#is she trying to make Joe jealous lmao?
tschulijulesjulie · 1 year
honestly im so confused about why exactly she had that man there - no matter if the rumours are true or not.
the rumours about them dating just broke a couple of days earlier - did she really want to immediately embrace them? because we KNOW she knows about them, this is not a silly coincidence.
why was he there the night she announced her next rerecording?
was her plan to show him off and confirm it but also having these way BIGGER and more important news cover it up a bit, so we (her fans at least) would mainly talk about that instead?
she really doesn't need any more promotion or additional news coverage so that thought can be excluded.
and if theyre not true... which i hope very much - not only is this such a downgrade, but also... so soon after their breakup?? like im not an expert and i also think once youve broken up you're free to do whatever - and whoeve - you like, but wouldn't you need some time to mourn a SIX year relationship?? also shes on tour, hows between touring, probably working on new music/rerecordings/mvs/etc, mourning that relationship, going out with friends time left for a NEW relationship?!?!?!? like that shit is time consuming?!?!? -
anyways, IF theyre true, its super new-ish, maybe a rebound, WHY The hell would she immediately want to show him off?? she's been so guarded about her previous relationship, i do not remember how she treated the ones before, because i wasn't that far into it and my only source about this stuff was literally the Bravo lmao, but i know shes careful about her privacy, so why show off such a new relationship right from the beginning - yes, i know shes not showing it off by having him there, but she KNOWS how the media (and shame on us, we as well to an extent) is... having him there right after these rumours broke... she must have known how that looks like...
so why? also why the night she announces SN TV???
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 months
can i request a bob headcannon about the gn!reader having a cat that doesn't like the boys :)? feel free to skip this if you don't feel like writing it!
Easy co. reacting to their s/o having a cat that doesn’t like them!
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a/n: Thank you for request love! i hope you enjoy!! 💗
genre: fluff!
warnings: swearing, a little jealousy?
description: Some of men from Easy reacting to their gn s/o having a cat that doesn’t like them!
taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla @mstiemountainhop (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB masterlist
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Dick Winters: Every time he’s at your place, he would just simply try to avoid your cat as much as possible. Like knowing that your cat doesn’t like him one bit, he’s not going to try and make friends with the little guy/girl. Maybe every once and while he’d buy your pet toys or treats for special occasions.
Lewis Nixon: It’s kinda pathetic how desperate he is to make your cat like him. Not because he likes cats a whole lot or anything but mostly because he wants to impress you. I could def see him whispering to your cat while you’re out of the room like, “hey you little fucker, why don’t you like me, huh?” He makes sure to get them a custom-made vat 69 chew toy.
Carwood Lipton: “Hey, you don’t have to be scared.” Unlike Winters he IS going to try and make friends with the little critter even after it’s been made clear that they don’t like him one bit lol. Everytime that he is over at your place he always greets your cat and immediately gets rejected by a hiss lol. He would sweetly talk to them when you’re sleeping like, “Your parent is the best person I know, you be good to them alright?”
Joe Toye: The feeling is surely mutual. You would probably think the feud between them two is hilarious. Like if your cat gives Joe that side eye look (that one all cats give) you better believe Joe is giving one right back to them. “Something is wrong with your cat, I think he/she’s plotting something evil.”
Joe Liebgott: He tries a good bit to be friends with your cat at first, but after a while he just learns to keep his distance after a good scratch on his arm. Even after that though you will always see Joe coming back to your place with treats, food, or toys. “I know you like me. You’re just trying to put up a front cuz’ i’m with your parent.”
Bill Guarnere: He has SERIOUS beef with your cat. Like the moment your cat even GLANCES at him he’s gonna say some dumb shit like, “Babe get your cat before he catches these hands” Lmaoo he’d never actually hurt your cat but he talks a big game to them alllll the time. Bill and your cat “act” like they don't like each other but then you’d see them secretly cuddling while you’re not paying attention.
George Luz: He’s kinda like Lip, willingly trying to play with your cat when they are just OVER it. Whenever the cat and him are alone it literally looks like the cat is babysitting Luz lmao. He would buy your cat a bunch of little fake rats and feather toys in hopes they would play with him. “Oh c’monn! You can’t act like you hate me forever!”
Bull Randleman: He’s gonna stay as far from the cat as possible. In all honesty, and he probably wouldn’t say this to you because he wouldn’t want you to get mad, but he HATES cats. 1. Because he’s allergic, 2. Because they’re always grumpy (In his words not mine.) He might pet cat a few times but that's about it.
Eugene Roe: “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you I promise.” He’s so patient with your cat, it’s so freaking sweet. He doesn’t want to make your cat nervous or uncomfortable so he wouldn’t try pushing to play with him/her especially knowing that they don’t like him.
Floyd Talbert: He’s definitely gonna sit there and bribe your cat with treats for sure. Also saying shit like “You gotta start liking me someday, i’m gonna be your new dad soon” LMFAO. I have a feeling he would get oddly jealous over your cat if you were cuddling them and not him. “If you kiss them, you gotta kiss me too, yk?”
Skip muck: When you warn him that your cat isn’t very friendly and might get territorial his exact words are, “No way! I’m amazing with animals, practically a cat whisperer.” Pan to him a couple hours later keeping a three feet distance from your cat because it bit the shit out of his ankle and now he’s genuinely afraid of your cat. Let’s just say he’d keep his distance after that.
Don Malarkey: He would try being as friendly as possible with your cat (despite him being a very big dog person) at first, but once he realizes how much your cat actually hates him he gets kind of offended not gonna lie. “Honey, I’ve done almost everything to socialize with them, am I doing something wrong?”
Babe Heffron: He sneezes every time he’s around your cat soo much and he swears to you that he isn’t allergic. The beef all starts when he starts sneezing super hard around your place and it scares the fuck out of your cat. He doesn’t mean to antagonize them, but it just comes off that way with the loud ass sneezes, will buy a couple toys for them tho.
Shifty Powers: This man is the actual male version of snow white, so when you tell him your cat is a bit reactive and probably won’t like him he understands, but at the same time when he meets your cat he’s going to spend the rest of his night trying to get them to like him. (And it obviously works somehow because he’s an animal whisperer.)
Frank Perconte: “If that cat bites me or claws me, I'm swingin’.” Right from the moment he meets your cat he’s giving them the dirtiest looks EVER. Sometimes he feels like he’s definitely fighting for your attention whenever the cat is around. He might act like he’s your cat's biggest hater but in all honesty he loves them to death.
Ronald Speirs: He is ODDLY quiet around the cat. The only way I can describe the relationship is Brennan and Dale from Stepbrothers. They love each other, can't stand each other, but are also seen being together all the time? Both him and the cat will act like they don’t like eachother but they do.
Johnny Martin: He’s very willing to push for a relationship with your cat, even if they absolutely hate him. Mostly to make you happy and comfortable with them two being around each other. Whenever the cat hisses at him he loves to say that “they’re just warming up to me.” And it’s literally been 5 months LMAO.
Skinny Sisk: “Aw, aren’t you a little cutie?” The hate is so one-sided it’s horrible. He will desperately try to hangout with your cat while they actually want to bite his eyes out. “Here, let me feed them, maybe they’ll like me more if I do it.” Sweet baby is COMMITTED to making your cat like him.
Chuck Grant: Whenever he is at your place and sees your cat, he acts simply invisible. His reasoning is, if he acts like he isn't there then he practically is. He won’t go as far as to even look your cat in the eye. He might pet them once or twice but other than that he likes to keep his distance.
David Webster: He probably wants to read you an article on reactive cats and the proper way to fix the aggression coming from them of course. He wants to make sure your cat doesn't hate him for long. He would try playing a lot of calming music for animals and stuff like that when they are hanging out.
