#id honestly say its a pr stunt but that also doesn't make sense to me
tschulijulesjulie · 1 year
honestly im so confused about why exactly she had that man there - no matter if the rumours are true or not.
the rumours about them dating just broke a couple of days earlier - did she really want to immediately embrace them? because we KNOW she knows about them, this is not a silly coincidence.
why was he there the night she announced her next rerecording?
was her plan to show him off and confirm it but also having these way BIGGER and more important news cover it up a bit, so we (her fans at least) would mainly talk about that instead?
she really doesn't need any more promotion or additional news coverage so that thought can be excluded.
and if theyre not true... which i hope very much - not only is this such a downgrade, but also... so soon after their breakup?? like im not an expert and i also think once youve broken up you're free to do whatever - and whoeve - you like, but wouldn't you need some time to mourn a SIX year relationship?? also shes on tour, hows between touring, probably working on new music/rerecordings/mvs/etc, mourning that relationship, going out with friends time left for a NEW relationship?!?!?!? like that shit is time consuming?!?!? -
anyways, IF theyre true, its super new-ish, maybe a rebound, WHY The hell would she immediately want to show him off?? she's been so guarded about her previous relationship, i do not remember how she treated the ones before, because i wasn't that far into it and my only source about this stuff was literally the Bravo lmao, but i know shes careful about her privacy, so why show off such a new relationship right from the beginning - yes, i know shes not showing it off by having him there, but she KNOWS how the media (and shame on us, we as well to an extent) is... having him there right after these rumours broke... she must have known how that looks like...
so why? also why the night she announces SN TV???
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