Speedy Development in terms of Growth and Popularity. Follow the rest of the Guide of Frontier to know more including the Frontier Mail Login.   Frontier also has Frontier Mail Login features and this Frontier Email is one of the Best Email Service from the Company, also This Frontier Email login is only For the Subscriber of the Frontier. Once you have become a subscriber to Frontier then you will also get the Technical Supports and all their Service as well.   There is also a bill Payment option which you can simply Pay Your Bill without any problem by just going into the My Account section on the Frontier Homepage. By going into the My account you will be able to Do many Things such As your Profile and Payment details and many others.   You Just have to Get into the Frontier account section by simply Login into it. There are many features that you see on the Dashboard of the Frontier. Now Following the Below Guide, you will be knowing the Frontier Email Login Guide that has all the details where you will be login into the account easily.   Related: Zoomtown Email Login rcn webmail  
Frontier Mail Login Instructions:
Now When it comes to the Frontier Mail Login, You will be able to Get into the Mailbox dashboard very Easily and The Point that you just want to get it is so simple within the Minutes that you start Reading the Guide of the Frontier Mail.   Most of the People who are new to Frontier mail they get confused about the Creating account even if they have created then facing the problem with the Login into the account of frontier mail. But when you have followed the right guide then you don't need to worry and you will be able to experience the Full mail interface.    
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    Also, You can Know about Other Emails: TWC com Email Login Juno Email SBCglobal Email  
Frontier Mail login:
Simply follow the steps below to Get into the Frontier Mail Login without having any kinds of issues. Steps that I have given to Make readers Knowledgeable in a Very simplistic way. To login into the Frontier Mail, you just have to have the User Name and Password of Frontier, not only for this in any account we need to have the username and password to start getting into it and use the services. First, you have to Open your Browser that you are Using from your Computer. Now you have to Enter www.frontier.com in the Adress bar of the browser and press the Enter button to Load the Website. Once the website has opened then Simply you have to Goto the Sign-in Link which is on the top right side of the Page. Or when you Open the Frontier Website you will see a Login Form on the Right Side of the Screen. Now you have to Sign in from this form by Entering your Login credentials like Username and Password on the Provided Fileds. In the first field, you have to Enter your Friner iD or email address. (Whichever its ask and it will show you in the same field) Now in the Below Password friends Enter your valid Password. Just below of you will see Remember my ID, if you want to remember your ID to Login from the Next time using the same computer then You can Check the Box. But if you are using the Pubilc Computer or Other computers then you should not Check this Box. Then just click on the SIGN IN button to get into the Email. Try to Enter the Valid Login Credentials for avoiding Login Errors. If you have not Clarity of your Frontier Email address then it Just Looks like this [email protected]. Also while entering your Password you should make sure that is there are CAPS LOCKs and Capital letter and any Symbols, all these are very important to check So that you can log in into the Frontier Email without any Problem. The Best part of the Frontier Email is that now you can also Login into the frontier email From the Yahoo email because they have collaborated So this is also one of the best things that you can do. This is how you can simply get into the Frontier mail Login.   But if you have forgotten your Username or Password or both in some case, then What should I do? if this is your Question then you have to follow the below Guide that which I Have explained with Complete Detailed which you will get very easy and Start resetting your Username and Password without any problem for sure.   Reset Frontier Mail User Name: Most of the people always forget their user name and they always try to create a new account rather than having a chance of getting the same username that they have forgotten. So from Now even if you have Lost your user name of the Frontier mail you will get it back very easily by following this Guide below. If you have forgotten your username then click on the forgot Link which is located beside the username Field on the frontier mail login Page. Now you will able to see two options those follow like"Enter the Email Address or Username you used to create your Frontier ID" and "Enter your Billing Account Number and PIN to recover your ID" in the next window from the Frontier Email Login Page. You can any option Which you are much comfortable and which you have to enter to get your Username back. Next, Confirm that I'm not a robot by choosing the right images and all. Once you have finished then click on the continue option to Finish the process.   This is how you can simply reset your Frontier Mail password without any issues when you follow the correct guide. So I have explained it in very detailed explanation where you can simply login to the Frontier Mail  account after you successfully completed the Password reset.   Reset Frontier Mail Password: if you are not able to Login into your Frontier Mail then this could be the Problem of a wrong password, If you have forgotten your Frontier password, Now you can easily reset by following the steps below. By going through this 4 Step below you will be able to reset your Frontier Mail password easily. First, click on the Forgot link which is located beside the Password Filed. Now enter your Email address and Conform the I'm not a robot. Now click on the Continue Button to Reset your Frontier password. Then follow further Instruction to success your reset Password of Frontier Mail.   That's all now you have successfully Reset your Password. But in case if you still facing any issues then do let me know below. After you have completed the Login Process below I have Explained the Signup guide which is also available in the Step by step Format.  