Buck Compton: He’s probably going to go out of his way to buy your cat all kinds of stuff like toys and treats but as far as interacting goes he doesn’t like to be around them for too long (especially when you aren’t there with him too lmao) he’s scared of your cat but definitely won’t admit that to you haha.
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Again, thank you for requesting! If you enjoyed, make sure to like or reblog!! 💗
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Yeah, free is the word. Meanwhile, his ex is desperately trying to distract from the fact he didn't want to marry her by parading around with an angry idiot, having previously tried to make him jealous by dating a racist lmao. No wonder she drinks so much lol
My only worry is what happens when her new album comes out. You can tell from the timing of things that she can't bear that Joe ignores her antics. She won't take it well when he ignores her album too, so she'll probably try to get her fans and friends to cause trouble. I just hope that doesn't coincide with his films coming out, or it might affect how much promo he can do, as another anon suggested.
I think if we’ve seen anything as of late- it’s that the industry and Joe don’t care about the hate he’s getting from ts, her friends and her fans. Every time Joe has been out in public- something happens, yet he has been invited and continues to go out. I think now that its a new year, he’s healed, we won’t have to worry. Joe has never let her affect his work before, he’s not going to start now.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Ah, ah! I was reading stuff on The Old Guard tag and now all I can think of is
Kassandra as Andy cause she is literally older than Jesus fucking Christ
Altaïr & Ezio as Nick & Joe cause WHY NOT
Arno as Booker cause he's a bloody drama queen
F!Eivor as Noriko cause DRAMA
Desmond as Nile cause they're BAMF and all come together on a AltEziDes with Arno suffering on the background and Kass looking like a proud lesbian mama lol
Bayek would be a good Andy too, and Connor and Shay also give me NickJoe vibes lol
Ooohhh, I’m always game to think about immortality-based plotlines XD
Kassandra as Andy would be spot on, especially if F!Eivor is Noriko/Quynh. Although, instead of a Labyrs, her main weapons would be the pointed tip of a spear and a Viking axe. She’d also be more on the calm chill side and happens to like to tease her fellow immortals. (To make it more interesting, maybe F!Eivor and her also met in the Isle of Skye and their relationship blossomed there as well)
Altaïr and Ezio as Nick and Joe would be a pretty fun pairing as well, especially if we keep Altaïr’s whole ‘distant and kinda arrogant’ personality. Ezio would be the one to remind him if he’s being too rude, sometimes with just a touch, because, even if they’ve been immortals for so long, some habits are hard to let go of. Ezio likes to joke that Altaïr is a work in progress which everyone knows is his way of saying Altaïr is trying. Altaïr, on the other hand, may act aloof most of the time but he’s quite protective of Ezio and there is no one in the world he trusts more than Ezio. Their personalities tend to clash at times and everyone knows that they sometimes spend half a century or so apart because of some dumb fight neither of them wanted to acknowledge responsibility with. It’s just become part of their whole deal that everyone just nods along to. Then Desmond comes in.
Arno as Booker would work. Just replace the death of Booker’s sons with Élise’s death (for more pain, maybe imply that Élise may have been or may have not been pregnant during the time of her death).
But you know who else could work as Booker? Haytham Kenway. Instead of being part of Napoleon’s army, keep his whole deal, including his actions to help the British Empire. But this time, he is the one to kill his own son instead. The American Revolution still played as history had recorded it so Haytham has to live his immortal life with the guilt of killing his son for nothing. He’d also be the most aloof of the Immortals and perhaps even be jealous of how ‘easy’ it is for everyone to move on. (Plus points if he treats Desmond the way he treats his son before and he only realizes it when Desmond tells him to stop treating him like an idiot, only digging in the guilt of how his relationship with his son was).
Eivor as Quynh/Noriko also gives us an excuse to… well, torture Eivor. While her imprisonment would be of a similar fate to Quynh/Noriko, we can include her being subjected to a blood eagle in Odin’s name. If you want to hammer in the angst, make Sigurd the one to do it. Of course, if Eivor and Kassandra met on the Isle of Skye, the events of Eivor’s life would have to be shuffled around to make it more coherent. Her imprisonment could be because of Sigurd or because of the Saxons.
And then there was Desmond. One main difference between Desmond and Nile would be their attachment to people. If we keep Desmond’s strained relationship with his parents, he would actually be more open to being immortal. He would hide his desire for a connection with practiced smiles and his chill personality although he wouldn’t fool Kassandra. It would be his desire for a connection but hiding it from everyone that makes it easy for him to fall for both Altaïr and Ezio. Neither of them planned to fall in love with Desmond, maybe they even started out a relationship with him as more of something fun and uncomplicated (like having the immortal version of an ongoing sexual and emotional threesome) which Desmond was cool with (he didn’t expect to fall for them too) while they’re teaching him the ropes and helping him acclimate with his newfound immortality. It would only be later that they would realize that Desmond is like the missing piece in their life.
Other possible ideas:
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Shay giving off Nick and Joe vibes? Color me intrigued. This one also has the additional emotional baggage of Shay being employed by Haytham who Ratonhnhaké:ton killed so, like… they say their relationship is ‘complicated’ and that would be an understatement.
If Arno is Booker, he would have had a relationship with Jacob Frye. Maybe his relationship with Jacob is what helps him move on from the pain of Élise’s death but Jacob isn’t an immortal soooo… (holy wow, Arno has, like, the short end of the stick in this one if he’s an immortal. Haytham doesn’t count, he deserves to feel the guilt)
Bayek would definitely be a good Andy as well. If you go for Bayek instead, Quynh/Noriko would have to be Aya. Although, if you just want Bayek to be included in the plot, he could be Lykon instead? Another possible Lykon is Alexios/Deimos as well and that would definitely be some angst for Kassandra.
Of course, Merrick would be Vidic, hahaha. Maybe Copley could be Layla or even Lucy?
Why are they immortals? Why do we need to explain that? Let’s keep it a mystery but make vague points of how it might be connected with some kind of Isu research to achieve eternal life.
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zestyderg · 1 year
Okay Zesty. Here's a Joe ask for ya: How does Joe bond with each of the Patrol Team and BB members?
Dina: This kid lives and breathes fossil battles so of course, they battle each other a lot (Joe battles with all his flaplings but Dina bursts into his suite and loudly demands a fight multiple times a week). She always kicks his ass, and while he's frustrated that he can never seem to beat her, at the same time he's just overwhelmingly proud of how far she's come.
Dino: Dino also battles with Joe a lot, but unlike his sister he doesn't get as insanely competitive and overly enthusiastic as she does. He may also ask Joe to go digging with him or ask him to clean fossils with him (I actually think Joe is amazing at cleaning fossils, super focused and very meticulous in how he does it, and at least some of the perfectly cleaned fossils in fighter stations were from Joe). No matter what they both end up covered in dust lmao.
Todd: Joe is painfully aware of how much Todd idolizes him. Todd idolizes him more than the twins do, and that's saying something. Todd aspires to be a great fighter like Joe and Dina, but after reflecting on the allo attack and his first meeting with Joe, Todd has decided that he wants to be a vivosaur wrangler too! So, Joe teaches him everything he knows about handling rogue vivosaurs. If Joe gets a call to round up a vivosaur, he brings Todd with him (it makes the other kids jealous lol).
Pauleen: She may be getting better at managing her social anxiety but she still struggles with it sometimes, and Joe helps her however he can. She also talks his ear off about fashion and her love of unicorns.
