idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): N/A INSPIRATION: jiyong was inspired by the performances of idol-groups while he was still a songwriter for 99 entertainment. he realized he wanted to be on stage to entertain instead of working behind the scenes, and wished to be as accomplished as the talented artists who came before him.  SPECIAL TALENTS:
acrostic poems
freestyle rap 
impressions of some celebrities (style over tone)
jiyong’s older brother was a producer for a small company and introduced him to the idea of songwriting as a profession
he often carries a small notebook to write ideas in whether they’re general themes and concepts or lyrical phrases to later add to a song
since jiyong dislikes aegyo, his fans often buy him cute accessories during fan-meets to tease the idol
his thoughts on imperial are always exchanged between feelings of pride and disappointment. he’s aware that he is riding on the back of this boy-group to gain solo success, and he doesn’t truly attempt to mask it. short term, he wants — no, needs imperial to continue to grow into an icon that can’t be so easily ignored by 99. then, he needs to set his solo musical career into action.
jiyong’s presence in the idol industry is decorated with shifting fault lines, yet, regardless, it doesn’t halt his efforts in founding a strong career upon it. whether or not it is with imperial or alone, his focus is on constructing a stronger presence in the industry, one that is admired and constantly rewarded for fulfilling it’s expanding potential. he’s got his eyes set on developing his future musically with more to release, but also to grow into a household name through variety shows and other notable appearances. jiyong doesn’t see limits; he thinks his are endless in a greedy and aggressive outlook.
he’s an eccentric paradigm.
jiyong is full of a youthful gleam, charming and saccharine but also wickedly sinful. it’s a dichotomy between two opposing characteristics that somehow suits his boyish image. the way hard-hitting raps spill from his mouth to the timings of his cheesy winks that arouse excitement from the crowd. 99 entertainment composes him in a way that’s unforgettable. they want him to shine enough to burn the mirage of his beaming, playful grins, and his half-lidded sultry stares into the minds of those who take a glance at imperial. just enough to keep them hooked onto the taste, yet never completely fulfilled by the portion; their affair with the rapper further evolving into a heated addiction. his image is one of a tease, someone who stands out in a way that brings the audience crawling back for more.
loud laughter and charming habits are part of this persona that helps him appeal to younger fans who see their high school crush in his mannerisms, but also the older adults reminiscing their passing youth. with his aggression stifled to appear as power instead; his obsessive drive conducted into the disposition of passion, he’s just a reckless romantic making love through the design of various lyrics and slanted stares. jiyong can just as easily be the mischievously, enticing performer as he can the boy-next-door. the pattern of inky designs sprawled on his skin serving as a suitable accessory to his bright smiles; something a little bolder to counteract all the sweetness. he could make anything seem okay.
people tend to gravitate towards him, feeling as though they know him. he gives away just enough information to build those gentle connections and just enough distance that his conversations follow the likeness of a person who is wholesome and genuine. jiyong is a quick-witted, enigmatic performer who never runs out of things to say.
he is a desire, previewing the rare hints of thrill with the flash of a pearly smile, curved like a cocky promise, bright with the hues of a faux cheekiness. he’s got an approachable expression, one that is attentive, full of comfort, yet he’s also dressed as a risk — a temptation to indulge. like a sigh, a soft ache. jiyong induces sensations of anticipation and yearning that never see their end. it’s like falling in love, or falling in sin — none can tell. all that remains is a blur of cascading moments; glimmering in hues of an effervescent youth, and devilishly frisky smirks. they only see the side leaning beyond the curtain, one that dares them to inquire further with the promise to be cherished.
the design of trust is raw and vulnerable. their father constructs it impeccably, unveiling the directions and avenues it unwinds into, displaying the safety and ease of restraining yourself from its reaches. he basks in an asylum of silence; physically near, yet thoughts and emotions cast off into the distance. convenience is the method he employs in raising his children. a laid-back stance — hardly present. his role is vacant and memories with him are scarce. even under the chill of seoul’s winters, they’re more occupied with themselves than they are with each other. life is about selfishness; taking what your greed desires, and their life flourishes under that insistent mantra.
they find their father in intervals; bits of hope and passion stitched together, smoking a cigarette in the suffocating space of his recording studio. it’s an obsessive hobby, truly. his business hasn’t been profitable for years, yet he remains bound to it, like a religion, bringing his children into its worship.
it’s where the essence of jiyong is forged; a fixation with words contrived. his formative development is guided by puffs of smoke, and a heavy, exhausted voice. a focus is spent on poetry, on lyrics, and on the weight of certain words: how to say more than enough with much too little. two children grow up attuned to the sense of music in its complex existence and lonely absence. it’s something they experience often, but never well enough.  
the world runs on ecstasy. it’s a drugged up organization that passes their days as seconds and he’s dragged by its pull, never able to find his footing or keep up with the pace. jiyong is seventeen, in his last year of formal education, and not worthy of the demand of mundane society. he’s got nowhere to go.
that’s meant to change, however. his brother is a producer working for a small company, and upon noticing the riches of potential in jiyong’s prisoning hobby, he suggests an idea that shifts the younger boy’s uncertain future into a ravaging interest. there’s a chance that jiyong’s affinity for lyrics and poetry can land him a job in the field they know too well. it’d be a prosperous chance to indulge the full expanse of his musical ambitions — thought it can hardly be called that. for him, it’s an evolving obsession, a habit too hard to quit. it’s all he genuinely understands and acknowledges; drowning between the arrangement and beauty of words. phrases chase jiyong in the dark, they cling to his mind until he’s a puppet of their sinister reign, forced to fulfill their ultimatum. his grades can’t compete, so they don’t.
his search ends when a company responds to his application at last. 99 entertainment greets him with security, and then it begins. his youth is malformed, direction disjointed, but they can fix that. they can guide the rush of words that litter his pages and plague his mind. they turn shrapnel of ideas and mold them into solid concepts. jiyong slowly discovers his footing as a proper songwriter there, yet the words he writes next taste bitter.
they don’t feel like him, and it’s been hard to tell that for a while. perhaps it’s because he was never meant to turn his hobby into a profession or perhaps it’s because of the new environment that demands socializing skills. he’s always known isolation. for him, solidarity comes with no risks. working alone is the only way to ensure the mistakes made are exclusively his, but there are other plans 99 has devised which he can’t foresee yet.
he wonders what more he can be, and those curiosities are answered with a startling opportunity; a tempting consequence stemmed from his rap recordings of several guide tracks. it seems as if his company has always held different plans than jiyong had intended, because, after only three months, he’s encouraged to join a line-up of competitive, experienced trainees, thirsting for a chance he hadn’t originally fathomed. there’s a rising tide on the horizon. jiyong has always worked to better elevate his career, and with his agreement of their decision, imperial appears somewhere along the swell of that wave as a glimmering chance for his greedy heart to chase.
there’s resentment. he feels it creeping along his spine when he is introduced as another trainee the rest must beat. it digs inwards, sitting in his lungs; an inherent phantom swallowing the air he attempts to breathe. jiyong isn’t accustomed to the company of scrutiny or the stare of spectators picking him apart for the skills in which he lacks. in their eyes, he was unfairly picked with ease while they were vetted through auditions and harsh evaluations. jiyong is the unworthy contender and it makes his blood boil in a manner he hasn’t expressed before. a sort of annoyed rage that only motivates him to work harder to genuinely become the threat they’ve assumed of him. intense hatred is an aggressive manner that seeps into his persona and it doesn’t let go.
there’s anxiety. he feels it in every step as his muscles are molded into the rhythm of dance, his voice ringing until sore and identity falling apart by its threadbare edges. jiyong isn’t a fan of surprises, and the survival show comes as one that is terrifying and daunting in style. the fact that the already ruthless competition will only grow harder has him drowning in a turmoil of nervousness. he’s uncertain in knowing if he desires this, but then again, he doesn’t understand passion like others, only dismissing doubts and uncertainties as hindrances attempting to weaken his resolve. as long as jiyong knows what he wants, passion and yearning are not an issue. he will take what he believes is his, another step upwards in his obsessive progress towards success and a fulfilling career.
by the time the results are announced and the final decisions made, the nineteen-year-old is an exhausted carcass that practices for things he doesn’t honestly desire. he’s technically won, but he doesn’t feel like a winner with his identity shaped into a youth born of sarcasm and a hungry appetite for competition. the demands of management and the expectations of the public build him into developing tendencies he’s unfamiliar with, but it’s part of the transition. investing bits and pieces of originality, sacrificing time and habits, all for the hope of a greater return and a rewarding reception. not all of it is manufactured or catered for a false presentation, but it’s fake enough to have his teeth grit and his gaze slant.
he trains as the final installment to a boy-group; the unanticipated intruder; a thief that robbed others of their chance. in the archaic judgment of a man, he’d be one becoming; boy made machination, boy torn up into a prophetic villain. theirs to own, theirs to control, but jiyong is too insane to succumb to their discrimination. their loss isn’t of his concern. however, the public differs largely from the trainees who’d exchanged bitter verdicts behind his back. they say it to his face, and he can’t conceal himself into the background. the idol definition printed him physically before an audience, and not just metaphorically as he’d intended. jiyong may not be of others to possess and command, but he is also not his own. that fact begins to gnaw on him. the lack of control, the weight of unity and collective burden of individual mistakes — all wear him down faster than the criticisms.
there’s a mass that is dragged by idols; a lie of perfection to be repeatedly told for the sake of consistency. he doesn’t understand the need to be so loyal to it, but they’re all hostage to the group and lifestyle regardless, no escape once they’ve been born to the world for its entertainment.
when his brother passes in a car accident, late into the following year, the worst is brought forth in jiyong. self-destruction becomes his clingiest companion, and while he’s been its prized subject for years, it grows tenfold until he’s a vacant vessel with only misery as cargo. jiyong barely knew him, he realizes. he was someone who spoke too much, yet his words never crossed the distance between them to reach jiyong. he wasn’t as good with them as their father. he was more similar to their mother instead, saying too much in attempts to compensate the trembling discordance in the air, filling it with more insecurity than draining it of the crippling tension hanging in the walls of their paper home.
jiyong tortures himself with the details of the death. he’s always been a subject of obsession, so he drowns in this too, forging guilt where there should exist none, clinging to a stick of sadness that rests heavy in his lungs. it’s no surprise that among his other habits, he falls into rhythm with melancholia as well. for a brief moment, he feels regret in his choices.
glancing over, he spots his mother. she looks to be near destroyed by the weight of loss. it’s unfair. she was always unhappy. taking on the role of a parent who only loved work and made up for her absence with too many incoherent and drunken stories. normalcy was a curse for someone like her. the darkness haunting their home both ruining yet sustaining the desperate creature nestled within the confines of her skin. she wanted to be something, he knew that, but her mind was poisoned by the same amber hues she drank into midnight. her body only occupied with scars of a world that meant to maul her. he used to catch glimpses of her sometimes. there was dialogue whenever she looked over, a gleam of rare interest, but jiyong doesn’t remember it. that was too long ago.
when a sob trembles from her lips jiyong holds onto her. he does so tightly, fingers gripping her arms, trying to cling onto something, but she’s as lost as he is, and he doesn’t find anything secure to grasp onto.
jiyong feels directionless. the man that lead him here is no more, and the future that’d once seemed vast, despite its various flaws, now hangs uncertain once again with the departure of a member. nothing makes much sense and he retreats further inwards, choosing what’s convenient, liberating himself from the expenses of trust by binding himself to shackles of isolation and committing to nothing but his sole interests. he insists on carrying his burdens and sorrow alone, confined to the walls of work as he tears into melodies, adding more to his schedule. the routine stings, but in a manner that hurts just right, reminding him of his intentions and keeping his head inches above a river of defeat.
selfishness is what keeps people alive. jiyong reminds himself that as he paves a future solely for himself. he’s still filled to the brim with feelings of melancholy and hints of guilt. they never leave. it seems that everything he comes into contact with has a way of sticking around, including the delusional fans that worship his name and the same three faces littering the dorm. as time passes and the routine of their dazzling life dulls into a mundane chore, he relies on his drive to keep him awake throughout their idol reign, planning out one goal after the next to conquer. it’s tyrannical how he works, never sated, never fulfilled, sights always settled on something more; greedy and obsessive, his tragic flaws fuelling his future successes.
jiyong’s only been getting smarter, wielding his act in a manner to impress, in an attempt to get closer to attaining the things he wants. a charming and clean public presence makes him a reputable celebrity to host certain shows. his background in songwriting and his skill in rap are great in assisting his focus for a solo. he’s resourceful, aware of what connections to keep and which to discard.
for him, an empty mind is a devil’s cavern so jiyong fills his thoughts with tasks to fulfill, never allowing himself to indulge in a break. it’s too risky that way. he can’t focus on unraveling what he doesn’t understand about himself when it’s a nuisance to his progress. his personality is distorted between what is and isn’t authentic, it can’t be pinpointed which parts of him are genuine and which were constructed for him years ago. the dilemma of a blurring dichotomy is what could boil under the surface of his gleaming smile if he gave into that confusion, but jiyong resists. he isn’t bothered to discover those facts. maybe he’s never known who he is, maybe it’s something he’s yet to find out or something he lost long ago. however, upholding his charming facade is what’s currently convenient, so he folds into it and continues to proceed, whether it’s with imperial or not.
he’s only twenty-four, but his ending was destined long before. he’ll end up the same as he was when it all started; buried in a potter’s field with all his pennies spent.
