#id have referenced alexis' flu episode specifically if it wouldnt have been extraordinarily anachronistic
Thank you for being a friend
Ran is used to being taken care of not taking care of others but he tries anyway when you get sick.
Note: I'll never not giggle at this dumbass title don't judge me it'll make sense and yes, it is what you think it is. // No idea of a word count, barely reread. // gn reader. Ran is so young and dumb here and I love it. Oh, and feel better Eris.
Ran is panicking and dear lord is it bad for his skin.
Since he arrived from a short day of work to find you near comatose in bed, he's been pacing, thinking of how to deal with sick people. He's sure he's never been less ready to deal with an adult thing in his life. Look at his hands! Softer than a baby's, accustomed to only the finest french lotions a minimum of 6 times a day; they weren't made for the frantic hand washing that came with nursing a sick person back to life.
And still he knew he had to do something. So he did what any rational person would do: he referenced every sitcom episode with a sick character.
That's how he ended up at your bedside with his precious hair pulled back, donning a mask and single use lab coat (who'd have known they were just as great for self defense from mystery illness and they are for cleaning crime scenes).
Ran knew what he had to do. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, then his other to your clammy forehead. You were warm. Really, really warm. He guessed this is what his nannies meant when they told him he was "burning up" on the rare occasion that he did fall ill as a child. He peeled his hand away from your forehead and touched your cheek next, alarmed to find it just as hot. He let his thumb stroke a few circles on the feverish skin of your cheek, temporarily forgetting the grave situation he-you!- were in.
Time was of the essence, his baby lay practically dying in his arms! He forced down nerves in favor of foolhardy confidence. He had done his research. With what Ran could only assume was surgical precision, he dipped a towel in the ice water bowl he prepared and with the dripping hand towel pinched between the pointer finger and thumb of each hand, he lay the soggy fabric across your whole face.
Then, finally, a sign of life.
He stubbled back and fell on his ass when you jolted to life as if electrocuted before groaning in pain from the severe exertion it took to sit up and throw the offending piece of cloth against the floor with a splat.
"Ran what're you doing?" Your voice was thick and disoriented. It sounded forced for your chest, riding the waves of shuddered breaths.
"You're sick."
"So you're waterboarding me to finish the job?"
He flushed slightly. "If you'd let me get back to it, you might find out." Something at the pit of his stomach warmed with relief that you weren't so far gone that you couldn't indulge him in at least a short playful exchange.
You slumped back down, slowly and in very obvious discomfort. "M'so cold, Ran."
With furrowed brows he places his hand on your forehead. "But you're burning up?"
"Fevers... do that?"
"...Of course."
Not keen to further advertise his inexperience in caring for the health of another, he retrieved a mountain of blankets. When they didn't warm you fast enough, he (very awkwardly, as any tall man might) climbed behind you in bed. Now, much too occupied with your comfort to be much bothered by the stickiness of sickness that clung to you. With his back against your best of pillows to keep you propped up and breathing and warm legs down your sides, you did warm up quickly.
"Hurts so bad." Your voice was nothing but a groan. Overtiredness and pain weighing your usually light tone down. He'd never heard you sound this sad, this pained. You were his quick-witted spitfire, his sass, a menace, just like him. He didn't know how to cure you. Nursing was rather opposite to his specialty in life, but he did know, from first hand experience even, how painful staying too long in bed could be.
So he found a way to be helpful that felt perfectly suited to him.
His fingers met the aching muscles of your neck. He massaged away pain from your shoulders and arms, leaving you sighing with relief. When you complained of being too warm he stripped away the blankets and continued his massages down your legs, stimulating circulation and easing the achiness that comes with nightmarish fevers.
Ran closed the door to your shared bedroom softly, seeing you finally sleeping again.
He phone rang.
He clamored clumsily to answer, not willing to risk your well deserved slumber.
Rindou. Just the guy he needed.
"Rin!" He whisper shouted, cupping a large hand to direct his voice to the phone, "Rin you have no idea how sick y/n is and I don't know what I'm doing. I trusted the Golden Girls and I think they failed me. I just got them to go to sleep but what do I do now?"
"Ran. Fuck. Calm down. What kind of sick are they? Bring water and food."
"What... kind of sick?"
"Sinus, chest, stomach?"
"I-I didn't ask!"
Cue an unsurprised but no less disappointed sigh. "You idiot, I'll send some soup over to your place. You can't really go wrong with soup."
Ran let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Thanks, Rin."
"Sure." A moment of silence passed before Rin spoke up again. "Your first instinct was to go to the Golden Girls for medical advice, Ran? Really?"
Ran needs to work on his life skills.
@feitania feel better 🥺 your man's is trying
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