Rupert: While Rupert does enjoy the chaos of a fossil battle and the rush of adrenaline that comes with it, he also greatly enjoys simply sitting with someone and talking to them. So, Joe and Rupert spend a lot of time outside of battle chatting with one another. Rupert tells Joe about his popularity as a fighter and the stress of it, and also about his father (the more Joe learns about the fossildig ceo the less he likes him). Joe mostly is just there to lend an ear and offer advice when he can. They both are bonding over their dislike of paparazzi, and over their shared zz trauma.
Lester: Joe lets Lester host his own rock concerts, and Lester tells him all about his favorite bands. He even shows Joe all his prized merch (Joe can only look though, no touching).
Cole: Cole is always looking for test subjects for his latest fashion projects and Joe sometimes volunteers. Cole has made a ton of outfits for Joe to wear. Joe never truly knows what he's in for whenever Cole asks to try something out on him but it never ends as badly as Joe thinks it would be.
Lola: She'll join in on Cole's fashion shenanigans (she handles makeup while Cole handles the outfits). Joe has made it a habit of looking for new kinds of bubblegum for Lola to try, and Lola gladly takes anything he gives her.
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taylortruther · 1 year
Oh not taht psychic lmao. We were just talking about edge lords and sexist assholes. Here we have one again. He did a reading about Taylor and Joe. It was difficult to watch because oh my god he played into the boy crazy manipulative immature career obsessed petty drama loving girl who can't let go of her exes and Joe the nice simple mature daddy who just wanted a family and more time with her dumped her because he got tired of her jealousy and controlling behaviour. She is also going to stalk his new girl and try to make him jealous with an ex☹️
i say this with kindness but you don't need to be a psychic to have thought any of this fdjaklsl
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bisluthq · 1 month
What I’m saying is that if you’re taking lyrics scattered throughout Taylor’s discography as real proof that Joe made her feel insecure/jealous over 6 years and it was a major issue and fault on his part and not just as a songwriter capturing a certain feeling and dramatizing it for the sake of art, then why do you not also take lyrics scattered throughout her discography as proof that she was holding a torch for another man for years and only dated all those guys including Joe in rapid succession to try and get over him? Because that’s something she very literally says and it’s a very damning statement to make. Based off the line about selling her apartment and the reference to his current partner, that song was most likely written a while after their second relationship broke up and she doesn’t just say that it ‘felt fated’ she says that she was played for a fool for a decade, was trying to “outrun” “deserting” him and because of that she dated a bunch of guys one after the other. That’s my point, you can’t say that random lyrics in songs about a 6 year relationship are literal evidence of their real life issues because then these other lyrics would point to a much, much bigger issue that proved Taylor was the one with a major problem that was beyond resolve in the fabric of their relationship.
… bro is Joe Alwyn’s dick really that good? Like is he dicking u down real good every night? Because that is the ONLY FUCKING REASON to write something like this lmao.
obviously they had a myriad issues: some were her fault, some were his fault, some were no one’s fault and just boiled down to incompatibility.
if a person writes about feeling jealous across six separate albums then I would assume said person repeatedly felt jealous lol and while I’m sure partly that’s her own shit going on lol like clearly he wasn’t able to make her feel secure (whether they worked on it - or I’m gonna take an educated guess and say not lol idk but 🤷🏻‍♀️) which could speak to a fundamental incompatibility, a lack of ability/desire to work on stuff from one or both of them, or him giving her reason to (I don’t think it’s that because then like it’s still wrapped up in the first two).
she popped off about Matty while in love with and processing Matty lmao. On one album. (And Question but tbf that was like a thought experiment vibe). If she keeps popping off, let’s reassess. But she went on about the jealousy thing on six.
and yes all the people involved here were and are flawed people with problems because - dude - they’re humans lol. Find me a perfect person or a perfect relationship and you’ll have found a fucking Wattpad story idk???
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livingjonas · 10 months
niika here!
extremely unfortunate that joe and sophie got divorced, they were making babies till very recently :(
anyways, whassup w u? bb sooo muchh has happened and ik i say this everytime but then take sooo much time to follow up, so this time i will tell u whats been going on!
wellduring the started of the yr i was w this guy and he kinda gaslighted me and started blaming me for things that weren't even my fault, and then my bestf who was also my roommate turned out to be a snake; she was jealous of me apparently then i spent the entire summer working on myself and finding my happiness again, and it was challenging to face my 'roommate' again after the summer... she had even polarised all my klasmates against me but fortunately a few stuck around.. i ofc cant do anyth abt that but im trying to only focus on my work and hoping that the rest will fit into place automatically.
other than that, this rlly sweet boy asked me out but i dont feel anythhh romantic towards him at ALL😭😭this other guy, my junior, asked me out, and the date was pretty cute; but turned out to be very manipulative.. i was so glad to be able to sense it before anyth got serious lmao
and ive been sooo away from all the jonas and bts things i have mostly lost track ajhdjshkjas
buT YES!! that's all abt me! wbu? tell me stuff pls!!
ilove you and i miss you so much!<33
oh god I can’t believe I’m only seeing this 9 days later what!!!! I’m sorry niika, I kinda forgot about my tumblr account kkjskk (figures, I REALLY need to change my header 💀)
but oh my SHE LIVES!!!!! 😭 missed you a lot!!
yeah I was so bummed about their divorce but you know what, single dad joe jonas is out of this world! 🔥 good for him, good for him
yk as I was reading your ask I was like DAMN WHAT but then… MEN right 🙄 you’re too good for these guys!! fck them!! and it’s not your fault, if you don’t feel the same then you don’t and that’s okay! also wdym your roommate is a snake how dare she!!!! I hope your other classmates come through and realize she’s the evil one wth
it’s all good over here! this year I went to a bunch of concerts which was awesome 😭 and that’s about it lol oh and I just bought my Jonas concert ticket today!!! it’s gonna be in our birthday month btwwwww I’m so happy! like three days after my birthday HOW COOL IS THAT AAA I’m gonna celebrate it with my favorite people in this world!!
pleaseeeee don’t be a stranger!! miss and LOVE YOU ❤️
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yet-another-leo · 3 years
Astro Notes 2
Since the last post received so much love, here is another one :]
Disclaimer: I am no professional astrologer. I do like to observe so here are some of my observations, there are also a few assumptions I make about some placements. If something doesn't resonate with you, then leave it be.
⭐ I think hair ties are ruled by Saturn. See:
Saturn = restriction
hair tie is used to tie or restrict our hair from getting in the way
this makes me wonder if Saturn doms have their hair tied all the time.
⭐ Fire signs in 3rd house probably cuss a lot. They might be reckless at driving too.
⭐ Virgos are known as the helper and healers of the zodiac and obviously people will first go to Virgos for help. Like Always.
my best friend is a Virgo sun/mercury and the way everyone just ask her help FOR EVERYTHING. Her mother asks her to help her lil sister in studies, a teacher asked her to help a student with their studies and it goes on. It has started to affect her studies too since she forgets to take notes cuz she was helping someone. She doesn't say no cuz she thinks it will be rude. I feel really sad for her :(
⭐ Taurus and Geminis/Virgos/Mercury dominants are somehow always good at studying.
my mom is a Gemini (Taurus in sidereal), she recently started studying again after many years and oh. my. god. She is so much better than me, she is also so enthusiastic and serious about her studies wtf. Ngl I'm kinda jealous I wish I had that same motivation as her
⭐ Pisces placements are so good at playing the bad guy lmao. Although I do think this can go for all mutable signs
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For ex= On the left The actress Kitty Chicha has a Pisces moon and she plays Nanno in the netflix series Girl from Nowhere. She plays the Fucking Devil's Daughter.
