#idk gun terminology lmao
suashii · 4 months
i have this very specific and sexy image of boothill licking the barrel (?) of his gun and, you guessed it, it’s driving me insane!
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ryansjane · 2 years
This was inspired by you talking to the Cherry Magic anon about top/bottom dynamics and you saying khaithird were verse kings. I totally agree. And it got me thinking.
Something I’ve been thinking about is how a lot of OffGun’s shows have somehow managed to mostly avoid a lot of homophobic bl tropes. To my memory none of their ships for example have used the dreaded “wife” terminology. PickRome we’re pretty tame overall, and I guess Pick was the more dominant one, it didn’t hedge into homophobic territory basing positions on gender stereotypes, like some shows do. I know tol gets criticized a lot for Khai’s behavior being toxic, but again I can’t think of any terribly egregious bl tropes that would stop me from recommending it to a friend (I don’t recommend a lot of bl because of some of the stuff that’s said and perpetuated in the shows). And Not Me also did not have any of that, quite the contrary. Yeah sure maybe by bl standards it’s clear Off’s characters are the dominant ones, but it’s all been handled in their shows pretty well. Idk just something to think about. I guess they’ve been lucky in a way because pickrome was kind of smaller roles, and in season 2 even if they became much bigger parts it was never a bl show so it didn’t do a lot of tropes were used to. And since they were big before technically before doing a bl show, I feel like they had enough clout to have more of a say in their projects. I know they wanted to do not me for instance even before tol. So I think (and I could be wrong!) they’ve had some say in the projects they take.
And honestly with how politically aware the two of them seem, and as supporters of the queer community, I could totally see them consciously picking projects that didn’t have any homophobia. More so Gun in the early days. He was doing queer projects before he was a bl actor. I think he’s very aware and has been.
you're absolutely right about offgun wanting to do not me before theory of love, they've been signed onto it since 2018, a year before tol! personally though I'm so grateful tol came before not me bc it was the perfect order for me, if it was the other way around it would've lessened the impact of theory of love which I never want bc that show is a gem! I also definitely agree that every show where offgun have played a ship have mostly strayed away from most toxic bl tropes. in puppy honey, we do have some classic early bl tropes with one of them being closeted, but even as not the biggest fan of pickrome it's very clear that pick's behavior is bc he's super repressed & closeted so I actually think that's a story worth telling. as for theory of love, as I said yesterday it is not a classic university bl at all, and it includes a bunch of romcom tropes bc that's literally its concept but it does stay away from homophobic tropes altogether. it does have a few forced kisses moments that are definitely not my faves but overall tol is just fucking amazing. and then not me, which of course doesn't contain any of it bc it is SUPERIOR!!! and also THANK GOODNESS offgun have never had to call each other husband & wife, I would have lost a bit of my soul lmao :') but I definitely think that offgun have chosen their roles very wisely & the fact that they're so politically aware is DEFINITELY a factor. couldn't agree more with you anon!
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rgbfall · 2 years
hello tumblrinas of the danny phantom fandom. may i offer you an au i started working on for LITERALLY THE FIRST PROMPT of dannymay but then got too invested in and didnt finish.
so anyway! introducing!
Medieval Danny Phantom AU!
aka i got too caught up in the actual history of knight stuff and then made ghost king!danny a heraldic achievment while trying to make an urban fantasy au haha
(i’m gonna put stuff under a cut bc it’s gonna get long haha) (heres a very sketchy sketch of it tho)
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so i havent got any like. written out stuff for it, but my idea is just like. the ghost zone is just stuck in the middle ages, and all of the more powerful ghosts are knights. so that means. danny is also a knight. but  the reason he’s such a powerful knight is bc his parents are ghost hunters, so he literally just carries a gun with him, which like. the other ghosts can’t do shit about guns if the closest thing they’ve got is a bow (and also a bit of magic but shh its not as powerful). that’s ALSO how danny beat praiah dark and became ghost king, he just used some fancy tech.
and then after becoming king, the fright knight looks at him and goes “shit this kid isnt old enough to be a SQUIRE i gotta teach him how to use a any weapon so the other ghosts don’t beat the shit outta him”
heres knight!king btw to compliment my knight!phantom:
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the design on the surcoat (the black and green thingy he’s wearing over his armor) is his coat of arms, which is this!