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): N/A INSPIRATION: Pretty much everyone from the third generation onwards was influenced to some degree by POWer and Chaneol is no exception. Seeing their rappers perform on television first got him fascinated by the entertainment industry and has influenced the direction of the road he’s walked thus far. He also has an affinity for Midnight and in more recent times has found himself subtly influenced by the way that they conduct themselves in the public eye SPECIAL TALENTS:
Can play any song by ear on the piano after hearing it once through.
Able to perform an uncannily accurate impression of the 99 Entertainment founder as well as his members
Accomplished beatboxer
His parents own an extremely successful fashion company have major investments in several industries
Chanyeol is a graduate of SOPA’s (School of Performing Arts) Practical Music department
Was the guitarist in a three piece punk band (Along the lines of Vanmal, but far wilder and grittier) before joining 99 Entertainment. This has largely been scrubbed from his history.
Has a level two small drivers license making it legal for him to drive a motorcycle despite not currently owning one.
With Love Scenario seemingly heralding a change in fortune for Poizn, Chanyeol fully intends to ride the crest of that wave for as long as physically possible. He hopes to take advantage of the surge of new fans oblivious to the groups history to further the groups success as well as cementing a solo career. There is also chatter of an appearance on another rap variety show later in the year, likely Unpretty Rapstar, in an attempt to redeem his first appearance, though he is vehemently against the idea.
Long term, Chanyeol wants to put as much distance between himself and 99 Entertainment as possible. He still harbours a lot of resentment for the way that events and scandals in the past have been handled and largely blames them for the way he’s been perceived in the public eye. Secretly he hopes that when the time comes his contract will not be renewed and he will instead be poached by a rival company, though he knows how unlikely this is. And so, if it doesn’t, he’s perfectly content to leave the industry behind.
Most idols are forced to wear masks, completely fabricated personalities or at least heavily distorted versions of reality, to fit the image desired by their companies. Pushed into boxes without so much as the chance to protest and thrown onto the stage with their new colours. Some take to it well, some can’t acclimatise and fall flat on their faces. On some rare occasions there’s no need to adapt, the person already ticking every box on the checklist, personality perfectly synchronised with the concept. This is the case with Kang Chanyeol.
Poizn have always been defined by their mischievous bad boy image, and even before considering his future prospects as an idol this was how he decided to display himself to the world. A carefully curated exhibition of attitude and cock-sureness, delinquency and unpredictability, bluntness and raucousness. And so the transition from trainee is near seamless, and rather than toning him down, burying his cockiness and smoothing the rough edges, they instead focus a magnifying glass on them. Amplifying and exaggerating them instead, the faint fog of arrogance that surrounds him doesn’t always win fans and he’s grown to be a somewhat divisive figure, but it it keeps the group on everyone’s lips.
Time has gone some way to tempering this. These days he is no longer the cheeky upstart with delusions of grandeur and no qualms about stepping out of line or speaking out of turn. The fiery passion that had previously defined him has frozen over. Every year that passes, every scandal that plagues them, and every poorly judged choice from company higher ups serves only to sour him, chilling his demeanour further. He still knows to play along with the group, to do as he’s told and paint the picture they’ve commissioned, and when to shut his mouth but there are times when he can’t hide the disdain.
A rebellion against 99 as much as anything else, he is often deliberately contrarian. A few years back they attempted to re-brand him, to fold this colder edge into his image and much to his chagrin it was, for the most part at least, accepted. The fans see a tsundere nature and a devil may care attitude, but he doesn’t pull his punches anymore and most days barely veils his contempt.
Money is the root of all evil, but it’s also one hell of a motivator.
It’s something that Chanyeol learns at a young age. To most children money holds little value, just scraps of paper and lumps of metal, but to his parents it is the single most important thing in their lives. To say that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth would be a vast understatement. The spoon is at the very least golden, the handle encrusted with rubies and diamonds. He never wants for anything. Every need and desire, the finest foods, clothes, education (Up to and including SOPA) is catered for with just a click of his fingers, always someone to wait on him. It’s a lifestyle that so many crave, and in his early years it’s one he adores.
As the years roll by however, the novelty begins to wear thin. As the years roll by however, the novelty begins to wear thin. He’s lucky if he sees his parents more than once a week, and even then, only for a few hours, instead raised by a vastly underpaid minder. They are more interested in their business than in their son, building the empire that he is one day expected to inherit. A kingdom for an unwilling emperor. They ply him with gifts, buy his affection and attempt to plug the gap with material possessions.
He struggles connecting with people his own age, having next to nothing in common with his peers. Most deem him too snobbish, too elitist to bother with him despite all of his efforts to prove the contrary. A few try to draw close, but a the years pass it becomes clear that they are less interested in him, and more interested in the family coffers. He grows to be distrustful, assuming an ulterior motive in everyone and burning up any would-be Icarus when they stray too close to the sun.
He feels ostracised, like a piece from the wrong puzzle; he just wants to be normal. To be noticed by his family, and seen as something other than a walking cheque book by his peers. To be appreciated as a human being.
A lone wolf in almost every sense of the word, on a diet of haywire hormones and teenage angst Chanyeol’s attitude only sours. Attempts to purchase his affection become more and more extravagant in turn. He starts acting out to get some sort of reaction, to pull some response from the ivory tower, but one never comes. Instead it just drives him further into the wilderness, those around him becoming even more reluctant to interact. By age ten he’s buried under a mountain of toys, age eleven drowning in a sea of electronics, and age twelve suffocating under a mass of musical instruments. A guitar, a piano, a violin; he doesn’t even know why. He’s never expressed any interest in the arts. Perhaps they’ve simply run out of things to buy him, or perhaps they truly knew so little about their own son. Either way, most are discarded or forgotten about.
Landing himself in (yet another) schoolyard fight aged fourteen is a turning point. Looking back he can’t even remember what caused the conflict, only that blows were traded and bruises exchanged. The school punishes them, and it forges a strange bond. They clash, but they would go to the ends of the earth for one another. Two kids mad at the world, feeling forsaken by everyone around them. It’s the first time that a real connection is made, and over the months they draw close. The new companion is entrenched in western music, and introduces him to the sounds of 1970s London and 1980s New York. The sounds bring him in and the attitude makes him stay. Fiery rebellion. No one person better than any other. Anarchy. Punk rock.
When the bassist leaves his friend’s band, he steps up despite not having played a note in his life. “The Sex Pistols couldn’t play when they were recording albums, so it’ll be fine.” He reasoned, digging out one of the guitars tht had been buried in storage for years. It was here that he learned how quickly he could pick up instruments, and first fell in love with performance. The band ends rather suddenly a little over a year later, and his outlook sours once more.
Age sixteen he’s asked by his parents, or rather an employee of theirs, to model for a few lines scheduled for release later in the year by subsidiarys of their main brand. Modelling is not something that he’s particularly comfortable, or even familiar with, but he agrees regardless. It’s likely just another money saving measure, he realises, but if he shows willing enough he might finally earn their approval. Despite his hesitance he takes to it like a duck to water, and returns to shoot promos for a twice more over the following months. None of the photos from the second or third shoot ever see the light of day.
After the third shoot he’s caught off guard, a stranger thrusting a business card in his direction babbling about an audition and then scurrying into the crowds outside the studio. Chanyeol simply stares at him dumbfounded. What’s prompted it he isn’t sure (That revelation would come later), nor is he certain how genuine it was. Though his initial reaction is to toss the slip over his shoulder he instead tucks it into his wallet, eyeing it cautiously over the course of a few days before curiosity gets the better of him.
It’s not a path he’s ever paid much mind; in fact it’s one he’s been actively against. The Korean entertainment industry is the antithesis of punk values in his mind, a hive money hungry businessmen watching over a factory floor where teenagers are stripped of personality. Now that the offer’s been made though, he’s rethinking. It would give him direction that he was sorely lacking, free him from the shadow of the family name, fans to feed his ego, and he’d be able to perform for a living… worst case scenario, he can buy out the contract.
As it turns out the stranger had been serious, and what’s more when the time comes for his audition he sails through. Contracts are signed, and he’s in. Clean. Simple. Nowhere nearly as traumatic and stressful as he’d heard others make out.
Training is manageable. Grueling, but manageable. He has less experience than most, weaknesses obvious from the outset but over time he learns to hold his own. The early months are rough, Chanyeol growing frustrated at his shortcomings and barely scraping through the first few evaluations, and he’s often tempted to quit but still he soldiers on. During this time he falls in love with hip-hop, noticing the similarities with the subculture that he knows and loves. The same rebellion, the same danger, the same edge. When it becomes clear that his vocals are weak, he instead focuses on rap and only then finds his feet.
There’s always a feeling that he’s treated differently though. The instructors are firm, they seem to be less harsh towards him. His attitude persists and for whatever reason it isn’t crushed underfoot. This is not a world that he knows well, but even he knows better than to test the boundaries, and so never steps too far out of line, but little things seem to slip through the net. It’s never said aloud, but Chanyeol feels it, and so do his fellow trainees. Nobody dares outright call it out for what it is, but they treat him differently. Some shun him, seeing the treatment as unfair, and some scramble closer hoping that mere proximity will make their ride easier. It’s an all too familiar vision of the past that begins to push him back towards bitterness.
Three years pass before he debuts. Time sees him hone his rap skills and become a skilled dancer, and though his singing still sometimes borders on woeful he has enough stage presence and charisma to excuse them. Poizn are an ideal fit, the concept a near perfect match for Chanyeol.
It’s decided that before they debut, Poizn’s rappers will partake in a rap survival show. To say that is unsure of the idea is an understatement, but as always he goes along with it without asking questions or voicing his doubts. He’s grown to see his group, and the company as a whole, as family, and worries that doing so will rock the boat and throw his members overboard. He surpasses his own expectations, becoming a favourite to win during the early rounds. Eventually he plateaus though, but each week he still comes out close to the top, even when he knows that he’s bottom of the pile. It serves only to feed his ego, to convince him that he is genuinely better than his competitors. This ego would remain unchecked to this day.  When he emerges victorious in the final episode he feels as though he can take on the world. He’ll have to be acknowledged now, to be recognised by the world at large.
They do recognise him, though it’s as a cheat rather than as a champion. The whispers start as soon as it airs. That his opponent was superior in near every way. It’s suggested online that the show is corrupt, that money has changed hands to secure a win. Though he outwardly refuses to believe it, unwilling to take that hit to his pride, as soon as he reads it he knows. The company privately confirms it to him, tells him to keep it secret and that they’re going to bury the story. Chanyeol is crushed. And furious. And bitter. And cold. He stays silent, bottles it up and leaves without a word.
That Christmas he returns home, and as is typical of the festive season things end in arguments. He confides in his parents, who have decided to make a rare appearance, about what 99 have done. About how torn up he is over it, how it’s almost destroyed him before he’s even begun. They simply shrug. “Don’t worry about it. Money is the best motivator.” His father says, barely looking up from his plate. It’s as though he genuinely doesn’t understand why people are up in arms. “We’ll write them another cheque, encourage them to dig a little faster. Or we just get lawyers involved.”
It’s said so flippantly that you’d miss it if you blinked. Slowly the cogs click into place. Another cheque. Through gritted teeth he asks the question, gets the answer he expects, and thus begins the shouting match. They didn’t outright buy his place in Poizn, but they paid enough to encourage a scout to wait outside the photoshoot and grant him an audition.  He passed on his own merits, but the fact remains that the only reason they saw him was because their palms had been greased. On top of that, a few extra Won had ensured that the entire process was a painless as possible and though he’d had to train just as hard as everyone else for his spot in the lineup rumours of special treatment were not entirely unfounded.
He doesn’t bother to ask why they’d done it, or why they hadn’t thought it worth mentioning. He assumes it’s another misguided attempt to buy his loyalty, or to keep their brand relevant. Nothing would be better publicity than the prodigal son of the fashion moguls becoming a star, after all. Needless to say they now speak even less than before.
Everything that he has, he only has because it was paid for. Every opportunity he’s been granted, the result of a dirty deal. How much was down to him? And how much was down to his bank account? Everyone he chooses to trust believes in him so little that they see the only path to success as corruption and bribery.
The stigma lingers like a bad smell, melding with the countless other controversies of the members that emerge shortly after their debut. The whispers persist weighing heavy on Chanyeol, anytime it’s mentioned he physically stiffens up and looks as though he’s about to launch across the room and punch you. With his background it’s assumed that he was the one to purchase the victory personally rather than the company. The public see him as a joke. Other idols see him as a cheat. Both simply sneer.
And he sneers back. If they want a villain, he’ll give them a villain.
His attitude only spirals. On camera he becomes gradually frostier, but manages to maintain the image that they’ve built their career on. Off camera he stops caring about how he’s viewed. Stops even trying to be personable, teeth bared and ready to lash out at any given moment. Blunt as a rock, his words drip with venom and tongue cuts like a razor. If you do good by him, he’ll do good by you, but otherwise he has no problem cutting you down as so may others have done to him.
