#idk how quick updates will be after but the ending of 4 is less cliffhangery
reborrowing · 1 year
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added some color to the sketches bc this is what I'm doing now I guess (some of the oranges are off as always bc my iPad is weird)
Other ~Worldbuilding and Plot Notes~
Fairies aren't inherently secret, but they're uncommon enough that few people are aware they're around. When fairies do show up, people assume it's some kind of drone or modified footage or stunt surgery or some weird new hallucinogenic tech they don't want to know the details of.
Magic is real and similarly uncommon, though most people are aware that magic was proven to be real
Have not decided what other magical people or creatures exist
expected megacorp dystopia with obligatory criminal social outcast protags kinda background.
Probably no one anywhere is secretly using and abusing magic though. All allegations suggesting otherwise were investigated internally and false, we promise.
for now setting these guys in sprawl around Seattle but might move into the smaller, attention seeking pnw city because pdx is my backyard
fairy magic is nature-based with very broad elemental categories. The twins have storm magic, which lets them play with air, ice, and electricity.
tentatively dividing their elements into storm, sea, earth, and life. not doing the thing where power type correlates to personality. It's genetic, no mixing.
(Not all magic has elemental restrictions, that's just how fairies Work)
Rei has less raw magical power than her sister, but likes to experiment with enchanting tech, which requires more precision than Coop can track
I'm keeping their goofy borrower names but will probably come up with sillier handle/callsign names as well. maybe Debug and Glitterbomb?
The plot hinges more on Kayla, who’s looking for an family member who went missing while doing research for Joyworks.
Maggie gets to be a part time antagonist, shes works maintenance for Joyworks and definitely does not believe fairies are a thing, so does not give this cool thing she found causing problems over to security
I forgot to charge my pencil so I can't sketch out the humans yet :(
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