#he keeps it all together until you fall asleep then hes back to a blubbering mess lmao
Thank you for being a friend
Ran is used to being taken care of not taking care of others but he tries anyway when you get sick.
Note: I'll never not giggle at this dumbass title don't judge me it'll make sense and yes, it is what you think it is. // No idea of a word count, barely reread. // gn reader. Ran is so young and dumb here and I love it. Oh, and feel better Eris.
Ran is panicking and dear lord is it bad for his skin.
Since he arrived from a short day of work to find you near comatose in bed, he's been pacing, thinking of how to deal with sick people. He's sure he's never been less ready to deal with an adult thing in his life. Look at his hands! Softer than a baby's, accustomed to only the finest french lotions a minimum of 6 times a day; they weren't made for the frantic hand washing that came with nursing a sick person back to life.
And still he knew he had to do something. So he did what any rational person would do: he referenced every sitcom episode with a sick character.
That's how he ended up at your bedside with his precious hair pulled back, donning a mask and single use lab coat (who'd have known they were just as great for self defense from mystery illness and they are for cleaning crime scenes).
Ran knew what he had to do. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, then his other to your clammy forehead. You were warm. Really, really warm. He guessed this is what his nannies meant when they told him he was "burning up" on the rare occasion that he did fall ill as a child. He peeled his hand away from your forehead and touched your cheek next, alarmed to find it just as hot. He let his thumb stroke a few circles on the feverish skin of your cheek, temporarily forgetting the grave situation he-you!- were in.
Time was of the essence, his baby lay practically dying in his arms! He forced down nerves in favor of foolhardy confidence. He had done his research. With what Ran could only assume was surgical precision, he dipped a towel in the ice water bowl he prepared and with the dripping hand towel pinched between the pointer finger and thumb of each hand, he lay the soggy fabric across your whole face.
Then, finally, a sign of life.
He stubbled back and fell on his ass when you jolted to life as if electrocuted before groaning in pain from the severe exertion it took to sit up and throw the offending piece of cloth against the floor with a splat.
"Ran what're you doing?" Your voice was thick and disoriented. It sounded forced for your chest, riding the waves of shuddered breaths.
"You're sick."
"So you're waterboarding me to finish the job?"
He flushed slightly. "If you'd let me get back to it, you might find out." Something at the pit of his stomach warmed with relief that you weren't so far gone that you couldn't indulge him in at least a short playful exchange.
You slumped back down, slowly and in very obvious discomfort. "M'so cold, Ran."
With furrowed brows he places his hand on your forehead. "But you're burning up?"
"Fevers... do that?"
"...Of course."
Not keen to further advertise his inexperience in caring for the health of another, he retrieved a mountain of blankets. When they didn't warm you fast enough, he (very awkwardly, as any tall man might) climbed behind you in bed. Now, much too occupied with your comfort to be much bothered by the stickiness of sickness that clung to you. With his back against your best of pillows to keep you propped up and breathing and warm legs down your sides, you did warm up quickly.
"Hurts so bad." Your voice was nothing but a groan. Overtiredness and pain weighing your usually light tone down. He'd never heard you sound this sad, this pained. You were his quick-witted spitfire, his sass, a menace, just like him. He didn't know how to cure you. Nursing was rather opposite to his specialty in life, but he did know, from first hand experience even, how painful staying too long in bed could be.
So he found a way to be helpful that felt perfectly suited to him.
His fingers met the aching muscles of your neck. He massaged away pain from your shoulders and arms, leaving you sighing with relief. When you complained of being too warm he stripped away the blankets and continued his massages down your legs, stimulating circulation and easing the achiness that comes with nightmarish fevers.
Ran closed the door to your shared bedroom softly, seeing you finally sleeping again.
He phone rang.
He clamored clumsily to answer, not willing to risk your well deserved slumber.
Rindou. Just the guy he needed.
"Rin!" He whisper shouted, cupping a large hand to direct his voice to the phone, "Rin you have no idea how sick y/n is and I don't know what I'm doing. I trusted the Golden Girls and I think they failed me. I just got them to go to sleep but what do I do now?"
"Ran. Fuck. Calm down. What kind of sick are they? Bring water and food."
"What... kind of sick?"
"Sinus, chest, stomach?"
"I-I didn't ask!"
Cue an unsurprised but no less disappointed sigh. "You idiot, I'll send some soup over to your place. You can't really go wrong with soup."
Ran let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Thanks, Rin."
"Sure." A moment of silence passed before Rin spoke up again. "Your first instinct was to go to the Golden Girls for medical advice, Ran? Really?"
Ran needs to work on his life skills.
@feitania feel better 🥺 your man's is trying
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sports-on-sundays · 8 months
It kills me to see all the requested: nope! In your fanfics
How about, reader struggles to sleep due to the stress of her work & travelling so he comforts her and helps her sleep? I’ll take any f1 driver or barca player.
help me sleep / Pedri González
Summary: Pedri x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: censored cussing, sobbing, work problems, stress, anxiety
Requested?: YEs! yEs!!!!! YES, MATE, IT IS REQUESTED!!!!
Author's Note: First request, baby!!! I love you so much bestie! <3 I'm so happy you saw my subtle-not-subtle begs for requests 😭!!! And I hope it's okay I chose Pedri; the other day I was having major I-Miss-Pedri syndrome that we've all been having for the past however many months (I don't even want to think about how long it has been) so I decided as a tribute to my boy, the first request on my blog should be him.
I say 'tribute' as if he's dead or something 😭
I feel like I'm acting way too excited about this request for it to be normal, but that's okay! I'm happy, and I owe it all to you! Now, let's get into this-
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock went the clock on the wall. That stupid old clock that wasn't even set to the right time. You sat on the living room couch, at 2:34 A.M., dealing with work sh*t.
You walked in this evening, feeling ready to literally collapse, and was greeted by your boyfriend as the welcoming committee. It was sweet. He had bought you your favorite treat and flowers and everything and let you snack on it. Had a little snuggle with you. And the moment you stood up, telling him you had to unpack from your long work trip, he pulled you back down on the couch. "No way," he had said. "You're tired. Your bags can wait 'til tomorrow. For now, just relax."
And he really had convinced you. He really had. Soon after that, you had gone to your bedroom and gotten snuggled in together, and within minutes, you were fast asleep.
Only to wake up three hours later. You stared at the ceiling for a solid fifteen minutes, unable to fall back asleep as the stress of work and everything you hadn't gotten done and needed to get done crushed you.
Realizing there was no chance of you falling back to sleep now, you slipped out of bed as slowly as you could, as to not wake up your boyfriend, and quietly walked (or rather, stumbled, because of the extreme lack of sleep) to the living room.
And so now you sit on the couch, barely alive, feeling like a lump on a log but on steroids, dealing with work sh*t.
Suddenly, you get a message from one of your co-workers, though. Bad news... You click on it, and in the moment, with everything you've already gone through within the last seventy-two hours, this is enough.
You swallow, your phone slipping out of your hands. I'm trying so hard. How could my job be on the line? Your head falls into your hands, and you let out a angry groan, letting out quick, little breaths.
God, I can't do this. I can't do this anymore. I need help. Please, I need help. I just can't keep doing this any longer. I can't do this anymore.
Your eyes well up, and that turns into a tear. And that tear turns into another one. And those tears turn into crying. And crying into weeping. Tired, pathetic, pitiful weeping, until you're flat-out sobbing, unable to control it. The world spins as another glowing text comes in on your phone on the rug and your laptop shows more emails and the bags in the corner of the room are still full of your things from the work trip and and and and and...
Suddenly, strong, warm arms around your trembling body. You lean into your boyfriend's body, blubbering between gasps, "Pedri you weren't supposed to wake up... I know you're going through a lot too... I don't want to stress you out... I'm sorry..."
"Shhh," he soothes, rubbing your back. "Do you really think you're on your own? My love, we help and love each other. You can be vulnerable. I know it's hard. Don't you think for a second that I don't want to help you."
"This isn't your problem..."
"Your problem is my problem, because I love you," he mutters close to your ear. He gently closes your laptop and powers off your phone. "You don't need to worry about that right now."
"Pedri-" You grip his shirt, looking at him slightly manically. "Yes I do. I could lose my job."
His jaw tightens, but he says, "What you're doing is impossible. If you lose your job because it's too hard, then maybe you shouldn't be in this job. And it's not because you're a failure. It's because you're expected to do much more than anyone should be able to handle. If you lose your job, I'll be the first to support you until you can get a new one. Okay? But we don't even need to worry about that right now, okay?"
Suddenly he takes your wet, tear-stained cheeks in his hands, and looks at you earnestly right in the eyes. "But right now, you need to calm down. Come on; why don't we go to the bedroom, okay?"
"Uh- y- yeah," you get up, feeling terrible at how much a mess you are. Pedri walks to the bedroom with you, his arm around your shoulders the whole time. He fetches a damp rag and gently wipes your face with the cool towel. You shut your eyes, letting out a shaky breath as Pedri pulls the blanket up to your torso. You lean back, sitting upright on the blanket.
"Can I get anything for you?" he asks after he finishes, taking your hand gently.
You shake your head 'no'. "Just sit down. All I need is you."
He nods and slips onto the bed and under the blanket next to you. Straight away, you lean your head on his shoulder and clutch his hand in yours. "Y/n, you know that it'll be okay," he murmurs. Not even a question. A fact. You know that you'll be okay.
"But Pedri, what if..."
"No 'what if's right now, okay?" He pulls you closer to you, rubbing your shoulders. You sit quietly together for a while, before Pedri slowly sinks into a laying down position, pulling you down with him. You snuggle close to him, resting your head on his chest. When you yawn, he says, "You're tired. Anything I can do to help you sleep?"
You breathe gently. "Just... talk to me."
He nods and starts whispering. At first, you listen to the sweet little things he's saying as he gently strokes your hair, but soon you're too tired to comprehend them. Soon your eyes are fluttering shut, and your mind is switching from daytime thoughts to nighttime dreaming.
Within your dream, you feel a soft kiss on your forehead and Pedri's perfect sweet-as-honey voice murmur, "Buenas noches, mi amor."
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creamsickle-writes · 2 years
Slip of the Tongue: Roronoa Zoro xF!Reader
Tags: nsfw, hate sex, dirty talk, and vaginal sex
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“You should’ve let me handle it!”
You scowled as you attempted to keep up with the swordsman of your crew. His strides were long as he walked ahead of you. You two always got into fights like this. Zoro always knew just how to get under your skin.
“What? You want me to play the damsel in distress?” You scoffed, storming along in Zoro’s wake.
“That fight was dangerous, you could’ve gotten hurt!” Zoro retorted, finally stopping to turn around and face you. You stared him down, scrunching your nose as you do so. He always did this, he always underestimated your strength. So what if he was stronger than you? You were a capable fighter all on your own! You took personal offense to Zoro’s statement.
“What, do you think I can’t take them myself? Go fuck yourself.”
You two growled at each other, invading each other’s space. As you stared into each other’s eyes, neither one of you backing down, Nami got between you as she walked by.
“Oh my god, get a room already!” Nami sighed exasperatedly.
Your face and Zoro’s went red.
You and Zoro were at a loss for words at Nami’s sentiment. You both blubbered out nonsensical strings of words before you could finally piece sentences together.
“I would never fuck him!”
“And I don’t want to fuck you either!”
But she was already walking away by time you two were able to find your words.
Fucking Zoro… what kind of idiot would want to do that?
The weeks went on and you two had argument after argument, spat after spat. You were getting sick and tired of dealing with Zoro’s nonsense. He was annoying, lazy, and generally an eyesore.
Yet every day you sparred with him.
Today you found yourselves on the beach, training on loose ground made for a good challenge. Everyone else on the crew was asleep in the Thousand Sunny by now.
You both fought hand to hand as Zoro humored you in your training. You two were evenly matched, attacking each other blow for blow. With every kick, he blocked. With every jab, you dodged. It went on like this for awhile.
“What’s wrong, Zoro?” You snarked, “You’re not doing so hot today!”
“Oh, I’m just getting warmed up-!”
You threw a punch at Zoro but he caught it with his hand. When you went to swing again, he caught that hand as well. You two were now at a stand still as you tried forcing your knuckles against his.
“Not fair!”
“Aw,” Zoro crowded your space, “You know, just because you’re losing doesn’t mean it’s not fair, brat.”
“Don’t call me that!” You successfully freed yourself from his fists. With that, you landed a kick clean on Zoro’s side. He hardly flinched.
“What? A brat?” He laughed, “Because that’s all you are, a sniveling little brat!”
You growled and charged at him, knocking him onto his back. He grew agitated as you held him down.
“Who’s the brat now?” You smirked, looking down at Zoro, strands of your hair falling in your face.
“Shut your mouth.” He growled out between his teeth.
“Or what, huh? What are you gonna do?”
“Don’t test me.”
“What?” You teased, “Are you gonna punish me?”
His cheeks went pink and you smirked at that reaction.
“C’mon Zoro,” you leaned forward, crowding his space, “Shut me up.”
His lips smashed against yours and your eyes shot wide open. His lips were chapped and his kiss was sloppy but for some reason, you enjoyed it.
Shit, you enjoyed it.
When he pulls away, he smirked at you, “That shut you up.”
You don’t get to think before you grab him by his jacket collar, pulling him in for another kiss. It takes him a moment but Zoro returns your kiss. The whole encounter is frenzied, intense, as if you both wanted this all along.
And perhaps you did.
As you kissed, Zoro had rolled you both over, making it so he was positioned on top of you now. As you both mashed your lips against each other, your hands ran up his chest. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip and you kept your mouth shut. It wasn’t until he bit your bottom lip that you opened up for him, allowing him to explore the inside of your mouth. Your two tongues battled each other, neither one of you willing to admit defeat. You moaned into his mouth as your tongues slid against each other.
When you parted, you immediately went to pull his jacket off and he let you. Once his jacket wasoff, your eyes latched on to the long scar that spanned from his shoulder to his waist. You looked up at his face to see his brow furrowed, his golden earrings dangling from his ear.
God, he was so hot.
Your thoughts were interrupted as he ripped your shirt clean in half, the cool night air hitting your breasts. You’re about to complain but he’s immediately on your breasts, sucking and pinching at them. You moaned and grabbed his cropped hair, pulling him in even closer. He sucked harshly on your nipple, drawing out moans and groans from your throat.
As he toyed with your breasts, you reach between the two of you, going straight for his crotch. You began rubbing the growing tent in his boxers, making it pitch itself even higher. He groaned against your chest.
“Looks like you’re already hard, Zoro.” You teased, “What, did you get turned on from a fucking kiss?”
Zoro grunted and pulled your hips upwards, pressing his clothed bulge against your pussy.
“So what if I did, huh?”
“Kinda pathetic, don’t you think?” You snarked and Zoro ground his hips into you, causing you to gasp. You gripped his shoulders tight as he continued, moans spilling from your throat. Your stimulated pussy began to grow wet.
“And don’t you think it’s pathetic how you’re moaning for me just because I rubbed up against you?”
“Shut up.” You say, diving in for another kiss. It was heated and intense, your tongues immediately finding each other. They performed an elaborate dance, competing to see who ends up on top.
As your tongues fought, Zoro unbuttoned your pants, tugging them down your thighs. You complied and kicked them off the rest of the way, the garment lost in the sand. But Zoro didn’t have the same type of patience with your panties. He ripped them right down the middle, exposing your puffy lips to the air.
“Shit!” You cursed, “I liked those too!”
“I’ll pay you back later.” Zoro huffed, the issue irrelevant to himself. He positioned you so that your thighs are spread wide, your pussy exposed completely to him.
He was quick to work himself out of his green haramaki and dark pants. You looked him over and your eyes instantly widened. You licked your lips, he was massive. His cock was lengthy, thick too, with a prominent vein along the underside.
The man grounded his feet in the sand, kneeling above you, before slamming in, causing you to squeal.
His pace is firm right off the bat, fucking you with the intent of making you scream. You tried to find purchase in the sand, but the loose particles simply slipped through your fingers. You moaned as his hips slammed into yours, he felt so good inside you. You gripped his back, digging your nails into his muscular back.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” He groaned, fucking into you, “All this just because I was a little rough with you. What a whore.”
“Fuck you.”
Zoro laughed as his hips slammed into you. Your body began to heat up as you felt your pleasure overwhelm you. It felt so intense, so good, as Zoro’s swollen head rammed against your cervix.
“C’mon,” Zoro growled, “You love this. Admit it.”
“Meh,” You smirked, “I bet Sanji could fuck me better.”
His hips still and suddenly you felt as though you made a mistake.
“What did you just say?”
You swallowed, your voice going shaky, “Y-You heard me! He would probably- hey-!”
Zoro took your legs and pushed them as far as possible, the tops of your thighs touching your breasts. He immediately slammed in, his cock going much deeper than it did before. You see stars when he penetrates you.
“Say that again!” Zoro growled, his hips forcibly slapping against you, “Say that stupid cook could fuck you better again!”
“I’m sorry!” You choked out, barely able to get your words out as Zoro fucked you so aggressively. Amongst the waves you could hear the slapping of skin against skin as Zoro punished you for speaking out of turn. Your eyes rolled back, it felt so incredible.
“That’s right.” He snarled, “Who’s the only one who can fuck you this good, huh?”
“Good girl-!” It comes from the back of his throat as he pumps himself inside you.
You reached for his back, dragging your nails along the exposed skin. As his hips moved, they began to grow frantic, his pace becoming uneven. As he desperately mashed his hips against yours, he pressed his forehead against your own.
“Shit, I fucking love you-!”
Your heart skipped a beat and before you can say a thing, he’s cumming deep within you. You moaned as he filled you up, your toes curling as he did so. You pant out as he pulls away, his thumb now toying with your clit as he fucks his cum into you.
You rolled your eyes back as your pleasure continued building within you. Your back arched off the sandy beach floor, the waves lapping on the shore. You came as he continued circling your clit, juices oozing out of your pussy.
You’re left panting, your hand on your chest as you attempt to catch your breath. Zoro flopped next to you, staring up at the night sky.
You both sat in silence as the realization of what you did dawned on you both. You’re the first to speak.
“So,” you smirked, “You love me, huh?”
Zoro turned bright red.
“Don’t let it go to your head, brat.”
And with that, he flicked your forehead.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Unedited 3am thoughts (@sensei-venus) (chubby!fem!reader)
Ok So you've heard of single-mom!Reader, now get ready for...
Just imagine Hawk meeting super cute, bubbly, chubby Reader one day and thinking she's so cool. They hit it off and they're talking, but he doesn't tell her he has a kid because he's scared that will turn her away. He's also not dated anyone since his kid was born and his ex gf left. He's been solely focused on his baby boy and school, hoping to get that good education so he can provide for his kid well.
He kind of lets it slip to his mom that he met a cute girl and she encourages him to ask her out. She's been so much help to him throughout this whole transition into fatherhood and tells him he deserves to date a little bit, find some happiness for himself. Neither of them have any idea what he's about to find with Reader, truly.
So he goes through with it and asks her out, to which she says yes and they go on a few dates. He still doesn't tell her about his son, unsure of how she'll react, and he's enjoying his time with her. He just doesn't want to ruin it, precious boy.
One evening their date gets ruined and they decide to go to his place for a movie. It should be okay. His son is sleeping, his mom stepped out for a girls night after she found out he was coming home, it's okay. Everything should be okay.
It stays okay for an hour, maybe a little longer, before his son is wailing from his bedroom. Hawk and Reader are cuddling before that and he jumps up with a hurried apology, his words rushing together as he bolts upstairs. Reader is sitting there, a little in shock over how fast things changed but remains calm. However, as the crying continues, she can't sit around and do nothing. She wants to help, so she gets up and follows the noise.
