#idk how to condense so from now on ill just tag stuff like this w long post sjhdksfg
domesticangel · 5 years
13 & 17
13. What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?
indoors with the ac cranked to high hell 🙃 ok jk jk (kinda) but the only time i don't genuinely hate summer is when I'm at the beach so...sun hats, cotton candy colored sunsets overlooking the ocean, high tide nipping at wooden stairs, riding shotgun down the strip in your best friends car, crowded back porches with the light on, hair thats been whipped into a lions mane by wind and sweat and salt water...stuff like that 😌
17. What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
hmmm...i have a moonstone ring ive worn every single day since my cousin got it for me a couple years ago that i really really love for a couple reasons. first off, I'm very close with my cousin and she was like a big sister to me growing up and she's one of the people i admire the most and would love to be like. nowadays adult life being the way it is makes it hard for us to see each other more than once or twice a year, so always having it on makes me feel closer to her even if only just a little bit 😌
ive also always kind of seen it as a placeholder for another ring that was very important to me that i lost...when my nana on my moms side died she gave me and my mom two of her rings, and i wore mine every single day after that for like, 8 years. really beautiful gold band with an emerald and diamonds on each side. however the house we were living in at the time of her death got robbed, and one of the things that got stolen was my mom’s ring that she got from her mother which really sucked. i was wearing mine and at school when it happened so mine was safe, but then years and years later i started working a food service job that required us to take off any rings or bracelets, so i always took mine off and zipped it up in my clutch and kept it in the break room since thats where they told us to keep our stuff while we were on the clock. sometimes id forget to put it back on and it’d sit in my clutch for a couple days, and i remember at one point i remembered to put it back on and i opened my clutch and it was just gone...so i can really only assume someone at work stole it, but there were no cameras in or around the break room, so i never really figured out what happened to it. it made me really sad and it still kinda eats at me if i think of it so i mostly try not to, but anyway, what I'm getting at is that the moonstone ring kind of fills that hole for me, especially since my cousin and my nana were SUPER close; my nana was almost like a mother to her growing up so it feels kind of right and comforting in a way for my nana’s gift to be replaced by a gift from the cousin she loved so dearly. idk. it makes me feel better.
and then on a less serious note i also just really like the moon and anything to do with it lol ive always felt very fascinated and connected with it and i know not everyone believes in like the “meanings” behind different gems, rocks, crystals etc and idek if i do but having a moonstone specifically just felt right
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