#idk I'll like sleep on it for a couple days or something. no impulsive blogging decisions at 9:45 pm
neversetyoufree · 2 years
Considering doing something really stupid right now
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the-original-skipps · 3 years
Hiiii skippsss 💖
I got kinda shyyyy sorry, but here it goes(?)
Rn I'm waiting for Black Friday so I can buy a new phone bc my current one is old and kinda almost died when I played genshin on it (sorry if my english is weird, spanish is my main language).
You are so niiiice 💖 its just that, I'm so curious I must try to do stuff I'm interested in at least once. And indeed friend sleeping and napping is a hobby and a style of life, I also love the feeling and my dreams are so cool, everytime I get obsessed by smth I dream of it. Already joined Toman and became Bonten's baby a couple times(?).
I read what you posted about bonten Mikey, it was amaziiiing, idk why but you catch him very well so its easy to connect with the scenario. When I read the prologue/reaction I started thinking about what I would do, I would like to keep the baby because its our baby and I already love him, but if having a baby was something he couldn't do, I would reaaally consider having it, since I wouldn't like for us to separate. Talk everything with Mikey, decide together, don't ask him to do anything but saying he is very important for me, that I love him and I want to be together no matter what, that having a family with him would be a dream come true but I won't impose on him. He gets me so soft, damn.
Anyhoooow, I'll be back to supporting you from the shadows(?) if you hear a "you are awesome skipps!! woo!" out of nowhere, it was me, most likely.
Also, thank you so muuuch for offering support when I was feeling down, it really made me feel better.
Hello!! Ahhh bun bun 💕 what can I call you? Hehe honestly thank you so much for taking the time to write this it made my day 🥺 you can talk to me anytime so no need to be nervous! Ohhh a new phone that's so exciting OMG GENSHIN? we should totally play together and your English is great 😄 noo you're the nice one 🥺 I see well I think it's a great thing to try out new and different things haha yess sleeping and nap is a total way of life I'm glad I found someone who agrees with me
oh ohhh same! That's so cool! Lately mikey has been appearing in my dreams probably a sign for me to open my damn ask box already lol
Ahhh thank youu that's such a huge compliment 🥺 for some reason I've come across so many writings that depict bonten mikey as still the 15 year old mikey which I think isnt who bonten Mikey is. Bonten mikey is someone who has given up being good and completely fell into his dark impulses. Sure he still eats taiyaki like he used to but he's a completely different person now. Bright smiles? Laughing? Affectionate? Nope that's not bonten Mikey for me. He's emotionally detached, quiet and a broken man. It wouldn't make sense for him to be all happy with a pregnancy right away when this man's life is so broken he doesnt know what to feel anymore sorry for the rant haha
Yesss yess I like your way of thinking since forcing him would only make things worse the man is so unstable but what's important is time and understanding and eventually he'll come around ahhh just thinking about him being happy makes me wanna cry tears of joy poor man has been through too much
Awww sweetness! Thank you so much for your support it really means alot to me ❤❤❤ you're always welcome on my blog to rant or just talk about random things I'll always be here for you 🥺 I'm glad you're feeling better remember to drink lots of water and rest okiee? I hope you have a wonderful day/night sweetness! 💕
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