On the right The actor Joe Alwyn is a Pisces sun and he played Lawrence Stirling in the movie The Last Letter from Your Lover. And oof I honestly felt like punching his character. I love Joe tho.
⭐ Also Pisces can create the illusion that they are more innocent than they actually are as they are ruled by Neptune, planet of delusions and mysticism
⭐ The house of your 12th house ruler could show who your hidden enemies are and the sign could show how they treat you.
Ex = Virgo in 12th house, Mercury (Virgo ruler) in 11th.
Your hidden enemies are your friends (11th) and they criticize you a lot (Virgo).
Scorpio in 12th house, Pluto/Mars (Scorpio ruler) in 4th.
Your hidden enemies are your family (4th) or live in the same house as you. They manipulate you and try to control you (Scorpio).
⭐ Is it just me or is the Uranus retrograde actually messing with all electronics?
Uranus rules modern tech and since the beginning of Uranus retrograde this year, all my electronics are suffering. First my phone turns on and off on its own, then my pc keeps lagging and shut downs for no reason, then my tv is glitching. wtf is going on 😭
⭐ Cancer Venus might endure a lot in relationships, especially if they are unevolved/afflicted. They would try to keep the relationship going on, but once they can realize that it's not worth it, it's over.
⭐ Capricorn and Aquarius moons might be able to understand each other well cuz they are both ruled by Saturn.
⭐ Aquarius/Capricorn/Chiron in 4th house might feel rejected by their families or have unhappy childhoods
You might feel left out, like a black sheep. If you show something like a drawing or anything you love or are proud of, they ignore you. They might be unsupportive of who you date or who are you. They could also insult your clothing. Nothing makes them proud, you can't seem to feel good enough
This is it for now. I hope you guys enjoy it. Please let me know if I am right about any of these.
okay byiee <3 🥰
[Exeunt Leo]
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shinydixon · 2 years
Okay here’s the tea! The red head from a white back is on TikTok now and she’s posted a TikTok about rejecting and someone commented on how they think they know what this is about to which she responded: “Lmao he did not reject me but thanks for bringing that back up.”
And a few TikToks down she made a post about how she’s done a bunch of things today including “met the love of her life and booked a flight to London.” And some girl with a Eddie pfp commented on connecting the dots and knowing who it’s about and the redhead liked the comment.
I’m gonna add this bit and probably going to get called jealous which I am not but I looked at her TikTok and she makes a LOT of videos about exes and being manic and she’s also in the process of launching a music career so…
Nonnie, the second I answered you the drama came right into me HAHAHAHAHAH
I also have an heart attack everytime I read "redhead drama" because I'm redhead and I was like "who posted older screenshot about my thoughts about *you know who* on twitter again?"💀
So my 2 cents about this:
1. I saw some of her tik toks not because I'm jealous but because I find her attractive 👀 so I was just curious and I saw the two you told me about.
After the one saying she's flying to London, liked the comment about Joe etc. she posted a tik tok about how she was seeing this guy for a year and now he's in Europe with his girlfriend so I honestly don't think everything is about Joe, neither the "love of my life" thing
2. I don't really know when that video was posted but I think Joe is still in LA
3. She loves trolling, like, when that "infamous" video came out, toxic fans wrote to her things like "kill yourself" "you're ugly af" etc. and she rightfully trolled all those people.
Moreover it wasn't even a date, there were other people with them.
What I'm trying to say is that her liking that comment (or answering about not being rejected) could mean anything; she can be trolling or not.
If, in the end, everything will be revealed to be true, then good for Joe! He deserves to be happy
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coldflasher · 3 years
thinking about a coldflash buffy au. barry is buffy, obviously. len is spike—also obvious. i think i’d make lisa druscilla and obviously make it a familial connection instead of romantic, switch up the dynamic a bit but with the same underlying thread of len taking care of her and doing his best to reign her in. cisco and caitlin would obviously be the scoobies but with less of a direct correlation of roles cos i wouldn’t wanna insult either of them by making them xander lmao. harry could be giles... 
i’m not sure who i’d want iris to be. she’s too fun and interesting to be angel and not unhinged enough to be faith. maybe like a mixture of kendra and riley (i mean no offence to iris when i say this lmao.) joe is a watcher, he raised iris to know about vampires and to be able to defend herself and when barry ‘dies’ and then the mantle passes to her, she takes her responsibility seriously and she doesn’t think barry takes it seriously ENOUGH, cos we know he can be a bit of a show-off... meanwhile barry meets this other slayer and IMMEDIATELY falls in love, duh, and they’re off on patrol while he’s trying to impress her and iris can’t help but like him cos he’s a goofball, even though she doesn’t think getting involved with him is a good idea, cos they have a job to do. but god DAMN why does he have to be so cute. 
meanwhile len learns about this new slayer who actually does her job and doesn’t have the same soft spot for him that barry does and he appoints himself her personal pain in the ass, plus he’s maaaaybe a bit jealous and if the new slayer dies, well, that wouldn’t be so bad for the world, it’s not like they don’t already have another one. meanwhile barry’s out there trying to convince iris not to stake len, cos he’s harmless!! aside from the many, many people he has killed... but other than that!
then we could have a fun coldwestallen love triangle... UGH now i’m mad this doesn’t exist, who’s gonna write it for me
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ncmcrcysideblog · 2 years
thoughts on s5 in regard to my muses here
Kyler: Asshole. Completely IC. Wish there were more scenes of him pestering Tory and her turning him down like in s4 since he wanted to be the King Cobra and she and Robby broke up for a bit. I just love the little dynamic Joe and Peyton ad-libbed and I wanted more lmao. I think with Cobra Kai gone, he’ll focus more on wrestling and another sport, maybe football, but if Sensei Kim or Kreese show up with a new dojo somehow (less likely for Kreese for obvious reasons) I can see him going back to either of them.
Kenny: My little problem child you need to go to your room and think about what you’ve done jfc you basically attempted murder TWICE. I do think them leaning into Kenny becoming an aggressive bully was the right call to an extent, but I also think there should have been more conflict there at least for the first half of the season trying to reason with himself why his mentor and most trusted person in the dojo left. He was there because of Robby, now suddenly Robby’s out and trying to convince him that Cobra Kai is bad for him? That would at least give him pause for a while trying to figure out what changed so suddenly, I don’t think his relationship with Robby is something he would readily throw under the bus like that until more down the line when Silver’s got him convinced he can be the next big thing, because then he can see it from a distorted perspective of like “oh Robby’s just jealous and worried about me being better than him” and being mad about that. I do think after how everything went down he really is remorseful about some things, particularly how he didn’t listen to Robby and how fast he turned against him and Tory and anyone else who might have left. I think he needs guidance now more than ever, he needs to process his own behavior, and find his own balance of right and wrong because he doesn’t know what to think about anything anymore. Also ... Hawk should have flattened him lol that should in no way be an even fight, Kenny’s only hope for winning was landing that Silver Bullet.
Piper: She’s not there so I’m just going to assume she left Cobra Kai between seasons and the reason why is free real estate.
Lia: Also was not there so she is also free real estate this season.
Kevin: Was def rooting for Hawk the whole time. He was a lifeguard at the pool and kept taking up for everyone, which is the reason the teens weren’t kicked out until later when things really broke down. He also lost his lifeguard job there because he kept letting everyone stay in spite of their behavior, RIP. During the egg training, he got busted pretty early because he hid under the seat in his van, ate an edible bc “one won’t hurt”, and then passed the fuck out for twenty minutes.
