digitalcomfortspot · 1 year
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I may have to simplify said design for my own drawing style but HOLY MOLY, look at em!!! Look at the cool epaulettes! Look at the awesome faces!!! Look at the BOYS!!!
I'm so grateful i-
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Thank youuuuu
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gingerjolover · 11 months
Pet Names - PB
thank you guys for being so patient! i didn't forget about my girl don't worry!!!
i am once again using soft!gf as inspo i literally cannot stop
i'm also making babe/baby/honey standard from here on out, that being said, i WILL be going back and updating Julien and Lucy's accordingly
rpf smut under da cut - minors gtfo
Darling/Sweetheart - soft!phoebe lives for traditional pet names. there is something in the domesticity of it all that she loves and chases after. these names give soft!pheebs, morning!pheebs, bedtime!pheebs and i will gladly accept discussion but nothing can change my mind. there isnt anything sexual about them in my mind with phoebe, simply because she is using them first thing in the morning, like she left the window open accidentally last night so you, maxine and phoebe are huddled together, your cold foot rubs her leg and she's like "shit sweetheart, are you cold?" in like the raspiest, softest murmur ever. also half asleep, eyes shut, just places repetitive pecks on your temple before whispering, "goodnight darling" and holding you close.
Pretty/Pretty girl - phoebe greets you with the "hi pretty!" often. she's running off after her first eras show and straight into you arms being like, "hi pretty! how did i do?" beaming and kissing you firmly on the lips. maybe she's at the studio with lucy and julien or her band and she's writing, utterly exhausted and you walk in with a pick me up and she's instantly lighting up, "hey pretty girl, im so happy to see you!" before kissing your hair.
okay hear me out im workshopping this but... phoebe with a strap, you're on all fours but she's making YOU move back against her and she's being so stubborn because she could push you down and fuck you but noooo, "if you want it pretty you have to work for it," and eventually you'll be whining so much that dom!phoebe is like scoffing and pulling your hips, finally starting to thrust into you, "alright okay, fine, i'll fuck you pretty girl, no need to whine."
Dove - @whore4munagenius and i both had this on our list (twins). they had mentioned animal pet names like ladybug, dove, puppy, all of which i think phoebe would fw. i had it on my list because of the bird and dog metaphors and just bird symbolism in relationships like doves, lovebird, and swans. i think she loves the animal nicknames and uses them when it's just the two of you and she can be a little softer and more connected with you. it's not that she's embarassed by the names but it's not like she's gonna call you puppy or bunny at the dmv, ya know? I think she writes dove more than she says it, like she's putting 'to: dove, love: pheebs' on your birthday or holiday gifts.
My girl - the classic, very boyfriend!phoebe. always saying stuff like "there's my girl!" or "look at my girls," when talking about you and maxine. has a "this is her" photo of you on her phone, "this is my girl," and she would be SO proud of it too. if she's not referencing you as her partner, she's saying "my girl", and it flows into her friendships like the possessiveness of the name makes its way into her music like maybe the boys are performing and julien is introducing a song and is like "your girl loves this one," and phoebe is like "yeah she does," IDK I THINK ITS CUTE
she 1000% uses 'my girl' in a mocking way, mean!phoebe doesn't mess around and she's telling you to grind on her thigh but you're so desperate you can't get a rhythm going and she's just sighing being like, "c'mon...i know my girl can do better than that," before her hands grip your hips harshly and start to rock you
BONUS - Bro/Dude/Man - Pheebs canonically calls everyone any of these names but remember soft!gf is the boss and there's a difference between being at a dinner or something and phoebe is showing everyone a video, "bro look at this," where soft!gf is in the group. but if y'all are at home and phoebe is getting maxine ready for a walk and asks "can you hand me her leash, dude?" soft!gf just gives her a look like 'who do you think you're talking to rn?' and phoebe is up immediately, "sorry pretty girl," kissing her lips passionately
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purplesurveys · 2 months
Do you ever worry about your future? (i.e.: college, marriage, kids, etc) Not really. I think I've mostly learned how to have an "accept whatever's coming" mindset, which might sound lazy but it helps a lot in, like, not being constantly paranoid. If anything what I only find myself thinking about repeatedly is the future in the context of my parents – will I be the child who'll live with them when they get old, would they ever get seriously sick, etc.