When she gets to the baby's room, she peeks her head in and sees Hawk with a baby who just won't calm down. He's red in the face and fat tears are rolling down his rosy cheeks. If there's any question as to who the baby is, it's answered quickly as she hears Hawk say "it's okay, bud, daddy's here. Daddy's got you. You're okay."
He doesn't notice she's there until she's walking into the room and asking him if she can try something. He's desperate for any help he can get but nervously passes his son to her. He watches as Slshe cradles him gently and coos softly, then begins to sing a lullaby.
His son blubber a bit more but then hears her soft voice and calms down. He looks up at her and blinks, watching as she smiles at him through the song. He eventually lays his head on her chest and discovers how soft and warm she is. She's like a big heated pillow and he snuggles up to her, gripping onto her shirt.
She bounces him gently, tubs his back soothingly, and he soon falls asleep by the end of her song. She keeps humming softly as she rocks him, keeping the easy motion going until she's sure he's in deep sleep.
"Wow, you're really good at that," Hawk rasps, trying to keep his voice low. He's staring at her in wonder and amazement, also rather smitten.
She smiles at him. "Babysitter. Not to brag or anything, but I specialize in kids under six."
There's a bit of humor in her tone and he smile says it all; she's not fazed by this at all. And Hawk can be more relieved.
He helps her lay his son back in his crib and gives his head a little kiss before they tiptoe out of the room. He leaves the door cracked and they walk downstairs to get some drinks and snacks for themselves. He doesn't know what to say and she lets him take his time to say anything.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about my son," he finally says, cheeks warming. He's a little embarrassed because he kept it a secret only to find out she's not at all weirded out by it or scared away. "I just- I didn't know if you'd still like me and this is all still new to me-"
She cuts him off. "It was never your obligation to tell me you have a child, Hawk. I would have been fine regardless of when you were comfortable telling me." She smiles at him assuredly and he didn't know how much he needed that until he got it. "And for the record, I still like you quite a bit."
They laugh.
Hawk feels great. Usually he's this tough guy that doesn't let people bother him, but when it comes to anything related to his son, he's so vulnerable. He thinks it's a bad thing because anyone could use that to hurt him, but no one has so far. And he knows deep down that it's good to have that vulnerability, it's just a matter of letting his walls down. Wellz he lets them down with Reader.
"Plus, now I know how safe I need to be around you," Reader giggles, joking with him. He blushes as she wiggles her eyebrows at him, then pulls on a smirk.
"So you think about sleeping with me?"
"Oh yeah," she admits unabashedly. She licks her lips and snickers. "But now those fantasies are detailed enough to include condoms."
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Should I do more of this? I'm kind of in love with it
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f1nalboys · 3 years
The Ending  (Poly!Ghostface x GN!Reader One-shot)
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, alcoholism, betrayal, just lots of sadness, cursing. no happy ending either lol, please read at your own risk (take care of yourselves first people!)
Billy knew how it was going to end. He knew there wasn’t going to be a happy ending for him, not after everything he’s done and everything he’s learned. But being with Stu gave him hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, he could make something of himself after all was said and done in Woodsboro.
But now he was here, standing in the rain in front of Stu’s grave, wondering what the fuck he had done. The plan worked. Everyone who needed (and who he and Stu wanted) to be were dead, Sidney's dad was deemed responsible and he and Stu were the heroes who had barely survived this awful killing spree.
You were a mess those first few days. You were bouncing between the two boys’ hospital rooms every hour until the nurses would kick you out and you’d be back the very next day. While Billy was pretty banged up, Stu was worse. Far worse. He was in the hospital for almost two full months after his surgery.
The doctors had told you and Billy that Stu surviving was a miracle. “Any longer and he’d have been dead before he got to the operating room,” They had said and you were so thankful. You cried into Billy’s shoulder, choking out ‘thank you’s to gods you weren’t sure you believed in, but Billy was crying for a different reason. He had been the one to stab Stu.
He almost killed him. He had gotten so into their plan, so excited, he almost killed the love of his life. When Stu woke up, Billy let you see him first. He’d never admit it, but he was scared to see him. When you came out of Stu’s room, you told Billy Stu was asking for him. 
“Hey there stranger,” Stu grinned, voice hoarse, and Billy broke down in tears. Stu shushed him, pulled him against his chest tightly, letting him get it out.”S’ok Billy, dontcha worry. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” 
Billy blubbered out apologizes and only stopped when Stu pulled him in for a kiss. “I almost...you could have...fuck Stu, I’m so sorry.” He murmured against his lover's lips. He would have never forgiven himself had Stu died. Stu was covered in cuts and bruises, his entire abdomen wrapped in gauze, and he looked exhausted and he still looked in better shape than Billy did. 
“Stop that. You didn’t, that’s all that matters. Go get Y/N, I want to get out of this fucking hospital and get some actual food.” 
For the next seven months, things were good. Better than good, actually. The three of you spent every moment together from waking up together to falling asleep in each other's arms, and Billy was grateful. He had moved in with Stu after everything, unable to look his father in his face anymore. 
You doted on the two of them hand and foot, grateful they were still with you, and you had no idea they were the ones behind it all. You would never know. Billy had to play up his sadness about the others, especially Sidney and Tatum, but in all honesty, he felt lighter. More relaxed. Reporters were on the two for weeks and you were with them every step of the way, fielding questions and denying or accepting interviews. You wanted what was best for them.
Stu was excited about it; everything the two of them had planned was coming true! Interviews, movie deals, book deals, fame. It was better than he had ever expected. And then college started. The three of you stuck close to Woodsboro, going to the nearby university and living together in an apartment. 
“So, how are we gonna go about it this time?” Stu had asked Billy when you were gone and he gave him a confused look. Stu sighs, wrapping his arms around the shorter man and kissing him. “You know what I’m talking about! Who’re we going after this time? Think we should switch anything up or keep it simple? I was thinking we get Dr. Herman, the asshole failed me last semester.”
“You still want to do it?” Billy had asked, completely taken aback. He knew they had agreed to do a sequel because, as Stu said, these days, you gotta have one, but after the close call with Stu, the thought had slipped his mind.
“Course I do! Why, you don’t wanna?” Billy shakes his head, pushing Stu off of himself. He didn’t want to. He never wanted to touch a fucking knife again if it meant Stu would be safe. But looking at him, his eyes wide in excitement and that dumb grin on his face, he agrees. “Yeah baby! Alright, where do we start?”
They planned for months, sneaking around your schedule to make sure you didn't catch on. It was Billy who had suggested killing you. Stu wasn’t sure, worried that killing someone that close to them again would put suspicion on them, but Billy calmed him down.
“What better way to draw suspicion off of us if the person we loved was dead! It would prove that someone was trying to be a copycat, come after us again, you know?” Billy loved you, sure, but not how he loved Stu. He needed Stu to work, to keep him calm, to survive. He enjoyed you like one enjoys a pet; enough to worry about you but not enough to die without you. Planning your murder was the hardest on Stu. You would come home, cuddle into the two of them, and talk about your day with the two people you loved and trusted the most with no clue they were planning on killing you. 
The first murder was easy. Like riding a bike Stu joked, shoving his ghostface robes into the trunk of his car. They kept the kills spaced out, hitting random people as well as people the two of them knew. You were terrified, not for yourself but for them. 
“You two have to promise me to be safe, alright? I can’t lose you.” You told them that one fateful night you were going to be home alone. They had to go study, according to Stu, and didn’t want to keep you up. “We promise, babe. You be safe too. Love you,” Stu calls before rushing out the door, Billy following closely behind him. They waited outside in the car for an hour.
Billy knew your schedule. On the nights you were at the apartment alone, you would go to the corner store down the street to grab some snacks before heading back to the empty apartment. The minute Billy saw you leave he hit Stu, waking him up, and told him to get inside. 
Billy sat in the car for almost two hours after waiting. He knew Stu liked to mess with his victims heads but he had never taken this long before and right when Billy was about to get out of the car and head inside, Stu exited the building. He had his backpack on and fresh clothes. 
“You got it done?” He asked when Stu got in and closed the door. He nodded in response, staring out the window which Billy found odd. Out of the two of them, Stu was always talkative after a kill. After Tatum he didn’t shut up for a fucking hour. “Good. What’s wrong with you?”
“They saw my face.” Stu said it so quietly Billy almost missed it. “What do you mean they saw your face?” His voice was thick. The only other person who had seen one of them without their masks was Casey and Stu had found it funny. 
“I was on top of them, stabbing them and they… they were fighting me and knocked my mask off. Billy, the look they gave me…” Stu coughs slightly, trying to cover the way his voice was breaking. “They gave up. Didn’t fight me anymore but they kept fucking looking at me, man. They didn’t even look mad, they looked sad, betrayed.”
“You gotta stop thinking about it.” Billy didn’t mean to snap, really, but he couldn’t help it. They were almost at the restaurant they were meant to be and they had to be inconspicuous. They’ve been going to this place for the last month and a half every day at the same time every night. 
Stu nods, wiping at his face in an attempt to calm down. The rest of the night was awkward, the two of them barely talking to one another. Both Billy and Stu sent you numerous text messages (to give them an alibi) before heading back home an hour later. 
They played your death off well, sobbing at the sight of your body being pulled from their apartment, shaken to their core during questioning. Billy was proud of Stu for going through with it but it wasn’t until Stu continued his sadness into their alone time days later that he realized something is wrong. 
“Don’t call me that.” Stu snapped. He was sitting on the couch in the new apartment they had gotten, your stuff in boxes filling the room. He was going through everything, deciding what to toss and what to give to your family, but he was stuck on this one damn shirt. He had bought it for you at a carnival you and he went to while Billy had gone to visit some relatives. It was one of those ‘I’m with handsome’ ‘I’m handsome’ couple shirts that you found both ugly and endearing. You would wear it to bed as many times as you could.
Billy’s eyebrows scrunched together and he stopped milling around in the kitchen, walking into the living room to stare at Stu. “What did you just say?”
“I said don’t call me that. I can’t fucking look at you anymore Billy because I only see them. I see their face when they realized it was us who had planned it, who had done fucking all of it. I watched them bleed out while holding onto my shirt, not you. No, you just sat in the fucking car.”
Stu stands, taking a large step towards Billy, poking him in the chest. “Stu, I know you’re upset, alright, but calm down.”
He scoffs, rubbing his face harshly. “Shut up. Just shut the fuck up! You boss me around, make me do shit like that, and then act as if nothing fucking happened. Do you even care about me? Or am I just another fucking pawn in your stupid god damn game like they were?” Billy punched him. His vision had gone red, his head filled with the beat of his heart, and he hit him. 
Stu falls to the ground, hand over his nose which had already begun to bleed profusely. Billy kicks at him, striking him in the ribs, before grabbing ahold of his hair and yanking his head up. Stu had tears in his eyes and it only made Billy angrier. 
“You think I don’t care about you? I’m doing this for you! You wanted to start this shit back up in the first place! And I don’t recall you fighting back when I suggested you kill Casey. Or Tatum. Or Y/N.” He spits, scowling at Stu before releasing his hair from his grip. He straightens up and looks down at the pathetic heap that was Stu. “You’re just as fucked up as I am, Stu. Maybe more so. Figure your shit out, alright?” 
He left. He never should have, but he did. It’s just that he was so fucking angry at Stu for suggesting that he didn’t give a shit about him when he was the only one Billy truly and deeply cared for. He went out to a bar and drank for a while, sitting and sulking until he could hardly stand. That’s when he went home. That’s when he found him.
Stu was in bed and Billy, had he not seen the pill bottles surrounding him, might have thought he looked peaceful. Billy doesn't remember much from those next few days. Billy didn’t leave Stu’s side until the police and EMTS, who were called by their neighbor who had heard Billy’s sobs, pulled him away. They let him go to the hospital with him and for seven long hours, Stu was still alive. 
But when he saw the doctor walk towards him with that expression, he knew. Stu was gone. The police interviewed him but they didn’t get much. Billy finds out later that they had found a note where Stu had admitted to everything: Woodsboro, the college killings, Y/N, himself. He apologized to Billy in the note.
Even when he was gone, even with how angry he had been, he still covered for Billy. And that’s what fucked him up the most. He didn’t sleep in his own bed for weeks, sleeping on the couch hugging Stu’s sweater instead. He cried every time he saw a photo of Stu, saw the dish he had left in the sink, saw his toothbrush. One day, he had woken up and realized he had no more tears left.
He was empty.
The day before Stu’s funeral Billy found himself digging through his things. He needed something of Stu’s to have with him while he watched them put his body in the ground, and when his fingers found that necklace he wore, his eyes found the other note. A note just for Billy. It was angry. Angry at Billy for hurting him, for making him hurt you, for not caring. And he told Billy that he still loved him. That he would always love him but that he hated him right now. That he hated himself. He apologized for what he was about to do and signed the letter with his name, a now dry teardrop on the paper.
Which leads him to now. The funeral was long over, the few people who had come had left hours ago, but Billy was still standing in front of his headstone. He had just turned 21 three days before his death. Billy’s knees buckle at the realization that he was never, ever, going to see Stu again. 
“Fuck. Fuck, Stu, I’m so sorry.” He cries, falling to his knees in the mud, his chest racking with sobs. He had never felt this kind of pain before. When his mother left, he hurt. He cried into Stu’s shirt hundreds of times, but he got through it. When Roman showed him the video of his father, he felt like his world was crumbling underneath him but Stu was there. Stu wasn’t here anymore. 
When Billy finally got home he was drenched, his body shaking, his fingers going blue. He stripped from his suit, trying to get rid of the thought about how that suit was meant for his wedding day, not a funeral. He crawls into bed in his underwear, grabbing another sweater from the closet where Stu’s clothing remained, and he hugged it. 
He hugged it until he lost the scent and then he reached into his bedside table and grabbed both the half empty bottle of vodka and the gun. He held them both in his hands, tears streaming down his face, before opening the bottle and taking a large gulp. He couldn't do it. The gun is placed inside his drawer again and he nurses the vodka until he falls into a restless sleep.
Each day is the same, over and over, until he finally chooses the gun over the bottle.
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realcube · 3 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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theoreticslut · 3 years
Sleepy Love Letters // f.w.
fred weasley x reader 
requested: yes
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none, fluff
A/N: oh good lord. I am literally so behind on requests of all kinds. I guess i’ve just really needed a break. I am (obviously) writing again, but I am taking it much slower than I had been and it’s truly just because I get burnt out and tired so much faster lately. This fic is from my 1.1k sleepover (i believe) which was back in feb, but I still have stuff from my end of the year party from late dec / early jan. Basically, at this point I’m working through things as I get the time and motivation for it. It’ll all just be mixed in. If you’re waiting for a fic, headcanon, blurb, letter, etc. just keep your eyes out for it on my blog OR you can always check the events and their respective tags under my navigation to find it. I am either working on it or getting my way to it. I promise. Thank you, seriously, to every single one of you that have sent requests in for misc. events or when I had my requests open - it means the WORLD to me and I am going to get to it. I just need the time. Anyways, that’s enough of my heartfelt blubbering. I hope you guys like this fic! Xx
A/N 2: I’ve had this saved in my drafts for weeks now and I’ve been dying to post it. I’m not really sure why I haven’t yet, but here it is!! I hope you like it just as much as I do!
“Y/n, how do you think you did?!” Fred asks as he catches up with you walking out of the great hall after your charms exam.
“Good. Didn’t think it was too hard at least.” You reply, stifling a yawn.
Fred notices and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. The two of you have been friends for years and he knows you're exhausted even if you won’t admit it.
You’ve always spent hours upon hours studying for a test, often opting to stay up real late at night. He can’t even count how many times he and George have come back from detention or setting up a prank to find you passed out at one of the tables in the common room.
It only got worse when it was a final. Fred had found you not only passed out in the common room with a book open in front of you or on your lap, but he’d see you with a book shoved in your face as you ate or anytime you had some free time. He’d watch as you almost obsessively run through flash cards.
He adored how dedicated you were to getting good grades, but he often worried about what you were doing to yourself staying up way past the point of exhaustion or eating the bare minimum as you were too focused on the book in front of you. You weren’t taking care of yourself the way you should and it bothered him more than he’d like to admit.
“I’m sure you did more than just good, sweetheart. You excited that it was the last one?”
“Thrilled. I can’t wait to be able to spend the summer going to the lake and camping. You and George have any plans?”
“Not many as of yet. I’m sure George is going to try to find any excuse to see Angelina.”
You chuckle, nodding in agreement with the redhead. The two of you have only watched George and Angie dance the line between friends and dating for a year and a half now. They were closer than ever to being together, they just wouldn’t quite admit it to each other.
Walking into the common room you were glad to find it quiet. You’d hate to admit it out loud, but all you really wanted to do is go lay down and maybe sleep for a bit.
“Come hang out in my room?” Fred asked, nodding towards the stairs for the boys’ dorms.
He watches as a tired smile fills your face before you give him a small nod.
“Yeah, alright. You have any products you need testing?”
He chuckles, a loving smile on his face in response to your question. Even though you’re dragging your feet and look about ready to pass out, you’re still asking about him and his passion.
“Not today. Maybe later next week though.  I just like your company.”
“I like yours, Fred.” You giggle, following him up the stairs.
“Well obviously, princess. Who doesn’t love having me in their company?” He chuckles, opening the door to his dorm.
“Good Godric,” you roll your eyes. “I think you need to check that ego of yours.”
“You love my big ego though, yeah?”
You shake your head as a smile finds its place on your face. You can’t help but let out a yawn as you take a seat on his bed while he sits down at the desk, watching you get comfortable.
“It definitely makes you interesting, Freddie.”
He smiles, watching as you stretch out, slowly making yourself more comfortable.
“You alright, y/n?” He asks as you let out a soft groan as you curl up in your side.
“Yeah. I’m just really tired, Freddie. Haven’t slept much lately.” You mumble, eyes already closed lightly.
“I’m sure, princess. You just rest for a bit. I’ll make sure you’re up in time for dinner.”
“Thank you.”
He smiles, watching as you tuck one of his pillows under your head. He’s always found you adorable when you’re sleepy. The few times he’s caught you napping in ginny’s room at the burrow, or on the couch down in the common room while your friends all talk, he’s felt his heart melt.
Not wanting to be creepy, though, he turns his attention to a joke product he’s been working on, listening to the gentle breathes leaving your body as you fall asleep.
You’ve been asleep for about a half hour now and Fred can’t help but admire you. Every time a little groan leaves your lips as you adjust your position, he can’t stop a smile from growing on his lips.
That’s not even mentioning how adorable you look curled up on his bed. Your laying on your stomach, with one leg stretched out while the other is pulled up to your side as you hug a pillow under your head and towards your chest. Your hair is sprawled out over his blankets, afternoon light reflecting of the silky strands.
He watches as your torso slowly rises and falls with your steady breathes and your eyelids flutter with your dreams. He watches as you ever so gently situate yourself from time to time.
He is so enamored with you at the moment he can’t help but want to share his feelings with the world. He’s loved you for a few years now, but he’s never dared let on he does in case you didn’t feel the same. He can’t fathom losing you as a friend, so he never wanted to share something that might make the relationship awkward.
He’s never even told George how he feels about you. When he realized just how deeply he felt for you, he promised himself that he’d keep it quiet. For all you and George knew, Fred only thought of you as a good friend and nothing more. Sure you both knew that he cared for you and would do anything you ever asked him to, but you would never guess that Fred wanted to be able to call you his - that he wanted to be able to hold you and kiss you and shout to the world that he’s dating you.
Fred sighs happily as you continue sleeping, feeling his heart swell with love. Godric how you made him feel.
He doesn’t even realize what he’s doing until he’s written a few words.
Y/n, sweetheart -
Godric, I love you.
He feels the air get sucked out of his lungs as he reads over what he wrote. He couldn’t possibly have written that right?
Looking over at you cautiously to find you still fast asleep he sighs. He checks the time finding that dinner is still over an hour away. Maybe writing out his feelings wouldn’t be so bad? It’s not like anyone would be seeing them right?