Frontier Mail Login Signup:
If you don't have an account on Frontier mail then this is the guide for you to learn how to create a frontier email by following the simple guide. There is the Article over there on the internet where you will get confused overall after going through them.   But once you have seen this guide you will be able to create frontier email very easily because of the guide we have explained in a very simplistic way that can be understood by everyone.   Whenever you just want to create Frontier Mail, First you have to Create the Frontier ID then you can Simply get into the mail using the Frontier Mail login. Now you have to go to the Frontier.com and then just have to locate the Sign-in Option on the page and click on that. You will see the Login page of Frontier Now and you will have to click on the Create a Frontier ID which is bottom of the Login Form. You will be redirected to the Frontier registration page which you have to Fill out all the details which are required over there. Now, First, you have to Enter your First and Last name in the provided box. Type your email address which is you just want to receive Newsletters from the frontier. It's time to Create your Password which is the minimum of the 8 Letters on your Password. Re-enter the Same Password on the second Box, which is the confirmation of the Password to Start to Create an account. Now enter the Mobile number on the mobile number Field. Finally, Check the Box that to Prove I'm not a Robot text by Selecting the Right Images that match. Also, Tick the ‘I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions’ and click on the Next. Now Click on the ‘CREATE ID‘ to Finish the creating your new Frontier ID. This is how you can easily create an Account of frontier mail without any issues. So do follow the Step by step guide carefully without any problem. Make sure to have all the right details while creating an account.   Conclusion: This is How you have to Create Frointer Account and Get into the "Frontier mail Login". Also make sure that While entering the email address, mobile or telephone number those are should be registered with the Frontier Account.   Read the full article
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nonshedders · 4 years
The Hunting of the Snark:  Lessons For and From a Life in Policing.
"But oh, beamish nephew, beware of the day, If your Snark be a Boojum! For then You will softly and suddenly vanish away, And never be met with again!"*
*from 'The Hunting of the Snark', by Lewis Carroll
Most police officers entering into retirement have found their Snark to be a Boojum.  This is not necessarily a bad thing.  There is something to be said for softly and suddenly vanishing away.  Organisations evolve relentlessly and leave all contributors, even the most significant of them, in their wake.  If cricket can move past Don Bradman, then policing - well, you get the analogy...
The trick to softly and suddenly vanishing away is, however, a pathway laden with hazards as fearful as Lewis Carroll's Bandersnatch; even more perilous than the JubJub.  It is a journey requiring; in fact, demanding, significant forethought and planning.  Of course, almost all retiring professionals will arrive at this realisation; but many of them do so too late.
The Bellman looked uffish, and wrinkled his brow. If only you'd spoken before! It's excessively awkward to mention it now, With the Snark, so to speak, at the door!*
Our profession, the profession of policing, is an immersive one.  We take it home with us; and to parties.  It comes in phone calls and emails when we are not at work.  It gets between us and those we love.  It comes in insomnia.  It comes on our holidays with us.  It appears suddenly in the places we thought we went to escape it.  If we are not careful, it consumes us.  We need to be careful because, if we allow ourselves to be consumed by it - if policing becomes our identity - then, when we are no longer police, what remains?
The loss of his clothes hardly mattered, because He had seven coats on when he came, With three pair of boots—but the worst of it was, He had wholly forgotten his name.*
Of course, at the beginning of our careers, when we are young and strong and can leap tall buildings in a single bound, none of this matters.  Except it does.  We are the frogs in the heated pot, and we need to be conscious of the water temperature rising around us.  There are two alternative certainties: we will learn to cope, or we will fall over.  Coping, therefore, is good.  However, it is a learned skill, and all of us learn in differing degrees, at different speeds, and by different methods.  But teaching ourselves how to cope is an important and necessary thing, and it is is beyond dispute that having some deliberative strategies to guide us is much preferred to a reliance on good luck and a fair breeze.
He had bought a large map representing the sea, Without the least vestige of land: And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be A map they could all understand...
...This was charming, no doubt; but they shortly found out That the Captain they trusted so well Had only one notion for crossing the ocean, And that was to tingle his bell.*
Don't be that Captain.
Have a sensible map; a realistic plan.  Some reference points are handy.
Many of us commence our vocational journey without that plan (or, if you like, possessed of a map with no markings).  We have no conception of the shape or direction of our career other than, perhaps, a careless awareness of the absence of any such direction.  And often there is comfort in drifting with the current and breeze.  But all of us, even those who enter the profession with clear and unambiguous plans for their journey, can discover that a life in policing will take us in unexpected and, on occasions, inexplicable directions.