It peaks when word spreads about him losing his cool at a fansign, lashing out. A “fan” dares to mention the competition and he flies off the handle, forcing an early end. It’s not committed to film, thank god, but suddenly everyone shifts into damage control mode. He’s removed from public engagements and promotions until the furore dies down. Time cools his temper, and it’s taken years to earn the trust of those above him once more, but he’s finally reached that point.
Poizn have spent a long time drifting under the radar, moving at their own pace, but the success of Love Scenario has shifted the goalposts. Where in the past it had felt as though they’d been coasting, a conduit for scandal and little else, this is a second chance. A shot at redemption. It’s enough to wake something up inside of him.
Long term, he’s under no illusions about his future. The chances of his contract being renewed are negligible at best, and frankly he’s jumping for joy at the prospect of ditching 99. The only reason he hasn’t jumped overboard yet is fear of dragging his members down with him. Besides, it would be foolish to depart when they were riding such a high so for now he’ll just do as he’s told. He’s quietly begun the launch of his solo career, and if their next comeback is even a fraction as successful he plans to take full advantage. Consider it an audition tape for any other companies interested in taking him on after he’s unceremoniously dumped.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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korean homer: this embarrassing nickname was thrusted onto him in the early days of POIZN since 99 media played him as this rising, prodigal songwriter. ( the nickname is, obviously, used as a joke )
yoonie bear: mostly used by female fans when they saw the stark contrast between his stage persona as a looming and intimidating figure, and his real self who is soft like a teddy bear.
INSPIRATION: doyoon had dreamed to become an artist who could tell his own story and was heavily influenced by korean hip-hop artists such as yoon mirae, tiger jk, and epik high, and he thought being an idol would be the best way to get his name out there. SPECIAL TALENTS:
playing the piano with his feet
nail art
lived in montana, usa for seven years and returned to korea with his grandparents at 12 to become a k-pop idol
was a pianist in his church band
his mother gave him the english name james-dean because she is a big fan of the actor
had numerous part time jobs while he was a trainee to financially support himself
started writing songs and lyrics since he was eight. his first song was about his pet rabbit
doyoon hopes to regain the trust he had lost with 99, so he can regain the possibility of the solo opportunity they had given him years ago. to do that, he is trying to soften the public perception of him as one of the “scandal-clad screw ups of 99,” and finally reclaim his debut as a solo artist.
doyoon has realized time and time again that being an idol is hard, and he is somewhat sick of the lifestyle. so he wants to quickly transition out of that idol title he holds and become an artist that he desperately wants to be by being recognized as someone who writes and produces songs — either for himself, his group, or other artist both in and out of 99.
as if by fate, 99 knew exactly what they wanted doyoon to be ever since they laid their eyes on him. from a visual standpoint, doyoon seemed to have been born just so he could be a part of POIZN with his sharp eyes, intimidating glare, and baritone voice. 99 sets him out to be a bad boy – not exactly a wild, partying bad boy, but as the classic “hollywood” bad boy ( most likely due to his american upbringing. ) while he initially played the role of a rambunctious young blood, doyoon gradually brings it down and became reserved the more he played his role into what 99 wanted him to be.
he is neither loud nor boisterous – loudness is not what doyoon excels at. he is the old school, quiet but strong candidate, a quiet flame in the background that flickers steadily, refusing to burn out. silent, resilient and intense — these are what 99 wanted to convey, and doyoon became the perfect representative of that image.
now doyoon, left alone and away from 99’s packaging, is unrecognizable. his POIZN persona is on one spectrum, and doyoon stands on the exact opposite end of that spectrum. POIZN’s doyoon is boiling lava while jeon doyoon the person is one of the many kindling on the hearth warming your home – gentle, patient, and meek. so the people have always been surprised to hear about the great divide between the mask and the person that lies beneath it, because doyoon was a breath of fresh air; one of the few POIZN boys who had lived his idol life scandal-free due to his hard work behind the scenes, locked up behind studio doors collaborating with producers to help POIZN rise in the ranks.
it played out in their favor, at first.
but who’s to say that this surprising revelation wasn’t media play itself?
tw: implied alcoholism, dubious consent.
life is full of choices and doyoon seems to be always picking the wrong ones.
the first choice that changed his life wasn’t necessary his choice to make, nor was he given a voice in the matter. he was only five, after all, and the opinions of a five year-old do not really matter, right? he’s given a new life in a new city that belonged to a new country with a new name and a new sibling.
james-dean jeon is his new name – not just ‘james’ and not ‘dean.’ it’s a mouthful, especially because he’s only five and can barely speak the language.
“i promise you’ll have a better life here, doyoon. you can make your dreams come true here!”
that’s what his parents tell him the night before he starts his first day of american kindergarten. but the thing is: he’s had a great life back in korea. he even had a pet rabbit named pony. oh how he missed pony. but he doesn’t question them further. he smiles and nods to let his parents go to bed because, like him, they too have a busy day of work the next day.
it’s not that he doesn’t like going to church – it’s just that he doesn’t like waking up at 7 o’clock on sundays to go to a church about 40 minutes away from his home when there are plenty of churches in the neighborhood.
“you know grandpa and grandma aren’t very good at english, and you have to immerse yourself in your culture.”
and his parents are right…to a certain degree.
he should be more understanding of his grandparents needs, since he actually goes out into society – all grandpa and grandma have are each other and the rest of the koreans in their city in montana ( which just happens to be the rest of the family. ) so he shouldn’t get so frustrated when they want to be with the people they have in common.
but did doyoon have to leave korea ( and pony and his other friends ) just to immerse himself into his culture?
he doesn’t say anymore, but he does think about it on his way to church.
rap – it’s what his grandparents and the majority of the grown-ups in his church refer to it as ‘the devil’s music.’ it’s what the older kids at his school and church thought was the best thing in the world. and doyoon thought it was one of the best things – next to drawing stick figures and his two new sisters.
at school, he listens to what he and others know – american rappers and hip-hop artists. while at church, he was introduced to korean hip-hop. doyoon has always been fond of music – that’s why he deliberately stays late after church: to get piano lessons and participate in the church band – and he’s found something that he could love ( even more than pony. boy, he still missed her. )
call him a silly child all you want, but nothing is stopping him from becoming who he wants to be.
unfortunately for his parents, america is not a place where his dream will come true.
he’s figured out a few years ago that this place isn’t as great as people claim it to be – there are countless iron walls blocking his way, and no matter how high he jumps, he can never go over it like a simple hurdle.
so he decides to be a little selfish.
he goes back to korea with his grandparents, leaving his family and friends behind.
despite his nationality and his blood all originating from korea, the country feels foreign to him – and so does the language, unfortunately. but he’s still growing and he regains the vocabulary as he reincorporates himself into his birthplace.
there’s an unexplainable distance between his classmates and doyoon – possibly because he spends most of his time at a music academy than at socializing with his peers. he needs to build his skills, because what was the point of coming back to korea if he wasn’t going to work hard?
apparently he’s pretty good at singing ( all those years in the church choir must have paid off ), and he’s come so far in his rapping and dancing skills. the teachers at his academy suggest agencies he should audition in because he might have the potential to become famous.
“just mention us when you hit big, kiddo.”
there is only one agency that takes him in, though ( though he didn’t show it on his face, he was shocked that he passed only one out of six auditions. )
he manages to finish high school, but he doesn’t get that sweet taste of freedom like the other students do: he practices all day and works all night, partaking in late night shifts at convenience stores.
he will admit that initially, he was ignorant about idols. he didn’t know they had to endure years of training, years of criticism and years of rivalry to debut.
they say his singing is decent, lyrics original and well-crafted, and that he has the right tone and look to be a rapper, but his overall dancing ability is utter garbage. they tell him to either: get better or leave.
no matter how much he practices, they want more – more improvement, more soul, and more blood.
it is a savage world, but it is the world that he chose to belong in.
does he belong in it?
doyoon works hard – anyone can see that, and he’s present.
he tries to make POIZN become better and stronger; make it rise to the top like their opponents. so he sits in on the meetings, engages with the producers, and offers his two-cents on certain affairs.
maybe it isn’t his place to say such things, and maybe he’s being too selfish but POIZN and his members are like family to him.
he is clean – cleaner than bleach, and maybe that’s why 99 is so taken with him.
a solo opportunity is given to him. though it wasn’t handed to him on a silver platter like he had hoped, he takes it without a second thought. even though he wants to dedicate his all to POIZN, POIZN is…well…poison. and doyoon wants to separate himself from that image as soon as possible.
99 offers him some creative control over his content, because they know he won’t screw up.
because doyoon never screws up.
doyoon spends his nights in the studio – a yellow legal notepad on his right and a bottle of whisky. art isn’t something that is created overnight. it is a struggle that takes months – even years to complete.
but doyoon is tired, so tired.
from other work to this, he doesn’t know if he can keep up the burning desire anymore.
is this fine? does this sound good? no. none of this sound good.
not even acceptable.
he doesn’t want to be selfish but he wants something better, something more.
99 is ruthless, but he’s sure other companies are just as ruthless.
a picture – not a harmless before an after of a false accusation of cosmetic surgery—
[ +400, -31 ] ㅋㅋㅋ what are they saying? it’s totally him. bye bye loser~ > [ +25, -299 ] how are you so sure it’s him? > [ +450, -19 ] his tattoos, you delulu ㅋㅋㅋ
—but a scandalous picture.
he can’t remember the night well, only fragments of it – all hazy. but he does know that he needed comfort and a night to release his inhibitions.
that night, he remembers two choices:
1)      a long night with a bottle with a flavor that he recognizes all too well, or
2)     spending time with the person sitting across from him.
the big opportunity is stripped from him as soon as the pictures leak, and he’s back to square one – a trainee, trying to prove his worth to the ones high in the clouds. but they still feed on him – feed on his words, his work, his mind, his melodies, his art. that’s the real poison here, but doyoon still craves that attention that small acknowledgement that says, ‘at least you’re doing this right.’
and that is better than nothing.
0 notes
idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): hye-omma — play on the word 엄마 since she’s known as the ‘mother of heaven.’ chef hye — given due to her known expertise in the kitchen INSPIRATION: hyein was initially inspired to be an idol due to her love of dance and a slight addiction to performance, but as she entered training, her aspirations shifted and she worked harder in hopes to be as great as her seniors; looking up to their hard work and efforts SPECIAL TALENTS:
classical pianist — throughout most all of her childhood, hyein was enrolled in piano lessons, and often performed in recitals and competitions. while she’s not really super invested in classical music anymore, and has since moved onto music production after finding an appreciation for pop, jazz, and contemporary styles, her skills as a pianist are often tested and discussed on variety shows for fun.
self-proclaimed chef — although not professionally trained at an academy, hyein grew up helping her mother out in the kitchen. that being said, she’s developed a love for whipping up some beautiful food
hyein has come under fire in the past for being caught reading feminist poetry and novels; her more progressive views making her an easy target for those who oppose. however, as she’s aged, she’s become slightly more outspoken in her support for the feminist movement in korea, and hopes that many others look to the future with open minds and hearts.
due to her extensive background in classic music as a pianist, hyein has a great ear for pitch and harmonization, and often helps her group with vocal arrangements.
it is stated by netizens that she has one of the best bodies in the k-pop industry to date, and is known as an advocate against harsh dieting, restricting, and crash diets. instead of simply being reduced to a ‘sex-pot,’ she hopes to use these conversations to spread awareness to young women about how important self-love is.
when she lived in the dorms with her group members, she was known to be in charge of preparing meals for them and cleaning up the kitchen space.
hyein is a graduate of school of performing arts ( sopa ) and korea national university of arts.
presently, hyein is in discussions with 99 entertainment to unveil a solo music path in the near future, but due to creative differences, plans have yet to move forward. however, she hopes to earn access to full creative freedom for her solo, and hopes to release singles and albums fully written, and produced, by her. however, her company is more interested in capitalizing on her beauty — primarily her body, which has always been a hot topic in the media — and using a solo career for visual appeal, and truth be told, she’s a bit upset about it.
after contract renewals aren’t signed in the future, hyein plans to start a music company and label of her own. she’ll take a step out from the spotlight and focus on discovering talents with an emphasis on skill as opposed to visuals. additionally, she’d like to travel all across the world to learn about different cultures and their approach to the arts, specifically music composition and dance.
a shroud of mystery and intrigue cloaks the vibrant presence of woo hyein, and her silence has always caused supporters, haters, and the like to wonder what’s truly going through her mind. having always leaned more on the introverted side of the vivid personality spectrum, heaven’s eldest has always felt a bit uneasy when the daunting lenses of cameras focus in on her. however, the piercing stare of a scorpio that she possesses has never failed her, and what she lacks in words comes across powerfully in a silent sensuality; a teasing presence that many try to figure out, but are never truly able to. truth is, hyein’s always been quiet — days spent seated at the piano and speaking the language of music as opposed to forming bonds with peers, family members, and instructors has stunted her in some fashions, but more than anything, it’s helped her become more independent in thought, and overall, confident in herself. while many others rely on the company of others to lift their spirits, she’s more content spending time alone. it’s never been easy for her to allow others in, to break down her guarded walls at first conversation to reveal a deeper part of herself, and she’s okay with that; she’s found solace and endless comfort in her lonesomeness despite many attempts at close friendship and romance. due to her hot and cold approach to relationships, many grow tired of waiting around for her to open up; to reveal her true colors.