You giggle as you shut the door on your two best friends as they stumble over each other up the stairs.
As soon as you three stepped off the train, Fred was asking you to come over for a few days, not wanting to part ways quite yet. Writing out his feelings did the exact opposite of what he was hoping. Instead of feeling relieved and getting them out of the forefront of his mind, writing out his love for you had only made him crazier for you.
It was insane how much he felt for you and he couldn’t imagine having you disappear on him so quickly. Hence why he asked you over and you’ve been at the burrow for about three days now.
It’s been amazing spending time with your two best friends without the stress or schedule of classes and tests.
Currently you were trying to escape their wrath for a harmless prank you pulled on them this morning which may have resulted in them both getting drenched in water.
“Y/n, sweetheart, can you let us in our room please? We really would like to change out of these wet clothes.” Fred asks sweetly, attempting to get you to show yourself to them.
“Not yet. You’re going to attack me soon as I do.”
“We won’t. Swear we won’t, right george?”
“Right, Fred. Just let us in.”
“I don’t trust you two.” You admit, trying to catch your breath as you back away from the locked door.
“Why not? We’ve never given you a reason not too.”
“You’re joking right? Must I remind you about your birthday?” You deadpan, taking a seat at their desk in an attempt to protect yourself. If they tried to attack you, you at least had an arsenal of pens and pencils.
“Alright, fair enough. We promise no tricks. Just unlock the door.”
“I really don’t want to. At least I’m safe right now.”
You hear a mix of chuckles and a groan as you curiously look over the contents of the desktop. You frown when you spot a folded piece of paper with your name on it.
Why would they have a paper addressed to you? And what would even be in it? It’s not like anyone has anything important enough to put in a letter for you. If they have something to say they just talk to you.
Without questioning it, you pick up the paper and start reading it.
Y/n, sweetheart -
Godric, I love you. I’ve loved you for ages now but I’ve been far too worried about ruining our friendship to tell you. The only reason I’m writing these words now is because I know no one but me will ever see this.
“Y/n? What’re you doing?” Fred questions through the door when you get too quiet.
I can’t imagine a life without you, y/n. You’ve been the best part of mine since I met you on the train in our first year. The way you’re so unbelievably kind and fun to be around is just one of the many things I adore about you. I could write you a list, but it’d get to be quite long.
Merlin, I wish I could tell you how I feel. I want to scream it to the world I swear. I want to be able to hold you, and kiss you, whenever and wherever. I want to go on hogsmeade trips with you and buy you a butterbeer and be one of those couple’s you’re always fawning over. I want to get you gifts just because I want to see you smile.
You can hear the door click as one of them unlocks it, but you pay no attention to it.
I want to be the one you talk to about anything and everything. I want to be the one to comfort you. I want to be the one to make you smile. I want to fall asleep and wake up beside you each day. I just want you. I’ve wanted you since the middle of second year, but I’m sure you don’t feel the same. I just needed to get this all off my chest.
I love you and I hope you can tell even though we’re friends. I love you, y/n. So much.
“Shit, princess. Y-you weren’t supposed to read that.” Fred sighs from behind you.
You jump slightly at his proximity, not expecting him to be right behind you.
You look up at him as he paces across the room, looking over to George before back at Fred. You frown as you watch him tug at his hair.
“Hmm?” He acknowledges, still pacing.
“Will you please look at me?”
“What’s even got you like this? What could you have written that’s so bad?” George questions, walking to the desk as you walk over to Fred.
You watch as Fred chews on his lip as you stand in front of him. You see the anxiousness in his eyes and you’ve never once been more reminded of a scared puppy as much as you are now. Fred looks absolutely terrified, only further proven by how he’s shaking slightly.
“Fred, do you really feel that way? Do you love me?”
“I, uhm, yeah...I-I do.”
You smile, pushing back some of his hair that’s stuck to his forehead from being drenched as you wrap your arms around his neck in a hug.
“You should have told me ages ago. I’ve loved you since second year, too, you goof.” You giggle, kissing his cheek before burying your face in his neck.
You pull back to look at him, finding him sporting a look of utter confusion as he stares at you, mouth open.
“What?” You chuckle, cocking a brow at him as you smile lightly.
“Y-you like me too? Like you actually like me? More than as a friend?”
You hear George chuckle to the side of you, drawing both of your guys’ attention.
“Godric, Fred. Never would have pegged you as a sap.” He snorts.
“Be nice, George. Believe it or not, it’s actually really sweet. Write a love letter to Angie and see how quickly she swoons.”
Fred chuckles at your repose while George scoffs, although there’s no hiding the blush that spreads across his cheeks.
You watch as George grabs some dry clothes before leaving the two of you to yourselves.
“So you actually like me too?”
“Of course I do, Freddie. Haven’t you ever noticed how much the girls would tease me when you were around? They were teasing me about you.”
“Bloody hell. They’ve done that for years! I thought it was just how they were.”
“I mean, it is, but they tend to get a bit more obnoxious about it when you’re around.”
“So you really like me too?”
“Yes, Freddie. I like you too. I just need to ask, when did you write that?”
He chuckles, rubbing at the back of his neck as he gives you a half smile.
“After our charms final....you took a nap in our dorm, remember?”
“Mhm. Your bed was really comfy.” You giggle, a blush rising to Fred’s cheeks.
“You looked really cute sleeping in my bed and I, well, I may have gotten a little overwhelmed with emotions.”
You smile, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“Godric you’re adorable, Fred.”
“Not as adorable as you, princess.”
“I beg to differ.” You giggle, smiling as he brings you into another kiss, tightly wrapping his arms around your waist.
When you pull away you press your foreheads together, smiling.
“So, do you think you could write that list about the things you adore about me?”
He can’t help the chuckle that leaves his chest as you smile adoringly at him.
“I’ll get right on it, love. Right after I change out of these clothes since someone decided it’d be fun to prank the pranksters this morning.”
You giggle, pressing one last kiss to his jaw before you leave him to let him change clothes.
“I’m glad I found your letter, Fred.”
“I am too, y/n. I love you.”
“I love you too, Freddie.” You smile as you close his bedroom door. Who would have guessed that Fred Weasley would declare his feelings for you in a love letter? One things for sure though, you’re saving that paper and cherishing it the rest of your life.
general taglist - @accioalix @captaincactusjuice @inglourious-imagines @keepawaythenargles @lemongrasshoney @onyourgoddamleft @valiantobservationkitty @concepcion @eternallyvenus @fandomwhoress @fleurho @fredweasleyzwh0re @harleigh110 @hufflepuffflowers-blog @hufflrpuffforfred @i-miei-amori @littlemisswitt @sammy-the-gay @sightiff @starstruckgranger @teenwolfbitches2 @watermelonsugar2810 @harrypotterwifey @your-hispanicehufflepuff @yikeyikesyikes95 @darthwheezely @callmelilone @teawiththeweasleys @softlyqoos @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton @perfectlysane24 @mischievous-queen @bunnyboo7 @grandeoptimist @daddystevee @slytherinxhunter @streetfighterrichie @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @isthereanymorejello @p0gue420 @hogwartslut @sebby-staan @fredshmeasley @weasleysbitch2 @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @roonilwazlibswhore @i-love-scott-mccall
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That was depressing. :'( Maybe a fixer-upper? Companions react to Sole coming back? Maybe they apologize to their friends and wanna try again?
Here is some healing and a peace offering for you guys 💙💛 After that last post, I think we all needed it, lol. I hope you enjoy!
Cait - Hardly believes her eyes when F!Sole comes heading down the stairs of the Third Rail. She almost thinks that it's some twist of cruel fate and F!Sole is just back to yell at her and kick her more for something that she already berates and destroys herself for every day. But when F!Sole softly cups the side of her face, questioning softly and heartbrokenly about what had happened to Cait, the redhead launches herself out of her stupor and snatches F!Sole in one of those infamous bone-crushing hugs that she's so well-known for. Even though she is drunk off of her rear end, she knows that this is real. It feels, smells, and sounds too much like F!Sole not to be. She is blubbering all manners of apologies and explanations and anything she can think of to make F!Sole stay. It takes her a considerable amount of time to realize that F!Sole has guided them both to the back room on a couch and is carefully yet firmly explaining that Cait has nothing to be sorry for and that it is entirely F!Sole's own fault. For a while after that, she takes deep, shaking breaths as she just squeezes the woman as tightly as she can in an attempt to assure herself that she's still there with her. Eventually she falls asleep against F!Sole, finding herself the most comfortable she has been in days.
Piper - Almost can't believe the sight before her. When she answers the door, she most certainly did not expect to come face to face with the last person who wanted to see her. There was a deep regret and sadness shining in F!Sole's eyes, but before she could speak, Piper had launched herself onto her, clinging tightly and whispering constant apologies amidst lots of tears. When F!Sole wraps her arms around her, replying in that smooth, calming tone that all was forgiven and not to worry and that she should be the one apologizing instead, Piper only cries harder. She squeezes the life out of her Blue, vowing never to let her go again. In fact, she drags her into her house and forces her to just sit on the couch with her for a long time and they just hold each other until Piper calms down enough to talk.
Curie - When she sees F!Sole, she feels her heart clench and she almost cannot even move as she completely collapses into tears, and F!Sole has to head over to her and hold the poor, sniveling girl in her arms as she just cries it all out, pitifully sobbing about how sorry she is for whatever she said or did, and F!Sole just whispers comforting words, apologizing for breaking her promise and leaving Curie all alone in the world. Curie eventually gets ahold of herself well enough to control her arms again and wrap them around F!Sole's waist tightly. She is so, so thankful to have Madame back with her again, and she already feels so much safer and happier. F!Sole is crying a little, too, and Curie feels her heart squeezing again as she readjusts and holds on even tighter.
MacCready - Almost falls off of his chair when he sees her approach his house in the Capital Wasteland. She is standing there with a group of Minutemen behind her who obviously helped escort her there. She tells them something and they all take a moment to have a break. She then heads over to MacCready. He takes a look around, seeing that Duncan is playing in the yard at a safe enough distance away for the two of them to talk privately. As soon as she has stepped up on his front porch, he stands up and apologizes to her somewhat awkwardly. F!Sole explains that she is sorry instead and they spend a lot of time discussing things. He eventually introduces her to Duncan and they begin to make plans to head back to the Commonwealth together. Only two days later, they head home with Duncan in tow.
Deacon - Is very, very surprised when she approaches him when he is undercover spying on her. Those kind eyes are filled with love and care, and he is honestly not sure whether he is slightly skeptical or if he is just endlessly grateful for the fact that she is not yelling and angry still. She sits next to him and he tries to keep up the act in whatever role he has taken up. That is, until she snatches off the phony wig or hat and the sunglasses, dropping them on his lap as she looks into his eyes. He sighs deeply and apologizes for acting the way he did and upsetting her so horribly. She shakes her head, expressing that he is not the one that needs to apologize. In the end, she hugs him tightly, despite his uncomfortableness, but this time, it actually feels a lot nicer than usual. If it means she's back and won't leave again, he can suffer through as many hugs as he has to.
Codsworth - As he lives and breathes, he cannot believe that he is actually looking at F!Sole. He wastes no time in hovering over to her as fast as he can. She gently places her hands on his metal sides and steadies him as he begins to stumble over himself as quickly as he can, apologizing for his awful behavior. She just shakes her head, looking into one of his eyes and explaining that she was the one with the awful behavior. She wastes no time in hugging him the best she can considering all of his many appendages. He happily sighs and pats her back gently with a pincer. He is so relieved to have his mistress back and to finally have the one person that cares about him back into his life.
Hancock - Thinks he must be on either the best or worst trip of his life as F!Sole walks in through the door of his office, those beautiful eyes staring him down with none of the fire that they held in them when he last saw her. He raises up a bit from his place on the couch, but she comes to him, taking a hand and sweeping away all of the remainders of jet, psycho, whatever other chems he has been stuffing himself with. He immediately feels a great amount of guilt about not only the situation between them but also the fact that he has so unashamedly let himself fall apart like this. F!Sole, however, does not judge, and she simply starts to apologize for getting mad and leaving. He shakes his head and tries to apologize instead, but she stops him, insisting that it is she who should be sorry. After a moment of looking at her, he opens his arms and she happily falls into them, hugging him tightly. He just holds her for a long time, and they wait for his most recent high to disappear so he can truly converse with her for the first time in what feels like forever.
Danse - Is completely shocked when he hears her voice behind him. He carefully stands up, staring at her and he swallows hard, looking down at the ground and anywhere but her face. She comes closer to him, and he apologizes to her quickly. She shakes her head and negates his apology instead uttering her own as she stands just before him, trying to catch his gaze. Finally, she gently touches his chin and he immediately looks into her eyes. She stares at him for a long time, and he knows that she sees all of his pain, guilt, and sadness. He is not even trying to hide them at this point. However, she just shakes her head after a moment and embraces him carefully. He freezes for only a moment before slouching down to her level, allowing her to hold some of his weight as he presses his forehead to her shoulder. He just breathes her in carefully as she gently runs her fingers through his hair and reassures him quietly. He soon realizes that he is crying as a few tears slide down his cheeks silently. He just hugs her gently yet firmly, and they stand there for a long time, just hugging it out as she whispers how much he means to her and refills him with his lost sense of self-worth.
Preston - Is so thankful and shocked to see her that he almost does not know what to do. However, he quickly makes his way over to her as Minutemen are greeting their true general. He asks her if they can speak somewhere more privately. When they are alone, he proceeds to apologize for his actions and explain how inexcusable they were and how he should not have ever done it. She places a hand on his, and shakes her head, explaining how she is truly at fault. He just sighs and shakes his head before hugging her carefully. When he finally pulls away, he removes the general hat he has started wearing and he offers it to her, asking if she will be the general of the Minutemen once again. When she agrees, he feels all of the weight lifting from his chest and he feels happier than he has in weeks.
Valentine - Is just sitting in his agency when she walks through the door. As soon as she does, he drops his pen, looking at her as if she had sprouted two extra heads. She quietly asks if the seat in front of him is taken, and he gestures to it easily, encouraging her to sit. Ellie wastes no time in excusing herself to allow them to speak. After a few beats of silence, they both start to apologize at the same time. They both chuckle at that, and F!Sole explains how she is the one in the wrong. He shakes his head wordlessly, knowing the truth, and she reaches across the table, taking his hands and squeezing them before standing up and heading over to hug him. He feels all of the pieces mending themselves as he holds her in his arms, just enjoying her closeness. He will never mess this up again.
X6-88 - Is exceedingly surprised to see her as she teleports into the Institute just before he reports his failure to maintain her trust. She greets him somewhat breathlessly and apologizes to him before he has a chance to express his own regret. He blinks and stares at her before proceeding to apologize anyway despite her protests. She gently places her hands on his shoulders, and he felt something strange bubble in his stomach as she looked at him with such affection and kindness. He found that he liked this feeling much better than the one he got while thinking of that same face contorted with anger.
Dogmeat - Raises his head up, looking at the sunrise. He looks a bit harder, staring intently since he is sure he saw something moving on the horizon. Sure enough, he starts to make out the form of a person running. His ears perk up and he sniffs the air. Before she even gets to him, he smells that comforting scent. He wiggles a bit in place, but he is scared to hope. What if she gets mad at him again and yells at him some more? However, when she finally reaches the truck stop, she pauses, looking at him carefully. He wags his tail reluctantly but hopefully, not coming to her just yet. After a moment, she hesitantly and carefully approaches him, holding out her hand gently. He wants to sniff it and lick it so badly, but he waits. He does not shy away from it, though, when it gently meets the side of his head. After only a moment, she is stroking him with both hands and crying for some reason, saying the same two words over and over. She does not smell angry, and he actually smells shame and love coming off of her in waves. So he happily forgives his favorite person in the world, licking her tears away and snuggling into her grasp as he always did before.
Strong - As soon as he sees her, he starts to try to attack. However, she quickly raises her arms up in a placating gesture and apologizes repeatedly, trying to get him to listen. He pauses, but he is still angry. He finally decides not to smash her. However, he does not forgive her until she hands him a specially-modified board with razor wire, barbed wire, and nails coating the end. He then begrudgingly forgives her, and it does not take him long to return to his usual self around her.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
💜-But imagine that for the past week both katsuki and Eijiro have been so teasing towards you, that you decide to get a little revenge. When they are both asleep you managed to tie their arms up, leaving them exposed to you. You decide for all their teasing to tease them back. You slide under the covers and begin to give kirishima’s cock little kitten licks while gently stroking katsuki’s cock, you hear their groans and you feel them squirm under their touch.
“What the fuck,” you hear katsuki say, his legs squirming while you stroke his cock. Then Kiri wakes up just as confused. You know they aren’t gonna be happy at your actions, but that can be considered payback for this week.
You hear Eijiro moan as you run your tongue up the length of his cock, circling it around the tip,”fuck, pebble, what do you think you’re doing?” Eijiro groans.
You hum around his cock, picking up the pace while you stroke katsuki’s cock. Switching from a slow teasing stroke to something fast. You take your mouth off of Eijiro’s cock and switch to katsuki’s. Your hand grips Eijiro and begins to do slow teasing strokes enjoying hearing Eijiro’s groans from being so close to cumming but kept on the edge, and hearing katsuki moan.
“ don’t be a tease pebble, you don’t want to be punished.” Eijiro warned.
“Ohhh, I’m so scared,” you mocked. Unfortunately for you, that was the last straw. You heard a loud crack and heavy rope drop to the floor, the blankets and covers were thrown off of you. Two strong hands grab your arm and waist, hauling you up towards katsuki, one hand grabs both arms and presses them against your back, the other hand grabs your face, forcing you to look up at his angry red eyes.
“Awww, you thought you could dom us didn’t you? How stupid. But I guess you’re just our dumb little slut, huh? “Katsuki says, you can feel kirishima binding your hands together behind your back.
“Now pebble, I thought you would have known better. I think our dumb little slut needs to be reminded who is in control here. “ Eijiro says slapping your ass, “I guess this is going to be a nice way to break in that paddle,”he laughs as katsuki grabs your squirming body, turning you to lay on his lap, arms bound together in the middle of your back.
“Remember your safe word baby, what are they?” Katsuki says pressing the cold wooden paddle against your bare ass gently, letting you get a feel first.
“Red is stop, yellow is slow down, green means okay,” you reply.
“And if you can’t talk?” He asks
“ three taps,”
“Good girl.” Eijiro says, grabbing your face. He loves to make you hold eye contact during your punishments, seeing your crying face, how your face gets red.
Without warning katsuki swings the wooden paddle down on your ass, making a loud smacking noise. You have to hold back your moans.
“Count. You know what you’re supposed to do. “ katsuki warns, bringing the paddle down again.
“One, thank you master,”
By the tenth strike, your ass is breath red, tears are streaming down your face and your struggles have died down.
You feel katsuki’s hand wander between your legs, a finger slides in your soaking wet folds, you release a moan by accident.
“Did you learn your lesson brat? Or do you need more than just the paddle? Your ass is already red hot, and you’re practically dripping on my lap. Making a fucking mess,” katsuki says.
“I’m sorry master, I’m sorry daddy.” You apologize through tears. Katsuki grabs your bound arms and hauls you up into a sitting position,”don’t ever try that shit again, got it?” Katsuki says, you nod your head yes.
“Good, now clean up your mess,”he commands, pushing your face down towards his lap, making you lick up your juices.
You feel something cold on your ass, making your squirm. One quick spank makes you stop immediately,”stay still pebble, this is gonna help. “ he says rubbing that cold gel on your burning ass. He keeps on trailing his fingers around your second hole. He pushes a lubed up finger in your ass, making you moan.
“ oh, does our little slut like it when her ass is played with? “ Eijiro asks, sliding a finger to feel your wet cunt,”oh you’re practically dripping,” he says with a laugh. He opens a drawer, taking out the plug katsuki and he loves.