But the principal failing occurred in the sailing, And the Bellman, perplexed and distressed, Said he had hoped, at least, when the wind blew due East, That the ship would not travel due West!*
Trust me; in 40 years of policing, I have seen examples of such navigational absurdity.  So a plan is great, but not foolproof.  Plans don't always go according to - well, you know.  What does one do when the plan fails?  When we are being tossed about in the tempest, how is control regained?  
You might begin by discovering - and it is a journey of discovery - who you are.  Not name, rank and payroll ID number, but what is at the core of your being.  Who are you?  Where do you belong?  What makes you happy?  Are you the winger with no left foot but a liking for tall stories in the bar after the game?  Are you the only member of the choir with the vocal range required for the Hallelujah Chorus?  Are you a favourite uncle / aunt?  Ratbag cousin?  Are you the most predictable non-winner in the tipping competition?  
Where do you belong?  And, most importantly: who is there for you when work is not?  
When you make that discovery, never let it go.  To do your job well, you do not have to neglect that aspect of yourself.  In fact, to continue to do your job well is almost impossible without that aspect of yourself.  Nurture and develop your self as if it is your most precious possession.  Because it is.
You may seek it with thimbles, and seek it with care; You may hunt it with forks and hope; You may threaten its life with a railway-share; You may charm it with smiles and soap.*
Having found your self, and having discovered your place, you always have safe harbour to which to return.  Which provides confidence, and great comfort, for a person who subjects themselves to the tumultuous forces of a career in policing.  This job will offer you a profusion of possibilities, and for every single one of them, there are further multitudes of uncertainties.  
If all goes according to plan, my own journey in this profession will end on my 58th birthday, having spent 40 and one half of those years as a police officer.  Can anyone doubt that the 58 year old me would be a very different person if the 17 year old me had made a different career decision?  This profession has shaped me into the person I will be when I leave it and go out into the world.  Whether that is a positive or negative result is a judgement for time and for others, but here is the crucial point:  if a career in policing is going to alter the person you are, then should you not do everything in your power to observe and control that process?
'Tis a pitiful tale," said the Bellman, whose face Had grown longer at every word: But, now that you've stated the whole of your case, More debate would be simply absurd.*
I'm pleased to be retiring.  Not because I dislike this career, nor because I have tired of my colleagues.  I'm just ready to embrace the opportunity to live a hundred percent of my life as the person I now know myself to be.  Like any veteran police officer, I have seen my share of stuff, and not all of it has been disheartening.  In dealing with situations that bring the worst to people, we often see them at their best:  spirited; stoic; generous; strong; determined.  And of course, in dealing with those situations we, as police, form our own bonds of fellowship with each other.  I've been supported, nurtured and reinforced in that fellowship.  Of the countless people I have worked alongside over four decades, I could count on the tines of a cocktail fork the ones I found it hard to like.  And even they taught me things!  
So, thank you Tasmania Police, for taking the teenage me and shaping him into something which I hope is not a complete bastard.  Thanks for teaching me about life.  Thanks also for equipping me, at least in part, to bring the three finest young adults I know into this world.  
Thanks to this island. If you are going to be police, this place is a good place to do it.
Thanks to the villains, victims, bystanders, collaborators and magistrates who played their role in my pageant.  Thanks to my mentors; and to those who at least pretended to heed my (too often not) occasional advice.  
Above all else, thanks to those who love me (others might doubt their existence, but I know who they are!) for giving me a retreat, and a mirror.  
I'm stepping out the door with a smile on my face and a sack full of plans.  Four decades after accidentally starting an unplanned journey, I can sense that the Snark is nearby - so close, in fact, that I think I can distinguish its features ...  
In the midst of the word he was trying to say, In the midst of his laughter and glee, He had softly and suddenly vanished away— For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.*
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caplofan · 4 years
Blockchain: A CEO Primer
Blockchain: A CEO Primer
CEOs must oversee investments into disruptive technologies while avoiding the hype driven by the “fear of missing out.” One such decision they now face is whether and how to get involved with blockchain. This is a challenging undertaking due to a lack of clarity and quality of the input CEOs are receiving to support such investments.
One main issue is that most organizations tend to confuse blockchain technology with databases. In our book, The Real Business of Blockchain: How Leaders Can Create Value in a New Digital Age we claim that, for enterprises, “traditional data architecture could have done as well as, or better than, blockchain in 85 percent of projects.” This is not to devalue the contribution of blockchain technology, but to challenge how enterprises apply it to capture value. In many instances, the wrong blockchain solutions have been and are applied to use cases which did not require blockchain, wasting company resources and capital.
As a result, before engaging with their executive team and CIO on blockchain, CEOs should grasp the core components of blockchain. They should recognize that blockchain is a technology that promotes decentralization which will impact existing governance models and incentive structures. Conversely to databases, blockchain therefore directly impacts the CEO’s roles and their organization’s decision frameworks. To support this important investment decision, executive leaders need to distinguish blockchain from databases and, most importantly, explore the domains where it will best support their mandate in creating business value.