though, despite her antisocial tendencies, to those who she lets passed the velvet rope, to those who have been patient enough with her, and have taken the time to peel back each enigmatic layer to her one-of-a-kind personality, they’re granted with someone a bit wild and reckless; someone softly lewd, unapologetic, and candidly outspoken. her emotions are intense, and she has no concept of gray areas in any aspect of life. hyein views all in black and white, in boiling heat or frigid chill, and this, in turn, might make her intimidating, but even with all of her flaws, one upside remains certain: if she loves you, she’ll love you forever. if given time, she’d make the best friend a person can ask for — one who’d stand up for anyone in need, one who would challenge someone to make the best decisions in their lives, one who would protect you like a mother bear to her cubs.
that being said, 99 entertainment continues to keep her elusive. she’s every man’s dream girl, and every woman’s goal, but none of them truly know why they’re fixated with her. it’s all of this suspense that they’ve created around her that keeps her positively thrilling, and even through her many moons as an active entertainer in the industry, people are still trying to figure her out, and at this point, it’s likely that no one that’s not in her inner circle ever will.
tiny hands brush over the delicate keys of onyx and ivory as a timid girl seats upon a bench before a glossy baby grand piano. pupils avert to the concert hall’s audience, and though house lights cease to exist, she knows that there are a sea of people that she needs to impress; many people who are there to support other contestants, not her. at this point in her young life, at a pure, unblemished eight years of age, classical music has already fully entered her bloodstream, and even with long lashes pressed flush against the height of rounded cheekbones, she could entertain with many beloved songs written by the world’s most coveted musicians: beethoven, bach, mozart… all names she’s more than familiar with, and today, at her latest performance, she’s decided upon a tried and true favorite — pyotr tchaikovsky’s swan lake. however, instead of sticking to the full rendition of any song from the ballet’s catalogue, she’s decided to piece together her preferred parts to create a medley of sorts; something she collaborated with her instructor on for months, and months, leading up to this fateful moment. with that being said, she knows that failure is not an option, and with one deep inhale in, exhale out, she begins triumphantly — the metronome playing in her mind ticking along to keep time as she followed the musical journey the composer wrote out for her, and everyone else, to experience with each note.
despite some mistakes at the start of her showcase, she managed to deliver four minutes of a solid effort that the audience found delightful, and when it was all said and done, she was crowned the third prize winner. though it wasn’t the gold she hoped for, this experience only spurred her on to get even better at her craft; to make her mother happy by winning and to show her instructor that she could be even better by the time the next revue occurred.
however, even though she was slowly receiving claim by those in the classical music scene, and truly learning to stand on her own on-stage, not much changed at home as she was left to her own devices, too. as she aged, she not only became more polished in the art of music, but in the art of being a caretaker, too. having three younger siblings and a single mom, by the time she was ten, hyein acted as mother when the household’s matriarch was at work. she juggled many occupations in order to support her small family, and because of her very overloaded schedule, she tasked her eldest with cooking dinner for the little ones, helping with homework, and even tucking them into bed some nights. not only that, but she was encouraged to continue her success in piano. most of the time, each competition she partook in, she was granted a cash prize, and that little extra sum of wealth would help the woo’s get by during very grim times. whether it was as low as fourth place, or as high as first, any bit of funds she received went into her family. even though she was happy to help out in whatever way she could, what was once an artistic outlet and hobby to her turned into a daunting workload that made her feel more stressed instead of rejuvenated.
the burnout from classical music was taking its toll on her, and she couldn’t help but grow to resent it. not only that, but the loss of her own childhood weighed heavy on her heart, too. it wasn’t long before she began to act out against all of her mother’s wishes, and it was only in the name of wanting to do little things for herself. she’d spent so long worrying about all of her brothers and sisters that she simply forgot to consider her own wants and needs. it was around this time, at the age of fourteen, that she began to volunteer time at her friend’s ballet class; playing piano for all of the dancers to rehearse to whenever the company’s pianist was out sick, and she became incredibly intrigued with how graceful and beautiful they all looked as they moved. after sometime, she traded in her baby grand piano for a leotard and pointe shoes, and she was beginning to feel inspired again. although she wasn’t able to provide extra income for her family due to her lack of interest in competitions, she was positively invigorated as she learned the basics of movement. all of this increased her moods tenfold, and it was reflected at home, too, and though the woo’s continued to struggle, they were overjoyed to see hyein in such a happy place in life — glad that the smile they all loved returned to her once sullen countenance.
the next two years flew by at light speed, and before she knew it, she had earned a lovely scholarship to the school of performing arts in seoul, and there, she focused on dance, but she continued to study applied music whenever she found the time. it was here that she began to fall in love with many different genres of performance, and she strengthened each one of her still developing skills. instead of only being formidable at ballet, she was growing in terms of contemporary dance and hip-hop, as well, and instead of simply only playing the classics at the piano, hyein was in the process of learning to create pieces that would better fit the local pop scene. all of this knowledge made her feel powerful, but at home, her mother couldn’t afford to remain in the apartment they lived in for the past few years, so their little family moved in with their grandparents. it was a cramped living space, but everyone seemed elated to be in such a tight-knit group of loving people. having more adults around also meant that the eldest of the woo siblings could focus intently on her work, but she felt bad that she hadn’t been able to help as much as she used to, so she devised a plan that she hoped would work well in her favor. some friends of her’s were interested in attending an open audition for a company that had plans to launch a girl group in the near future, and though she’d never thought of becoming an idol, she knew that if she succeeded, she’d make a substantial amount of money later on, and in turn, could support her family better and provide them better lives.
when the day finally arrived, she was able to reveal all of her improvements to the panel of judges that 99 entertainment offered, and adoring that she was in school learning to be a better performer, as well as finding her visual appeal suitable for what they had in mind, they decided to trust her with a trainee position, and she accepted with pride. knowing that they would be putting a lot of money into her and her hopeful début, hyein took her position seriously and vowed to her family that she’d work harder than ever in order to assist them. although she trained mostly to perfect her dance ability within the company, when the time came for her to apply to colleges in the area, she looked for curriculums that could further her knowledge in music production and composition, and when she found one that was most suitable to her interests and experience, she applied, and was later accepted. she did this for a variety of reasons, but mostly to have a backup plan if she wasn’t able to become an idol. after all, she was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to contemporary styles of dance. though she thought she was getting better back in high school, she wasn’t up to par with 99′s standards, and moreover, her singing ability lacked slightly, as well. given her large background in classical piano, she had a great ear for pitch and could sing every note in tune, but she didn’t possess proper technique and vocal power — two things that would be crucial to the group that she was competing for a spot in. despite her shortcomings, she was determined to continue her hard work to progress forward — even at the loss of blood, sweat, tears, and sometimes, even sanity.
juggling school and training proved to be rough on her system, and it often left hyein super stressed. she knew she needed to push forward, but that was easier thought of than done. the upside, though, was that she was gaining momentum and improving little-by-little, and each evaluation she had with her company was either consistent, or earned her high marks. it was a rough uphill climb, and when the group was to be finalized, she was given a spot in it as a reward for her lengthier training period, as well as her leaps in progression. although she wasn’t the strongest belter amongst her group-mates, her signature warm, breathy tone became a staple in her performances, and during her five years as a trainee, she learned to provide stable vocals even in motion, and those skills alone graced her with the position of main dancer. it was unexpected, but she was thankful, and even with heaven’s début, she had one more year of school to go before graduation. luckily, her group’s releases were focused mostly in the summertime, so she was able to attend classes as normal to finish off her degrees with ease. when she completed her studies, she put her heart and soul into all activities that she was scheduled to take part in, and in order to capitalize on her recent graduation, 99 allowed her to pen and produce a b-side track for the group’s third ep.
despite the honor of taking credit on one of their songs, hyein couldn’t help but question the direction that heaven was taking. while she had no issue with portraying a sexier image on camera, she felt as though she was only being recognized for her curvaceous physique as opposed to her talents; what she truly worked hard to develop. all of the group’s releases up to this point veered sexier and sexier, and with that in mind, the stylists insisted on placing the eldest member in the most revealing attire due to her age, and her figure. having been lauded for her wide hips, beautiful legs, and large breasts, the budding producer felt as though she was only being used as an ornament, and that all of her talents and hard work weren’t necessarily being utilized in a way that pleased her. it was then when her distaste for their concept began, and as time went on, it moved into a further hatred. on one hand, the adoration for her beauty, and the sexiness, made her feel great, but on the other hand, she was tired of being used as a way to grab the attention of male fans, especially earlier on in heaven’s career. however, being that she was contracted into doing whatever she was told to do, she couldn’t fight it, but she hoped that things would change eventually.
after fighting for the chance to create more music for her group, and then later receiving credit for writing two of heaven’s hit title tracks, hyein felt like a more trusted and more active member in the quartet, and this only continued going forward. producers loved that she was able to understand their language, and because of that, given her position, she was granted many lines in their songs. the new acclaim and attention she received made her feel more loved, but she was still at odds with each beachy and almost risqué comeback that they released. as years continued to pass and she was still subjected to a sexualized image curated by 99 entertainment, she began to write music specifically for herself, and hoped that, when the time came, she’d be able to release each song to reveal her true identity to everyone, especially to her devotees; one that was still sexy, but in a more mature, classier way. well, at least what she deemed ‘mature’ and ‘classier.’
with contract renewals on the horizon, woo hyein has her sights set on the future, and she knows that, if she’s unable to find a common ground with her company, she’ll happily seek one out that allows her to follow her own path of self-expression. she doesn’t want to simply be known as a pair of insured legs and a stunning chest, so she longs to pave a better way for herself, especially since she’s been able to use a good portion of her earnings to support her mother, grandparents, and siblings as best she can. she’s got a long way to go until she’s fully satisfied with herself, but she knows that her goals will come true soon.
0 notes
idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): t.y (fan-given), young ty (fan-given / a play on american rapper names), taekie (group-given), yoonie (group-given), tae-taek (he is not sure who started this one), taeksthetic (fan-given / taek + aesthetic), 택선/taekseon (group-given / taek + 턱선/teokseon, the korean word for jawline. ty’s fans understand the meaning of the nickname, while others wonder why they are calling him “taxi”). INSPIRATION: his biggest musical inspirations (he has many) are big bang’s (power’s?) g-dragon and t.o.p, h.o.t’s tony, epik high’s tablo, bumkey, and eminem / commitment to living his life to the fullest and never giving up on his dreams, no matter how many, how crazy, or how unattainable they may seem. SPECIAL TALENTS:
frighteningly incredible at “random play” girl dances. he seems to know them all.
does many impressions of his groupmates for both variety’s sake and purely for the laughs, but they are different each time and while they are absolutely hilarious, they are not very accurate.
freestyle rapping: seemingly even without a beat, ty is pretty good at creating impressive flow and lyrics on the spot, no matter the theme — serious, nonsensical, silly, or playfully teasing.
his fans have deemed his personal fan club name TAEKIS to allude to ty’s undying love for takis tortilla chips. he is gifted armfuls of bags at fanmeets — so many that he can’t even seem to eat them all.
he is known for both his anime-esque good looks and likeness to the character jack frost. he is aware of this, too, and dressed as both jack frost and /cardcaptor sakura/ character li syaoran for past halloweens.
whenever he is not wearing pre-coordinated clothing, he is usually wearing all black.
as a result of being forced to be mostly self-sufficient from a young age, he has learned to be quite an excellent cook. this along with his obsessive cleanliness and love of skinship has earned him an unofficial “mother” role with his groupmates.
he is a graduate of seoul’s school of performing arts. he appears to be close friends with a large portion of his old classmates in addition to his current labelmates. 
he wants to continue writing the lyrics for imperial’s music. soon, he would love the opportunity to produce a whole song. he knows he has a capability but it’s all in due time –––– 99’s and the universe’s, naturally. the stars can’t always align. another goal of his would be to serve as a producer/mentor/judge on a music program. he thinks all of his skills more than qualify him to counsel trainees or newer idols, helping them mold themselves into the best performers they could possibly be. he also hopes to continue honing his dancing skills, as they could always improve.
he would love to, one day, be the record holder for the longest-standing radio host on a single program. he has been the host of night night for well over a year now, and the memories and connections he’s made has only made his love for the show stronger and he wants to continue down that path for as long as he is able. in addition to radio hosting, he yearns to produce and write lyrics for as much music as he can. he knows that he cannot be an idol forever, and that fact certainly doesn’t make him love imperial any less –––– but he needs to think for the future too. working as a well-known producer for the k-pop and k-hiphop scene is one challenge he plans to tackle and succeed in.
young taekyoon is, in all seriousness, the boy you’d introduce to your sister.
ty, on that note, is just the same.
he’s friendly, loyal, and fun. charming, funny, trustworthy.
he’s the guy making rounds to other idol’s dressing rooms before performances, just to say hey and congratulate them on their new music and send them his best wishes.
his off-screen appearance may scream the opposite, however; he is almost always sporting a black shirt, jacket, and skinny jeans topped off with a black cap and sunglasses. while initially seeming unapproachable, the moment one begins to talk to him and catches a glimpse of his glowing, toothy grin, all prior uneasiness seems to float into the wind. at the end of the day, black is just a color. a hood over his head is just a fashion choice, a way to keep a few extra fans from recognizing him on the streets. airport and street fashion don’t define a person, but it certainly can create an image on fansites. his fans know, though, that he is not closed off and uninterested. and in reality, the fans are who matter. but he has to create a better image for himself in the name of his career and by order of 99. luckily, he hasn’t been told to throw away his favorite black jeans –––– he’ll opt for wearing them a few hundred more times, maybe.
he’s a guy who is willing to talk to anybody. a guy who can find the good in any person, no matter how bad they actually are –––– even if he can’t necessarily find the good in himself most days. others tend to gravitate toward him. and even more so when he is around his fellow groupmate who also happens to be a rapper. when those two are in a room together they’ve got everybody rolling on the floor.
putting on a show is his specialty, and quite literally his job too. even years after debut, he tends to feel uneasiness when first hopping up on stage, but give him a few seconds and he snaps into beast mode. he may be imperial’s main rapper and lead vocalist, but he can flow to the beat of the music pretty damn well. he wasn’t trained to be a dancer, but it’s always been a bit of a talent of his. he is improving, slowly, and hopes to hone those skills (along with his variety skills) to the likeness of the dancers in his group. still, he tends to be very popular with the fans. be it his powerful stage presence, natural good looks, or his leadership and charm, he doesn’t know –––– but what he does know is that he vows to maintain his image and raise to the top.
trigger warnings: parent death, mentions of bullying.