“Relax pebble, enjoy this,” you feel the luved up plug make its way into your ass, stretching you out so nicely.
“Fuck, you look so hot with that plug pebble. Turn around, let your master see,” you obey, turning around to face Eijiro. Your eyes train on his large cock, he grabs your head and guides your mouth to his cock, you feel two hands on your waist, guiding your wet pussy above katsuki’s cock. Hands guiding you to bounce on his cock while kirishima’s hands guide you to take him deep.
“Good girl, you’re sucking me do good, trying to compensate for being a brat earlier? Why don’t you make us cum, “ Kiri taunts as katsuki begins to thrust harder and faster, fingers rubbing you clit. You moan around Eijiro’s cock.
“She is so fucking wet, taking us like a good slut,” katsuki says as his thrusts grow harder and faster.
“Fuck baby, you gonna cum? Cum all over my cock with Eijiro’s cock in your mouth. Cum like the good slut you are,” katsuki commands rubbing your clit harder. Your legs are shaking and your muffled moans fill the room.
“Swallow me pebble, I don’t want you to waste a fucking drop, got it,” you moan again, cumming around katsuki’s cock as kirishima fills your moth with cum.
“Fuck her pretty cunt is milking me dry,” katsuki groans, cumming deep in your pussy.
“Fuck pebble, that was so fucking hot. You were so good for us, good girl,” kirishima says pulling out of your mouth, katsuki carefully pulls out of your pussy, an arm under your stomach, forcing your ass to stay high in the air, exposing your pussy filled with cum and your butt plug.
“ so fucking good baby,”
Probably part 1
this again will probably be long so let’s tag it and add some warnings <33
katsuki bakugou x fem!reader, eijiro kirishima x fem!reader
warning(s): unprotected sex, light somnophilia, blowjobs, master/daddy kink, heavy degredation, pain play, using a paddle, restraints, cum play, ass play, humiliation, dacryphilia wew ok !!
author’s notes: i wrote this with red LED lights on hehe also sorry it took a while aa
can you imagine the surprise on katsuki’s face when he wakes up to the feeling of your tiny hand wrapped around his shaft, palming him for all his worth? boy is probably going to trip because A) its super fucking hot the way your thumb rubs over his leaking tip every once and a while, brushing between his slit in a way that has his eyes rolling and B) he hates when you get the one up on him, for bakugou, its all about having power and control over you, you’re supposed to be bakugou’s little bitch and even though his bitch in heat sucks his cock like a goddess, swallowing him deep just like he taught you, it makes him mad to his very core that you’d even try to dom him when he knows you’re just a pathetic subby bunny.
kirishima, i’d like to think, is a little less of a hard dom compared to katsuki for the most part. poor boy is almost embarrased at how he whimpers when he jumps awake and finds your lips wrapped sweetly around his red hot cock, he loves it when you look up at him from under the sheets, a drooly mess all for him. eiji wants you to slobber all over him, watch as a mix of drool and. precum. slides down your chin and drips between his balls and your hands, god your hands make him feel like he’s reached the gates of heaven-- but he’s upset with you, his little baby should know better than to try a stunt like this on her master while he’s asleep, so of course a punishment is in order.
the paddle is of course a purchase of katsuki’s, but it doesn’t mean eijirou doesnt like using it on you any less than the blonde. the way it makes your cute ass jiggle and the way it makes tears sting tracks down your cheeks is enough to rouse a boner out of tthe red head. and of course,  katsuki likes it when you’re all marked up and writhing in pain, its like some kind of high for him and gets him off just to see you as a blubbering mess.
they like to humiliate you when you pull stunts like this, calling you out for being such a cry baby in the way you jump and twitch at the simple press of thick digits against your clit. not to mention how you shamefully wail as eijirou eases the cute little butt. plug between your cheeks, you hate to admit how much you love it. a spit roasted slut is what you are, bounded as katsuki easily slides into your pussy, soaked from the punishment you so obediently endured.  he groans at how tight you are, how well you take him even when sore and in pain-- while kirishima gets a full view of the way your eyes roll into the back of your head as he sinks into your hot mouth, his own moan falling freely from his lips.
they fuck you until you’re a trembling, limp, leaking mess who doesn’t know whats up or whats down. your holes so eagerly swallow them up that it drives them insane, even as they paint you white inside and out. eijirou’s cum slips from the corner of your mouth but he forces it back in with slow and steady thrusts,  lifting your head by your hair to use the sight of your tears as material to get off. your spasmining orgasm is what trigger’s bakugou’s, his sharp thrusts easing into pathetic grinds as he breeds your pussy like he’s trying to knock you up-- thick seed liniing your womb.
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melzula · 4 years
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
requests: Could you write a Fire Lilies blurb where Zuko struggles with how to approach being around Princess Reader when she avoids him and/or gives him the silent treatment? // Hi- I was wondering if you could write a fire lillies blurb where, when the gaang first starts interacts with zuko, they are more protective of the reader. Simply because they know the history between the two.
a/n: the format of this is a little different than how I normally write but I think it works :)
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Though Zuko had finally become a part of Team Avatar, he still found himself to be the odd one out of the group. From Katara’s cold glare to Sokka’s reluctance of being left alone with the prince, Zuko struggled to find his place amongst the group. It was odd and new and strange, but at least it was a start in the right direction, and his first step included mending things with the Princess. He had gotten her to fall in love with him once, so it couldn’t be that hard to do it again, right?
In truth, it was very hard. Zuko faced many obstacles and many set backs, and it would probably be some time before she even so much as looked at him, let alone forgave him...
Zuko watched from afar as the Princess handled her chores for the day, sitting peacefully by the fountain as she washed the clothes. Her movements were delicate but precise, the water flowing smoothly through the dirt and the grime collected on Toph’s green robes, and a faint smile graced her features as she hummed softly through the work. She was at peace and completely relaxed, more relaxed than Zuko had ever seen y/n in years. Even in Ba Sing Se there had always been a nervous edge to her, an edge she did her best to hide from Zuko, and she had almost been completely rid of it until the caves. He cringed at the thought, guilt overcoming him at the fact that she seemed so much better off without him.
“What are you doing?” Katara scowls accusingly, startling the Prince from his silent watch over y/n.
“Y/N’s been really happy ever since she left you, and you’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you ruin that for her,” the water bender scolds harshly.
“I just want to apologize to her,” Zuko replies calmly, but Katara isn’t having it.
“A simple apology is never going to fix all the ways you’ve hurt her. Y/n deserves better, and if I ever see you make her upset or uncomfortable I won’t hesitate to step in.”
Zuko says nothing as Katara stalks away, he knows better than to get in her way when she’s angry, and when her retreating form finally disappears he looks back at the fountain.
The clothes have been washed, and the Princess is gone.
The smell of stew was heavenly to Zuko’s rumbling tummy, and he was eager to join everyone by the fireside. Bowls had been served, seats had been chosen, and an empty spot beside the Princess was his for the taking.
“Excuse me, buddy,” Sokka chirps, patting Zuko heartily on the back before quickly sitting himself beside y/n. She smiles softly at the water tribe boy and offers him her leftovers to which he happily accepts.
Zuko deflates, choosing to sit next to Aang and enjoy his stew of failure. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and it probably won’t be the last. He knew Sokka was just protecting her, and he couldn’t be mad at him for that. Sokka had probably done more for y/n in her time with him than Zuko had ever done, who was he to blame his protectiveness?
Y/n offers to take the empty dishes to wash, and as Zuko attempts to follow after her his path is quickly blocked by Sokka.
“Listen, I know you’re trying to make things right, and while I respect that, y/n’s asked me to keep you away from her,” he explains as gently as he can. “It’s nothing personal, but I care about her and I want to make sure she feels comfortable.”
“Oh... I understand,” Zuko utters quietly. “Will you at least tell her that I love her?”
“...I’ll do my best,” Sokka replies solemnly, watching with a pang of guilt as Zuko retreats to his room for the night.
“What am I supposed to do?” Zuko groans whilst tugging at his hair.
“You know I’m a firm believer in peace, and I do think that neither of you will be happy until your issues are resolved,” Aang comments wisely. “But I also think you should never force anything. Y/n will come around in her own time when she’s ready.”
“But that could take forever!” He protests. “I’ve already been away from her long enough, and being near her but not being able to speak to her is torture.”
Both boys turn their gazes towards y/n in the distance where she carefully brush Appa’s hair and talk to him about his day. The sight is very Princess like, which is fitting since she is a Princess after all, but the sweetness of it all makes Zuko’s heart ache with longing.
“What you did wasn’t right,” Aang sighs. “And she’s still healing. But, if she truly couldn’t stand you then she wouldn’t have given her blessing to let you stay.”
“She only let me stay so I could train you,” Zuko argues.
“Okay, that’s true. But she also washes your clothes, serves you dinner, and just the other day I saw her mending a hole in your boot. She won’t talk to you, but she does still care.”
“She’s always had such a big heart,” he murmurs dejectedly. “Back when I was still hunting you y/n always went out of her way to take care of me even if I didn’t want it. I was a fool to take her for granted.”
“I really do think you guys will work it out. Just don’t force anything, and you’ll be fine,” Aang comforts, and the two continue to watch the Princess as she tends to Appa.
With a bouquet of wild flowers in hand and his hair combed in that same horrid style his Uncle had given him back in Ba Sing Se, Zuko headed to her room in hopes of finally talking to the Princess. He knew how much y/n loved flowers, and he also knew how much she loved that ridiculously dorky hairstyle, so he hoped that the two combined together would at least earn him a smile in return.
But when he arrived to her part of the temple he found that her door was barricaded with a smooth slab of rock, and sitting a few feet away from said rock was Toph. The little girl sat leaning against the wall, legs crossed over each other and hands folded behind her head.
“Sorry, sparky, boss’s orders,” she explains with a small shrug, and Zuko deflates. “Personally I think she just needs to man up and face you, but until then I’ve been put under strict orders not to let you in.”
“She really hates me, doesn’t she?” Zuko sighs, joining Toph against the wall. The flowers in his hand are beginning to droop from the lack of water, much like his demeanor from his lack of y/n.
“No, but she’s very angry,” Toph corrects. “Really sad, too. Sokka’s already been in there three times tonight.”
“Are they...?”
“Together? He wishes,” the girl scoffs. “His heartbeat picks up a beat or two sometimes when he’s with her, but he’d never make a move on her. Not when she’s so upset and he’s the only one she can talk to.”
“Yeah, well maybe they should be together,” Zuko grumbles, the flower stems charring in his hands from the sudden heat that emits from his palms. “They’re both water tribe and he obviously takes care of her better than I ever could.”
“That’s true,” Toph nods much to Zuko’s dismay. “But she doesn’t love Sokka. She loves you.”
“Loved,” Zuko corrects only for Toph to roll her eyes.
“You dunderhead,” she mutters before punching him in the shoulder. “I should just knock your heads together and make you kiss and make up right now.”
“Can you do that?” Zuko asks hopefully only to receive another punch from Toph.
“You sure do have a lot to learn, sparky.”
The Princess
The morning is quiet and calm as you rise with the sun, heading out to collect the dew on the plants of the temple so that you may use it as water for your group. Other than Momo, who sits comfortably on your shoulders, everyone is asleep, giving you some time to decompress and enjoy the solitude of the rising sun.
“Anything I can help with?”
Or so you thought. Of course Zuko would approach you now when there was no one to keep him away from you. You say nothing in response, refusing to even look at him as you set down your bucket and begin to remove the dew from the leaves.
“Y/n, please talk to me,” he begs. “Let me make it better.”
Zuko is met with silence and an eye roll. Momo chitters curiously at the Princess, receiving a head scratch in return which is more than Zuko can say.
“I never stopped thinking of you,” he says. “And I wish I could take back everything I’ve done to hurt you.”
“I don’t want your apologies,” you utter quietly. “I want you to go away.”
Hearing your voice after being met with silence for so long brings the boy to tears, and with a hesitant demeanor Zuko reaches out for you. However, at the sight of the water glowing your palms the Prince takes a step back. You’re not afraid to turn your bending on him, not anymore, and it isn’t until now that he realizes he really has hurt you, more than he could ever have imagined.
“Go. Don’t make me ask again.”
With a defeated sigh Zuko turns away and leaves the Princess to her own devices. She goes back to tending to the dew, and the Prince goes back to his room to wallow in his shame.
Both have tears streaming down their faces.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @eridanuswave @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang |
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
♡ the bau + their kinks ♡
HC Request: here
Hi! I requested this before but sometimes people don’t receive them (idk why) but can I please get what kinks you think the team would have and if they’re a don or sub? Like I think that Spencer would be a dom w a breeding kink, Emily dom w a degradation kink, etc etc.
warning: nsfw
♡ Emily:
-likes to be in control of her partner
-wants to see you writhe under her touch
-won't let you cum until you're a hot begging mess for her
Degradation kink and overstimulation kink
-"you're such a dirty whore for me"
-"my baby's a perfect slut"
-"bet i can make you cum again"
-loves when shes fucking you after you've already orgasmed and you're an incoherent, whimpering, blubbering mess for her
Definite fan of toys during sex
-specifically dildos she uses the fuck out of
-she has a vibrating one
-a double sided one for you and her to use together
-a strap on to fuck her frustrations out on you when she's angry
-at work, at her mother, anything at all. she wants to unwind on her baby
-she loves oral sex
-very rough and good at it
-but seriously so rough
-she'll suck and bite your boobs like they're her last fucking meal
-when eating pussy she won't come up for air until she's tasted your juices all over her tongue
♡ Spencer
-everyone automatically thinks he's a sub and he can be sometimes
-but sometimes he wants to be in control and let his dominant side out
-and he'll go all fucking out
-shoving, spanking, holding your wrists above your head, burying his tongue and cock inside of you so fucking hard
Praise kink and Possession kink
-giving and receiving praise
-wants to know he's doing well and you know that you are too
-any time his mouth isn't on your mouth or body he's telling you how good you're doing
-its so dirty but sweet and loving at the same time
-"fuck i love when you do that"
-"you look so beautiful covered in cum"
-really just sweet dirty nothings
-and the possession thing? comes from when he's insecure or jealous (i mean of course, you're all his but he likes to be reminded)
-"who do you belong to?"
-"you're all mine"
-"no one else fucks you like i do"
Definite fan of hair pulling
-both ways
-less nsfw but likes having his hair played with in general
-probably picks haircuts depending on how much you'll have to have to tug at while you're fucking
-absolute king of aftercare
-"do you need anything?"
-lots of pet names and soft "i love you"s
-soft rubs and kisses everywhere
♡ JJ
-she wants you to rail her and make her yours
-mark her, fuck her like the helpless slut she is
-oh my god she loves scissoring
-clearly shes on the bottom
-more on that in this next section
Degrading kink and choking kink
-she's the one being degraded
-repeats your dirty deprecation back to you
-"yes ma'am/sir, im such a little slut"
-"punish me please"
-back to the scissoring:
-while you're doing it you have a hand around her neck and the other pleasuring her more
-rubbing her clit and hole, bringing your fingers up to her mouth so she can taste herself for you
Definite fan of spanking
-being bent over and smacked while your other fingers are curling up inside her pussy? unmatched
-mirror sex
-so she can see all the love marks you're leaving on her petite gorgeous body
-and watch how undone and pitiful you make her
♡ Hotch
-ok i know i know but hear me out
-he's got this tough persona but he totally wants to be topped by his partner
-he'd growl for you and listen to your every command
-he'll even lick the tip of a strap on if you want him to
Daddy/Mommy kink and Edging kink
-"yes daddy" or "yes mommy" when commanded to stay still or get in a position
-"you like when mommy/daddy does that?" and he'll respond eagerly for you
-he'll whine and groan but he loves when you leave him on the edge of coming and stop just before
-teasing and building up to that final release
Definite fan of sexting
-he'll painfully keep a straight face when you send him pictures during a case
-wants you to tell him all the dirty things you'll do to him
-can't wait to get home and let you satisfy the bulge that grows and aches for you all day
-he wants to be fucking pegged
-and office sex?
-"Y/L/N, i need to see you"
-he'll close his blinds and you that's all the invitation you need to ravage him on his desk
-"stay quiet aaron"
-"you don't want everyone to know how loud and needy you get for mommy, do you?"
-he watches your ass when you walk out and then goes back to doing paperwork like you didn't fuck him senseless just a few minutes before
♡ Derek
-i honestly see derek as pretty vanilla (not that it isn't good fucking sex)
-but he's the dom during it
-i say his preferred night of sex is pinning you down and fucking you for a few rounds
-just wants to hear those pretty moans and feel you tight around him
Humiliation kink and public teasing kink
-he will 100% try to get you going in public so he can give you what you want when you get home
-not shutting down women that flirt with him in front of you
-clearly not flirting back because he loves you but watching your face when another woman trails a finger down his arm
-getting real close and whispering
-"you jealous baby?"
-doing innocent things that seem dirty coming from him, totally on purpose
-no one would think he was taunting you by eating watermelon at a team barbecue or asking you to bend over and grab something he dropped
-but he knows what hes fucking doing to you
-and what it does to him
-the second you're alone together he wastes no time taking his cock out and pounding into you
Definite fan of facials
-he wants his cum all over your face
-dripping down the sides of your mouth
-splattered on your cheeks and chin
-watching you lick it off your lips smugly, knowing you were a good girl for him
-shower sex
-holding your wrists above you and fucking you from the back
-the sound your wet ass makes when his skin slaps yours
-he loves it
♡ Penelope
-the girl loves to be in control and kinky as fuck at times but loves to be a bratty little sub too
Brat kink and bondage kink
-she's real creative
-and such a tease
-such a fucking TEASE
-"or what?" is hummed innocently many many times
-blatant flirting
-like "im so wet and tight for you right now" in the middle of a conversation
-if you have rules with her
-she'll break them just to be punished
-did i mention she's a fucking teasing little brat
-but when she's the dom
-she's tying you up, blindfolding you, etc., etc.
-she'll strip you down and fuck you so well
-but she's still a little brat so she'll tease and go slow and you can't do anything about it because you're restrained
-once she's done with you she'll ride out your orgasm and kiss you everywhere in the process
Definite fan of bringing food into the bedroom
-we've all seen the flarpy blunderguff episode + her whipped cream makeout session with kevin
-it's pretty safe to say she wants to experiment with food often
-covering your body with fruits and sweets
-and taking her goddamn time trailing her tongue down your body, sucking lightly with every treat
-and you doing the same to her
-it's everywhere and you're all for it
-cuddling naked
-every once in a while burying your face in her tits or trailing a finger on her pussy
-before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms after fucking like heaven
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 7
Bato of the Water Tribe
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 3,614 Summary: Meeting Bato and getting to see Southern Water Tribe things was nice, but, the visit probably could have gone better if you were being honest. 
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“Where did those two go off too?”  Y/n took a look around the forest area, as she walked with Katara.  “They’re over there… what are they doing?” Katara pointed off in the direction Aang and Sokka were at, before walking over to them. Y/n followed her. It seemed like they were looking for something.  “Did someone lose something?”  “No, we found something.” Aang looked in a bush as he spoke.  Y/n approached a tree that had burn marks on it. She ran her hand along them, eyebrows furrowing together. “Firebenders we’re here.”  Sokka came and stood next to her, looking at the tree. “There was a battle. Water Tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders.” He looked down, and began walking down the hill. “The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill…”  She lingered for a moment, letting her eyes fall shut as her nails dug into the burnt wood. Part of her wondered if her brother had been here. Sighing, she shook the thoughts away, and was quick to catch up with the others just as they reached a beach.  “Wait! Look!” Katara pointed at the beach shore. There was a water tribe boat. “It’s one of our boats!” Sokka ran over to it, the other three following.  Once they’d gotten to it, the four looked up at it.  “Is this… Dad’s boat?”  Sokka rubbed his hand along the ship’s prow, smiling. “No, but it’s from his fleet. Dad was here.” 
