#idek if anyone cares about pjo verse but
mikhailoism · 2 years
ive been listening to a lot of audiobooks bc of work and i recently start to reread the percy jackson universe and of course my thoughts go to what if ian and mickey were demigods. i think ive got a good idea for who ian's godly parent is but im a little stumped for mickey.
my immediate thought for ian's godly parent is apollo, bc healing and ian is the sun duh. basically instead of monica cheating on frank with clayton she does it with apollo. i feel like that works out very easy. but if anyone has other ideas id would love to hear.
now for mickey it's trickier. first thought is his mom bc we don't rly know anything about her. the thing is idk what goddess best fits him. maybe nemsis? go roman and find some minor goddess? but i also kinda consider who would ever wanna be with terry and that got me thinking what if his dad is the god aka mickeys mom cheated? on terry with which ever god and had mickey but pretended it was terry's kid. plus i feel like say ares or hermes fit mickey pretty well but im still unsure. again any opinions and thoughts im curious to what y'all think.
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