#id love to see lisa and lynn added or silky variant or ethan or father martin that bald fuck
How I think Outlast characters would play Just Dance
Miles: Pretty good but questionable rhythm. Gets INSANELY into it and will probably beat you.
Waylon: Terrible. Horrible. Plays with his kids though and they absolutely smoke him, but he has fun.
Blake: Not as bad as Waylon, but not too far off. Lynn refuses to dance with him in public.
Jeremy: Pretty good although he pretends to be worse because he doesn’t want anyone knowing he enjoys Just Dance. (Rick and him get coked out on Saturdays and play)
Richard: Not bad, but this man has 0 rhythm. He gets super competitive even though Jeremy beats him every time. Secretly practices alone to get better.
Chris: Surprisingly amazing, and could probably beat all the other characters on this list. Idk I just feel like that man can dance….
Eddie: Nowhere near as good as Chris but he’s probably got rhythm. (Why do I keep saying these white boys have rhythm idk) RIP Eddie you would have loved Just Dance. Or hated it no in between.
Frank: I wouldn’t say he’s good but damn does he get into it. Does he hit the moves he’s supposed to? No, but he is definitely hitting moves.
The Twins: I imagine the shared thoughts thing they’ve got going on would help for some sick ass in sync dancing but god please put some pants on before playing Just Dance.
Val: Similar to Frank, those are definitely dance moves ! Val is definitely dancing !
Marta: Marta please stop dancing you’re scaring the children. (im kidding i love her i bet she would dance very lovely if she tried)
Pauline: Absolutely kicks ass at it and takes it seriously too. I would love to see Pauline and Chris go head to head.
Please add more these are my favorite characters and the only characters I feel confident answering for.
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