They’d stayed at the beach, near the Water Tribe boat, and set up camp there. Appa and the four of them were around a campfire. Aang and Katara were asleep, Sokka sat awake tending to the fire. Y/n had yet to fall asleep, but still laid on her back like she had, and arm draped over her eyes. Sighing, she sat up. Hearing her, Sokka was pushed from his thoughts, jumping in place slightly.  He looked over to her with a confused look. “I thought you were asleep.”  She shook her head softly. Moving to sit next to him, she pulled her knees up to her chest. “I wasn’t able to. You can’t either?”  “No.” He went quiet for a moment, gaze looking back to the fire. “How come you can’t sleep?”  Resting her chin on her knees, she wasn’t able to answer before he spoke up again. “Is it because of your brother? Katara mentioned he was fighting in the war like our dad a while back.”  “Yeah. I’m guessing you're being kept up because of your dad..?”   He offered a nod. “He was here.” Pausing, he looked at her again. Her expression was melancholy. “Maybe your brother was here too, do you know what fleet he’s in?”  Right, Sokka thinks that…  “I don’t know. I wasn’t ever told anything more than he was going to fight in the war...”  Y/n breathed out a sigh, tracing patterns into the sand with her finger. Sokka placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.  Their heads snapped to the side, upon hearing a sound. When they stood up, Sokka gently nudged her behind him.  “Who’s there?”  A bandaged man who came from the Water Tribe started to slowly approach the camp. He looked between the two for a short moment. “Sokka?” His guard dropped. “Bato?”  Aang woke up. “Who the what now?” Katara, also awake now, got up off the ground. “Bato!”  The man, Bato, hugged the two. “Sokka! Katara! It is so good to see you two! Oh, you’ve grown so much.”  Aang bowed slightly. “Hi, I’m Aang.” Y/n offered a small wave. “Y/n.”  Bato gave a nod of greeting to the two.  “Where’s Dad?” “Is he here?”  “No, he and the other warriors should be in the eastern Earth Kingdom by now.”  They all shivered as the wind picked up.  “Brr! This is no place for a reunion. Let’s get inside.” Bato put his arms over Katara and Sokka’s shoulders, and motioned for Aang and Y/n to follow them. Appa got up and walked away from the campfire after them. 
Bato led them to a monastery complex, speaking as they walked through the main gate. “After I was wounded, your father carried me to this abbey. The sisters have cared for me ever since.” He turned his head to one of the nearby women. “Superior, these are Hakoda’s children. They’ve been traveling with a friend of theirs and the Avatar. I found them by my boat.”  The woman bowed. “Young Avatar, it gives me great joy to be in your presence. Welcome to our abbey.”  Aang bowed as well. “Thank you! It’s truly an honor to be here. If there’s anything-” Sokka cut him off. “What smells so good, Bato?” He sniffed the air. “The sisters craft ointments and perfumes.” “Perfume? Maybe we can dump some on Appa? Because he stinks so much! Am I right?” None of them looked amused.  “You have your father’s wit.”  Bato led them around once again, this time to where it was assumed he was staying.  Katara looked around excitedly. “Bato! It looks like home!” Sokka joined her. “Everything’s here, even the pelts!”  The pair examined the room, Y/n quickly joining them. She looked about in amazement, carefully dragging her hand along one of the pelts. “Woah…” Sokka glanced at her with raised eyebrows.  “You act like you’ve never seen this kind of stuff before.” “I haven’t.”  His head turned to the side in confusion. “Didn’t you say your grandma was from the tribe?” “She is. My mom didn’t live in the South Pole when I was born though. I’ve never been.”  “Oh, sorry I just assumed that-” “It’s a reasonable assumption.”  Aang stood by the doorway, holding a disconcerted Momo. “Yeah, nothing’s more comforting than dead animal skins.”  Katara’s attention was drawn to a pot in the center of the room. She opened it up. “No way! Stewed sea prunes?” Bato chuckled. “Help yourself.” “Dad could eat a whole barrel of these things.” Sokka moved to sit down next to her sister, by the pot. He patted the ground next to him. “Y/n, come here you gotta try these.”  Y/n sat down next to him, while Aang sat back from the group. She was a little hesitant to try it when she was handed a bowl. Honestly they weren’t terrible, but she couldn’t see herself eating more than the bit she’d been given.  “Bato, is it true you and Dad lassoed an arctic hippo?” Katara asked.  “It was your father’s idea. He just dragged me along. Well, the hippo did the dragging.” “Hey, I ride animals too! One time there was this giant eel-” Sokka cut Aang off. “So who was it that came up with the great blubber fiasco?”  Bato laughed. “You knew about that?”  “Everyone does.” “What’s that story?”  Y/n glanced over at Aang, before looking back at the others. “Yeah, I’m curious too.”  “It’s a long one, some other time.”  She furrowed her eyebrows together as Sokka waved off their curiosity. Setting the bowl she held down, she walked over to Aang- who was dejectedly sitting by the door with Momo -and sat next to him. He muttered something under his breath, the most she caught was about them being ignored. She placed a hand on his shoulder.  “They’re just excited about seeing Bato, I don’t think they mean to brush us off like that.”  “I know…” He sighed. “You should go back over there Y/n… You’re a part of their Tribe too.”  She shrugged. “Barely.”  He put his hand on her back, and nudged her forward a bit. “I’m also pretty sure Sokka wants you over there… Momo and I will just hang out back here, alright?”  “You're sure?” “Yes, go.” “Okay, okay..”  Getting up, Y/n went over and took her spot next to Sokka again, listening in on the story Bato was telling. She didn’t catch it all though, something about a water spirit. 
“There’s something I should tell you kids. I’m expecting a message from your father.”  Katara’s eyes lit up at the news. “Really?” “When?”  “Any day now. Your father said he’d send a message when they found the rendezvous point. If you can wait here until the message arrives you can come with me and see your father again.” Bato paused, looking at Y/n. “You can come too, your brother might be there.”  She laughed nervously. “I don’t know about that.” The siblings were a lot more thrilled at this news than her, or Aang.  “It’s been over two years since we’ve seen Dad! That would be so incredible. Katara?” “I do really miss him. It would be great to see Dad.”  “It’s been far too long, hasn’t it? I’m not sure when word will arrive, but when it does..” Sokka’s expression dropped slightly. “It would be great, but we can’t. We have to take Aang to the North Pole first.”  Katara nodded in agreement. “Even if we had time to wait for the message, who knows how far we’d have to travel. We don’t have time for a long detour.”  Y/n breathed out a small sigh of relief. “Yeah, they’re right.”  “I’m sure your father and your brother would understand and both be proud that you're all helping the Avatar. Y/n, if you let me know your brother's name I’ll tell him you're doing alright if he’s there.” “Uh.. his name is Mozi.”  “I’ll keep an eye out for him.”  Y/n glanced over to the door as it opened. Had Aang left…? “Hey everyone! Sorry I was gone so long.” Katara looked over as well. “Hey Aang, I didn’t notice you left.” “Yup, but now I’m back. Sure… could go for some delicious sea prunes!” He spoke with an exaggerated happiness, grabbing a bowl as he sat down. He began to munch down on the sea prunes, but spit them back out a few moments later.  They all looked at him strangely. 
The next day, Bato took them back out to his boat. “This ship is sentimental to me. It was built by my father.”  “Is this the boat he took you ice-dodging in?” “Yeah, it’s got the scar to prove it. Huh. How about you, Sokka? You must have some good stories from your first time ice-dodging?” Katara stepped into the conversation. “He never got to go. Dad left before he was old enough.” “Oh, I forgot you were too young.” Y/n raised an eyebrow, looking between the three. “What’s ice-dodging?”  Aang moved to stand next to her, also curious.  “It’s a rite of passage for young water tribe members. When you turn fourteen your Dad takes you.. You know what.” Bato placed a hand on Sokka’s shoulder. “You’re about to find out.”  Sokka, who’d been a little down before, smiled.  They’d all boarded up onto Bato’s boat, it sailed through the waves near shore.  “Ice-dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery and trust. In our village it was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs.” Sokka looked at him confused. “How are we supposed to ice-dodge without ice?”  “You will be dodging… those.” He pointed ahead, to a thicket of stalagmite like rocks.  Y/n gulped.  “Sokka, you steer and call the shots. Lead wisely. Katara, Y/n, you two secure the mainsail. The winds can be brutal, so be brave. Aang, you control the jib, without your steady hand we all go down. Your position is all about trust.”  Aang looked around nervously. “I know that! Why wouldn’t I know that? I’m the Avatar! I know about trust.”  Y/n gave him an odd look, but didn’t say anything as she took her position at the mainsail with Katara.  Bato sat down at the bow. “For this to be done right I cannot help. You pass or fail on your own.”  The four got ready at their respective position, looking at the rocks ahead with fright.  “Alright! Aang, ease up on the jib. Katara, Y/n, steady! Aang, less sail!” Sokka directed them, pulling the tiller to his right. “Katara, Y/n, give him room!”  They all did their part, weaving the boat in and out of the rocks.  “Aang! Helm to lee! Helm ot lee!” “What does that even mean?!”  All four of them struggled, but were narrowly able to miss a huge pile of rock. Sokka wiped the sweat from his brow.  “Great job guys!”  The ship entered a cul de sac ringed by jagged rocks, at a high speed. Katara’s eyes widened, as she looked back at her brother.  “There’s no way through!” “We can make it!”  Bato stood up. “Sokka, you’ve already proven yourself, maybe we should-” Sokka cut him off, and was quick to tell everyone what to do. “Aang, I’m gonna need air in that sail! Katara, I want you to bend as much water as you can between us and those rocks! Y/n, I need you to keep the sail under control! Now!”  Aang started to push wave after wave of air into the sail, while Y/n did her best to keep it steady. Katara raised the ship up on an accelerating wave of water. The wave carried the ship safely over the ring of jagged rocks. Sokka fell back against the tiller with a sigh of relief, as the others smiled for their accomplishment.  Back at the beach, Bato scooped some black face paint from a bowl. “The spirits of water bear witness to these marks. For Sokka, the mark of the wise, the same mark your father earned.” He marked Sokka’s head with a dot and a half circle above it.  “For Katara, the mark of the brave. Your courage inspires us.” He marked Katara’s head with a crescent shape.  “For Y/n, the mark of the brave as well. You may not have grown with us, but today you’ve proved your place in the Water Tribe.” He also marked Y/n’s head with a crescent shape.  “And for Aang, the mark of the trusted. You are now an honorary member of the Water Tribe.” He marked Aang’s head with a half circle.  “I can’t.”  Katara looked at him with surprise. “Of course you can!” Aang wiped the mark from his head. “No, you can’t trust me.” He backed away, head hung low. “Aang, what are you talking about.”  He held out a crumpled scroll. “A messenger gave this to me for Bato. You have to understand, I was afraid you’d-” “This is the map to our father!” Sokka looked at Aang, surprise and pain written on his face. “You had it the whole time!? How could you?” Aang shriveled back. “Well, you can go to the North Pole on your own! I’m going to find Dad.” Sokka started to stalk away angrily.  Bato looked between the two boys. “Now Sokka, I think you should-” Sokka interrupted him. “Katara, are you with me?” Katara looked at Aang, before lowering her gaze to the ground. “I’m with you, Sokka.” She turned away. “Y/n?”  Glancing between Sokka and Aang, Y/n mouthed a ‘sorry’ to Aang. She turned and followed after the others. 
Back at the abbey Y/n, Sokka, Katara and Bato were all getting ready to leave, putting on their backpacks. After Katara had a short exchange with Aang, the four of them walked out of the gate of the abbey.  As they walked down the road, a wolf could be heard in the distance. They stopped to listen.  Katara frowned. “That wolf sounds so sad.”  “It’s probably wounded.” Sokka commented.  “No, it’s been separated from the pack. I understand that pain. It’s how I felt when the Water Tribe warriors had to leave me behind. They were my family and being apart from them was more painful than my wounds.”  Y/n’s gaze dropped to the ground, as she gripped the straps of her backpack. “I understand that pain too…” She didn’t elaborate past that. Bato gave her a sympathetic look.  Katara looked at her brother with concern, noticing his sadness. “Sokka?”  He was silent for a moment. “We need to go back. I want to see Dad, but helping Aang is where we’re needed the most.”  “You’re right.” Katara smiled.  Though still downtrough, Y/n nodded in agreement. Bato placed a hand on each of the siblings shoulders. “Your father will understand. And I know he’s proud of you.” “Thanks, Bato.” “I know where to go from here.” He handed Sokka the map. “Take this in case you want to find us. I’ll leave a message at the rendezvous point.”  The three had started to walk back to the abbey. Sokka motioned for the two girls to stop, when a galloping sound could be heard from the distance. Suddenly a shirshu jumped behind the three, they ran. The three turned around to face their pursuiters after coming face to face with a ledge.  Y/n had to do a double take of who was riding the shirshu. “So this is your girlfriend.” Zuko jumped off the animal, and approached the three as the woman with him spoke. “No wonder she left, she’s way too pretty for you.”  “Where is he? Where’s the Avatar?”  Sokka’s gaze hardened. “We split up! He’s long gone.”  “How stupid do you think I am?” “Pretty stupid.” He grabbed Katara and Y/n by the arm, and started pulling them along with him. “Run!”  The trio didn’t get very far, however, because the shirshu paralyzed them with its tongue. They hit the ground with a grunt.  “What are we supposed to do now?”  “It’s seeking a different scent- Perhaps something the Avatar held.”  The shirshu moved forward and started sniffing at them. A map scroll fell out of Sokka’s backpack, it must be picking up Aang’s scent from there. The three were thrown up over the shirshu, before it started running in the direction of the abbey.  It crashed through the doors at the entrance of the abbey, some of the sisters who’d been near it were sent running. The shirshu sniffed at the ground, and started to walk in circles.  “What’s it doing? It’s just going around in a circle!”  It continued to follow the scent in a circle for a short moment. Before Y/n knew it, the shirshu was jumping at something, but got knocked off balance. All of them fell to the ground, along with the creature.  “Aang!”  She smiled at Katara’s exclamation. Thank goodness he was here, though it kind of sucked that the way she landed prevented her to see what was going on. How long was this paralysis going to last? What she could see from how she landed, however, was that Iroh had landed not too far from her. The man had gotten up from the ground, and dragged her off to the side. Now she could see that a fight was occurring between Aang and Zuko. She was propped up against a wall.  “It is good to see you are doing alright, Y/n.”  Iroh spared her a few words, before running off, seemingly to help the woman he and Zuko were with. Two of the sisters dragged Sokka and Katara over as well to get them out of the way of the fight. She couldn’t see the fight very well from the way her head hung low, but she is fairly certain she heard an explosion.  “Hey, I’m starting to get some feeling back!” Above them the roof rumbled, and tiles fell onto them- but mostly Sokka -from above. “Ow!” Y/n laughed a little.  The three had gotten enough of their movement back to stand up, with the support of the wall however. One of the sisters put some sort of perfume under their noses and it seemed to help.  “That thing sees with its nose. Let’s give him something to look at.” Sokka said.  “The perfume?” He offered a nod.  Sokka and Y/n helped the sisters push large pots of perfume out into the courtyard, and pushed them over. Katara used her bending to pull the perfume into a large sheet that she dropped over the shirshu. All the perfume scents must have confused it, because it started to rampage. It paralyzed Zuko and the woman he’d been with, before crawling over the abbey houses and running off. 
The four of them we’re quick to get up onto Appa, and fly away.  “So, where do we go?”  The three of them turned to look at Aang.  “We’re getting you to the North Pole.”  “Yeah, we’ve lost too much time as it is.”  Y/n nodded in agreement with the siblings. Aang turned back to look at them, expression twisted to confusion.  “Don’t you guys want to see your family?”  Adjusting how she sat, Y/n hugged her knees to her chest. “Of course, but, your our family too Aang.”  Sokka nodded. “Yeah, and right now, you need us more.”  “And we need you.”  Aang rested his chin in his hand. “I wish I could give you a little piece of home, Katara. Something to remind you-” Katara smiled softly. “I’ll be okay.” “Still, just a little trinket. Maybe something like…” He jumped up, and proudly offered Katara a necklace. “This!”  She gasped quietly, before taking the necklace from him and happily putting it on. Sokka did a double take.  “Aang, how did you get that?”  “Zuko asked to be sure I got it to you.”  Y/n leaned closer to Sokka. “I feel like I’m missing something here.”  “It’s something she lost before you joined our group.” “Oooh.”  “Oh, that’s so sweet of Zuko. Would you give him a kiss for me when you see him?” Katara spoke with mocked appreciation.  “Sure!” Katara leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Aang’s cheek, causing the boy the blush.
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bakugoshrimp · 4 years
Heavy Hearts & Endless Starts
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Where Bakugo and y/n have a huge fight and the aftermath of it.
Pairing: Bakugo x female!y/n (both are aged up and pro-heroes)
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: So uhh this is my first time writing something in years, and my first time ever actually getting the guts to publish it online. As a result, constructive criticism is welcome, but please be kind about it! Totally didn’t write this bc I don’t wanna study for my midterm tmrw
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You thought it was just a normal fight. You were both stressed from the recent influx of villains and both had a lot on your plate. The pressure built up inside until you just couldn't handle it, and apparently neither could he. Bakugo had stormed out hours ago, muttering how he "couldn't deal with all this bullshit", and just left. 
Hours you remained, simmering in your anger and worry and stress. It wasn't until when you woke up at dawn the next day in an empty bed and the unpleasant feeling of guilt rolling in your gut. 
Getting dressed, you headed for the Ground Zero Agency, but the #2 Hero was nowhere to be found. 
With a worse feeling in your stomach now, you headed to your own agency, hoping to find a villain to fight along the way that might help you release all this pressure inside.
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It wasn't until midnight when Bakugo trudged in, boots muddy and still in his hero suit, a dead look in his eyes as he tiredly locked the front door, and began shucking off his wet boots, gloves, and other accessories. 
You were curled up on the loveseat, half asleep and already dressed in a comfortable oversized sweater that you had stolen from your boyfriend, a mug of hot chocolate warming up your cold hands as you waited for him to come home. 
"Katsuki?" you ask hesitantly, "Are you okay?" 
The only reply you got was the faltering of his hands, before they resumed their work of removing his suit. 
You decided to leave it alone; hoping that the next day, things would be better. 
"Good night." you murmured, brushing past him and heading to your shared room, your tears already falling as you tucked yourself into your bed. 
Confrontation was never your strong suit; it was always Katsuki who loved confrontation. But the loud temperamental hero was uncharacteristically quiet, and it was all your fault. 
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A week passed by, and nothing changed other than the tension between you two. Everyday was the same: you'd wake up in an empty cold bed, your boyfriend already heading off to work hours before dawn, leaving you to your thoughts as you head to your own agency. Coming home was the same, he'd come uncharacteristically quiet and you would head to bed feeling more hopeless and guilty. 
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It wasn't until news had come rushing in: the famous #2 hero of Japan. Ground Zero, was suspended of his hero duties and nearly arrested for nearly killing 15 petty villains, all of them under life support and in critical condition. 
That's when you truly realized the extent of your mistake, and what you had to do to fix it.
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"Where are you taking me?" His gruff voice never failed to pull at your heartstrings, despite not avoiding you for a week. 
You were leading him by the hand, a blindfold on his eyes. 
You had managed to ambush him when he came home early from his suspension, and kidnapped managed to convince him to come with you. 
You suddenly stopped walking, causing Bakugo to walk right into you. 
"HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN-" Bakugo's rough voice barked, so at odds with the quietness of the scenery. 
"Sorry," you smiled, suddenly nervous and jittery. "You can take your blindfold off now." 