Blockchain is Not a Database
By defining blockchain as a shared database, companies are implementing the wrong solutions for the wrong problems. Gartner defines blockchain (for business executives) based on five elements that together allow multiple participants who don’t know each other to safely interact in a digital environment. We qualify such blockchains as blockchain-complete solutions and those five core elements are as follows:
1. Distribution: Blockchain participants are located physically apart from each other and are connected on a network. Each participant operating a full node maintains a complete copy of a ledger that updates with new transactions as they occur.
2. Encryption: The participants can control their personal identity and other information and share only what they need to in a transaction. Blockchain uses technologies such as public and private keys to record the data in the blocks securely and semi-anonymously (participants have pseudonyms).
3. Immutability: Records cannot be corrupted or otherwise changed unless the participants agree on the need to do so. Completed transactions are cryptographically signed, time stamped and sequentially added to the ledger.
4. Tokenization:Transactions and other interactions on a blockchain involve the secure exchange of value. Tokens might function as digital representations of physical assets, as a reward mechanism for network participants or to create and exchange new forms of value such as data.
5. Decentralization (most importantly):Decentralization means that no single entity controls all the computers or the information or dictates the rules. Every node maintains an identical encrypted copy of the network record. A consensus mechanism operated by each full node verifies and approves transactions.
Considering our definition above, it is clear that blockchain is not a database. There are several key differences:
• First, the need for five core elements, especially decentralization, highlights that blockchain is very different than a centrally orchestrated, even if distributed, database. Also, blockchain is not a general store for information. A database is for information management; blockchain enables decentralized digital asset creation, representation, exchange and management.
• Second, blockchain records are immutable; a blockchain does not accommodate read, written, deleted and changed records as databases do. Blockchain records can only be added to, not changed.
• Third, administration occurs through consensus. While a database can be distributed to various parties, only one central administrator controls it. Central control is contradictory to the very idea of blockchain.
The use of the word “database” to describe blockchain has been mostly driven by solution providers performing blockchain washing to continue selling their existing products and maintain the status-quo. As a result, the false promise of using a new solution while re-using existing constructs leads to obvious disappointment in the execution of the use case.
The Right Business Context for Blockchain
Databases have a notary and this mechanism limits the ability of participants to create new markets by liberating data – and/or leads to monopolistic or oligopolistic commercial arrangements, for example in supply chains. The use of blockchain-complete solutions (combining the five core elements listed above) creates an ability to tokenize the data or assets in a decentralized construct, leading to new business and shared economic opportunities that a database cannot handle such as:
• reating new data assets not under the control of one given digital platform or major player in an ecosystem
• providing the owner of the data, whether a company, a consumer, or citizen with an ability to define consent and use, and the terms and conditions of the value exchange
• launching incentive and reward structures that account for the real value of the data to the customers (consumer or a company) and its economic and societal impact
In spite of strong business rationales, we recognize that enterprise-hardened blockchain-complete solutions are not mature—and not least technologically. The performance of blockchain is often compared to what could be achieved with a database.
However, it is unreasonable to compare work in progress technology, which is going through iterative optimization, and the potential to reengineer radically business processes with a mature technology, such as databases, without clearly describing the business context.
Capture decentralization. Regardless of technical maturity, there are clear rationales for enterprises to benefit today from blockchain technology. A good illustration of the positive of using blockchain versus a portal and a classic data infrastructure is Banque de France.
Wanting to modernize the ID issuance procedure with blockchain, Banque de France saw this goal as an opportunity to experiment with a new technology, address a known problem and engage with its commercial bank stakeholders.
The blockchain it developed was basic; a secure digital portal could have achieved the same end. But the bank saw broader benefits for collaboration and the eventual decentralization of interbank processes.
Officers we spoke to at Banque de France said the project created a new level of engagement between the bank and the commercial banking community it serves.
The project also allowed everyone to understand how decentralization affects decision making, accountability and data privacy and permissions
Build trust momentum. In China, WeBank created a digital escrow service based on a blockchain.
The service supports arbitration cases for financial disputes by reducing the ability to tamper with any evidence. A customer can use the service to challenge the claim by a financial services provider that he/she has not made a scheduled payment.
This reduces the cost of managing the arbitration case, improve quality of the evidence and has been legally (in court) recognized.
An important rationale is therefore to deal with the initial lack of trust facing collaboration with other industry players and competitors.
And where building a joint database would not have been a feasible option in the first place.
Experience smart contracts. It’s also important to stress that smart contracts provide an ability to execute actions based on aggregate information about specific or general transactions, or can trigger some other action based on a transaction state.
Regardless of the current immaturity of smart contracts, companies in the insurance industry have been quite active experimenters and have made progress with grasping the implications of using smart contracts.