Leo: Right now Cali and I have this plot where he’s seeing Nina hurt Tory when Tory comes to Cobra Kai to expose Silver and no one believes her bc she has no proof outside of saying he cheated. Which adds to him questioning, especially after talking with Jeanny afterward and seeing how it badly it affected her, but he still doesn’t leave then. He’s definitely out after Silver’s arrested though and he’s dealing with the realization that he stayed there because that’s what his family wanted for him and what they told him could give him a bright future but now his family’s association with Silver in general is a black mark on their reputations as a whole. I don’t think he’s going back to Miyagi-do / Eagle Fang without some convincing since he did get kicked out of Eagle Fang originally, but down the line he might, or he might join a different dojo. And yes, he is taking a lot of shit from his parents about the whole situation.
Hikari: You can bet your ass she’s big mad about Chozen getting hurt. It makes her even more upset when it comes to all the ex-Cobras, especially the ones that join Miyagi-do / Eagle Fang. She could have lost her sensei, she isn’t very quick to be forgiving or understanding about it. Chozen probably can’t get back to Okinawa soon with his injuries, so she’s staying as long as he is. She probably helped Chozen bust people during the egg thing instead of participating herself.
Bianca & Vincent: Bianca is a fake bitch trying to act like she had no idea about anything bad happening and like she supported Tory lmao. Vincent is going back to boxing, he’s a champion he doesn’t need this shit. He did still take Silver’s side though and would go back to Cobra Kai / Kim / Kreese if they had the chance. I think Bianca is completely done with karate outside of sticking her nose in the drama though, it was never really her thing anyway.
Diya: She breaks up with Vincent for good after s5 because of his reaction to the scandal and the fact that he still takes Silver’s side. Her reaction is basically “wow yeah everyone was right and you’re a really shitty person and I shouldn’t have stayed with you this long”. But they were toxic af also pretty co-dependent (in the bad way) so she’s having to make a lot of adjustments in her life now.
Asha: Just extremely happy that Cobra Kai is gone and Topanga can be Topanga again. She left during the buyout because she wouldn’t work for Silver, probably went to support Miyagi-do / Eagle Fang in their endeavors and then returned after Silver was ousted.
Winona: Also just really happy that Cobra Kai is gone lol. She hid in the tree during the egg training and got busted by Chozen close to the end.
Hale: Side eyeing the whole thing with Anthony and Kenny but otherwise largely unbothered. In her lane. Moisturized. Minding her business.
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unnerving-presence · 4 years
Hey if HC's are open could I have either Dwight, Quentin, or the Legion crew with a meme/gremlin S/O? If not no worries, love your stuff! <3
Hey! HC’s are open so it’s ok! I’ll try my best to do all of them but my writing is so dry nowadays so if this isn’t good I’m sorry ahdjshdhs also I’m only doing Susie in the legion because I haven’t written for a female character yet and I wanna try it out lol
Dwight and Susie w a Gremlin/Meme s/o
Dwight Fairfield:
Honestly, he loves your jokes and strange antics. After a stressful trial, you making him laugh, or just being there for comfort really calms him down.
One time you walked up to one of the killers (probably clown) and just yelled at them, “YOU FUCKING SAUSAGE ROLL LOOKING TWAT” and he got so fucking scared for you please don’t do that again.
He thinks it’s really cute that sometimes when he wakes up, he’ll look at you, and you’ll be smiling, trying to hold in your laugh as you say, “You’re finally awake” He just loves that even in this realm, where there’s nothing to really be happy about, you’re smiling almost all the time.
Dwight will try making jokes of his own, but they’ll probably end up horrible, and still making you laugh either way. “eee er ee eeeee” “What are you doing” “I was trying to make fax machine noises..” “PFFFFT-“
He gets really worried for you in trials. He knows you can take care of yourself, but you sometimes try to joke around and that cost you a hook one time because Pyramid Head happened to hear you laughing like hell. He was confused, but he had a job to do.
Dwight loves just sitting with you and holding you close. He doesn’t want to lose you, and whenever you go into trials without him, his anxiety goes through the roof. Please stop making jokes he was really scared ok.
Really enjoys your jokes especially since he actually understands them unlike most survivors who just stare with confusion when you try telling them one. No, they don’t know who Joe is.
The other survivors are really happy for him though, and probably tease him about how he’s so smitten with you. Please come save him he’s getting embarrassed-
She knows absolutely nothing of what you’re talking about and is really confused at first but after a while she LOVES it. It’s so weird but honestly, shes into weird.
S/o: Fuck Frank, me and my homies hate Frank
Frank: Hey >:(
The rest of the legion crew is all aboard the stupid bitch train, so feel free to be a shithead around them as well. She’s really proud you can actually bond with them now even if you’re a survivor.
Susie is kind of shy when it comes to making jokes because she feels like they’ll be dumb and nobody’ll understand them, but you make her feel more confident so she’ll make little jokes from time to time.
“I ain’t never seen two-“ “Susie nO-“
“YOU FUCKING WALNUT” She overheard that from upstairs after Joey took a little trinket you had around your hip and held it above his head. She couldn’t help but giggle a little bit as she looked and saw you chasing him around the place trying to get it back.
In trials when she picks you up, you’ll sometimes make some feral rat noises to get her to drop you and see what’s wrong only for you to run off while giggling. She caught you 5 seconds later. I’m sorry bby she doesn’t wanna hurt you but you’re testing her patience rn.
She’ll get kind of jealous if she sees you laughing with the other survivors so she may just kidnap you right then and there to take you back to Ormond lmao.
She really likes that you’ll actually listen to her make jokes. Especially when they’re the random ones like when you’re cuddling or just walking around together. It really calms her down, especially after a trial.
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honeyfizzly · 3 years
Not genshin related but instead yttd related. Just some speculations and wild guessing- beware of 3b spoilers
Alright so in Sou route rn there's only 4 survivors while Kanna route has five (smh Kanna route gets all the love huh).
So that means that in Sou route, not only will everyone get one of each role but also the death game will definitely end because there would be only two survivors left after the main game.
My bets on who's getting what role for Sou route is-
Sou with Keymaster (yttd seems like looping back to the begging with things, so having Sou lie about having keymaster first game and then actually have keymaster last game feels fitting).
Since only the people alive in this route are the ones who killed Kanna, I feel like he'd definitely try to get himself voted off to kill everyone or maybe he has an actual redemption arc this chapter and the roles of Sara and Sou are switched from first main game to last (like Sara lying about her role for whatever reason while Sou is guiding the discussion idk why she would but I feel like it would just be cool lmao)
Sara with either seer or she actually has sacrifice this time (like how she found the sacrifice card under the table but didn't get it cause she already had keymaster). Seer is the only card that Sara has never picked up or had so it's a very likely candidate, maybe she would see that Sou is the keymaster and assume that he would try to kill everyone because of how they killed Kanna. Sacrifice wouldn't trigger Sara as much as it did in chapter 2 because she repressed her memories of Joe, and also Sacrifice holds the most power in this game as well.
If Sara does get seer then two other candidates for sacrifice would be Gin or Keiji, maybe if you chose Alice dies Sou route it goes to Keiji or if you chose Reko dies Sou route it goes to Gin.
I could totally see a situation where you get the choice to save either Gin or Keiji.
I think it would pretty ironic if the final survivors of the death game would the girl with highest survival percentage and the man with the lowest.
Also if Sara was sacrifice and did managed to get voted off, you'd get the choice to either save Gin, Sou, or Keiji.
For Kanna route I feel like Kanna would the be one with the seer (since she lied about it in the beginning as well and it just feels fitting) or maybe keymaster
And reko/alice with commoner probably
Sara would have either seer (if Kanna didn't get it) or keymaster (I don't see Sara getting sacrifice this route)
Gin either has commoner or sacrifice
And Keiji either has commoner or sacrifice
I'm less sure about the roles this route cause it wouldn't be the last main game for them, because there would be three left unless sacrifice wins. The death game is meant to go on until only two or one person is left.