The sight that met his eyes almost took his breath away, despite it's familiarity. They were at a cliff, much similar to the one he took you years ago, the forest below a rainbow of colours, and the air crisp and cold in the fall weather. 
The sight that truly left him breathless, was the woman in front of him, smiling at him nervously with an apology in her eyes.
His heart constricted painfully in his chest as he remembered the harsh words thrown that night, but he couldn't bring himself to look away, mesmerized in her eyes. Despite all that's happened, he's still as smitten with her, and the week apart had hurt him more than it hurt her, her words playing in his mind like a broken record. 
 Your lips moved, forming words that he couldn't quite catch as his mind replayed everything that they were and everything that had happened. You looked at him expectantly, causing him to snap back into reality. 
 "....Huh?" was the only thing that came out of his mouth, his mind forming a blank as he tried to remember what you had just said. 
You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear and looked down at your feet. "I said Let it all out. The pain, the anger, everything. Just let it out." You said a bit clearer, looking up at him. 
He smiled faintly with nostalgia, remembering when he did the same exact thing to you and said the same exact words, years ago. 
You had screamed and cried and, when your voice went hoarse, you just whispered everything you had held in for years. You whispered the rest of the pain out. 
So he turned to the edge of the cliff, looked at the sunset, and yelled. His voice was ripped out of him, cracking. He roared his pain, his frustrations, and his hurt out. 
Too soon, he was done. He didn't feel done, but he was. He had no more to say, the knot in his chest loosening, letting him breathe properly for the first time in a week since that fight. 
Turning back to you, he found you on your knees, shoulders shaking from the force of your silent sobs. 
"I'm sorry." It was like a dam had broken inside of you, the waves of regret, worry, and sadness just washing over you. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault I didn't mean it I'm sorry I really didn't mean it 'Suki I'm such a goddamn dumbass I didn't mean it at all I'm so sorry-"
His quiet laughs interrupted you as he sat down next to you, bringing his arm around you, and tucking your head onto his warm chest. 
"Yeah, yeah you are. You're the biggest dumbass, but you're my dumbass." He said, your hair slightly tickling his nose as he bent down to gently kiss it. "I love you too, and we'll figure it out together." 
The vibrations of his chest had calmed your blubbering down to a peaceful quietness as you both simply enjoyed each other's presence and the comfort of relief of each other, the previous building tension gone completely. 
It wasn't until long after the sun had set and the moon had risen did you both decide to go back to the car to go home. 
Rising from your position, you stretched and straightened, looking over at the man next to you. 
Seconds later he caught you staring, his red eyes filled with amusement. You refused to blush, instead opting to waggle your brows at him. "Race you to the car?" 
"Oh you're f***ing on. On my mark-" 
But you were already running, giggling as you ran ahead. "LAST ONE OUT WILL HAVE TO DO THE DISHES" you called out from behind you. 
"WHY YOU LITTLE-" is all you heard before the telltale sounds of his explosions, clearly using his quirk to his advantage, and within seconds was ahead of you. 
All you got was a glimpse of his smirk and his trademark "DIE" as he zoomed past you. 
By the time you had reached the car, you were panting and sweaty, a smug Bakugo already in the driver's seat, waiting for you. 
"You cheated!" You accused crossly as you hopped into the toasty car. 
"Oi, it's not cheating when you head a head start, dumbass." He said, a sly smile thrown your way, his ruby red eyes twinkling in amusement. 
You couldn't keep the smile spreading across your face even if you tried as you hmphed and looked away. 
I think everything will be just fine
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So uuhh Yeahh >_<. Thoughts?
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quokkacore · 3 years
son of wolves III [park chanyeol and byun baekhyun]
summary: your entire life, you've fought bravely to defend the walls of your home from the evil forest spirits of the spearwood trying to destroy it, alongside your family, friends, and your betrothed, baekhyun. until you're infected by the evil that resides in one of these spirits, and you run away from home, before it can spread to those around you. it's in your exile, wandering through the spearwood that you meet the wolf prince, a tall man of hardened eyes, few words, and a fiery temperament, raised by these spirits you've so grown to resent. it's here that you begin to question everything you've ever known, and wonder whether the evil was out here, in the forest, or inside the walls of a place you once called home.
pairings: hunter!baekhyun x reader, wolfprince!chanyeol x reader
genre: reverse princessmononoke!au, ANGST, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers, fantasy epic, war au, wolf!au
warnings for this chapter: love bombing, emotional manipulation, non-sexual nudity, themes of infidelity?, mentioned child abandonment, gaslighting, guilt tripping, language, chanyeol is not in this chapter :(, baekhyun is an asshole and has huge mommy issues, reader makes No Good Decisions, mentions of gun violence, baekhyun is a bit forceful with reader at one point, threat of physical abuse(?), emotional abuse, blackmail, reader is drugged, possible non-con? (reader is drugged and baekhyun gives her a kiss on the lips)
song recs: fool of me - say lou lou & chet faker // blinding - florence + the machine // all my pride - black honey // king and queen - exo-cbx // power is power - sza, the weeknd & travis scott
word count: 5.8k
a/n: i’m sorry. i just had to!!! this isn’t the final chapter, i had a last minute idea of giving you guys ONE LAST CLIFFHANGER kjdkfjdk please don’t hate me!! thx to my irl best friend for all of the feedback (if ur reading this hi queen ily) and to @riajae​ for all of the help <3
disclaimer: i do not condone baekhyun’s actions in this chapter and i don’t believe that the real baekhyun would act like this in real life.
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story masterlist // main masterlist
chapter three: the return
When you awoke, it felt as if you had never known peace in your life. Because your thoughts were jumbled when they should have been slow and sluggish as you were roused from your sleep. Despite the warmth of the quilts, you felt numb, as if you were still stuck in the cold. 
Your eyelashes fluttered, body stretching across the bed. You’d never felt more out of place in this bed. 
What you should have done was sighed in satisfaction at the bunches of quilts keeping your toes warm. You should have sunk further into the mattress, and buried your nose into Baekhyun’s pillow and taken in his scent after being deprived of it for so long. But as you recalled what had happened, you felt yourself sinking, but not because you were finally in your bed after so long.
Immediately, you understood where you were, what had happened and what had led you here. To a degree, you had an odd sense of coherency you weren't sure a person who had almost died of hypothermia could have. 
You could hear the murmuring behind the door. The sound of Baekhyun's voice mingling with Yixing's coasted through your ears, but you were only able to catch bits and pieces. Your thoughts were too jumbled to latch onto the conversation. 
"When you… was she...?"
"Delirious… didn't understand… anything she said."
"I need to… anything else?"
"No, I think… let you know."
You sat up slowly, when you heard the front door close. Your eyes squeezed shut, and you let out a quiet whine as you stretched your arms.
Your eyes fluttered open, head immediately craning to the pristine, white gauze wrapped around your arm. The bandages made their way around your fingertips, and all the way to your shoulder now. Aside from that, someone had changed your clothes, and now you were wearing clean clothes, at last.
You swallowed harshly, clenching your jaw. As you sat up, the sound of the front door closing made its way to your ears. Then, came the sounds of feet padding across the floor. You tried to move your legs, to stand. They wouldn’t budge, slightly weak. 
The bedroom door opened quietly, as if whoever was trying to open it didn’t want to disturb you. However, once the familiar pair of brown eyes settled on your sitting form, it swung open.
“Y/N,” Baekhyun sighed in relief, striding towards you. You tried to stand, needing to feel his embrace. “Baekhyun—”
Your knees buckled, but he caught you just in time. His hands grasped your waist, and you gasped, bracing to hit the floor facefirst. But you didn’t, instead coming face to face with the man you had so longed for for so long. His face was inches away from yours, his breath slightly ragged. Baekhyun’s eyes seemed to be painted in disbelief, and your heart twisted at the thought—that he seemed to be shocked that you were here, in your home.
The next thing you knew, his lips were on yours, bruising, desperate. He hummed softly against your lips, out of relief, out of exhilaration, out of heartbreak. Your shoulders slumped, and you almost sagged against him before wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. He lowered you back onto the bed gently, lips not leaving yours. Carefully, his body hovered over yours, cautious to not pin you down or press his weight down on you. 
His hands came up to cradle your face, before gently pulling away. “You idiot,” He huffed lovingly, pressing kisses all over your face, “Do you have any idea how worried I was—”
He cut you off with another soft kiss before pressing more kisses to your face, “Thought I would never see you again, love…”
“How did you find me?” You murmured, finally gripping his chin and pulling his lips away from your forehead. You met his eyes, which were full of mirth. He caught his breath before finally speaking. 
“Ivan marched right up to the gate a few days ago. We did our best to track his prints in the snow, and branched out when the snow covered them completely. You walked right into our search party the next morning.”
“Wait, how long was I out?” You asked, pushing a stray strand of hair out of his face. His lips turned downwards, eyes turning serious. 
“Y/N, you were out for about two days. We only got back here late last night. You were asleep that entire time. We were all scared we wouldn’t be able to keep you alive long enough before we could come back here, but we managed it, somehow.”
Eyes not straying away from his, you let out a shaky breath. “Baek, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“That doesn’t matter now,” He shushed, quickly rolling off of you. He gathered you in his arms, lifting you like a man would his new wife. “What matters now is that you’re home, and you’re safe, and we’re back together again.”
You nodded, stomach heavy with guilt. Your small smile didn’t seem very convincing, even though you hoped it was. 
Baekhyun led you to the washroom, setting you on the wooden chair, before telling you he’d be right back. He was gone for about fifteen minutes.  
During that time, you crossed your hands in your lap, twiddling your fingers as you sat in silence. Quietly mulling over everything you’d been through for the past few weeks, you leaned back in the chair as emotional exhaustion overtook you.
The curse. The isolation you’d subjected yourself to willingly, at your naivete, the pride that you could negotiate with a god. The cold, the hunger, the loneliness… Chanyeol. Everything he’d said to you, the sensation of his skin on yours... his revelations from that night. Your natural distrust of his words. The uneasiness at the idea that they might be true.
Even if you’d been asleep for just about two days—the sensation of being tired seemed to have seeped into your bones, permeating the air worse than any hate curse ever could. It seemed to wrap itself around your neck, choking you until tears began to fall down your cheeks.
Baekhyun returned some fifteen minutes later, carefully carrying two buckets: one of boiling hot water, the other of cold water. He filled the small basin with both, testing the water with his hand to make sure it wasn’t too hot or cold. 
When he finally turned, he seemed to realize that you were crying. “Oh, my darling,” He said, kneeling in front of your chair, “Come here.”
As if it was second nature, your face buried itself in Baekhyun’s chest, his damp hand coming up to rub up and down your back, the other petting your hair. “I’m sorry,” You sobbed brokenly, hands gripping the white linen of his shirt, “Baek, I’m so sorry. I was wrong, s-so wrong…” 
Baekhyun pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “Maybe you shouldn’t have,” He murmured against your hair, causing a pang of guilt to rack through your chest. “But you’re alive, okay? As long as you’re alive, everything else doesn’t matter. Come on, love, we need to get you cleaned up.”
He pulled away from you, wiping away the tears streaking down your cheeks. His eyes were glassy, and that made it even worse. Your body shook with every cry, vision blurring and lips trembling. 
His voice was gentle. “Don’t cry, Y/N… you’ll make me cry, and then you’ll cry even harder, and then I’ll cry even harder…”
A soft laugh made its way past your lips between your blubbering, and Baekhyun mirrored your laugh. “There’s my girl,” He said lovingly, “Come here. Can I take your clothes off?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice. Wordlessly, he began to undress you. You lifted your arms when he pulled off your shirt, and wiggled your hips when he pulled down your pants. His actions were gentle, tender, intimate, and the familiar hands tending to your body, lifting you up again and placing you into the bath, calmed you substantially. Automatically, you brought your knees up to your chest when he stood up, getting ready to wash you. 
“Can you get in with me?” You asked quietly, voice scratchy and weak. You pouted up at him, eyes still teary, and he put his hands on his hips. He nodded, smiling sympathetically.
“With that look in your eyes, you make it hard to say no."
Quickly, he shed his clothes, setting them onto the chair next to yours, before motioning you to scoot forward. He sat down behind you, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. You craned your head back to lock eyes with him.
“You keep kissing me,” You murmured.
“Well, I wasn’t able to kiss you for three weeks,” He replied, pressing another kiss to your shoulder, eyes not leaving yours, “I need to make up for lost time.”
“Yeah, well I haven’t been able to bathe in three weeks. If there’s anyone who needs to make up for lost time, it’s me.”
He chuckled at your quip, cupping water with his hands to let it run down your skin. Picking up the soap, he got to work helping you wash. Running the bar down your arms, on your back and around your chest, touch never too heavy.
A few seconds after he started, you opted to speak. With a heavy sigh, you told him just about everything. The first week alone, Chanyeol attacking you, your meeting with the gods. 
“So he is still out there,” Baekhyun muttered when you described Emyr, “Who would have thought.”
You left out certain things, nervously swallowing the urge to question your loyalties. The story about removing the bullet from Sehun was left out.
So was what happened at the hot springs. You remained silent as he washed your hair, which was greasy and matted from weeks of not being cared for properly. You sighed in quiet satisfaction, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of his hands massaging your scalp. When he was finished, he spoke again. 
"So they just made you follow them around all night?" His voice was quiet, tone unreadable. “Love, I don’t think they ever intended on healing you. It sounds like they were stringing you along.”
You nodded, unsure of what to say. In another life, you would have believed him. 
“Hmm?” His hand grabbed yours gently, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. 
"Would it be so crazy if I thought they weren't?"
He hummed pensively, his grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly. He remained silent for a long time, and you tried to keep your breath steady. "I wouldn't say… crazy. Maybe a bit too optimistic. It's not… we've been enemies for how long now? Not crazy. Maybe a bit naive. Which I wouldn’t really expect from you, but...”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You murmured quietly, turning your head. Your teary eyes met his unreadable ones. He pursed his lips, shaking his head. “I’m not trying to be mean, love. It just… You have to understand that I told you not to go, and you went anyway. I lost my mind when I woke up that morning. And I’m still… I don’t know. Never mind.” He shook his head, frowning. 
“Baekhyun…” You sounded defeated, turning your torso further back to get a better look at him. 
“Y/N, I just want what’s best for you,” He answered earnestly, straightening the chain of your necklace, “I was worried. I’m sorry if I’m taking that out on you now.”
Looking down, focusing on a mole on his bare chest to avoid his downtrodden gaze, you shook your head. “It’s alright,” You whispered, “You have every right to be angry at me.”
He didn’t rebuke you, shame bubbling in your chest when he pressed a kiss to your forehead instead. “Let’s get you into some new clothes. The Council wanted to see me after this, I’ll bring you along too.”
Wordlessly, you obeyed. He dried and dressed you, hands tracing over your body as if you were gentle porcelain as he draped clean, warm fabric across your skin. When he finished getting himself dressed he walked back over to you and kissed you again. While a few weeks ago you would have killed just to have one of these kisses, now it has simply left you hollow.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the guilt gnawing at your insides or because every time his lips met yours, all you could think of was Chanyeol’s; his skin on yours, the piercing blue of the water, everything that could have been but ultimately wasn’t—because you were both too cowardly to face the truth.
“You ready to go?” His hands made his way to your cheeks, gazing at you tentatively, warmly. Like he was scared that at any moment, you’d break away and run off even if he begged you not to. 
And you nodded, too exhausted to argue, even though all you wanted was to curl up in bed and ask him to hold you while you cry. Maybe if he held you for long enough, these feelings would go away and you would forget about everything that happened to you in that forest. But you didn’t, and he didn’t ask you if you wanted to stay. 
So you took his hand, and he helped you out the door. 
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To say the Council was furious was an understatement. You thought you’d be given a reprieve when your father rushed to you and crushed you in a hug. He didn’t say anything, but when he pulled away, his eyes were glassy. 
But that seemed to be the extent of their mercy. You were berated for a good fifteen minutes, going on about how your escape was an insult to the military prowess, about how you had disobeyed a direct order, that if it were anyone else, they would have been tried for treason and abandonment. 
You let them go on, not finding the energy within you to protest. You were already feeling as low as you thought possible, and doubted they could make you feel even worse.
Oh, how wrong you were. 
“You say you met the old gods?”
You sighed, nodding. “I was forced to work for Selyne’s sons when I did find them.”
“What of the wolf rider?” One of the men asked, “Does he speak? What did you find out about him.”
Clenching your jaw, you decided to test the waters. “He told me his name and the names of his brothers. His name is Chanyeol.”
“He can communicate with the wolves?” An elderly woman asked, and you nodded tentatively. You needed to be very careful with your next words. If you revealed you could communicate with them also, you were done for. You would be tried for treason for sure. Maybe even witchcraft. 
But you couldn’t shake the idea that you were wrong. Not because of everything you’d been through, but because of what you’d told Baekhyun. That you were wrong to go out there. With every word spoken, you felt a growing sense of unease, an urge to protect the wolves, the Spearwood, and everything it stood for.
“From what I saw and heard, yes. But it’s… strange. He spoke out loud to them, and I couldn’t hear their responses. I asked him how. He said it was because he’s connected to the she-wolf, and as a result, to the other creatures of the forest as well.”  
They asked if he was from here or from somewhere else. You knew it didn’t matter. At the end of the day, they saw him as human, so it didn’t matter. He would be considered a traitor regardless. 
“He told me he was born in the forest. That’s all I know.”
There was a pause in the conversation, only perking up when Jongdae spoke up. “He said he’s connected to Selyne,” He pointed out, “What would happen if she were to die?”
Suddenly, the air in the room changed, and your stomach dropped. 
“He would have to lose his connection to the forest.” Minseok seemed to catch on to what Jongdae was saying. “On top of that, we get rid of one of their leaders. It would be a huge dent in their morale and strategy. That could give us the upper hand.”
Your father nodded. “Y/N, you know the forest better than any of us now. If you worked with the wolves, you must have seen their den.”
“I was with the pr—her sons. She lived in another den… I didn’t see it.” 
“Still, you’re our upper hand,” Baekhyun said, looking slightly hopeful. It made your stomach churn. “If you were able to survive for so long on your own, we could plan a military campaign and invade. We’re stronger in numbers.” 
  The chatter started up again, discussing possible strategies, and it became too much. You felt a ripple in your arm, but you managed to hold it back. 
The chatter died down as quickly as it had started, and everyone turned to look at you. Your heart began to pound in your chest, your palms turning clammy. “They… they said once they’d be willing to negotiate a truce. They’re just as scared as we are, as tired of the war as we are, and they just want peace—”
"We have an opportunity to get rid of them once and for all, so we can finally expand our home and reap the benefits of having the forest for ourselves," A man told you, "You wish for us to let it slip through our fingers?"
Swallowing, you shook your head. This wasn’t what you wanted to happen. "I don't think it's wise for us to simply invade, when both sides want the same thing—"
“Hold on, so they want peace but then they decided to ambush us one day?” Baekhyun said, sounding a bit louder. You didn’t like the accusatory tone in his voice.
“They wouldn’t have ambushed us if you hadn’t shot Sehun!”
Baekhyun’s head shot back, eyes widening. He was silent for a moment, eyes darting back and forth before he could speak again. But your father beat you to it.
“Y/N, who is Sehun?”
“The wolf that bit me that day,” You admitted. “He got shot. The wound got infected, and that’s what he spread to me. I pulled out the bullet myself—they forced me to.” 
Your head turned to Baekhyun, who had interlocked his fingers and whose eyes were dark and unreadable. “Chanyeol said that you were the target that day, because you were the one that shot him.”
“So you’re just going to take that—that creature’s word over mine?” Baekhyun’s voice was low, bordering on angry, “Really, Y/N?”
“I’m not saying that I believe him, I’m just saying that if one of us hadn’t—”
“It sure sounds like you do,” Jongdae snapped.