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and here’s the wip heraldic achievment for him that idk if i’m giving up on yet lmao
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i wanna explain those last two in more detail, bc i actually put like. way too much thought into them. i’m also gonna use heraldry terminology, bc im a nerd, but i’ll put lil translations next to them. i’m also gonna rb with my refs bc i used them. very heavily.
so starting with the coat of arms (the shield thingy in the middle):
I used sable (black) and vert (green) divided with a bend (diagonally). the sable and vert are just bc. well ghost stuff. and the bend I read somewhere that in some context it symbolises protection, which i used a lot of here haha.
then the charge on the coat of arms I used a griffin, but instead of an eagle and a lion, I used a cock and a lion (don’t laugh thats what roosters are called in heraldry). this is for two reasons. 1. a griffin is supposed to be made up of the kings of beasts and birds, but I wanted it to just be one king, because danny is the king of ghosts but not of humans/the living. so lion, but not eagle. then 2. cocks just had a lot of symbolism i liked. so cocks symbolise dawn and the sun, aka connotations of resurrection and new life, you can tell why I used that. I also saw somewhere that they’re “willing to fight to the death”. haha the irony. cocks also just have themes of courage and protection, which works well. then lions symbolise, yknow, royalty/nobility, as well as “deathless courage” somewhere said which i liked. but yeah, courage and power basically. griffins as a whole symbolise strength (espc military strength) and courage, but also sometimes intelligence and protection, and i wanted to have that intelligence in there cause he is actually a pretty smart kid, and also his parents are “scholars” so yeah. he has more education than a lotta ghosts.
next up, the supporters (the two animals on the side)
I wanted his supporters to represent sam n tucker, so i picked a badger on dexter (left) for tucker, and a cat on sinister (right) for sam. i picked those directions bc dexter haha nerd, and sinister bc ooh goth lmao
then for the actual animals, i picked a badger as a symbol of bravery, protection and perseverence, then cats for vigilance, warrior spirit and courage, as well as free spirit and liberty. i think those reflected them pretty well
mantling and crown (the fancy lines behind the whole thing and the fort looking thing at the top)
you cant see with my sketch, but i wanted to have the mantling look vaguely like birch leaves. i know mantling is decorative, but im a slut for wayy too much symbolism in everything, so i picked birch leaves because birch trees mean rebirth, new beginnings and growth. aka more ghost stuff!
then the crown is a mural crown because they are (quoting from wikipedia) “ an emblem of tutelary deities who watched over a city” aka he is literally a tutelary ghost protecting Amity Park, how could i not.
I just realised i forgot to add the crest to my plan and i cant be bothered to add it now (thats like. a little thing that goes at the top of the heraldic achievment)
honestly when i started designing this i had no idea what i was gonna do with it, bc it’s typically a statue that knights would wear on their helmets for tournaments n festivals n shit, but i had no clue what danny’s would be. so i ended up just deciding it would be white/green fire that looks like his hair haha
and finally the motto (the little ribbon thing with text at the bottom)
I knew from the start i wanted his motto to be in esperanto instead of latin, so vivo en morto just translates to “life in death” because he’s a half alive ghost haha
and that’s pretty much it! i basically just got excited about heraldry haha have fun with this one i guess.
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mayaisnthere · 4 years
Fencing question: how do fighting styles and/or techniques differ between sword types? (idk if that made sense but I hope you get what I’m trying to say)
!!! Thank you for this ask!! I love ranting about fencing rules lol
First things first, anywhere you’re allowed to hit someone is called target
Target for each sword is different, as are some of the rules
The biggest rule for Foil and Sabre is called Right Of Attack
This is also called the rule of conversation
It basically means that if someone is moving to attack you, you have to respond (by blocking or getting out of the way) before you’re allowed to attack them in return
This is just so the game doesn’t turn into “Who can run and slap the other with their sword the fastest”
As for specifics, most people start with Foil because it’s the simplest
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Here’s a basic foil you’d see at any tournament
The weird looking handle is called a pistol grip because,, you hold it like a gun
Sword gun, hell yeah
The blade itself is very round and has a button on the end for when you hit your target
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Speaking of target, you’re only allowed to hit the chest area.
This is why most beginners start with foil, it’s less target to worry about and it hurts less to get hit
Next is Sabre because I fought with this sword for 3 of my 4 years of experience:
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This is a tournament standard sabre. There’s fancier ones, replicas of super old police-grade sabres and cool stuff like that, but this is what’s allowed for competition
Unlike the foil, with Sabre you hit your target with the edge of the blade instead of with the tip (though you can still do that if you have to)
The blade can be rather sharp, but shouldn’t be sharp enough to break skin
Still, it can hurt like hell depending how you take the hit
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As for target, anything above the waist is fair game other than the hands
Yes, this includes the head
The guard (the big ol chunk of metal around the handle) is very big on a Sabre to protect the hands and wrist
Just because hands aren’t target doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when they get hit
Sabre requires the most padding and equipment because of all the potential injuries being hit with the edge of a blade can cause
But, if you know what you’re doing, you’ll be fine
Epée, in my opinion, is the most complicated
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That’s a pistol-grip epée. There’s other handle types but this one is most common
The guard is huge because everywhere is target, including the hands
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The biggest difference is that it doesn’t follow Right of Attack
So you can just rush forward and start stabbing
It’s kinda terrifying to watch lmao
But! Every move has to be carefully thought through as well as not allowing a single part of yourself to be hit
Weirdly enough, getting hit in the feet is the most common thing I’ve seen epée fighters do
It’s not really relevant I just thought it was funny
These are just kinda the things that you need to know to start, there’s other more technical stuff once you’re more experienced
There’s also a lot of terminology and stuff that was hard to learn at first but you get used to it lol
Thanks for the ask!
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