#idk I've been thinking about looking into mobility aids or sth but I have no clue what would even help
beneaththegildedmoon · 5 months
hey fellow chronic pain sufferers/people with joint issues, have any of you found something that helps with pain while standing? like in lines and on public transport and stuff?
I can't stand for more than about 2 minutes at a time without my whole spine, along with my hip and knee joints, starting to seize up and if I have to stand longer than about 5 minutes I will end up on the verge of tears tbh but I can't always find a seat and people are assholes about giving up a seat for you when you "look healthy". I can usually just about keep it together until I can find somewhere to sit, but it always fucks up my whole day with pain flare ups while sitting or walking to the bathroom etc. which I normally don't struggle with. I'm on a waiting list for a physio appointment to try figure out if/how I can strengthen the muscles etc. but if y'all have any advice in the meantime please help
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