#id probably be a lot more harsh if i actually spent 40 smackaroons on it... fortunately i do not give EA my money
reapersynth ยท 10 months
What do you think of the horse ranch pack? It's 100% my aesthetic so I'm currently trying very hard to not reinstall the sims 4 right now!
so far im enjoying it! the aesthetics of it are good imo ๐Ÿ‘ i havent tested ALL of the gameplay yet but here's some of my pros and cons so far:
the horses look good and feel like horses
good horse breed customization
compliments the Cottage Living pack very well
the world is cool
new craftables (nectar making & aging)
the rustic build/buy items are a banger
there is a hot bisexual old man townie who shows up and welcomes you with nectar and food. he also has the romantic trait (roberto my beloved)
i DO like the cas items, we got chaps and some nice looking cowboy boots and lots of cute western/country tops. however 90% of the pants r ugly.
no current functionality for going on horse rides with other sims, which seems like a massive oversight
you have to own a horse to be able to play with them/there's no "rent a horse" feature so you'd have to have a dedicated save for owning a horse if you want to play with horses. you cant have sims vacation to chestnut ridge and go on horse riding activities, which seems odd considering there is a vacation/rental lot included in the world lmao
horses take up the slots for household members, of which there are only 7
there's not a lot of CAS items for the horses which is kinda disappointing considering this is literally THE horse pack. but they gave you like 2 saddles and 2 horse blankets to pick from and then a small handful of mane/tail accessories. which is a bummer. i suspect they'll probably release either a new stuff pack or kit for horse cas items -_- a la "my first pet" stuff
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