Also everytime during sacrifice's death, there's always the button. In Joe's death, sara kept pressing it. While in Nao's death, Sara couldn't press it at all. Idk why this stood out to me but it did
Also new rules keep getting added with the main games it seems, with chapter 2 updated the rules with trades and ties. Maybe some new rules could be adding new cards, a new way to trade cards, ect.
Also there's still some mysteries that are unsolved
Where's Mishima's head
Mishima is suspicious in general- he's the only candidate that passed the first trial who's wish we don't know (besides Keiji and I feel like this is gonna be important), and he shows up every chapter. I feel like he isn't actually the mastermind (I don't feel like there's "one" mastermind like danganronpa) but he is suspicious.
Who was in Sue miley's room? I personally place my bets on Meister since he looks all bandaged up but it could very well be a dummy who didn't actually die, Kai perhaps (since slitting your wrists is actually one of the most survivable methods of suicide I think), or a character we don't know yet (pfft watch it be Ryoko lol)
Who was Sue miley talking to in chapter 2? I don't think it's midori or Meister since the person seemed (the way the person talked didn't seem like how they would act), or anyone we actually met before since Sara and Keiji didn't recognize the voice. It could be that Rei (I think that's the name) person in Ytts that is revealed to actually have been apart of the group before being forgotten (in Ytts when someone dies they are "forgotten" so I think that's the implication with Rei).
So maybe Rei was a possible Candidate but ending up dying before the death game could ever start like how Midori did and their right to the death game was forfeited.
Next up is why was the Joe painted taken during Sou Route. When Ranmaru goes to rest and Sara leaves him before a while before coming back, the Joe painting is stolen. I think the implication is that Ranmaru took it cause in Kanna route that dosent happen. I just find it kinda silly that Ranmaru is jealous of an painting of Sara's dead best friend that she can't even remember. I just find it silly, and I don't know if it'll be addressed in 3-2.
Also who's Sara's real dad? Most of the cast in yttd is missing an father or parents (Possibly because they're parents mightve been in on the deathgame too, since Asunaru has information on them since they were children). A tiny theory of mine is that the person who Keiji killed was not Joe's dad but instead actually Sara's. It dosent really have that much proof other than I think it would be cool and both Sara and Mr. Policeman have red hair.
What got Sara into the deathgame? Sara never signed the contract so what brought her in? The only two candidates for wishing Sara in are Mishima and Keiji since we don't know their wishes. I could totally see an situation where Keiji wished that he got the chance to reconcile with Mr. Policeman's child (since he killed their dad). I'm leaning towards Keiji being the reason why Sara is here but not Mishima since Mishima and Sara don't really have an connection.
Though I guess it would be funny if Mishima wished to have more students to teach and since the death game is probably revolving around Sara, Asunaro just took that has a chance to shove her in.
What were Joe and Kai talking about? In the survalince it shows Kai and Joe both talking, seeming serious but there was no audio so we couldn't tell. My bet is that Joe was confronting Kai about being Sara's stalker or having some connections with Asunaro, Joe isn't as dumb as the fandom makes him out to be imo so it seems reasonable that he would notice that.
Alright I spilled out my brain now, time to wait 50 years for the new chapter byeeee
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kaylorrehabcenter · 4 years
Rating Every Song on Fearless Based on How Gay it is
Hello friends! I still have a few song analyses in the pipeline (and one on Lover the album) but today in honor of Fearless (Taylor’s Edition) being announced and Love Story being released in a few hours I thought I’d do something fun to celebrate!
And you know what? Fuck my usual disclaimer, I am the word of god here. Try and change my mind about any of these. I dare you. (I kid I kid this isn’t that serious and you’re free to disagree <3)
1. Fearless 15/10
Everything about this song is so fucking gay oh my god. This isn’t a fruit, this is a whole ass edible arrangement. As a small rural town Gay (my hometown has a population of less that 4,000 and where I’m living now has a population of 2,500) this uh. Hits.
“And I don't know how it gets better than this/You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless”
The idea of falling in love with someone who makes you less afraid of your homophobic small town…….it’s getting to me.
“My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but/You pull me in and I'm a little more brave/It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something/It's fearless”
This is making me emotional, I'll be honest. I see so much of my friends and my experience in high school in this song. 
This quote I found on genius is from when the album was released on BMR’s website.
“When I wrote ‘Fearless,’ I wasn’t dating anyone. I wasn’t even in the beginning stages of dating anybody. I really was all by myself out on tour and I got this idea for a song about the best first date. I think sometimes when you’re writing love songs, you don’t write them about what you’re going through at the moment, you write about what you wish you had. So, this song is about the best first date I haven’t had yet.”
This just screams baby Tay writing gay folklore to me, about the gay stories she wish she had. Notice how there are no pronouns in this song??? Fruity I’m telling you.
All that to say. I’m crying because the linear note says “I loved you before I met you” and I want to go listen to Long Story Short and cry now.
2. Fifteen 1/10
Objectively pretty straight as she’s singing about her and Abigail’s dating boys in HS. And Taylor got with a senior guy. Good for her I suppose.
Unless he was one of the shitty ones in which case.
“This is life before you know who you're gonna be”
This however, is a cute line and the whole song makes me warm and nostalgic. You can also hear her crying after the line “and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind” which makes me emo and I’m sure will take on new depth after Abigail’s divorce and hurt me even more.
Other highlights that make me sob include.
“When all you wanted was to be wanted/Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now/Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday/But I realized some bigger dreams of mine”
Bigger dreams of hers indeed :’)
(Also how can you say she’s a gold star lesbian when this song exists. She was obviously dating boys in high school and even if you think she’s a lesbian. Comp het is a hell of a drug kids.)
3. Love Story 8/10
Tried to change the ending indeed.
This is THE Taylor Swift song, and maybe it’s the nostalgia talking but damn I still love it. Written because she wanted to change the ending of Romeo and Juliet (how anyone likes RandJ enough to want to rewrite I have no clue.) and/or because her parents didn’t approve of a guy she was seeing. (according to genius, it would’ve been too early for Joe J so it could possibly be Boys Like Girls frontman, his image did clash with hers and they did release some cute songs together. However if you want my take it’s probably folklore about Emily, take for what you will)
This song has very oft gay vibes with the ‘They don’t approve of our love angle!’ but uses male pronouns so points redacted for that. HOWEVER this is a very early use of ~the male perspective~ in Taylor’s songs and for that it deserves all the love.
“ So I sneak out to the garden to see you/We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew/So close your eyes/Escape this town for a little while”
More rural town angst!!!
Nothing gets me more than rural town angst.
“Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel/This love is difficult, but it's real”
Originally the lyric was “this love is different”. Granted I do not remember the source, i’s just lore implanted into my brain, but make of that what you will.
“"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone/I love you, and that's all I really know/I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress/It's a love story, baby, just say "Yes"”
Marry me Juliet from the male perspective :)
Also worth noting. This is Karlie’s (and Kim K’s lmao) favorite Taylor song which. While basic as hell. Makes this cover sad as hell to this former Kaylor. (thanks @swiftgron-get-married for the tears <3)
Also not to make this about a man AGAIN but the secret message is “Some day I’ll find this” AND SHE DID IM CRYING.
4. Hey Stephen 1/10
The one thing Camilla Cabello and I have in common is loving this song, so I have to live with that for the rest of my life.
This song is very painfully straight.
How can you think this woman is a gold star lesbian.
The only noteworthy thing is that this is one of the few songs she confirms who it’s about. The secret message is “Love and Theft” which is the name of a country music duo who went on to open her Fearless tour. Which, does make me side eye this song a little bit.
