#id rather be too cautious than too careless with this kinda thing but en ee way
catchyhuh · 1 year
WARNING FOR TRANSPARENCY’S SAKE: a little discussion of accidental, unintentional self-harm to a degree so tread lightly. tip toe here.
lupin: oh tons. he’s lost count. the majority of them admittedly are pretty tiny, like little nicks from knives, both from Murder and even just oops my finger slipped when i was making dinner. most of them are on his forearms and his torso, front and back, but the deepest one is on his back. it wasn’t even the result of one specific attack, it’s just that, when you’re running away so much, a lot of shit tends to hit your back, and it doesn’t really get a chance to heal unless you cut out that thieving shit for a month or two. lotta scar tissue back there. otherwise most of his scars aren't even that visible because of how damn PALE he is put that guy in the sun for two minutes. lord.
jigen: he actually does have a canon bullet scar on his arm (jokes on you people you thought this was just a mildly obsessed writing dump but really i'm here to share lupin facts with you!! hemingway papers baby) and it’s DEEP it did not heal properly. like almost like a mini crater from the impact of the bullet. beyond that he’s got a few tiny scrapes along his back, and his knuckles on both hands are a little rough, but his hands in general are kind of rough so you don’t really notice unless you’re reaaally looking
fujiko: the problem with chronic backstabbing disorder is that you are the company you keep, and, uh, most people don’t take well to that sort of thing believe it or not! not that many on her back though, as she tends to be a very defensive fighter in situations like that, and doesn’t let the opposition get too far out of her sight. like lupin, though, she’s got a bunch on her arms, but ALL the way up on her arms, and a few near her stomach, including a few tiny burn scars. these people really do not know when to quit. BUT you’d never see any of these because she usually covers them with makeup. always keep the public guessing and remove any identifying marks on your body! 
goemon: you already know about that shoulder baby we don’t even need to talk about that shoulder which is great! because thinking about it too much makes me lightheaded. goemon might be the only one out of them to not have ANY scarring from bullets. not even like, grazed. he’s just freakishly untouchable in that sense. of course, cuts and scrapes are there, and does have some burns along his chest though from when he and lupin met (if you’re buying that specific origin story because god who can keep track anymore) but that’s only because he kept them WAY too exposed to the elements. 
zenigata: guy’s RESILIENT. RESILIENT like jerry. the only reason he doesn’t have as many scars is because he’s the only one who manages to take care of most of them somewhat regularly because he’s not throwing himself in front of guns and knives AS often (note: not because he's actually responsible and on top of the proper healing process, he's just in that Can't Afford for This to get Worse grindset). on the opposite end though, that means the ones he does have like. 90% of them come from stupid things he did to himself. “oh damn this is a big one on your arm i bet that came from fighting with lupin” uh no that would be when he panicked during a car chase and jumped a little too early and fucked up his elbow. that one would be from a ramen cup spill. that one would be from a particularly mean cat. he’s probably got an ACTUAL cool dangerous one somewhere but it’s definitely not any of these 
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