For example, in September 2018, the RiskBlock Alliance (renamed in May 2019 as The Institutes RiskStream Collaborative), a blockchain consortium for the insurance industry, announced its first solution: Mortality Monitor.
Designed for the life insurance sector, Mortality Monitor scans social security data to verify a policyholder’s death and passes the information to the relevant life insurance company.
The goal is to digitalize, streamline and validate the process so that next of kin can receive life insurance payouts faster and so that fraudulent claims can be intercepted.
The solution also protects family members who may not have known that their loved one had a life insurance policy.
Combine strengths. Another option companies are exploring is to store data off-chain, in some other storage mechanism. The blockchain then records the stored data and a pointer to its location.
This more readily allows data stored off-chain to be revised and revoked with simpler updates to the blockchain.
This approach is now being experimented with as part of the Right to be Forgotten in European markets. When a user decides to be forgotten, under a blockchain construct, the link from the root information (the personal data) in the ledger is severed.
And most importantly, that severance is auditable and creates an ability to communicate to the user and the regulator that the right to be forgotten has been respected.
Discover markets for your data assets. Rather than concentrate their digital activity on one platform, unless theirs is the dominant platform, businesses could participate across platforms and improve access to their data across ecosystems.
Blockchain technology is therefore an opportunity for CEOs to create or discover new markets for their data assets.
And they can learn from the health care industry to achieve that objective. The Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMUH) is using blockchain to create health passports.
This gives patients control over their medical data and make such data portable across care providers.
And as such solutions mature, patients will be able to rely on autonomous software agents to negotiate on their behalf and provide them with the best health care advice, combining health data (across providers) as well as fitness data or other data sets the patient is willing to share.
It is fundamental to remember that by definition, blockchain demands some level of decentralization and this is a challenge for companies depending on intermediation in their business models.
As a result, a blockchain deployment risks failing to match the performance of a traditional database due to a lack of strategic commitment.
If you don’t want to accept a minimum level of decentralization or you are the digital giant in the room, don’t get involved with blockchain-complete deployments.
Stick with databases.
The post Blockchain: A CEO Primer appeared first on ChiefExecutive.net.
Original Source: chiefexecutive.net
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patriotnewsdaily · 5 years
New Post has been published on PatriotNewsDaily.com
New Post has been published on http://patriotnewsdaily.com/washington-post-giddily-hypes-up-possibility-of-president-pelosi/
Washington Post Giddily Hypes Up Possibility of “President Pelosi”
Washington Post contributors Robert Atkins and Adam Frankel collaborated on a story Monday night meant to excite readers into believing that their wildest dreams might come true: Even before next year’s election, we could have a Democrat in the White House. And not just any Democrat, mind you: We could get back what we so tragically missed out on in 2016: The first female President of the United States. That’s right, in “President Pelosi? It could happen,” the writers lay out exactly how the latest non-scandal to hit the White House could put Trump out on the streets and put the House Speaker in the Oval Office.
In order to give the story (slightly) more weight than just a couple of Democrats fantasizing about a wildly-unlikely scenario, Atkins and Frankel spend most of their space talking about Watergate. In the wake of Spiro Agnew’s resignation, Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre, and an unconfirmed vice-presidential replacement in Gerald Ford, they note, “questions swirled about the possibility that Democratic House Speaker Carl Albert (D-Okla.) might assume the presidency.”
To tackle those questions, speechwriter Ted Sorensen drafter a memo to the top Democrat in the House, “offering recommendations for what to do and what to say in the event that Nixon resigned before Ford could be confirmed and Albert suddenly found himself sitting in the Oval Office. Although long forgotten, the memo is timely in this chaotic political moment, when a Pelosi presidency, however improbable, is not impossible. It reminds us that our faith in representative self-governance may yet be salvaged.”
Oh, bestill our bleeding hearts!
“Among the top priorities Sorensen recommended for an Albert administration was preserving Nixon’s files for review by the appropriate authorities,” they eagerly note. “That advice pertains today, perhaps more so. Watergate was confined largely to conversations in the West Wing, but the perfidy, corruption and possible criminality of the Trump administration extend across the executive branch and the globe. Finding the files, documents and transcripts this White House has withheld from Congress and reportedly ‘locked down’ will require a full-time team of forensic experts and investigators if all the damage done is to be uncovered and remedied.”
In case they hadn’t completely made certain that their readership knew them for what they were, the authors noted that not everything about Sorensen’s memo was kosher: “One list of ‘wise men’ to consult includes no women or people of color, a glaring omission for Sorensen, an early champion of civil rights, and something as unwise today as it was then.”
Aww, they’re woke, see?
“And yet, Sorensen’s memo will be an essential — if not the only — guidebook for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) should she find herself getting closer to the Oval Office,” they assure us.