Does your family use coasters? Is anyone in your family excessively tidy? We don't; we just use the placemats for glasses. My mom is very tidy and very particular and very uptight with neatness...but somehow that doesn't translate to coasters haha. We manage fine without.
What’s your least favorite chore to do around the house? Do you have to do this often? Ironing. Its optionality is what makes it burdensome for me lol, if that makes sense. I don't always have to do it in every laundry cycle so when I do, it feels like an additional chore.
If you went to your mom/dad or whoever you live with and said “hey, I’ll clean the whole house if you give me 20 bucks” would they go for it? Would you raise the price? 100% they will just laugh at me for asking money when they know I'm already perfectly capable of earning my own, haha.
Are you usually late, early or right on time? Usually right on time, or anywhere between 1-5 minutes late.
If you wrote a journal entry about your last date, what would it say? I can't remember when my last date was.
On a scale of 1 to 5 how organized are you? I'm like a 6 at work and a solid 2.5 anywhere else.
Name a movie you can watch over and over again and not be bored with? Roman Holiday or Two for the Road.
Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? Apart from the house and accommodations like hotels and Airbnbs, nope.
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more? Morning. It needs to be the first thing I do every morning, otherwise it won't feel right when I work.
What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? Lockscreen is Namjoon at a museum; home screen is the latest OT7 selfie from Jin's first day out the military. It's the one where Hobi has clearly been drinking because his entire face is red, lol.
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you? Told me I'm worthless, unworthy of love, a burden etc. Idk I blocked everything from my memory but that's essentially the idea.
Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public? No thanks.
Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep? I snore sometimes, which is the most noteworthy thing I do when sleeping tbh. Otherwise I barely move and always wake up nearly in the same position I fell asleep in.
Why aren’t you with the person you love? I'm not romantically interested in anyone.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? Yeah. I was supposed to be out for an event but this typhoon did not shut the fuck up all day. Internet's out, landline's out, and even cell signal was mostly out inside the house so I've been working from my car and didn't have time to change out of my event clothes.
Do you like the rain? Love the rain.
What is your mom listed under in your phone? Just her number. LOL. It's a running gag now tbh; it's hilarious when people see it and are shocked when they find out I don't have my mom officially saved, so because the reactions are always priceless I've kept it that way.
Do you like going to the dentist? Yeah it's fine but I just hate when they use that sandpaper thing to aggressively wedge in my teeth gaps. Makes me so paranoid.
Are you afraid of speaking to large audiences? Not usually. I'll be fine if I know what to say.
Are you afraid to tell the truth sometimes? Sure.
What’s one quality about yourself that you feel sets you back but also helps you? Gosh. Uh...maybe liking my alone time a little too much, I guess? I could benefit more by joining communities, signing up for hobby classs and workshops like painting and pottery, and meeting new people...but idk. I'm also just as content staying my shell when I want to.
Was anyone who had been in your company today in a bad mood? It was just me and the rain today.
The last time you felt sick what exactly was wrong? Food poisoning. Drank bad milk.
What did you do today? Weathered through work despite the nearly-nonexistent signal and carried out the most stressful event ever (it was a face-to-face that needed to be redone and repackaged into a Zoom event with uhh *checks watch* barely 2 hours of prep). I should feel proud but now I just kind of feel bad because I was tense and stressed all day and could have spoken more nicely to some colleagues who kept getting stuff wrong. I didn't humiliate them or say bad words or anything lol but the perpetual people pleaser in me just doesn't like showing that I'm angry. Idk. It's hard to balance being firm and gentle.
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