1994 ; pyeonghae, south korea.
on a particularly scorching july afternoon, young taekyoon was brought into the world in the comfort of his own home. his older siblings, ages 13 and 15 at the time, respectively, were born in the same fashion. his family was old fashioned like that. he resided in a small town on south korea’s east coast called pyeonghae, but his family was even smaller. to be exact, according to a past census (as he’d later discovered), there were only around 200 households who shared his last name — nearly 15 years after that census was collected, that number had decreased drastically. the majority of those households probably belonged to his immediate family. many of his family members were well into their lives when taekyoon was born –––– his parents were already over the age of 35 and each of his aunts and uncles were even older. in some ways, it was good for him to be surrounded by older, more traditional adults. he was taught to be respectful, mind his own business, and to behave like he ought to. on the other hand, it was nearly as if his childhood was robbed from him, and even more so for his little sister, who was born a few short years after him.
early 2000s ; 100% of the time, the good things in life are destroyed.
his parents were already fairly traditional in their views on parenting — no games before homework was complete, no eating takis until every crumb was eaten off dinner plates, no sleeping until teeth were brushed with toothpaste — but having been raising two teenage boys prior to his own birth, things seemed to be even more strict than they could have been alternatively. he was encouraged — forced, really — to excel in his education: perfect marks, involvement in extracurriculars, sports, and countless music lessons, but his mother tended to always push a little harder when it came to literature and language. she always claimed it was of upmost importance that he could articulate himself correctly and well, and spending extra study time in foreign language — namely english — would, in a sense, future-proof him. he’d thank her later.
but could he actually thank her later?
read: no.
at the tender age of 9, the family of six traveled the short few miles to a beachfront condo for a family vacation. it may seem like such an easy trip to plan, but in reality, it’d taken months to coordinate work, school, and event schedules so that the family could spend the entirety of the trip together with zero distractions. the most difficult to coordinate around were taekyoon’s father, a firm executive, and his older brothers, whom had jobs and girlfriends that were attached at their hips.
on the second day, everybody was at the beach: taekyoon had spent countless hours in the ocean trying to teach his sister how to swim, his older brothers were playing volleyball on the other side of the beach, and his parents sat on the sidelines, enjoying the beach as they watched their children have fun. one sick, twisted man, however, had something else planned for the family’s day.
out of absolutely nowhere, a quick, deafening gunshot tore through taekyoon’s eardrums, and when he snapped his head in the direction of the noise, his entire world collapsed. he remembers it vividly, and yet he couldn’t ever bring himself to disclose the details to any living soul since –––– not even his little sister who can’t remember one bit of the horrible events that took place that day. his poor mother had been shot, for no reason, with a gun much too powerful to have given her more than a few seconds of life after the bullet made impact. that day, a different kind of bullet ripped through taekyoon’s heart, too.
mid 2000s ; coping mechanisms.
taekyoon often heard the words of his mother in the back of his mind, telling him the importance of literature and how rewarding it is to express oneself through nothing other than words. he kept her advice near and dear to his heart, and took to poetry and creative writing to express his sadness. there were many times where he’d come home from school, go straight to his room, and write all evening — then he’d fall asleep while writing, wake up for school, and do it all over again. for a long time after his mother’s passing, their household was often in a state of pure dejection — his father no longer tried very hard to enforce his own rules, and his older brothers had started families of their own and weren’t around very often. his father very rarely even cooked dinner for himself or his two youngest children. it was not because he resented or didn’t love them, but he lacked the drive. as a result, the two children quickly learned to be rather self sufficient. taekyoon did much of the work for his sister, though. her laundry, cooking her dinner, and helping her with her schoolwork. he didn’t want to do it just as much as his father, but he knew his mother would want him to, and that was his driving force.
taekyoon without a doubt lost a piece of himself the day his mother left him, but it didn’t take long for him to discover a map that would allow him to find what was lost. soon, he’d be himself again.
2006-2008 ; exploring uncharted territory.
one day when taekyoon was 12 years old, after a school-wide presentation on studying abroad, he decided he wanted to spend his first year of middle school studying abroad in america. he knew it was important to his mother that he studied and applied foreign language, and literally immersing himself into the culture firsthand was the best way to do it, right? naturally, his father was entirely against it, because it was a big risk. he didn’t want to lose the next closest thing to him, but still, taekyoon tried to change his mind. he spent a few weeks completing odd outdoor jobs for people around the neighborhood, walking dogs, selling baked goods he prepared in his school’s home economics classroom, and offering tutoring to his peers for what seemed like pennies. in the grand scheme of things, he did not accumulate much cash, but somehow his efforts changed his father’s mind –––– soon after, he was on an airplane heading for california.
initially, in his new school, taekyoon had some trouble making new friends. the language barrier was his first big obstacle. he truly thought he had a good handle on the language based on his successes in class back in south korea, but when living in a place where he could only use english to express himself quickly proved nearly impossible. american students were also rather brutal. some of them were quick to introduce themselves to taekyoon — being friendly with the new kid was “cool.” on the other side, he was subject to bullying. often, in class when he had to speak in front of his peers, he would be made fun of when he stumbled over his words. taekyoon handled the ridicule quite well, though. of course, he was hurt, and sometimes even cried over it, but it also gave him an extra push to study english much harder. his host family was very supportive. he confided in the young couple often, and they made sure to set time aside some time every day to help him study: they studied with flash cards, reading aloud, and anything else they could think of that would aid in improve his skills.
his second obstacle was finding the answer to the riddle on the map to finding himself — and that answer was music. he enrolled in a music class with a focus on playing and digitally composing music. it was certainly a step-up from the small-group piano, cello, and violin lessons back home. quickly, he developed a love for composing music and writing accompanying lyrics. he truly had a talent for it, although it took some getting used to. being taught in english was difficult, but with music as a universal language, it soon became taekyoon’s favorite subject.
along with some of his classmates, he discovered a newfound love for rap. before going to california he’d never heard of the “legend” marshall mathers/eminem, but he’d be forever grateful to his peers for introducing him. those same boys were the ones who gave him his nickname, ty. it didn’t take long for the name to stick, and it quickly became more than a name. it was his whole identity. over time, ty became a social butterfly, spending his summer vacation performing at small parks in los angeles and improving his flow and lyricism.
as the end of summer approached, it was time for ty to move back to south korea. time had seemed to heal the entire family. when he returned home, his father and freshly teenaged sister seemed happy, and he got to meet his two baby nephews for the first time. it was good to see.
music stayed at the forefront of his mind as he entered school again, and he continued to pursue his dream when he wasn’t studying. he’d saved any money and resources he could to get his hands on some basic recording equipment — it was cheap and basic, but it did what he needed it to — and utilized it to create covers of existing songs and create some of his own. he mostly published his tracks on soundcloud, and despite the sparse audience, the practice faired well in improving both his rap and singing skills.
2011–2012 ; the words you say shape who you will become.
in the spring of 2011, with the blessing of his father, he enrolled in seoul’s school of performing arts. the music he’d recorded over the months prior helped when he was in the application process, and he was approved for admission to their department of practical music.
after a lot of discussion and planning, ty’s father and sister ultimately decided to pack up and move to seoul so ty didn’t have to be alone in a new, and big, city.
while studying at sopa, his rapping, singing, lyrical, and composing skills were truly built to a level that would be unattainable anywhere else. before enrolling, he understood that the end-goal was scoring a career in the entertainment industry, and there was something both intriguing and terrifying about that. he worked and worked hard, trying to stay at the top of his class so the name TY was known.
while he was trained in both a few different subject areas, his first love was writing lyrics. when he was in his element, he thought of his mom, and he found a comfort in that.
2013 ; an open door. soon after the beginning of his senior year of high school, ty had a big performance scheduled for one of his classes. it took over a month of preparation and perfecting, and he was notified that recruiters from neighboring talent agencies would be in attendance. he and a few of his classmates performed together, and though he didn’t believe he did his absolute best, he was approached by one of the men afterwards. the recruiter was sent from a company called 99 entertainment, and he told ty he wanted to have a meeting with him because he thought he fit the bill for their upcoming boy group, imperial. ty was ecstatic to say the least, but he was worried that he ultimately wouldn’t be good enough to be their final pick.
his father was weary –––– the entertainment industry was wishy-washy at best, and one of the last things he wanted was to lose his son to “the man.” he was only 14 and a half. impressionable, sensitive. but mature, dedicated, and eager to learn. ultimately, his father agreed to the meeting.
after a few short days, ty and his father met with a few representatives at the company building, and together they discussed the rigorous training process, living situations, and legalities. with the debut of imperial being planned for september, only a few short months away, ty would be practicing day and night to prepare. and rightfully so, especially because he’d never had proper training in dance. sure, he had to dabble in dancing a bit in school, but it was not a main focus for him.
in the few short months he trained, he received a fair amount of ridicule, be it to his face or things he’d heard through the grapevine. many idols or trainees who had been around for a while didn’t believe it was fair that he’d get to debut after such a short period, and it made him feel a bit shorthanded. was he actually good enough for this, or were they settling for him because everything was so rushed and he was their only choice? on the other hand, some praised him, and said that he deserved his spot in imperial because his rap and vocal skills were incredible. he wasn’t the first idol to be chosen to debut after a few months, and he surely wouldn’t be the last. despite the hardships, he couldn’t have been happier.
2014 ; light at the end of a dark hall.
with their debut album also came with a cameo from ty, where he starred in the heaven’s music video for piano man. following that personal victory was an unexpected hiatus, when a member of imperial left the company, downsizing their manpower from five to four.
ty wasn’t going to let himself sit and do nothing while waiting for 99 to do something, though. he began studying at kyunghee university, taking up a major in composition with a minor in vocal music. he kept up with this along with imperial’s wishy-washy schedules up until they finally released their ep in 2016.
his loyalty never once ran thin, and that was why he ended his enrollment in university. he wanted to focus on his first commitment, even if his first commitment wasn’t necessarily always being loyal to him.
2018 ; for the long haul.
there was a specific group he spent a lot of his time with — when he wasn’t practicing or recording for his radio show night night at the sbs building — and naturally, it stirred a bit of chaos in the rumor department. there was one female in particular, although she wasn’t a member of ty’s closest friend group, that fans seemed to pay extra attention to: a member of heaven with the initials r.e.b. the rumors were shut down very quickly, though, because ty and r.e.b weren’t close for the reasons fans assumed. they were actually step siblings, and 99 made sure the public knew that. while ty was training, his father and younger sister moved to seoul, and somewhere in the mix, his dad met r.e.b’s mother, and the rest was history. the rumors still spread at times, but it’s laughable by ty.
years after debut, and years of making connections, finally getting a chance to write lyrics for imperial, and scoring the main host spot on his own radio show, ty was truly starting to love where he was in life. of course, there were things he wished he’d done differently, but he was far too busy to dwell on the “what ifs” and “could-have-beens.” with his popularity steadily on the rise, he had time to work and sleep, much less think — but that was okay. he was reminded everything would be okay every time he set foot on stage and caught sight of the beautiful sunset gold oceanin the audience.
imperial’s fandom color wasn’t quite the same color as his powder-coated fingers after inhaling a bag of takis, but it was close. he vowed to stay loyal to his fans — even more loyal than they were to him — and he knew the countless hours spent in the 99 practice rooms with special fan-gifted bags of takis would prove themselves truly worth it one day soon.