Yeah, well, there is one similarity between the two eras: Carl Albert never became president…and neither will Nancy Pelosi.
But have fun with your fantasies.
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debrahnesbit · 5 years
Celebrating Ian Kerr
This past week there were two notable celebrations of the life and work of Ian Kerr. First, Jotwell published a remarkable tribute featuring 12 short reviews of some of Ian’s most notable scholarship. The collection speaks both to Ian’s breadth of scholarship covering privacy, copyright, e-commerce, robots, and AI as well as his incredible impact with contributors from around the world. I was privileged to wrote about Ian’s 2005 chapter on digital rights management and anti-circumvention laws.
On Friday, September 27th, the University of Ottawa gathered together for a community celebration of Ian. The full video is embedded below. The event included musical performances and speeches from former students, colleagues, collaborators, and admirers. I was honoured to speak and I have posted my remarks below. The event also provided an opportunity to formally launch the Ian R. Kerr Memorial Fund, which will support students, events, and research. More information on the fund and how to contribute can be found here.
Ian Kerr Celebration Remarks
As many of you will know, after Ian passed away last month, I published a tribute to him and created a podcast featuring some of his committee, media, and conference appearances. My hope was simple: convey to the world how I saw my friend and law school partner of nearly twenty years.
I wanted his former students to think about what an exceptional teacher he was with an uncanny ability to humanize the law, to make students think and rethink issues, and to bring out their very best in an accessible, welcoming environment.
I wanted to people to remember that Ian was writing and thinking about machines, robots, and AI years before the issues hit the mainstream.
I wanted share his remarkable leadership and vision for creating a world-class program in law and technology, his research initiatives such as the ID Trail, and his innovative cross-cultural educational programs like Techno-Rico.
I wanted policy makers and politicians to reflect on Ian’s commitment to reform and willingness to speak truth to power: his campaign against killer robots, his appearances before House of Commons committees on privacy, his keynote addresses around the world, and his scholarship bursting recommendations and policy proposals that would ultimately make their way into the law.
I wanted everyone to smile when thinking of Ian – whether for love of music, his drumming, his challahs, his robots, his pizza and his bets involving pizza.
Most of all, I wanted to bring to the fore Ian’s warmth, generosity, mentorship, collaborative spirt, and genuine love for his colleagues, students, and family. What I didn’t count on – what I didn’t even think about – were the responses that would follow. I saw and experienced just a part of Ian. In fact, I must admit that there were moments in our relationship that I had forgotten and which only came back in the days and weeks after his passing. Our joint conference travels to places such as Israel and Hong Kong. Our fundraising roadshows with then Dean Bruce Feldthusen and Vincent Gautrais when we set about to convince Canada’s leading law firms on the possibility of a tech law centre at the University of Ottawa. The speech he delivered on my behalf many years ago for an award that I had won. I honestly don’t remember the award but I remember the speech. His support on grant applications and grad student reviews and course development and advocacy strategy and so much more.
But even more revealing were the shared stories that came from down the hall and from around the globe from people who had seen and experienced their own part of Ian.
The Supreme Court justices who spoke of Ian’s brilliance and impact on the profession.
The government ministers who talked about their admiration for Ian and his impact on Canadian law and policy.
Entire faculties from around the world, who took the time to write. For example, numerous faculty at Tilburg University in the Netherlands combined send me a condolence card noting that “despite distance in space or time, Ian felt like a close colleague. One of our most cherished memories in academic life is an identity trail workshop Ian co-organized with the research groups from Ottawa, Bologna, and Tilburg, involving deep discussions of identity, privacy, and life in a beautiful open-air setting on a hill near Bologna.”
There were the many communities around the world who saw Ian as one of theirs and mourned his loss. These included the global privacy community, the global advocacy community on killer robots, and the global AI and robot law community. In each case, superstars in the field feeling a kinship with Ian and lamenting the enormity of his absence.
Closer to home, the colleague who said that Ian was the reason they had joined the faculty and moved to Ottawa.
The many students – some now professors – who said he was the reason they had come to law school.
Similarly, the many students who emphasized his impact once at law school. For example, one noted “I would not be the person I am today if it had not been for his guidance. He played such a powerful role in the lives of so many of us blessed to have known him.”
The astonishing number of students and colleagues from his days at Western – now decades later – who remember Ian’s presence and impact like it was yesterday.
The childhood friends, who reminisced about a curly-haired energetic kid that was super-smart, comfortable in his own skin, and a good friend to all.
The academics who credited Ian with being an inspiration, noting that he was first to give them the confidence and freedom to chart their own path and to be themselves.
The professor who when asked to name the kindest person on Twitter, said it would have been Ian.
The professor who upon being congratulated for winning one of the biggest awards you can get, responded that they wished they could tell our Ian.