“—Provoked them, we wouldn’t be—”
Your father’s voice rang through the room, and suddenly, you could hear a pin drop. The look on everyone’s faces gave it away. You had just made a fatal mistake.
“We’ll take a recess,” Your father said, glaring at you, “Baekhyun, take Y/N back to the house. Keep her there and when you return we’ll resume discussing strategies. Clearly, three weeks of wandering through the cold have made her unwell.”
“What?” You cried, incredulous. Baekhyun stood, walking towards you, cautiously gripping your arm. "Come on, love, let's go."
"No!" You tugged your arm out of his grip, "You can't do this, it's not safe and it's not smart—"
“Clearly, she’s gone mad from the cold and the isolation! How can we believe anything she says?” The old woman from before you was scowling at you, “Get her out of this room. Immediately.”
 “How dare you,” You fired back, “After everything I’ve done for this Council you would just—”
But Baekhyun was pulling you away anyway, and within a matter of minutes, you were back inside the walls of what was once your home. Baekhyun didn’t let go as he tugged you over the threshold, leading you towards the bedroom. 
“Baekhyun, let me go,” You demanded, still trying to pull away, “Byun Baekhyun, let me go! You’re not listening to me—”
“Why should I listen to you?” He snapped as he shoved you into the bedroom, pushing you to sit on the bed. 
“Because I know what happened to me in there! I’m not crazy! I’m—”
“We will discuss this when I come back from the meeting. My word is final.”
He looked furious, which completely caught you off guard. He seemed to be sneering at you when he slammed the door, shaking his head.
Then, you heard a soft click, and your blood ran cold. You shot up, darting towards the door, jiggling the knob.
He had locked you inside. You banged on the door. “Baek! Baekhyun, let me out! Let me out, please, Baek.” 
You heard the front door slam, and the next thing you knew, you had collapsed to the floor, sobbing, clutching the knob like a lifeline. 
  How long you stayed like that was a mystery. Eventually, your tears dried up, and your wailing quieted. What you were left with were a hollow interior, a growling stomach and a pounding head. You craned your neck to look at the bedroom, which was slowly getting darker as the afternoon stretched into the evening. 
Your eyes landed on a chair you hadn’t previously noticed in the morning. Draped over it were the clothes you had worn for the past few weeks, undoubtedly dirty. Making your way over to the chair, you picked up the shirt. When you lifted it you crinkled your nose, the smell of dried sweat and blood making its way to your nostrils. Had you really smelled like this the entire time?
Shoving the thought to the back of your mind, you looked in the pockets of the shirt until you found it: a small opal dangling from a chain of gold. 
You weren’t sure what to tell Baekhyun. Hell, you weren’t sure if you should tell him at all. He’d always been quite sensitive when it came to his mother. 
And to tell him now, with the way he was acting… 
You stared at the small stone, silently cursing Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s father. If you hadn’t been such a dick, I wouldn’t be in this situation.
Thinking over everything that was said in the Council meeting was painful. It didn’t help the pounding in your head. How you’d been called mad, and you’d been effectively silenced by the people who would easily listen to you in the past. 
You considered what they might be discussing right now. Because you knew they wanted the forest for themselves, to strip it barren and use it to build an empire. Your hands tightened around the necklace when you realized it.
This war wasn’t being fueled by fear. Not on this side, at least. It was greed, pure human greed, and it wouldn’t stop unless a major change happened. 
You didn’t hear the front door open, but you heard the padding of feet headed towards the bedroom door. You shot up, shoving the necklace into your pocket as the lock clicked, and then the door swung open.
Baekhyun’s eyes fell on you, standing right across from you. There was an odd mix of contempt and satisfaction in his eyes. You’re not an idiot. You knew which one of those emotions was reserved for you.
“I brought you some food,” He murmured, “I figured you might be hungry.”
Nodding, you sheepishly put your hands in your pockets, and trudged over to him. Baekhyun led you to the small dinner table, where he’d set down two bowls of soup, which he must have bought from Mrs Yang’s tavern. He was silent the entire time, watching you as you scarfed down the soup. The taste was as rich as ever, but this time there was a new kick to it. You also ate the bread roll you’d picked up from the basket in the middle of the table. The meal was warm and hearty and while it filled your stomach, the void in your chest was still there.
“We’re leaving early tomorrow, before dawn,” Baekhyun said finally, “We plan to go as far in as we can.” 
Your heart just about stopped, the stones on your chest and in your pocket weighing you down, stopping you from shooting straight up. “Why?” You croaked, eyes filling with tears.
Baekhyun sighed and scowled at you, pushing away his half empty bowl. “You were wrong.”
“Today,” He clarified, “You said that the old gods were just as scared and tired as we are. You’re wrong. We’re not afraid of them. We haven’t been for years.”
Your hand grabbed his. “Baekhyun, you can’t,” You pleaded, “Please. Listen to me. There’s no need for all of this, this violence. It can end tomorrow if you’re just willing to negotiate with them.”
“We don’t want to negotiate.” He spat out the last word as if it was offensive. His hand pulled away from yours. “That forest is ours for the taking and we’re not about to let it slip through our hands.” 
He stood, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “We’re expanding our home. This is for the greater good, Y/N. Can’t you see? A future for us—”
“I’m going to die soon.” Your voice was trembling now. You couldn’t blame yourself. “There is no greater good for me, no greater good for us. For how long would it last, anyway? If the forest is gone, how do we hunt? It’s provided for us for generations, and all we do is take and take and take and we never give it anything in return—”
“Why the hell would I want to give anything to that forest?” He yelled, slamming his hands down on the table with a loud bang, causing you to flinch. “Over the years, they’ve killed hundreds of us—”
“And we’ve killed thousands of them!” You had stood now, chest heaving. “I know it’s hard for you to think there’s good in there, but there is, Baek. It’s calm and quiet and peaceful and that’s all—they—want. To keep it that way.”
He shook his head. “There’s never been good in that forest. Not since we left. It’s evil, and it corrupts anyone who stays there for too long. I-it corrupted that rider—Chanyeol or whatever his name is—and now, I’m starting to think it’s corrupted you too.”
“That rider will die if you don’t convince the council to stand down.” Your hands were trembling, but somehow, you mustered up the strength—the courage really—to throw the necklace down onto the table, just as Baekhyun was asking why he should care so much about Chanyeol.
At first, he didn’t understand. He probably thought it was his necklace, the one he’d given to you. His eyebrows furrowed, his lips turned downward, and then he looked up to see your face. Only when he meant to look back down at Chanyeol’s necklace and began to lower his gaze, did he realize that there was more than one opal necklace.
His expression turned uncertain, blinking a few times in disbelief. “Where… where did you get this?” He asked, breathless. Your voice wavered, uncertain of what would come next.
“Chanyeol gave it to me,” You said, staring at the necklace, “He said… He said it belonged to the woman who gave birth to him. His… his mother.”
Baekhyun looked back up at you, mouth gaping. “That can’t be possible,” He murmured, shaking his head. You shrugged. “I didn’t believe him either, Baek. Not at first. But… I don’t know.”
“What exactly did he tell you?” He murmured, gritting his teeth. “I need to know.”
So you did. You told Baekhyun the same story Chanyeol had told you, the same story Selyne had told him as a child. Of a young woman who died of frostbite after running away from her husband, who gave birth to a baby boy with wide brown eyes and big ears, who begged a wolf goddess to raise the baby as one of her own. 
The entire time, your gaze remained trained on him. His eyes turned glassy but his tears didn’t fall, and you felt your chest ache when you finished, and he took a shaky breath. 
“So that’s where she went,” He whispered, “I had always thought…”
You shook your head. “I’m sorry, Baekhyun. I wish I could have told you under better circumstances.”
Hands trembling, he picked up the necklace, and traced over the stone with a delicate finger. You saw a tear fall, but just as you were about to comfort him, something in him shifted. His breathing became heavier, his top lip twitched, before twisting into an angry sneer. His fist closed around the necklace, right before he threw it across the room. You heard it hit the wall, but you didn’t see where it went.
“No.” His teary eyes met yours, and you knew that something had taken over inside of him; some deep rooted pain he had locked away for years upon years. “I’m not helping him. Not after what he took from me.”
“Why do you seem to care so much about him, Y/N? Huh?” He leaned forward, voice dangerously quiet. “Did something… happen while you were out there? Is that what this is?”
“Nothing happened,” You growled, tight lipped.
He scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”
Baekhyun walked towards you, once again gripping your wrist, this time even tighter. He tugged you towards the bedroom, you protesting every step of the way. Where you found the energy, you didn’t know. Because you were so tired.
“You’re hurting me,” You told him, but he didn’t let go. “Baekhyun, please! If you could j-just hear me out, o-or let me out so I can talk to the people in town—”
 “What, you think they’ll believe you?” He snarled, slamming the bedroom door shut and finally letting you go. He stepped forward, but you refused to concede. “Doll, you just spent three weeks wandering around in the wilderness because you didn’t want to die. At first, everyone felt bad, you know? Poor little Y/N, all alone in the woods because she wants to live a full life.” 
He stepped forward again, this time grabbing your face. This time, his grip wasn’t painful, wasn’t even tight. You didn’t pull away as his eyes filled with mock sadness, lips twisting into an exaggerated pout. “But then they watched as I, your poor, poor fiance, walked in and out of that forest for three weeks trying to save you. Because I thought I could,” He let out an empty, humorless laugh, “I thought I could still bring you back and take care of you until you died. Maybe have a less elaborate wedding, but a wedding nonetheless. They watched me do that and then they realized that maybe, just maybe, you were being a selfish little brat and only thinking about yourself. So tell me, my love, who are they going to be more inclined to believe, huh?”
Yanking yourself out of his grip, you stared at him in disbelief, but he didn’t stop. He seemed to be caught in his own little reverie, monologuing as if he were the one who had supposedly gone mad. “We were supposed to get married and lead these people to greatness. It was our destiny. But now you’ve gone and ruined everything.”
“This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t shot the damn wolf,” You hissed. His eyes flashed, and he shook his head. He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “No. I suppose it wouldn’t… but I guess it’s better this way.”
He put his hands on your shoulders, and you jumped. “How?” Your voice was barely audible. 
“If you hadn’t gotten bitten, we wouldn’t be here. But that means I never would have found out that you were so… susceptible to the forest. We shouldn’t have such a weak leader running around. Wouldn’t want that, would we? But we are here, and now I know. So here’s what’s going to happen.”
His hands pushed down on your shoulders, forcing you onto the bed. You glared up at him as he put his hands on his hips. “I’m going to leave with the other soldiers in a few hours, and I’m gonna kill myself a she-wolf and her little bastards. You’re going to stay right here.” His condescending tone wasn’t missed, even as he got more sentimental.
“I’m going to come back, and we’ll get married, and we’re gonna be happy until you die. And when you do, since I, as your widower, will have married into your family line, I’m going to lead my people to destroy that forest once and for all. How’s that for a plan?”
 You couldn’t answer. You didn’t want to play the hero and say that he would never win. Because the truth was, he very much could. The gods and their followers didn’t understand the guns or how to treat bullet wounds. Even worse, Baekhyun had a sort of magnetism that drew people to him, that made them hang on to every single word he said.
You had no more cards to play. Every single one you had tried had backfired, horribly. 
Pursing your lips, you sighed. “...Fine. I’ll stay.” 
You refused to concede. It wouldn’t end this way. But right now, you were too tired to fight back, and your muscles seemed to be getting heavier and heavier by the second. 
“That’s my girl,” Baekhyun murmured, gaze beginning to warm. “Get to bed, love. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
You nodded, holding back a yawn. You tried to kick off your shoes, but quickly realized your movements were sluggish. All at once, despite the slowness of your body, your mind snapped to the conclusion. 
The soup tasted differently. You were tired. Your movements were slowing down. Baekhyun had spiked the soup.
“Baek,” You slurred, “What did you do?”
“What was necessary, love.” It sounded so twisted, the way his voice was so warm. “I needed to make sure you wouldn’t fight back.”
But maybe this was how Baekhyun had loved you all along, and you had never realized; in his own sick, twisted way. Maybe he had never loved you at all, maybe he just wanted to own you. The realization came as he removed your shoes for you, before guiding you under the covers. Your fists weakly came up to hit at his chest as he did, but they did no damage.
“You’re vile,” You whispered. You heard Baekhyun chuckle. “Maybe I am.”
He tucked you in with a kiss on your forehead, one you barely felt. You were already beginning to slip away. “Yixing will be here in the morning to check on you. You’re still recovering, you know.”
You couldn’t respond, too groggy to do so. But you were aware enough to hear his final words, whispered into your ear before he pressed one final kiss to your lips.
“If you try anything, I’ll fucking kill him,” He said, voice saccharine sweet, “Family or not. He stole something from me once.”
Your eyes fluttered shut, but not before you heard him open the door. 
“I’m not going to let him do it again."
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taglist: @delightpcy​ @chanyeolscoon​ @xxbluestrifexx​ @imsoba​ @chogiwhy127​ @always-wishing-for-rain​
78 notes · View notes
90slevi · 4 years
Don’t Die on Me {Levi x Reader}
TW: Gore, Angst
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The screams of your fallen soldiers were enough to keep you going, and the sharp outline of the letter you held close to your chest caused papercuts across your fingers. Tears streamed down your face as the wind whipped across your face, pricking your eyes and blurring your vision. Rain pelted down, stinging the small slithers of skin that were visible and causing you to not know where you were going. Your legs ached but the adrenaline kept you going.
Where was your horse? You had no idea, and that made it worse. You'd been bucked off when the abnormal titan had grabbed its back legs, causing you to fly off and roll into the muddy grass, hitting your head on a tree stump that allowed a trickle of blood to form on your forehead.
The rest of your team was presumably dead, leaving you alone amid the horror you were facing. Your heart pounded against your chest, and you were sure you'd vomit again if you hadn't done so four times before. The letter in your hand was something you read to keep your spirits up and to remind you that you'd always be protected, but right now, you felt more vulnerable than ever.
Why did you hold that letter so closely? It was the confession from your boyfriend, otherwise known as Humanity's Strongest Warrior Levi Ackerman. Your relationship was strictly private, hidden from everybody except for Hanji Zoe, who kept her mouth shut in fear of being brutally murdered by your true love. Commander Erwin would never accept his strongest warrior being in love with and distracted by a woman such as yourself, so you kept it secret to protect not only yourself but Levi's reputation too.
That didn't stop the letters coming and going, and the sweet treatment you received from him behind closed doors, however, and the only thing that kept your mind at ease was that he'd be in the comfort of his room again in a few hours. All you cared about was his safety, even if he could get out of anything. You should be more worried about yourself, as he'd mentioned plenty of times before, but you couldn't help it.
You loved him, after all, and he felt the same towards you.
A high-pitched scream rang throughout the forest, shaking you to the core, and you could only assume that the same titan from before had found someone else to feast on. There was only a matter of time left for you, and you were pretty much waiting to be scooped up by the monstrous hand and dropped into its gaping jaws. The mud splashed around your ankles, making the journey even more difficult, and the trees and masses amount of rain made the landscape impossible to see. You didn't even know how long you'd been running.
Uncontrollable sobs escaped your mouth, and you tried to keep quiet in case you exposed yourself, but it was impossible at this point. You almost fell to the ground in exhaustion, but you kept your wobbly legs up and trudged on. The mission had become a disaster quickly, the previously-sunny weather turning sour and stormy before being ambushed by titans - most of which were abnormal.
The one that'd eaten your Squad was, at a guess, 10 meters tall and could jump to extreme heights and lengths. Its arms were insanely long, allowing it to reach out and grab within a five-meter radius and, although not intelligent in the slightest, had its own gruesome way of killing the victims. Crush their ribs so they can't move and then eat them. Disgusting.
When you heard the loud crunching of leaves and twigs behind you, your heart began to pound even louder. You were sure anybody could hear or even feel it, and your crying got worse. That titan was right behind you, and there was no way you'd be able to kill it. Your Squad Captain and Squad members had tried before you, but the titan had managed to smack them or grab them before their blades could even touch the titan's skin. Levi had given you enough confidence in the past year for you to know that you could kill a regular old titan, but after seeing everyone you once knew get killed by such a monster, you simply couldn't face it.
What was so cowardly about saving your life?
"Help me," you managed to blubber out into the open air, before shrieking as you saw the titan's hand loom above you. You'd nearly ran out of gas, using most of it to kill two previous titans and the rest to escape the one that was currently chasing you. For a while, you'd accepted that you'd most likely die as a Survey Corp, and you were unafraid of it. However, when death is staring you straight in the face, all your confidence seems to disappear and suddenly, life becomes precious. "Please!"
Your cries for help were useless, especially in these conditions where the rain and wind drowned out your voice. The titan took another leap into the air and using the last of your gas, you shot yourself forwards, clinging to a tree and hoping that if you hid for a while, the rain would go and you'd be able to get home.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
As the titan came shooting back down, it knocked into your tree, causing you to fall out. You screamed, landing into a bush that thankfully cushioned your fall, but before you could get onto your feet, that disgusting creature was running over on its hands and feet, its gormless expression torturing your last moments. It had huge, beady blue eyes and showed off its yellowing teeth through a forced smile with its tongue hanging out. There was barely any hair on its head, and somehow it moved on an unhealthily-skinny naked body. You shuffled backwards, fear evident in your eyes, but it didn't care. Its left arm reached forward and grabbed you, and you swung your arms violently, hoping to chop off its hand and let you go.
But it was pointless.
Instantly, it clenched, and you screamed out in pain as you felt your ribs and other bones in your body to break and do god-knows-what else. Tears streamed down your face as you felt the end coming, and the disgusting breath of the titan ruined your nostrils. You dropped Levi's letter on the floor, hoping he'd find it and know that your death was here. You knew that if you were to die (there was a slim chance you would survive, so you'd lost all hope), Levi would want as much information as possible, especially if he could find your body.
Clenching your eyes shut, you tried to regulate your breathing. The warmth of the titan's mouth engulfed you, and everything seemed to go in slow-motion. Lips trembling and eyes becoming painful, you awaited death. If the rest of your squad went like this, then it was only natural that you did too.
I'm sorry, Levi.
That was until you heard a loud yell from behind, and your eyes widened when you felt a gust of something swoop past you. Blood began to pool from the titan's chin, and you noticed that its jaw was stuck open due to someone slicing it open. Another gust of wind passed, and you noticed that its arms were being sliced. The hand holding you dropped open, and you fell to the ground, only just being caught by a second person. Your eyes widened to see Hanji Zoe, her eyes wide in panic as she looked from the titan to you.
Squinting up at the titan that'd just been brutally killed, you saw an all-too-familiar figure standing on top of it, his black hair shading his emotionless grey eyes. His mouth was agape as he breathed heavily, and he turned his face to you, making eye-contact.
It was Levi.
He jumped down instantly and ran over as fast as he could, the anger in his expression replaced with worry as he dropped both weapons in his hands and knelt down. Hanji placed you on the floor in the wet leaves, the rain pelting down on you. But you didn't care. Even if you were dying right now, which you were, at least you were surrounded by people you loved and not in the mouth of a titan. Pain and exhaustion shot through your body like drugs, and you winced with every minor movement.
"Y/n," Levi whispered, his eyes wide and full of emotions you couldn't begin to explain. He placed his hand gently on your forehead and brushed your hair out of your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb in the process. You reached upwards, cringing due to the intense pain in your abdomen, and took his hand in his. He looked down at your face and body, his breath hitching in his throat. "Your alive."
"For now," you muttered, your voice hoarse from the screaming. As soon as you spoke, though, you coughed up blood, and Levi, panicked, tried to get rid of as much pressure on your chest as possible. This included taking off your cloak (he covered you with his own so you didn't get wet), trying to pull off your gear and harness and loosening your brown jacket. However, he froze when he saw the large red stains scattered across your white shirt, and he bit his lip nervously. He didn't want to imagine the pain you felt, and he certainly didn't want to face the undeniable fact that you were dying.