0 notes
idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): princess bella INSPIRATION: she grew up watching and listening to the first generation of idol groups as well as famous american performers and singers. so, sunjung gradually fell in love with the world of glamour and singing and she wanted to be a part of that, too. the world of fame was the perfect escape from cruel reality. others made it all look so easy and simple. SPECIAL TALENTS: 
voice impressions; sunjung can almost with an ease imitate voices of many idols and foreign pop stars, and that includes imitating the way they sing and speak. most notable impressions are of mariah carey, ariana grande and beyonce. 
she attended school of performing arts seoul
she taught herself how to play the piano and guitar
made a solo debut in 2016
also known as ‘the model’ of heaven
the first goal would be to release more music, at least one new single. while heaven’s songs are always so catchy and summery, the new much colder season would give her a chance to explore new things and allow her put the ‘summer queen’ crown away, at least for some time. the other goal would be to attend upcoming fashion events and shows for she wishes to get more exposure
staying in the limelight for as long as possible. sunjung knows that the kpop industry is oftentimes unforgiving, especially to those who are getting older but she wants to do all in her power to keep people interested. she wants to keep singing and that includes eventually leaving heaven for better opportunities. as a solo artist, she’d try to reach a legendary status in the industry. but at the same time, she wishes to promote her face and body for as long as she can and make waves in the fashion and modeling industry.  
her undeniable habit of hanging out with boys has gained miss lee a certain reputation that is hard to shake. a femme fatal, some call her. an enchantress, a heart-breaker, the less pleasant voices go as far as calling her a whore. rumored relationships are the norm in the thick catalog of headlines connected with her name, but they were always just that - rumors. some of them were true, but the rest were always just completely fabricated. these days a person can’t even touch someone without being accused of dating them. however sunjung doesn’t pay attention to it, not seeing too much harm in a little false press. after all, the company usually takes perfect care of it. without any real evidence - like pictures and videos, those who want to bring her down really can’t criticize her too much.
it’s impossible to build kingdoms with just words. they company usually offers normal explanations - potential models for their upcoming videos or just anti fans that are quite skilled with photoshop. she claimed in a few interviews that she was not focused on dating, only her career and that she was undeniably worried and heartbroken because of those few false rumors. however, those were all just lies. she only cared about her group and how it would affect them, but luckily all the explanations were pretty believable and made her seem like a victim of bad press. but of course, those events made her question her own actions and she became quite more private and better at hiding things. for a girl who never had a thing for the first half of her life, she sure is on the right track now. fame and wealth go hand in hand and she wants to live her life in luxury. she’s never the one to shy away from buying expensive clothing brands or cars. she’s earned all that money fairly, it’s only right for her to spend it now. however, people always find a reason to criticize someone. they had even called her selfish and snobbish, but once again sunjung didn’t care. the following day, she was simply seen at a center for homeless people, helping those in need.  
luckily most people and fans perceive her as a kind and outgoing girl. she’s always the first one to approach someone, shyness is not a word that can be used to describe this young lady. she wants to be likable, approachable. her charm is hard to ignore, just like her stunning smile. her company works hard to portray her as the cool and trendy one, the girl that knows all the summer and fashion secrets and that’s always ready for an adventure. she has that sweet aura of freshness around herself and she does everything with ease. however, taking into consideration the stories and rumors about her, she has to be careful when she’s around men. she has to be make sure that she doesn’t make any wrong moves, but the company still gives her the freedom to work with them. they know that she’s learned her lesson.
she’s the image of class and style. but she is greedy and ambitious, and sometimes even jealous of the younger groups. all the world could be hers and she’d still want more, doomed to eternal dissatisfaction. always will she strive for more, want more, need more to find some peace, steadily reinventing parts of herself to keep the mystery alive, to rewrite fairytales and keep the audience engaged, ensuring no one will feel tempted to turn the page and close the book on her anytime soon. she’s been in the industry for many years, but she still wants to stay on top. no one will ever push her to the sidelines again for nothing is left of the scared, neglected little girl. a dragon like her will never be overlooked again.
the clock kept ticking, half past eight o’clock and there were still no signs of her father. he was supposed to be home an hour and a half ago, she kept fuming, but always silently. life hadn’t been kind to that little girl, a girl born and raised in seoul and named sunjung - a name that represented goodness and nobility. when she was a little girl, her mother worked at a perfume company and she was doing pretty well in spite of being so young and rather troubled, at least that’s what she has heard. she would often tell sunjung stories about her glorious life and all the money she was earning, but today all those things seems to be lies her fanciful mother told to look better before others. sunjung’s the first and only child of the lee family, her mother and father had married out of romanticism rather than out of wits, the result of this being an economic disaster perpetrated by stupid decisions that eventually destroyed the whole family. every time, every time she moved, she moved to a worse place - life was dull, gray, and it wouldn’t wait for her.
all she had left was her pretty voice, the way her fingers easily strummed the guitar and false memories of a beautiful life. even now, she remembers singing and performing at small coffee shops and restaurants, and getting a large trail of desserts ‘on the house’ at just the age of fifteen. empty stomach always remembers such things, even if the head doesn’t want to. her voice was her lifeline and her dreams and fantasies helped her cope with the harsh reality and she had to keep going, no matter the circumstances. now looking back on her life history it all seems so ridiculously painful, but she can’t forget, no matter how hard she tries, after all nightmares can’t just vanish so quickly. neglected, underestimated and hushed, the story of sunjung was a tearjerker, and the girl herself didn’t like the genre at all. instead, she wanted to create a world of her own. she loved movie stars, the decade of the twenties, she loved men she was never to meet and missed places she was never to see.
this imaginative personality, this undying ambition, would push her forward soon enough and at the age of only sixteen she became a trainee much to her family’s discontent - but what was the point of keeping her pretty head held low, of hiding her powerful voice that could pierce souls and lure others ? a loveless home void of riches had nothing to offer to such a young and ambitious girl. she had to fight for herself. make something out of herself, and not just let time consume her. she was an excellent trainee, thoroughly dedicated to that lifestyle. the lack of sleep, the sudden loss of weight and constant practices never bothered her. she only had two options: sing with her whole heart and soul or go and serve drinks at a local cafe bar. of course, it wasn’t easy to survive those harsh months, but her ambition didn’t allow her to rest. she would practice every day and every night, striving to achieve perfection and impress everyone with beautiful singing and performing. she was born with it, but while training she managed to improve her skills. perhaps she wasn’t the best dancer and following all the choreography was sometimes hard, but having such a powerful voice was more than enough to impress others. she wanted to be the best, wanted to be noticed and soon enough, it was time for heaven’s debut and with that a chance to prove herself to the world came.
the first year was the hardest. she was constantly worried about the future of the group and how the public would perceive them. she wanted success and she wanted it badly and finally she was getting a taste of it - that sweet liquor of glamour and fame. let’s not forget about all the attention - she adored it. she wanted to be like all those dancing and singing starlets in old hollywood movies that she had watched way too many times as a child. gradually her fear subsided and being referred to as the most talented vocalists in the industry helped her a lot. that was all she had ever dreamed of. it felt like she was almost in paradise - or well heaven. criticism and false rumors simply weren’t enough to stop her and she always had her group by her side. however, over time and with all the ups and downs, sunjung’s love for the group gradually subsided. but still each new year is a blessing for this ambitious lady and she has no plans of stopping anytime soon. growing strong, always.
0 notes
idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): Kirby (given to her by fans due to her love for the video game character). INSPIRATION: The real reason? Her best friend. The reason everyone in the world knows? She claims it’s all thanks to the seniors that paved the way for her generation. SPECIAL TALENTS:
She’s really good at holding back her laughter. No matter what you do, no matter the jokes, if she wants to? She won’t laugh, nor smile at it.
Good memory; she’s really good at memory games, or remembering songs in a heartbeat.
She can recite the alphabet backwards; in two languages.
She graduated from Seoul National University, majoring in Communication and media studies.
The variety star of Heaven.
The gamer of the group, having her own AfreecaTV channel.
She hopes she’ll be able to go back to her regular online gaming activities. Sure, she loves her group and their activities, but anyone who truly knows her knows how passionate she is about gaming and be close to her fans. She feels she can’t do that right now but hopes the backlash against her will subside soon.
Truthfully, she hopes to cement a legacy with Heaven. Some say they have done that already, but she feels there’s just so much more to do, so much more to fight for. As the Taehee who loves Heaven, she hopes the group will carry on for more years to come and that maybe it could also evolve from it’s current already-well-known concept into something much more different than their usual thing. And as the Taehee who loves gaming, she hopes that when Heaven comes to an end, or when she feels comfortable enough to the point she feels she has accomplished everything there is to accomplish in the group, she’ll be able to move on to become a full-time gamer. Not only that but she wants to be involved with gaming companies, help organize events, maybe even be a part of the creation process of a game, who knows? All she knows is that when the time is right? She’ll move on, and she wants to make sure not to disappoint anyone this time.
She is everyone’s best friend. Oh, you want to have a girl’s day and sing to your favorite, catchy and cute songs? Tali is your girl. Oh wait! You want to stay at home and play your favorite video games? Don’t worry, Tali is DEFINITELY the friend you’re looking for!
Funny, spunky, quirky, electric and beautiful, Heaven’s variety queen can be exactly what you’re looking for if you’re looking to have fun and be sporadic or if you just want to spend a relaxing time with a good friend. Or at least, that’s what management wants everyone to believe, and much to their relief? Everyone bought it. Sure, it worked in their favor that Taehee is naturally good at cracking a joke or laughing at herself, and she never had a problem with it. No one exactly knows how reluctant she was to do this, but in reality it is now the love she has for her group members what pushes her forward to keep working hard.
Tali was 99′s strong card when it came to variety and if she were to admit it? She loved it. She always knew she wasn’t the most skilled when it came down to dancing, or singing, or rapping. She was okay, but she was not the best. She worked hard to get better at it, but it just wasn’t enough. However, there was something about her personality that just attracted people, maybe her silly jokes, maybe her ability to make a fun moment out of anything. If the group was invited to a variety show, they always made sure to underline the fact that Tali had to stand out, and effortlessly, she did. It was surprising for her -but not for them-, when she started to receive invitations to attend shows by herself. Sure it was intimidating to do something without her group members, but she always worked hard for them. Not even to make the company proud, but to make her own members proud, to put the name of Heaven out there as much as she could and for people to see they were so much more than just the pretty faces with the cute beach-y concepts.
Everything always worked in everyone’s favor. If Heaven wasn’t promoting, Tali was sent to make sure everyone knew they were still very much /active/. It was safe to say, she was doing her part of the job quite well.
That is, until she made a mistake.
In order to further her friend-of-everyone status, 99 gave her the ‘yes’ when she pleaded them to start her own gaming channel. Taehee never really did anything wrong, per say, so why not give her something that could even work in their favor? And work in their favor it did. On 2015, she was allowed to start her own channel, playing all kinds of games (minus violent ones that parents could disapprove of, or that the company could deem as inappropriate), and chatting with her fans. This also enabled her to start her very own international fanbase, people from around the world tuning in to her streams to watch this quirky and cute girl play games like a pro. The company loved that.
In 2017, the mistake came in the form of a rant against men. On a bad day, a very, very, very bad day, Tali couldn’t contain her anger towards a person who hurt her and went on a tirade against “all” men. This clearly didn’t suit well with her now well established male fanbase. 99 received thousands of emails and letters from angry fans, attacking Taehee for her comments and demanding them to kick her out of the group and to shut down her channel. The company didn’t go that far, but they did put Taehee’s channel on indefinite hiatus -although she usually thinks it’s a permanent hiatus and won’t be allowed to go back to it at all- and while she did record new music with her group members she was still removed from promotions and shows for some months, you know, “to calm the waters” so to speak.
Months passed by and on early 2018 she was allowed to go back to promoting and performing, making a few appearances here and there, but things just aren’t the same. The company tried to push the same character they had for her in the past, but it just didn’t work. While Tali still has a strong individual fanbase, it’s just not enough. The popularity she once had during variety shows or her gaming streams is now gone. Because sure, she’s back to doing promotional work as an artist, but she’s still not allowed to do anything /gaming/ related at all. Due to this, the company wants to push a much more mature concept with her. In a sense, they want to create a “redemption” arc with her, they want to show people how actually loving and caring she is and how, funnily enough, she doesn’t hate men. Which, you know, she doesn’t at all.
She will still have a fun girl’s day with you or maybe even watch a movie if you want to stay home. She might not be the spunky girl she was before, because remember, she’s grown and much more mature. But don’t you worry! They still want to make sure you know that she’ll always be your best friend.
There’s something Lee Taehee has never learned to do and that’s to do things on her own terms. To do things because she wants them to be that way, because she wants to follow that path. Ever since she was a little girl, she’s been what all of us would call “a people pleaser”. She was born in Orlando, Florida, to two Korean and loving parents that had decided to move to the United States shortly after getting married. I guess you could say she had a normal life, her parents weren’t strict or mean people, quite the contrary, they were loving and understanding, always making sure to let her know just how precious and important she was because they knew kids at school could be cruel and how that could affect her. When she turned 6 years old, her parents asked her about moving back to South Korea. Sure, she was a kid, but they still wanted to know if she’d be okay with that change. Taehee didn’t know much about it, besides its language, but she was okay with the change. As a kid, sometimes you want to explore and get to see more places and this was like a small opportunity for her to do so.