Still a cute song.
“Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing/I don't always have to be alone”
5. White Horse 1/10
Oh look. It’s track five. 
You know maybe this is just me being a bitch but in my ranking of track fives this is. Pretty low. Maybe on the bottom.
Like I don’t have a lot to say about it. 
She’s going through it over a guy. He was a cheating dickweazel. 
“'Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale/I'm gonna find someone someday/Who might actually treat me well”
“Try and catch me now, oh/It's too late/To catch me now”
These lines hit though!!
And she found Joe!! Who treats her well!!!! And she isn’t the princess, she’s the prince who dropped her sword and knocked on her door!!! But this time if they come for them she’s ready!!!
Yes I will make every song about Long Story Short <3
6. You Belong With Me 5/10
Ah yes. The other THE Taylor Swift song.
You know. If I went to a high school with a cheerleading squad. And I had a crush on a cheerleader. I would blast this song. So for that it gets a 5/10. Otherwise. Fairly straight and fairly iconic.
7. Breathe 8/10
Well. We know this one is about a woman. (Emily Poe for those not in the know. Ha. A rhyme!) That alone has an 8/10. And it’s the first time she has a featured artist so bonus points for that!
It was nominated for a Grammy and it fucking lost to Jason Mraz. When’s the last time you thought about Jason Mraz.
I will not have Kaylor feels on a fucking Fearless song but damn is it VERY easy.
“Never a clean break, no one here to save me/You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand”
“It's 2 A.M, feeling like I just lost a friend/Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me”
Also this bridge? Goes off. HIGHLY underrated. 
8. Tell Me Why 3/10
You know. Maybe this album isn’t as gay as I once thought.
This song does bop though, not as good as her other angry songs on this album. But I can vibe with this you know. Why are you being an asshole mysterious man.
“You could write a book on how to ruin someone's perfect day”
This has to be one of baby Tay’s best burns. Damn. 
“Why do you have to make me feel small/So you can feel whole inside?/Why do you have to put down my dreams/So you're the only thing on my mind?”
Men ain’t shit kids. However, bonus points for the shade. 
9. You’re not Sorry 1/10
Ok, ok. Maybe this was a foolish endeavor.
Because yet again we have a very straight song. A good song. That was on Taylor’s episode of CSI. But oh dear. Very straight. Gets a measly one point. We started this post off so very very gay but damn. We seem to be nearing the end on a very straight note.
10. The Way I Loved You 20/10
Hey Remember what I said about this album being very straight.
Is this a comphet album or am I projecting.
This is one of my favorite baby gay Taylor songs. Her masterful use of pronouns (he is sensible! And so incredible! And all my single friends are jealous! But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, when it was two am and I was cursing your name!) makes the other person she’s singing about completely vague, while we know she isn’t happy with whichever guy she’s dating.
Mayhaps an early reaction to PRomances?
Either way this song is so good, truly an underrated gay gem I mean. Look at it.
“Breaking down and coming undone/It's a roller coaster kind of rush/And I never knew I could feel that much/And that's the way I loved you”
AND THE BRIDGE. Do all of her gay songs just have kickass bridges?
“He can't see the smile I'm faking/And my heart's not breaking/'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all/And you were wild and crazy/Just so frustrating/Intoxicating, complicated/Got away by some mistake and now…”
Damn. I’m imaging this with 2020 vocals and fucking ascending.
Also please watch the live performance of it from the Fearless tour. It’s such a damn shame this got cut from the movie and some woman in the front row is wearing a cowboy hat. Everyone is holding up those cameras everyone had to have before smartphones. Taylor is being endearing. It’s a good time.
11. Forever and Always 6/10
Bonus points for the ~drama~ of it all. Added last minute to the album? The iconic throwing of the chair in live performances?? All of it very dramatique and for that we stan.
Still pretty straight.
Also Joe Jonas responded to the song and why do I find his response so damn funny. “It’s part of being a musician, I guess. You write songs about each other.”
This is another song where the idea of Taylor’s grown up vocals on this is………..whew
12. The Best Day 0/10
This gets zero points because it’s about her literal mom.
Still makes me cry.
God bless Andrea Swift indeed
13. Change 13/10
We start the official tracklist with a gay song. We end it with a gay song.
We will ignore that it was originally written for Scott and BMR and instead induct it into the hall of gay pride anthems, as it should be. 
“We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found/They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared/You can walk away, say we don't need this/But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this”
“This revolution, the time will come/For us to finally win/And we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah”
The music video is cringe though lol
14. Jump then Fall 10/10
This song is gay because I choose it to be. <3
Like. Picture baby Taylor writing this song and playing it on her guitar to a girl she has a crush on telling her that she’ll protect her and they’ll be safe and in love and happy together. Gah, maybe I’m ~projecting~ but this sweet ass song always gets me and is EASILY in my top five Taylor songs. Super underrated and hecking cute. 
“We're on the phone and without a warning/I realize your laugh is the best sound/I have ever heard”
Like. Look at this shit.
“I watch you talk, you didn't notice/I hear the words but all I can think is/We should be together”
Tell me this is about the first time you get a crush on a girl and she’s your best friend and she’s amazing and beautiful and you realize you kinda want to kiss her and you hope she wants to kiss you too.
“I had time to think it oh, over/And all I can say is come closer/Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me”
And she’s the Romeo who's going to protect her!!!!! She’s the knight in shining armor in this song and I love that for her??
“The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet/I'll catch you, I'll catch you/When people say things that bring you to your knees/I'll catch you/The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry/But I'll hold you through the night until you smile”
I won’t divulge into full on analysis here because. This is what this post is about but PLEASE listen to this song more. It’s such a gay little gem.
15. Untouchable 9/10
How does she make a cover sound gay.
It sounds so gay.
“You got to come on, come on, say that we'll be together/Come on, come on, little taste of heaven”
16. Forever and Always Piano Version 1/10
This song gets 1/10 because I don’t like it. There. I said it.
17. Come in With the Rain 3/10
I can see why this is a bonus track. It doesn’t hit me as much as the other songs on the album.
But damn if I don’t want to scream sing this one driving down a high way.
18. Superstar 7/10
You can’t tell me this song is about a man. I simply won’t entertain the idea.
You cannot prove to me that this song is about a man. There is not a male pronoun in sight. 
19. The Other Side of the Door 6/10
Is this song about having a fight about being in the closet? Probably not. Will my gay little brain make it about that? Yep!
And that, funky little queer pals, is my gay rating of every Fearless song. Like and subscribe, #t3atmidnight
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I've had a really hard day today and I saw someone wanted more Jimary crack, so I decided to write it to cheer myself up. I hope three fics in a row isn't too excessive. (All credit goes to the anon who suggested this.)
‘She’s drunk.’ Joe said very matter-of-factly, lifting his wine glass to his lips, only to discover there was nothing left in it.
‘Very drunk.’ Replied Phoebe, reaching for the bottle nearby and giving them both a refill.
It wasn’t as though they had never seen Mary drunk before. She was usually all giggly and bouncy after a few drinks, perhaps more talkative than usual and, in Joe’s opinion, far less uptight. But they had never seen her like this; her eyes heavy lidded, downing her wine like it was water and clumsily swaying to the music that filled the busy lounge, stumbling every now and again to keep her balance. She was clearly taking her break up with Piers very badly.
‘Freddie’s livid.’ Joe murmured, glancing over at the singer who appeared to be deep in conversation with Peter Straker, but kept glancing over at the intoxicated woman who was trying to coax Brian into dancing with her, much to the displeasure of Anita. ‘Prepare yourself for a screaming match later on.’