You were going to die.
"I'm so sorry," he said quietly, his grief being replaced by a wave of anger you'd only ever seen once before. He squeezed your hand tightly and looked down, his nose wrinkled and eyes filled with rage. "I'll kill every single one of those fucking bastards, and if anyone gets in my way, I'll kill them too. You don't deserve this. Why can't this shitty world be fucking kind for once?"
"Levi, stop it," you said softly, your hand leaving his hand and cupping his face. Hanji stood up and turned around, letting the two of you have a moment. Said before, she was the only one who knew of your relationship with Levi, having accidentally walked in on the two of you asleep together. However, it was clear something was going on between the two of you; Levi was never the type to do this to his 'regular soldiers', so it was clear you were something special.
Erwin, used to people dying all the time and becoming very desensitised, was confused at first as to why Levi was so bothered about another scream in the distance, but when the smaller man shot off on his horse, he guessed instantly that there was something going on between the two of you. He wasn't stupid, and he'd suspected a relationship behind his back for a long time, but this confirmed it.
"I don't want to hear you ranting and raving about killing the titans while I'm about to die," you chuckled, coughing up more blood as you stared up at the sky, the rain beginning to slow down a little and finally allowing you to breathe. "I'd prefer something a bit more sentimental."
"How can you joke at a time like this?" Levi questioned, his face a mix of disgust and pain as he tried to come up with a plan that'd get you out alive. The only thing he could think of would certainly be painful for you, but it was the only thing left.
"Who said I was joking?" you asked, a small, painful smile appearing on your lips as you tried your best to stop him from worrying. The last you wanted was him to go mad with grief. You knew just how much he cared for you, and it was obvious at this moment that he'd sacrifice the world if it meant saving you. Sighing as gently as you could without penetrating a lung (if that hadn't happened yet), you blinked away your tears and hoped that your fear wasn't showing through that fake smile of yours. "Levi, please don't become a monster. I know what you're like. Once someone you truly, truly care about dies, you don't realise what you're doing and eventually, you go on a rampage. Let Hanji take care of you if you need it. I'll always be with you, after all, and the last thing I want is for you to go insane. I love you lots, and you know that."
"And I..." he began, his eyes welling up with tears. He didn't want you to die. How would he live with himself without you? "I- Goddamn it brat, how do you get me like this? I can't even say what I fucking want to say. Why?!"
"You don't need to say anything," you said, brushing a tear from the corner of his eye. "It's okay. I know."
"But you don't, that's the thing!" Levi exclaimed, trying to keep in his anger. However, if he kept holding it in, he was sure to burst into tears, and he didn't want to do that. Especially in front of you in your last moments. The blood-loss was evident, creating a pool of red on the ground, and if the wagons with the bandages on didn't arrive soon, you'd die. Erwin had already set off a colour-coded blast, alerting the others where you were, and they all hoped that there was a wagon left. There was no way you could get home on a horse; the jolts would cause your ribs to destroy vital organs, and then there was no saving you. "You don't know how much I care, because I haven't had enough fucking time to show you. You don't understand how much I... how much I love your shitty ass because I don't have the damn strength to tell you! If I had been here ten seconds quicker, we'd be on our way home by now!"
"Don't you DARE blame yourself, Levi Ackerman," you hissed through gritted teeth, the pain in your torso becoming so unbearable that it was difficult to stop yourself bawling. You let out a few broken sobs before continuing, trying not to choke on your tears. "It was not, is not and never will be your fault. For once, I'm giving YOU orders, and that's to not blame yourself. Understood?"
"Understood," he muttered, before whipping his head round to face Erwin. "Oi, eyebrows, where the fuck are the wagons?"
"I think they're all destroyed," the blonde-haired man stated calmly, and Levi's intense, stabbing glare was shaded by his black hair. "It appears that we're the only survivors."
"Go back home and get a fucking wagon," Levi muttered through gritted teeth, and all the other soldiers were silent, in case they were killed by the man. However, no answer was worse than a wrong answer, and he stood up, his stare destroying any dominance or confidence any of the men or women felt they had. "Are you shitheads deaf or something!? I said to go get a wagon!"
"There's no way we can get her home, Levi," Erwin said into the emptiness. On second thoughts, maybe no answer was better. "By the time we've got a wagon, she'll be dead."
"Oh yeah?" Levi asked threateningly, staring bullets into the commander's body. His voice was gradually getting louder, and you winced. Hanji sat beside you, trying her best to fix you up. She sliced off half of her cape and tried to wrap it around your body. Broken ribs weren't easy to fix - in fact, bandages barely did anything to help, but this was to stop the blood loss. The cloak wouldn't do much to help in the long run, but it slowed it down a little. Worse, the usually-stoic man was completely losing it. "We're fucking trying it anyway. If she dies on me, then so are you."
"Levi, you're being irrational," Erwin said, furrowing his eyebrows. "You saved her life from a worse fate. You were too late to save her for good, and that's it. That's life."
"It wasn't his fault!" you exclaimed, a little too loudly and quickly for your body's liking. You coughed up even more blood, and tears streamed down your face. It was definitely a painful death, but you'd rather go out this way than being eaten. Levi rushed back over, squatting down. Tears were visible in his eyes again and he bit his lip to stop himself from breaking down. You gave him a quick smile, resting your head against the tree roots again as you tried to come up with good last words. Before you knew it, you were shivering, and you wanted to be back home more than anything.
"Y/n, I can get you home, I promise," he said, kneeling into the ground and pressing his hand to your cold face. "I'll try anything, even if it gets me dead in the process."
"Don't say things like that, Levi," you whispered, taking his hand into yours and kissing it, hoping it'd calm him down. "And don't make promises you can't keep."
"I'm just trying to convince myself you won't die," he admitted quietly, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket. By now, he'd given up trying to hide his emotions. It was impossible. "I can't stand seeing you like this."
"I wouldn't be able to if it were you," you replied, playing with his fingers as your breathing became shallow. "Levi, I'm uncomfortable."
He nodded, knowing just what you wanted. He sat in the ground (much to his dismay) and shuffled beside you before planting your head and upper body into your lap. Although it hurt to move around, you were still happy and you rest your head against his stomach. He wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders and the other very carefully around your waist, and he held you close. His face was buried into your hair, and it was at that point where he just couldn't stop crying. Tears fell from his eyes like bullets from a gun, and they continued pouring out of his eyes. His lips trembled as he tried to keep his composure, but a strangled breath escaping his lips alerted you of his crying. You reached up once again and cupped his face, beginning to cry yourself.
"L-Levi," you whispered out, glancing up into his eyes. He averted his stares, the tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to ignore fate. "Look at me! Please!"
He bit the inside of his cheek, finally looking down. His hand brushed your hair from out of your face and he placed a small, sentimental kiss on your forehead before letting you speak.
"I don't care what happens next, but promise me this," you began, linking your fingers with his and squeezing as tight as you could, which wasn't as near as strong as it had been before. "You'll still be that man I fell in love with ten years into the future. You won't become a man that I would fear or dislike. You'll remember me, but you won't cry when you do. Instead, you'll smile. Promise me this. Please, that's my only wish."
"I-I promise," he said, gulping back his tears as he pressed a kiss to your lips, holding you as tight as he could without hurting you. You bought your arms up to his shoulders, gently wrapping them around his neck as you pressed further into the kiss, not wanting to let him go. You had no family back home and barely any friends; the only person you cared about deeply was Levi, and you just prayed and hoped he'd be safe. "But what if I can't keep it?"
"I'll be there by your side to help, don't worry," you said with a smile, tiredness washing over you. Your vision slowly began to go blurry, and your eyes started to flutter shut, but before you lost all your senses altogether, you heard someone shout something about a wagon.
"Y/n, please, stay alive," Levi begged, his body jolting up. Your eyes widened as much as they could, but you were so weak that it was becoming difficult to even keep your heart beating. Glancing upwards, you noticed that a few others had returned with a single wagon. There was nothing in it, and half of it had been destroyed, but it was enough. Levi delicately picked you up, and although it hurt a lot, you were placed inside. Your mind was whirring, trying to keep you alive, and you tried to focus on the others talking. Although it was difficult to tell what they were saying, you still tried your hardest. Levi knelt down beside you inside it, the wagon getting attached to the horses before being trailed off. Every jolt and movement was painful, and you started to cry again.
Levi was terrified. He hated seeing you in agony, and if he was certain you were to die, he'd have put you out of your misery long ago. But he was certain there was a way to keep you alive, and thank god he'd tried.
He just hoped you'd stay awake for the journey home. It would take 30 minutes at least, so he had to watch you sit in pain for that long. It was agonising, and he knew that one wrong jolt could kill you. Sitting closer to you than you expected, he gently tapped his fingers across your scalp and forehead, giving you something to focus on. Never had he been good at romance, yet somehow you fell for him and he fell for you. He couldn't lose that, and he definitely couldn't lose you.
"I love you, Y/n," he whispered, leaning down and planting another kiss on your forehead. You gave him a small smile, glad the others were respectful enough to look away. Hanji, however, watched, just to make sure you were alive and to make sure Levi didn't do something stupid. He was Humanity's Strongest for plenty of reasons, but she knew that when it came to you, he could go on a rampage. He remembered what happened with Isabel and Farlan - she was only a young cadet back then, and seeing him so upset and angry was something she could never forget. Losing you would be just as bad, probably even worse.
"I love you too, Levi," you said, before closing your eyes and going to sleep.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
As Long as You Love me- Part 2*
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x Plus Size Reader
Summary: A new chapter for Rudy and Y/N begins, will they be able to overcome the hardships with a wedding, and a baby on the way?(sequel to SOMH)
Note: My baby fever is really out of control! I’m so happy you guys are loving this! As always let me know what you think!
Also I hate HATE the p-word but I felt like it was needed🙃
Anyways have fun with some fluff and spice😋
Part 1 Part 3
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The days seemed to dwindle by, my stomach had grown a little, and my boobs had gotten ginormous…
If I didn’t feel big before, I definitely do now. The Maddie’s had set to work on planning a gender reveal party, something I thought before I became pregnant was tiresome, but now that it was happening for Rudy and I...I was more than excited to see what they had planned. I knew however the baby would be revealed was going to be something hilarious with all of us being the giant goofballs we are. 
I still hadn’t heard a word from my parents, which soured my mood some days. It floored me that they wanted nothing to do with their grandchild despite their constant nagging beforehand for me to get a boyfriend in the first place. Then I started dating Rudy, and it was like something switched in their minds. Maybe they were just worried that Rudy would leave me, but somewhere deep down I knew that probably wasn’t the case either.
I was putting some of our laundry away when I caught myself in the mirror. My hips had widened, not significantly, but they still were a tad bigger. My baby belly was protruding from one of Rudy’s larger tshirts, and my boobs look saggy in my eyes. I felt so ugly, a wave of emotion coming over me. How will Rudy want me after I have the baby, or even now? I looked like a potato, and when I get farther along, the bigger I’ll be. My skin will be saggy from the baby, and I’m sure I’ll have even more stretch marks. My lips started to quiver, tears cascading down my cheeks. I sobbed into my hands, sitting down on my side of the bed. I heard Rudy call out that he was home, making a run to the store for me. 
“Babe?” he shouted, his footsteps bounding up the stairs to the bedroom. He gasped at my state, quickly making his way over to me.
“What’s wrong? Is it the baby? Are you hurt?” he asked, taking my face in his hands.
“No...I just..I’m so fat!” I wailed, his eyes softening immediately.
“Sweetheart you're pregnant, you have our little baby in there.” he spoke softly, rubbing my bump.
“I look like a whale, and what about after the baby is born? You won’t want me anymore.” I sniffled, he brought his shirt up to wipe my nose.
“My love, you are the most beautiful person on this planet. I will always, always want you. I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me, or knocked you up if I didn’t want you.” he chuckled, a watery laugh leaving my lips.
“My belly will be saggy, and I’ll have even more stretch marks.” I blubbered.
“That’s where our baby came from, our little creation. That’s what I’ll think of when I see that, and how strong you are for carrying our child. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing.” he said, my heart bursting.
“But-” I started.
“No...I meant it when I said you are the love of my life y/n.” he spoke firmly, his eyes intense as they stared into mine. 
“Rudy,” I whimpered, the tears coming back.
He leaned in to kiss my lips, leading them down my neck. I took in a shaky breath, moaning lightly when he nipped playfully at my skin. Rudy pushed me back gently on the bed, hovering over me. He smiled down at me, nuzzling his nose to mine. I held on to his cheeks, tracing the planes of his face. He took both my hands in his, pinning them above my head. My eyes widened with excitement, the smirk on his lips making me squirm underneath him. 
“Will you let me show you how much I love you baby?” he asked, brushing his lips against mine as he spoke.
I nodded my head, squeezing his fingers. He growled deep in his chest, taking my bottom lip between his teeth. I whined as he tugged, watching it snap back in place. Rudy let one of my hands up, taking his finger to trace down my face, to my neck, and stopped to circle my nipple that was poking through his shirt. His thigh was between my legs, so I tried to grind my hips down to get some sort of relief. My punishment being Rudy pinching my nipple between his ringed fingers.
“Patience my love,” he whispered, moving his fingers lower.
He gently caressed my heat over my leggings, pressing in to feel the wetness already pooling. I grunted, shuffling around to get him to move faster. Rudy sat up, pulling me with him. He took off his shirt, then proceeded to pull mine off. He cursed lowly under his breath when he saw I was bare underneath his shirt, leaning to trace his tongue around my nipple switching back and forth to give both equal attention. My fingers waved into his soft hair, falling back down on the bed. Rudy kissed down lower, stopping to kiss all over my belly. I could hear my heart pounding, the love I had for this man blooming that it felt like I could combust at any moment.
“My little baby,” he cooed, smiling up at me as he laid his head on my stomach.
“Ru,” I croaked.
“Love you here, here, especially here and here.” he said, shooting up to kiss my hip bones, my belly, and both my breasts. 
“I love you baby,” I whispered, staring into his eyes.
Rudy finally descended to where I desired him most, lifting my hips to slide my leggings down. He kissed up both my legs, leaving love bites on the inside of my thighs. I choked on a moan when he finally took his first swipe from where I was leaking all the way to my clit, stopping to nip at the bud playfully. My chest started to heave already, putting my own legs over his shoulders. Rudy reached up to grab my hands, my engagement ring clanged with one on his middle finger, and I’m not sure why that made me even more turned on. He lapped at me feverishly, shaking his head to get more of me. My back arched off the bed, my eyes closing at the feeling of his tongue. 
“Feel good babygirl?” he taunted, a moan leaving my lips as he brought my clit between his lips.
“Yes Ru, please don’t stop that.” I pleaded, his reaction being to suckle on me harder. 
He let go of one of my hands, switching his tongue down to enter inside of me as his rings rubbed me vigorously. His tongue wiggled in as far as it could go, slurping up the juices pouring out of me. I whimpered at the filthy sounds, my heels flexing into his back muscles. I was so close to letting go, feeling the rubber band about snap. I could feel myself throbbing against his tongue, he moaned into me, and that was my undoing. I gasped as I came all over his tongue, his thumb on my clit working me through my orgasm. 
Rudy crawled up my body, slamming his lips against mine. I could taste myself on his tongue, our teeth clanking together from the passion searing. He hummed in my mouth when his still clothes member rubbed against me, my hips bucking up from the tingles shooting up my spine. He sat up to quickly rid himself of his pants, stroking himself a few times. The tip poked at my entrance as Rudy teasingly rubbed himself all over my heat.
“Who’s pussy is this?” Rudy questioned, smirking when I whined.
“Yours baby, please.” I moaned, trying to pull him closer by wrapping my legs around him. 
“Only mine right?” he growled, slamming himself all the way in.
“Yes.” I squeaked, my hands grasping his sides.
His ringed hands glided up my thighs, feeling all over my body as he sat inside me. I tried to keep my eyes open, but he was making it so hard. I breathed heavily, arching up into him at even the slightest movement of his member against my walls. He took his time exploring every patch of skin, kissing, sucking, and biting anywhere he could reach. I clenched around him involuntarily, Rudy grunting as it caused him to rut up into me. 
Rudy started off with slow, loving thrusts. Gentle kisses spread across my cheeks and lips, my heart soaring through the roof at the raw emotional and physical connection we made. I couldn’t think or feel anything other than him, it was like my brain had completely voided anything I ever thought aside from Rudy.
“I love you,” he whispered, staring intently into my eyes. 
“I love you so much,” I whimpered, managing to hold his gaze for a minute before I was throwing my head back in ecstasy. 
His pace picked up, his hips hitting against mine the faster he moved. I let out a strangled moan when he switched his angle to hit that spot deep inside of me, my nails tarnishing his perfect skin. The sensitivity I felt from my first orgasm was creeping up on me as my clit rubbed against his pubic bone, amplifying even more when Rudy moved his hand down to roll it between his fingers. 
“Gonna cum baby,” I panted.
“Cum with me baby, now.” he groaned, rubbing me even faster.
Both our moans were heard through our bedroom, our muscles tightening up as we tried to stimulate each other through our highs. He leaned down to kiss me, swallowing the last of my whines and whimpers of his name. We breathed heavily into each other’s mouth as we came down, staying connected until Rudy completely softened inside of me. He rolled off to the side, his hand coming to rub the skin of my belly. 
We stayed laying in each other’s arms, basking in the post orgasmic afterglow. Eventually, both of us fell sound asleep only to wake up to do it all over again. 
The gender reveal party was today, and I could not be more excited. Rudy and I were instructed to wear white, so I figured this was going to have to do with how we were going to find out what we were having. I chose to wear a white romper, the fabric complimenting my baby bump which made me smile. 
Our crew arrived at our house early in the afternoon, helping both Maddie’s set up the decorations. I got yelled at anytime I tried to lend a hand, so I sat down on my couch and ate the little snacks Maddie B had put out. One corner of the living room was already overflowing with presents, my fingers itched to know what was inside. 
“Wait so the baby like...moves inside of you?” JD asked, all of us turning to give him a ‘duh’ expression.
“Did you think they just chilled in the same position all day JD?” I chuckled, pressing around on my belly to see if I could find where the baby was.
“Does that not feel weird?” he questioned.
“Here, I think they’re just waking up.” I said, placing his hand right where I had felt a little kick.
“Holy shit!” he exclaimed, retching his hand back.
“I wanna feel!” Drew gasped, his eyes widening when he felt the same flutter JD did.
“Ok guys, stop feelin’ up on the baby mama. These decorations aren’t gonna hang themselves.” Maddie C huffed, the boys rolling their eyes as they went back to work.
Some of Rudy’s other friends and relatives were able to make it along with his parents and two brothers. I didn’t even tell my parents about it, I figured they wouldn’t care. Rudy’s mom took me into a big hug, congratulating us on both the engagement and the baby. She teared up a little, Rudy rolling his eyes which made me smack the back of his head.
“Be nice,” I hissed, his head leaning to kiss my cheek.
It was finally time to reveal what Rudy and I were having. Maddie C handed me a can of white silly string, Maddie B doing the same to Rudy. Everyone got their cameras set up, Rudy and I smiling like crazy from excitement. 
“Alright ready? GO!” Maddie B shouted.
I aimed the same time Rudy did, blue silly string bursting from the can. Cheers erupted everywhere, Rudy tearing up slightly as he pulled me into a deep, wet kiss. We both laughed as we pulled silly string from the other's hair after a multitude of pictures. 
“A little boy, we’re having a little boy.” Rudy croaked, tears streaming down his cheeks. His face dove into my shoulder, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed against me. 
“You’re gonna make me cry Ru,” I chuckled, tears forming in my eyes now. My hands moved up and down his back, my head tilting to kiss his neck.
“I’m just so, so happy my love.” he blubbered.
“Me too,” I sighed, snuggling further into him.
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