Adapting was hard. The cultural difference between one country and the other was huge, and she had trouble making friends. Most knew she came from America, and while some were fascinated by it, some used it as a weapon to tease her. The first months were tough and Taehee is sure the rest of her school life would’ve been worse if it wasn’t for one person; Jiyoo. Jiyoo was a short, funny and loud girl, who had no issue in confronting someone if they tried to hurt or mess with Taehee. In her eyes, Jiyoo was the coolest and she didn’t know how such a cool girl like her could be friends with such a shy loner like herself.
Most days, after school, Jiyoo would drag Taehee back to her place, where they would sit down and discuss the latest trendy things happening. Taehee was all about games. Jiyoo was all about idols, fame and fortune. She was a huge fan of k-pop and always showed Taehee just how good she was at dancing her favorite group’s choreography, sometimes missing a step or two, but always did it with a bright and wide smile on her face. She sometimes wanted to get the taller girl involved, but Taehee always refused and said that just wasn’t for her, it just wasn’t her thing. Little did she know, Jiyoo would make sure it would become her thing.
                                 “We have to audition! We have to audition!”
When both girls were fifteen-soon-to-be-sixteen, Jiyoo pressured Taehee into auditioning with her for a trainee spot. Taehee didn’t feel too confident about the idea and wasn’t excited at all about it, but she remembered all of the things her best friend did for her so… why not? Plus, she always deemed herself as a very weird and clumsy girl, surely they wouldn’t like her and that was fine, as long as they selected Jiyoo, she would be okay with that.
And life is unpredictable.
As auditions got closer, Jiyoo stepped back. Surely, Taehee was confused and wondered why. Her best friend never gave her an accurate answer except, “It’s because I got two feet.”
                                “But you will audition for me. Is that okay?”
Reluctantly, the Floridian said yes. For her, she would.
And she did. Not only did she audition, but she was accepted and signed as a trainee only months after her sixteenth birthday. Taehee was confused, after all, this wasn’t her dream, this was Jiyoo’s, and while she was signing her contract with 99 Entertainment, Jiyoo was at home, wishing on the stars that her best friend would get a spot, that her best friend would get to live the dream she wouldn’t be able to.
As time passed by, Taehee’s talents and skills progressed, but Jiyoo’s health didn’t. Practice was tough and draining and Taehee barely had any time to visit her friend anymore, but every time she got the chance to do it? She did it, sitting by her best friend’s side and explaining every single detail about her new life as a trainee. There was always a small, nostalgic smile on her best friend’s face as she closed her eyes and imagined everything she was being told. Almost as if she was trying to live her dream in her friend’s body.
If you were to ask Taehee about the day she was told she would be debuting with three other girls in “Heaven”, she would tell you she remembers it like it was yesterday, that it was such a joyous moment, such a special, fantastic day. In reality, she barely remembers it. That day was a blur. After the announcement, she rushed to Jiyoo’s home and told her the big news. Her best friend, with a tired, but happy smile, hugged Taehee hard, with all the remaining strength left in her and said,
                                       “Thank you for doing this. For me.”
Only hours later, Jiyoo passed away. Up to this day, Taehee has no recollection of that day, and when questioned about her best friend, she simply brushes it off, as if she never existed. But she did and she does, everyday, in her heart. Sometimes it’s easier to pretend something doesn’t hurt, no matter how bad it could be killing you and that’s what Taehee did. For her.
The rise to fame wasn’t easy, but Heaven managed. Taehee learned to do what she was told and always complied with a smile on her face, after all, she felt like a girl on a mission. While her passion wasn’t this? Her love for her best friend was bigger than anything else, and that’s why she worked hard everyday, pushing herself through everything, being the best version of herself - Tali, in this case -, that she could be. And so far? So good, she felt like she was succeeding. Then again, among all of her group members, when it comes down to general skills? She didn’t feel like she was the best, not the best singer, not the best dancer, not the best rapper, no matter how hard she worked. But she tried, she tried so hard, eventually finding her strong suit in variety.
But, how does a girl who often considered herself shy and quiet be successful at variety? That’s thanks to her friend too. In shows, Taehee always channeled the kind of person Jiyoo was. Funny, spunky, spontaneous, all of the great things she loved about her. And the crowd now did too. She adopted all of her best friend’s qualities and showed them to the world, showing them just how much they would’ve loved her.
But all of this didn’t mean she didn’t have the chance to do something she loved too and that was gaming. She often talked about video games and just how good she actually was at them. So good? She wanted to show the entire world and to do so, she asked her company to let her have her own streaming channel, where she would make sure to play her favorite games and spend a happy time with all of her fans. They said yes, and she promised them to embrace the opportunity in the best way she could.
Simultaneously, around the same time she was allowed to start her own channel, she met a boy. This boy was everything a girl could ask for, or you know, anything she could ask for. It was safe to say that she fell for him, not only hard, but fast. There was only one tiny problem; He was an idol too. And yet, for two years, they managed to sneak around, to lead a love life away from prying eyes, to live happy without anyone else bothering them, to live freely without anyone else hating on them. That is, until he got caught by management.
But Taehee has always been about passion, about working hard, about doing what you love, about sacrifices, about pain, about trials and tribulations and she was willing to drop it all for him. No, it didn’t mean she was putting behind what she promised Jiyoo, in a sense, she felt like she would be doing something that would make her friend happy. Best friends always want what’s best for them, isn’t it? And she was willing to leave it all behind for him, for their love.
But he said no.
                          “I worked so hard for this. We can’t do this anymore.”
He said, and he broke her heart.
And with a broken heart she still logged on the next day for her scheduled stream, a smile on her face and jokes to tell. When approached by a fan question about if she ever got upset for boys potentially calling her a “fake gamer girl”, something inside her exploded and she couldn’t hold it back. It wasn’t even the fact she was bothered about being called a fake gamer girl. She was bothered at the mention of boys and those boys got mentioned back. Taehee went on a tirade about how men were the scum of the earth, useless, heartless, lacking of passion, lacking of commitment, lacking of sympathy. It was only two seconds later that she realized just how wrong it was, how she had said that live and now there was no taking it back, she fucked up.
Nervously, she giggled,
                                                    “Well, sometimes. Ha.”
Too late. 99 Entertainment got ambushed , mostly by angry former fans of Tali, questioning her decency, work ethic and lack of respect for her own fans. Some female fans, but certainly not many, also felt personally attacked because they felt the female idol had insulted the perfect image of their “oppas”, and that was unforgivable to them. Fans wanted her to get fired, to just be kicked out of the group. But the company didn’t go that far, simply putting Tali’s activities on indefinite hiatus until further notice, even forcing her to drop out of “League of Idols” permanently, just another thing that infuriated her most loyal fans. Some thought maybe Tali had legitimate reasons to do what she did, some thought she was obviously joking, but the backlash was just way too strong to justify her actions. Tali apologized with a letter and a video, but it didn’t calm the situation down, which forced her to maintain a very low-key presence with her group. While she still recorded music with them, she didn’t attend presentations or variety shows, her social media also remained on hiatus, not wanting to cause any trouble that could further affect her, the group and the company. She simply stayed at home, just wondering how in the world did she allow herself to ruin her career like that. She was a third generation idol, she was supposed to know better, she was supposed to pave the way for the younger generations, and she blew it.
And now, a little over a year later, Tali is back on the game. Doing variety, doing promotions, etc. But Tali’s life as an idol just isn’t the same anymore. She works hard everyday, for her parents, for her group mates, for her fans, for Jiyoo. But she also knows that she’s no longer the personality she used to be and can only continue working hard to go back to the person she used to be, to the idol people used to respect and for her to forge a path towards all of her goals and dreams, without anyone else interfering in them or without sabotaging herself. Only time will tell.
0 notes
idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): 생각거지 (saenggak geoji), is a fan-given nickname, meaning “thought deprived” and was given because of the times junseo has said things like “wow i never thought of that” and all of the confused or spaced out looks he gives during fan meetings, interviews, and v-lives. / nani, is a group-given nickname, started as a cute way of calling for junseo using his surname but then stuck around when the members found out that in japanese it is a way of questioning if something is real - to where the members say that na junseo is unreal. INSPIRATION: they say money is the root of all evil, that money can’t buy happiness. na junseo would disagree. it’s a shitty reason, he knows, to have only wanted this type of life due to greed, which is why he isn’t allowed to speak on it. he isn’t allowed to tell others how it was an easy decision, with horrible consequences, when he decided to become a trainee just for money. it was to take care of his family, to provide. instead, it’s publicly known that na junseo had always wanted to dance and wanted to share that with the world, even if he thought it would be a hard road. the truth is, money rules the world. SPECIAL TALENTS:
freestyle dancing : junseo is known for being able to create an on the spot choreography for any song that is played - whether it’s a serious, impressive dance or a comedic, teasing dance is dependent on whatever mood he is.
caricature drawing : on a v-live special the members had to draw each other which resulted in junseo drawing a fellow member in a caricature style which was popular among the fans and asked to re-create on a variety show and now it’s a special talent of his saved for variety.
education : school of performing arts seoul ( 서울공연예술고등학교 ) graduate
known connections : seems to be friends with every idol in his company and those of midas
although he doesn’t particularly enjoy the idol industry enough to stay rooted into it, and even if it wasn’t a life style he would’ve picked for himself, he also doesn’t want to leave it completely. doesn’t want to become someone easily forgotten or a name that is said in passing as a memory of a once idol. he enjoys the fame, the money, too much to let it go. a solo career is something he is focusing on - for now. because it brings in money, because it gives him a chance to show his talent by himself, because in some twisted way it shows a part of his truth, of him, but it isn’t what he wants for years to come. isn’t what he needs to be fulfilled, to be happy.
dancing - that’s where his heart beats, when he feels the most alive. he’d like to teach dance, choreograph for companies like midas, or kjh, or even 99 if they would put in the money and time into their dances. he’d like to make it into the show world, as a variety figure, have his own show that people look forward to each week and that has high ratings. 
in short : he’d like to be more. he’d like to still be able to take care of his family. he’d like to be recognized for his dancing, to be wanted for his comedic way of being as a staple house hold variety figure. 
it was, almost, too easy.
99 felt as if they caught a prey - a trophy, stolen right from underneath the midas golden touch, lured by false promises and the want, the need, to be someone, something, anything. it made it that much easier to destroy the boy, to control him. it was clear to him, as far as dried ink on his contract, that he was to follow their every command, that he was just a soldier in their army. it came with a tight lipped smile, they called it a precaution.
but he had always been one to break through chains.
the company didn’t have to do much vetting when it came to na junseo - midas took care of that for them. the company didn’t have to do much marketing when it came to na junseo - the fans took care of that for them.
he was, almost, like a wrapped up gift placed in their laps.
almost, almost, but not quite. for he was a snake that knew how to bite.
the sexy cold vibe wouldn’t work if it was poizn - in fact, it would be overplayed, it would be hated on. but it worked on a survival show. it worked when the camera caught moments of na junseo, drenched in sweat, with a glare in his eyes or his arms crossed over his chest. fans loved it, went as far as to trend a photo of him from the show, and 99 ran with the concept the fans created. in essence, he was just the cool guy, albeit a bit of a player. the one who winked at fancams, the one that smirked at cameras, the one that was friendly with female idols, the one that actually dared to touch the background dancers. the contract was still waved in his face, was still prominent, as a reminder that it’s just an image to draw fans in and not an okay to cause any scandals. that he could be the sexy playful player on stage, on variety, at concerts, but that he was still another tied down idol.
it morphs a bit as he continues throughout his years as an idol. he’ll always be viewed as the sexy, cold yet cool, main dance and lead rap from imperial but there’s a duality to him that’s known, that has been shown and that fans gush about. how he can so carelessly, and blatantly, flirt with an idol, yet smile so sweetly at fans. on stage, he’s a bit of a monster. all calculated stares, precise movements, provocative outfits. off stage, he still plays a role. he’s that high school guy everyone knew and loved. witty remarks, posts featuring someone new each day, idiotic stories on pann that people still tune into. behind the scenes, he’s lost. overworks himself to the brim, gives up every part of him.
almost, almost, but not quite. he was never meant to be the trophy they so desperately wanted, no matter how hard they push him out.