‘I already have the popcorn ready.’
Mary eventually gave up on Brian and loudly announced she was heading into the kitchen for another bottle of rosé, almost stepping on Delilah as she staggered through the door. She surveyed the kitchen a moment, the room spinning as her alcohol consumption finally caught up with her, before she noticed Jim sitting alone at the kitchen table, trying unsuccessfully to uncork a large bottle of champagne between his knees.
She had always been a little jealous of Jim. Before he came along, she had always held out hope that Freddie might return to her one day, discover he wasn’t actually into men or something daft like that. But then this Irishman appeared, who wasn’t like Freddie’s other boyfriends; for the first time, it seemed like Freddie was in love and ready to settle down, happy in a way she had never seen him before. It had been hard for her to accept; but when Piers had finally had enough of her obsession and left her, she realised that she would never be able to properly move on with her life if she kept latching on to the past. She had to let Freddie go. She had to accept that, while they would always be friends, Freddie was gay and what they had all those years ago was over.
Jim noticed her hovering and looked up, giving her a small smile. ‘Enjoying the party?’
Mary hummed in response, going to the cupboard where the booze was kept and digging around until she found the rosé she was looking for. When she looked back at Jim, he still hadn’t managed to remove the cork and was quietly cursing under his breath in his thick Irish accent.
It was quite a nice voice, her inebriated mind told her.
‘You have a lovely voice.’ She suddenly said aloud, her words slurred. She wobbled up to him, heels clinking against the kitchen tiles as she unscrewed the top of the rosé bottle. ‘Where is it you’re from again?’
Jim blinked at her dumbly. He wasn’t used to Mary initiating conversation like this; she was usually so reserved. ‘Um, a town called Carlow. It’s near Dublin.’
‘It is, isn’t it?’ Mary drawled and without any warning, she suddenly plopped herself down in Jim's lap, making him jump in surprise. ‘Ireland is sss-such a lovely place. Lots of sheep there.’
Jim’s face went red, and he carefully set the champagne bottle down on the table. ‘Yeah, I suppose there are.’
Much to his horror, Mary put the bottle of rosé to her lips and began downing the drink ruthlessly, not stopping until it was almost half empty. When she finally stopped, she carelessly abandoned the bottle next to the champagne and turned around to stare Jim directly in the eyes, her smile disturbingly wide.
‘You have beautiful eyes.’ She garbled, moving her finger as if she was going to poke them out, but she instead ended up giving him a weird boop on the nose. ‘And your arms are so big.’ She reached down to squeeze his bicep, giggling like a schoolgirl. ‘I bet you’re really strong. Remember when you lifted me up at Freddie’s birthday party?’
Jim remembered. He was so plastered that night he had almost dropped her on her head.
‘Are you feeling alright, Mary?’ he asked warily, not comfortable with how close their faces were.
‘I’m wonderful, Jim.’ Mary giggled again, though it sounded a little manic. ‘I really, really want to dance. Will you dance with me, Jim?’
‘I’m not much of a dancer, Mary.’ Jim coughed, glancing over his shoulder in hope that someone might come through the kitchen door and save him.
‘That’s not true! I’ve seen you dance!’ Mary insisted, pulling at his hands, ‘come on.’
Jim didn’t have the energy to argue with her, already a little tipsy himself, and he allowed her to drag him into the middle of the kitchen, face filling with colour as Mary threw her arms around his neck and sagged all of her body weight against him. He realised rather quickly that if he let her go, she’d probably fall face first onto the floor and never get up again.
The next five minutes had to be the most uncomfortable of his entire life, as he swayed in awkward circles with his husband’s ex-girlfriend, mindfully trying to keep his hands off her waist. He wasn’t a religious man, but in that moment, he prayed to every God in existence that someone would call him from the lounge and rescue him from this predicament.
Mary suddenly lifted her head from his shoulder and whispered in his ear. ‘Marry me, Jim.’
The Irishman stared down at her, eyes comically wide. ‘Beg your pardon?’
‘Marry me.’ Mary grinned at him, leaning so close that for one horrible moment he thought she might try to kiss him. ‘We can have lots of beautiful Irish babies together.’
Jim sighed. Next time they had a party, he was going to replace Mary’s wine with Ribena. ‘I’m very flattered by your offer, but there are two problems; I’m gay and I’m married to Freddie.’
‘Oh bugger.’ Said Mary, as if she had forgotten that detail. ‘You can still marry me though. We can run away to Cardiff together.’
‘Carlow, Mary.’
Her face suddenly fell and she stepped away from him, looking betrayed. 'Is it because of the cats?'
'The what?'
‘That's why you don't want to marry me, isn't it?’ Mary's lip trembled as if she was about to cry. ‘Freddie has cats and I don't!'
‘Mary, I’m going to get you some water.’ Jim replied, making a beeline for the sink.
‘No, don’t leave!’ Mary grabbed his sleeve, trying to tug him back. ‘Stay with me, Jim. I'll buy you all the cats you want!’
‘You’ll feel much better after drinking this.’ Jim said firmly, pouring a glass of water and turning around to hand it to her. As soon as he did, her lips were suddenly pressed against his own, arms locked around his neck so there was no escape as he yelled against her mouth in surprise.
‘Mary!’ he roared, as soon as she released him, half the water having spilled onto the floor during the struggle. ‘What the bloody hell are you playing at?!’
Mary grinned; lipstick smudged across her face, so she looked like the Joker. ‘I’ve never kissed an Irishman before. Does that make me Irish now?’
Before Jim could even answer, she suddenly dry heaved; he grabbed her and stuck her head into the sink as she vomited up the contents of her stomach.
‘What the fuck happened?’ Freddie demanded, as Jim walked into the lounge, his shirt ruffled, a smear of red lipstick on his mouth and a very drunk Mary giggling uncontrollably in his arms.
‘Your ex-girlfriend asked me to marry her, then threw up.’ Jim replied, as if this was a normal occurrence. ‘I’m going to put her in one of the guest rooms so she can sleep it off.’
He turned and walked out of the lounge before anyone could respond. Freddie clenched his glass so hard it was a miracle it didn’t shatter in his hand.
‘I’m going to murder her!’ he growled, lunging towards the door, only for Phoebe to grab him from behind and hoist him up. ‘Let me go! That backstabbing homewrecker is trying to abscond with my husband!’
‘Take it easy, Fred.’ Phoebe said calmly, holding onto the man effortlessly. ‘You can kill her tomorrow.’
‘Yeah, we haven’t even had dessert yet.’ Said Joe, holding onto Freddie's legs to stop him from kicking. ‘I spent all fucking day slaving over that baked Alaska, you’re eating it whether you like it or not!’
Firstly, I am so sorry you are having a hard day. I feel terrible that whilst you are doing so much to entertain us with this outrageous crackship, you are not having a good time. I can just hope that writing these stories bring you as much joy as they bring us.
And now, the fic. I AM WHEEZING. First of all, I fucking love Joe. Even though we've never heard him speak, or ever listened to his words through his own perspective, I feel that your characterisation is so realistic. His dessert comment slayed me lmao.
And oof, Mary being drunk off her ass is my new favourite trope. And lmao her thinking that Jim doesnt want to marry her because she doesn't have cats😂😂😂 Leave him alone, Mary. He doesn't want to have irish babies with you.
And hahahahaha Freddie's reaction is as epic as I had envisioned. And god, this is another nightmare that Jim isn't going to recover from soon.
This is such a fantastic crackship, omg. I absolutely loved this💙💙
(More drabbles by writer anon)
Also anon, if you ever want to talk, you can always dm me, if you are comfortable of course🧡
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