The numerous colleagues who talked about Ian’s incredible mentorship – whether assisting junior faculty on their arrival at the law school, more senior ones navigate tenure and promotion, and well-established faculty members who regularly relied on Ian for advice, guidance, and support.
One person noted that Ian had a “limitless ability to connect. He seemed to have a different set of inside jokes with each of us.” Indeed, it was that deeply personal connection with so many people that has left so many with a gratitude for the privilege of having known him, but also an aching sadness that he is gone.
In my own case, I think back to a November 2001 conference hosted by Duke University on the public domain. Ian and I travelled together to that conference, the first of many of such opportunities. It was a heady time for us – we were two young professors amidst many of the stars of the field. But what I remember most about the event was sitting together during the one of the lectures, listening intently but also watching two students in the row in front of us multitask with active chat back and forth on their computers.
I realize that this sounds completely unremarkable by today’s standards. Our classrooms are filled with these kinds of conversations. But at that time, I recall we were amazed at the quiet, seemingly non-ending electronic conversation. We would ultimately emulate that approach, regularly chatting back and forth in meetings and invariably turning to one another whenever some new development would strike. I can’t tell you how many times in recent weeks I’ve seen something on the news or on Twitter or on an email list and my very first instinct is to think to send it to Ian for his reaction. Each time I have to catch myself and be reminded yet again that I can’t do that anymore. That our non-ending conversation has come to an end.
As for so many, this is really hard. During some of the hardest moments, rather than thinking of loss, I’ve tried to think more positively about Ian’s legacy.
We talk about his legacy in several ways. Today’s event has been a celebration of his legacy and his contributions to science, privacy, the university, his students, and his colleagues.
Sometimes the legacy speaks to his incredible family and his impact on the lives of so many. I’ve found some comfort in thinking about that legacy, losing count at the number of times I’ve read and re-read the comments online and in emails or re-watched speeches as he proudly talked about Erin and Ruby.
Ian’s scholarship leaves an incredible legacy, perhaps best illustrated by the commemoration of Ian’s work published on Jotwell this week in which scholars from around the world came together to write about their favourite Ian pieces.
Adam spoke earlier about the Ian Kerr Memorial Fund, a legacy fund that we hope that will facilitate student scholarships, law school events, and cutting edge research in Ian’s name.
But Ian’s biggest legacy may come from something else. One of our colleagues recently observed to me that there has been a noticeable change in the hallways of the law school over the past month. As we each grapple with the loss of Ian, there is also a renewed sense of community: colleagues taking more time to stop in the hallway to say hello, people dropping into each other’s offices to make sure they’re ok or more actively engaging with each other, students, and staff.
I’d like to think that that is Ian’s legacy, as this giant of a man left behind a small part of himself in each of us. It’s that part that reminds us to be generous with our time, to give without expecting something in return, to mentor others, to laugh heartily, to welcome newcomers, to strive for world-class excellence, to express appreciation easily and frustration rarely, to fight for what we believe in, and to take great pride in our students, our colleagues, and our community. I believe that is Ian’s truest legacy and I deeply believe that it will live on in us all.
The post Celebrating Ian Kerr appeared first on Michael Geist.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247009 http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2019/09/celebrating-ian-kerr/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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endenogatai · 5 years
Cledara picks up pre-seed funding to help companies manage their SaaS spending
Cledara, a startup that has developed a SaaS to help companies manage their SaaS spending — as if things couldn’t get any more meta — has picked up pre-seed backing from the recently announced Anthemis/BBVA strategic partnership, and others.
In total, the startup has raised $930,000. This includes completing the Techstars London accelerator, along with investment from various angels, such as Chris Adelsbach.
Founded in July 2018 by Cristina Vila, after she experienced the SaaS management nightmare first-hand while working at London fintech Dopay, Cledara has developed software to let companies track and manage their SaaS usage and spending, including analytics to help understand if it is money well spent.
Another feature is unlimited virtual debit cards to empower employees and even outside teams to purchase appropriate SaaS offerings independently. This includes the option for management to approve every purchase before it happens and access real-time updates on what everyone is buying.
“Previously, I was responsible for the operations of a fintech company, and as part of my job I had to streamline processes which meant that I had to know what software people were using to do their job,” Vila tells me.
“Turns out, that that was a real challenge. We had offices in 3 different countries, remote developers, people working from home all signing up for different SaaS products and then expensing them back to the company. So I had to manually go around and ask everyone to fill in a spreadsheet to get the data, which was impossible because people only wrote those that they were actively using and could remember”.
Villa says this also caused problems for the finance team, since they could see payments going out each month but didn’t always know what they were for. “I looked around for solutions, spoke to founders to see how they were managing it and when the best answer was ‘Google Sheets’ I realised that something like Cledara had to exist”.