                “the school called again, said you were dancing around in the halls instead of being in class,” it’s accompanied with a tired sigh. “this is the fourth call this month,” there’s a pause, the sound of dishes clinking against one another in the sink, maybe the thought to give up before another sigh comes out, “just, go to your room and do your homework. please.”
he’s almost enough. almost, almost, but not quite. it wasn’t his fault, he knows. it wasn’t his parents fault, he knows. it wasn’t even his brothers fault, he knows. but there had always been an obvious division between the first born and the second child, one that caused tension to float throughout his childhood, one that prepared him for a life of never feeling, never being, enough.
the still of the june sun setting into the night brings na junseo into this world, a summer baby with a winter heart. he’s every parents dream - healthy. and maybe that was the problem, that he didn’t need to be taken care of or watched over like their other son, that he was the type to be easily forgotten.
he’s seven years old when he learns the feeling of running away. it’s freeing. he spends most of his nights escaping out of the small window in his room, running himself tired until he reaches the neighborhood park. it isn’t safe for a kid to roam through the unprotected streets of daegu, his mom would have a heart attack if she ever knew, and it wasn’t anything special, just a sandbox filled with broken down swings and rusty bars to swing on - but he had seen how a group of guys got together each night to dance their bones tired, the sounds of american music that he knew nothing of as their background and a love so deep.
he’s ten years old when he has the courage to ask his parents if he could take dance lessons, no more awkward movements in front of a dance mirror or cold nights at a park trying to mimic dances. he was never one to ask for much, knew that the hole in the wall restaurant his parents ran didn’t make enough to fill a closet of toys, knew any extra money went to his brothers hospital bills, but he knew his brother was healthy now. and, he was learning to be selfish. learning to take what he wanted without a second thought.
twelve years old comes with hormones, puberty resting in his bones and ready to spill into his blood when the time comes. it also comes with fights, against his brothers and others who try to push him around for dancing. he was never one to tighten his lips, even to those older than him. he was never one to take a beating, always ready to swing back.
“why can’t you be more like your brother?” his mother sighs. it seems to be all she can do these days, at least when it comes to him. she dips the cloth into alcohol and presses it against the cut on his cheek. “dancing is a hobby. your studies, your manners, those are more important.”
thirteen years old comes with an opportunity of a lifetime, at least in his eyes - the chance to join the group at the park. he dances his bones tired, sweats throughout every pore, each night until the morning sun peaks through the ground. his parents can’t afford the classes anymore, which is okay he thinks, he isn’t upset even though they both hold such pity and guilt in their eyes. instead, he learns during the still of the night. his ranking drops, the once top five of his class is now leaning towards double digits, and he begs his teachers to not call his parents but that’s unavoidable when he can’t bother to make it to class.
“what do i have to do to make you go to class?” his mother begs one night at dinner. “you can dance anywhere, anytime, you want junseo. just not during school hours, just not at school. please.”
the grip on his fork tightens but he doesn’t fight back. simply nods, mutters out an apology.
“you’re still dancing with those punks? doesn’t that make you a punk?” his brother sneers.
there’s an unavoidable tension when he flings himself across the table and lands a punch on his brothers face. the scolding he gets is nothing compared to the drowning feeling he gets when he sees deadbolts on his window.
maybe desperation is something that scouts that can sense, that makes fourteen year old boys fall victim into auditioning for some idol company they know nothing about. the truth is, na junseo loved to dance. it was second nature to him, it was home for him. but home was broken. home came with bills that were past due, grey hairs and wrinkles due to stress, the hollow tears of his parents ringing throughout the house late at night. the truth is, na junseo was good at dancing. it was simple, something that he didn’t have to think about. he’s in the streets of daegu, the same ones he’s littered since he was seven, when a scout stops him during a performance to invite him to an audition. it’s an easy decision, a quick pass that he doesn’t even dwell on.
“you know,” his crew mate, dance brother, kid from the neighborhood park says as they scarf down corner store sandwiches, “i heard idols make like big bucks. like, new car, new house, no worries type of money.”
it’s a passing comment, one that results in snorts and teasing calls of an idol life throughout the other boys, but it crawls under his skin. he could use that money. his family could use that money. his brother is going to be a doctor, but that isn’t for years to come. his family can’t wait years for money.
seoul is nothing like daegu. midas is nothing like the neighborhood park. trainee life comes with sleepless nights, letters written from home, starved nights.  his parents are confused, mostly because he had never spoken about becoming an idol, but maybe it was coming, creeping up on them, because they always did know that dance was something he would never let go of. he tells them he will work hard. he doesn’t tell them it’s for them, to give them a way out of having to work for the rest of their life. he doesn’t tell them he just wants to provide for them doing something he knows he was born to do. he doesn’t tell them that he wants to take care of them.
it was a minefield the first year. and no one held his hand, but instead stepped on it. where as before he threaded between the line of being who his parents raised him to be versus the thunder he felt in his bones, he learned to give it up ruthlessly if he wanted a chance. he learns to pour himself into becoming whoever they want him to be. he spends sunrise to sunrise practicing dance, allowing it to not only be a part of him but consume him. midas is particularly hard, almost like a weight on his back that won’t let up. he knew this coming in though, thinks he can tough it out. was told promises of debuting with their upcoming boy group if he just worked a bit harder, rapped a bit quicker. it was nothing new, the feeling of coming up just short from enough, but he was determined.
he’s almost enough. almost, almost, but not quite.
they say he just isn’t ready, that it’s nothing personal, that he’ll get another chance. he doesn’t wait around for the other chance, instead being swept away by more dollar signs and more promises that he isn’t sure are true - but this company is different. while midas is meticulous, and overbearing, and pulling at the seams of his insides, 99 is carefree, and new, and open. it’s also a dungeon. it’s another four years before he gets another chance. another ruthless opportunity that maybe he won’t be enough for.  the company invites him to join a survival show. he doesn’t listen much to the specifics, finds that he doesn’t care, because, all he knows is that it’s a chance to debut and that’s enough for him. it’s all or nothing, he thinks. the industry has already broken him down enough, he’s prepared to be as vicious as he needs to be. it’s shown in the way he is portrayed throughout the show - serious. powerful. ambitious. and at some point, he forgets whether he wants to debut for his parents or that he can. at some point, he forgets whether he loves to dance or it’s now all he can do.
he thought the battle was over after debut. that you become a god, that money rolls in, that fame is heaven sent. instead, he’s everything his parents taught him not to be. heartless, fake, power hungry.  stuck with a branded image that traps him into a tight corner. he sees the way the company tosses washed down songs toward the group. he curls his fists at the way the company juggles promotions, comebacks, choreography, their well-being and life as if it is a game with no needed outcome. he is stuck. frozen in a group that is a back burner, a plan b.
he learns to play with the industry, not against it. he learns to reel back his punches, to bite his tongue. it isn’t ideal. it isn’t who he is. it’s who na junseo of imperial is though. it’s who brings in money, it’s who variety shows call up for a guest appearance even throughout a hiatus, it’s who he is branded as.
a year in and he thinks he’ll be okay, he thinks he can make it through, thinks maybe it was worth it. until someone leaves. better opportunities, or unhappiness, or whatever the reasoning might be. 99 promises that imperial isn’t over, that they would never let the team disband because they care for them, that it’s only a publicity stunt because they need to at least look as if the group is grieving a brother who is gone, but junseo thinks that’s bullshit. he doesn’t trust the company with any fiber in his body. if they told him it was raining, he would go outside to check before taking their word for it.
but he’s smart now. learns quickly how to get his own brand deals, how to become someone that everyone wants even with the bad boy image he has, how to promote himself - because the company sure as hell won’t. has learned to play this wicked game. has become a monster that can bare his teeth with a sickening smile.
he isn’t sure who he is anymore, if there even is a him to be. he isn’t sure if he is more than his concept, than his group, than the money he makes. he isn’t sure if it’s worth it. there is a blurred line that he is close to crossing, the one that lets go of na junseo trying to find his way back to the neighborhood park.
almost, almost, but not quite.
0 notes
idolizerp · 6 years
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5 set aegyo
INSPIRATION: after seeing fin.k.l on television, she wanted to be like sung yuri NOTABLE FACTS:
only daughter of an old chaebol family 
graduated from sungkyunkwan university as an acting major 
Only daughter of an old chaebol family
Graduated from Sungkyunkwan University as an acting major
successfully moving into an acting career and to have a series of well-known projects that would differentiate her from other idol-turned-actors.
seventeen years old with the sweetest little smile and legs that went for days, management thought that im sooyeon would be perfect to complete the quartet that will reign supreme during the summer. no, she did not need to possess killer vocals ( her group members will take care of that ), and with enough rap training she was deemed passable when it comes to idol rapping. management quickly turned their focus on her looks as soon as heaven debuted, proving that not only did the group posses talent like nobody else, but also the visuals to back it up. idol rapping also did not require much dedication and notoriety, and her parts in the group’s songs were catchy and fitting enough towards their concept. idol rapping also did not require too much dedication and notoriety, and her parts in the group’s songs were catchy and fitting enough towards their concept.
but the public’s attention was quickly pushed towards the seventeen year old’s electric charisma on stage, proving that one does not need an absolutely stellar dancing background to shine under the spotlight. sooyeon was quickly invited to various variety shows to propel her group’s name into the public’s hearts. of course, 99 entertainment was known to be stingy with group promotions, so even though the very few variety guest appearances she did during their debut days made waves of news, that was all it amounted to.
she was a filler, that much was obvious. but she would remind herself that at least she was a pretty filler.
as if her beauty wasn’t enough, the agency leaked her father’s bureaucratic background to the press, and the internet had an absolute field day. did her parents buy her way in the company? did they pay off brand name products to use their daughter’s group? and not for the first time, sooyeon was mildly insulted that she felt like she had to apologise for her parents success. the insecurities settled in, she was a rapper who wasn’t one at all, a part of a singing group without any sort of vocal prowess, forced to dance in a group even though she had never taken a dance lesson before her training. but the so-called little princess held her head up high, knowing full well that despite the criticisms the public soon forgotten her shortcomings with every smile she gave on stage, every sultry look she gave the camera.
sooyeon did not know what they actually want from her.
so she took acting lessons, hoping to find her place under all the stage lights. it took her three to four years in order for her to be satisfied of her skills, im sooyeon did not need to be looked down upon in another facet of her career. it took her all she had, all the free time she could possibly spare, squeezing all the energy left from her limbs.
( no, she did not tell anyone that she secretly wanted to be an actress all this time. )
management relented after a while, and sooyeon thought that her begging and praying finally made a difference. it was a small thing, the younger version of some frighteningly famous actress in a historical drama; not more than a few episodes. but she was ecstatic, for all of her life’s work has led to this. sure, it made one or two headlines, and the then twenty-four year old was happy enough that she could finally add ‘actress’ to her resume.
early on in her career, sooyeon absolutely detested being called the talentless face, practicing day and night if only to prove others wrong. but that quickly died down as soon as the opportunity to act came onto her plate. her rapping and dancing skills plateaued whereas her acting skills only improved, for it became the only thing she cared about. heaven became the home that she constantly left, like parents who raised her and she eventually outgrew. the tenacity and focus that she used to pour into her rapping and dancing in heaven’s rookie days was now completely shifted to her acting.
- i.
there has always been a small speck of life in the darkness of life, and such was the case with im joohwan and kang minseo; for the long awaited birth of their only daughter had brought the happiness that they were devoid of during the trying times of merely trying. never mind the fact that they were wealthy beyond belief, and had every medical advantage a barren couple could have–
( they selfishly revelled in their glittering misery while others suffered the same way without any riches to cushion the blow. )
needless to say the young girl was coddled, spoilt, and was rewarded for merely existing in her parents’ lives. every possible advantage was given, and every whim realised without any second thought. despite so, the young im sooyeon grew up reserved, albeit quietly expectant of the attention that has always been bestowed upon her– but reserved nonetheless, the product of being an only child; she could always keep herself amused.
much of her time were dedicated to films, one after the other, in her large bedroom equipped with the best sound system and films from all over the world – it was then did she fall in love. it was then did she decided that she would be a part of the shining life on screens.
of course, her parents did everything they
could to make her wishes come true.
enrolling in art school was a natural step, as was auditioning for numerous agencies in hopes of finding her place in the airwaves the way she wanted to. but at thirteen, she was too old for child roles, but not yet mature enough for teen dramas – beautiful as she was, there was no place for her then. but it did not stop her from trying, and try she did, for two long years.
- ii.
her big break came just a fortnight after her fifteenth birthday– in the form of a training contract with 99 entertainment. the only downside being it wasn’t for acting at all; but a singer. sooyeon had no choice but to accept, for she was too hungry for the limelight, too hungry to stand proudly in screens – be it singing or her first love; acting. and after two years of gruelling training in song and dance, she was given an opportunity to debut in heaven, even though she knew that her place in the group as only as the spare, as the company believed that her beauty would compensate for her obvious lack of singing or dancing skills.
she still had hope.
selfishly, the way she was brought up had made her expect good things to just happen to her without much strife. unfortunately that is not the way of the world.
she was known as a beauty. that much was easy to achieve due to the gift bestowed upon her since her birth; grace and sophistication has always been a part of her blood. even though her subpar skills had made headlines once or twice, they were quickly forgiven after the public laid their eyes once more on her glittering features.
but she was not an actress, famous as she was –
therefore it all meant close to nothing.
- iii.
becoming known one way or another has always been im sooyeon’s goal. even though now she is more widely known as heaven’s spare, she would later like to be known as a talented actress in her own right. but with talent and beauty comes fame and recognition, and it has always been a part of the glittering life that she so imagined. to be known the way she is adds to the glamour that she had always craved, and she has absolutely no problem in the lack of privacy she has – she even might go so far as revel in it’s intrusiveness.
quiet and career driven as she is, im sooyeon did a marvellous job in keeping her love life private because she hardly has one, seeing as most of her free time was spent with her group members or a select circle of longtime friends. even so, she’s a dedicated user of social media and loves reading articles about herself
– raised a spoilt princess, she could hardly resist the attention.
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