Describing the macro problem that Cledara hopes to solve, Villa says that every year companies waste more than $20 billion on duplicate, unused or forgotten software subscriptions. “There are dozens of companies that help sellers of subscription software optimise their sales but there is basically none that helps companies buy and manage their software subscription in a scalable way,” she adds. “We believe that unless companies have a way to manage cloud software at scale, it will be very difficult for SaaS to reach the mass market”.
To that end, Cledara is being pitched as a purchasing and analytics platform that enables companies to manage and control recurring subscription payments. In this sense, it is a fintech as much as a traditional SaaS — hence the Anthemis/BBVA backing.
Villa cites direct competitors as companies like Soldo, Pleo or Spendesk. “We are different in that we are fully focused on helping tech companies with the purchase and the ongoing management of their subscriptions because everything is becoming a subscription and the way to manage one off payments if very different to the way in which we manage recurring payments,” she argues.
“Also, we are building a collaborative platform, hence breaking the traditional finance silo where all the data is gathered but not shared. We want to provide that data to the business as they are the ones that can take action based on the analytics and insights”.
Meanwhile, the startup generates revenue from subscription fees, and through interchange fees via the Cledara virtual Mastercard debit cards its customers use to make SaaS purchases.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/2lhkAR3 via IFTTT
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podolstein · 5 years
Final reflection
Slipping in right before the (supposed) deadline, as is tradition by this point. Actually, no one seems to know when the deadline is but that’s also tradition. 
In terms of achieving Learning Outcomes, I’m just gonna go straight from the completion form because I think it summarises it best.
1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.
Shown both in my identification of aspects of my art which could be improved as well as finding the right type of exercises to perform. Social interactions were also definitely a suitable area for growth in my case and voluntary work undoubtedly helped with that.
2.Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Trying new forms of artistic expression such as playing the guitar was certainly a challenge but one that I constantly overcome by learning new techniques and improving my skills. My teamwork abilities were quite poor and I usually didn’t feel comfortable working in a group but voluntary work greatly improved those skills.
3.Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I think my CAS Project is the best example of a planned experience. We had a clear goal of presenting our play from the very beginning and worked toward it on rehearsals and in our free time.
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
I have been making 3D art in Blender and related programs for almost two years now and it has become a constant part of my life which I am planning to turn into a job. I’ve also turned my exercises into a routine which I plan to continue even after finishing school.
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
Working together with the other volunteers at the charity run allowed us to optimise and streamline the deposit process making it quick and pleasant for all participants. It would not have been possible if there only was one person working on it.
6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
Voluntary work at the Silesian Museum helped me recognise the importance of the issue of promoting local culture and preserving history which is often forgotten in the face of globalisation and the constant change in our world.
7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
I found the actions of the people from the museum of technology in Katowice to be quite unethical and decided that the best course of action would be to part ways as they were extremely rude to their volunteers, myself included.
As for the IB Learner Profile, I think the development of my social skills thanks to voluntary work made me more Open-minded and definitely more of a Communicator. Previously I would find it daunting to have to work together with a room full of people unknown to me but my recent involvement in the Night of Museums proved that it is no longer a problem. My creative endeavours have made me more of an Inquirer and Thinker as well as making me Knowledgable in the field of 3D graphics. I find that when following courses I have started to move away from doing exactly what the instructor is saying and introducing my own ideas as well as watching courses that use different software to force myself to figure things on my own and learn the purpose and logic behind certain actions. Finally, my exercises have made me more Principled and Balanced by making me stick to a routine, identify how to improve myself and go through with it.
I may have not reached most of the goals I’ve set for myself simply because the majority of my CAS activities changed completely from what I initially planned. I haven’t done any DIY projects, rode a bike only periodically and quickly quit reading to children in the kindergarten. But I’ve found other activities that fit me better and that I enjoy doing much more.
I think the highlight of my whole CAS experience was Creativity. Learning about and creating 3D graphics have become a part of my life and I fully intend to turn it into a job down the line. I still have to find what exactly I want to specialise in because it’s a very complex and varied field but I’ve gained a good surface-level understanding of most of its aspects and I’m looking forward to learning more about them.
My CAS Project was also a very pleasant experience that involved a ton of personal growth. Both in acting on stage and general creative expression but especially personal relations as our little theatre group has become even more tight-knit as friends. The reaction of teachers and parents was also very moving, I think they started seeing us as a bit more than “just another bunch of students” and it was great to be able to organise such an event. It seemed to humanise a lot of people and develop our relations. And thanks to it I’ve become friends with the janitor who is an absolutely awesome guy, this is totally one of the biggest benefits.
All in all my CAS experience was a very valuable one and was one of the biggest catalysts for personal growth in my life.
And here’s my individual completion form by the way: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vfpgeU2y08KIWD-PX0KMO0Ntn6dPVH8i
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