#idk how to tag this i'm 0% involved in this fandom
beechersnope · 1 year
For kink writing meme: boot licking. Any fandom
went crazy, went stupid with this. and surprise! i picked true detective. hopefully all of this is satisfactory as i have never written either this pairing or this kink & i wrote about half of this on the side of the road on my phone.
warnings for period-typical transphobia/misgendering, dubious consent, undernegotiated kink, and general unsanitary-ness.
The alley smells like piss. Marty doesn’t even know what they’re doing here, why they need to have some big discussion about what happened back in the club. It’s not important. It doesn’t matter. They should both just forget it. Marty was drunk anyways.
"I always thought you was a—" Marty stops, swallows hard, unsure of the current politically correct terminology. Not even really confident that Rust would find that acceptable, even if Marty did know.
"Spit it out, Marty." Rust’s gaze is blank, impassive, like it always is.
"Like, a lesbian, or something."
Marty doesn’t pretend to know anything Rust hadn’t told him firsthand, but the guys at the precinct talked. Even Rust knew they talked. It was something they both chose to ignore, and Marty tries to be accommodating, he does, even when Rust monologues about gender as a transcendent facet of the eternal universe or whatever the fuck— He even tries to be delicate about how he speaks about Rust with the others when Rust isn’t in the room, talking in circles so he doesn’t have to use anything but ‘Cohle’. It makes Marty sick somehow to hear the other guys referring to Rust as a woman, even if the reality of Rust is wholly at odds with the concept of the soft, pretty wives they go home to at the end of the night. But he’s obviously not a man, either, so.
"Or something,” Rust replies, oblivious to the acidic thoughts putting holes in Marty’s alcohol-soaked brain. “Are you a lesbian, Marty?" For some reason, the question doesn't feel like a joke.
"No." Marty can't help but feel as though his answer is being taken for some kind of binding contract, the terms to which he has not been made privy.
"Get on your knees."
Marty kneels. He's surprised how much it hurts, the gravel in the alley behind the strip club digging into his knees through the fabric of his slacks.
“You spilled your beer on my boots,” Rust says in an oddly calm tone. His expression still hasn’t changed, the strange taut planes of his face relaxed in way that has Marty feeling even more ill at ease. “I think you should clean them up.”
Marty stares down at Rust’s beer-splattered combat boots. He’d gotten dressed up before they met at the club, the nearly flat planes of his chest all-too visible under the ribbed tank-top and leather jacket. That had been what set Marty off in the first place. He hadn’t even noticed the boots. Now he can’t take his eyes off them.
When Marty lifts his hands to his collar to undo his tie, Rust tuts. “No, Marty,” he scolds. “Use your mouth.”
Marty hesitates this time. They’re outside between the dumpsters. It’s not exactly private. If someone walks out of the club and sees them like this—with Marty licking Rust’s boots—he doesn’t think they’re going to stop to ask questions.
Then he thinks, what the hell. They both have firearms.
Marty presses his palms into the gravel, savoring the bite of it against bare skin, and leans down to press his mouth against Rust’s boot.
Marty doesn’t just taste leather and stale beer as he licks over each boot in turn. His tongue feels hypersensitive, the feeling shooting straight to his dick as he drags it over the texture of the laces going up past Rust’s ankle, the cold metal rivets, the thick bands of tight stitching holding everything in place.
When Rust finally opens his mouth to utter another order, Marty feels dazed in a way that can’t be explained by the alcohol. He doesn’t know how long he was hunched over on his knees like a dog, licking beer and god-only-knows what else from Rust’s grimy combat boots.
"Now lean back,” Rust says, taking a step backwards, away from Marty. “Against the wall."
Again, Marty obeys. Without question. Marty isn't sure what to expect when Rust reaches down to unbuckle his own belt before unzipping his jeans as well, but he's pretty sure there's not going to be a cock in his face in the next five seconds. Marginally sure, anyway. Who fucking knows, with Rust.
When Rust places the thick rubber sole of his boot in the cradle of Marty's thighs without moving his hands from his belt, Marty lets out a pathetic little cry that is quickly drowned out by the gritty rock emanating from within the club. He can feel the bass through the wall, pulsing through him. It feels like it's inside him on an atomic level. That's some shit Rust would say, he immediately thinks to himself. Maybe Rust is rubbing off on him in more ways than one.
The pressure of Rust's spit-shiny boot increases steadily, pressing along the length of Marty's cock where it's straining against his slacks. The feeling produces a dull ache in his balls, even though Rust hasn't applied any force there. Yet.
"Do you think you could come like this?" Rust asks.
Marty shakes his head. He doesn't like pain. He doesn't like--whatever Rust is. Doesn't matter if he's hiding a cunt between his legs, he tells himself, like a reminder, a plea. Marty doesn't want this. Doesn't want him.
Rust presses the boot down a little harder, grinding the toe just beneath the head of Marty's cock. "Try," he says.
Marty watches open-mouthed and panting as Rust spreads his own legs a little wider, shoves a hand down the front of his jeans, and closes his eyes.
Rust comes first, the grunt that pours out of his throat surprisingly deep, a perfect foil for the reedy whimpers that stream from Marty’s lips as Rust continues to frot his boot against Marty’s cock. Then Marty comes, too, unexpectedly, warmth spilling out onto the inside of his briefs, soaking through them so quickly that for a brief moment he wonders if something’s wrong, if Rust broke his dick somehow. Then he doesn’t think much of anything, Rust’s hand tangled in what hair he has left, pulling his face in close to the apex of Rust’s thighs until Marty loses himself entirely in the acrid, salty-sweet smell of Rust’s cunt.
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Trope Grading Game
I do not have Six Sentences for you this Sunday, so instead I'm finally doing this trope game that the lovely @artsyunderstudy tagged me in... some time ago. And thank you to @shrekgogurt for tagging me in Six Sentence Sunday this week!
Prior to Carry On, I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction with a little bit of Percy Jackson and a little bit of Avatar: TLA thrown in there. I was pretty specific about what I liked in my fics in those days (which were primarily 10+ years ago), but the Carry On fandom has absolutely changed me. I'm not yet sure what is Carry On-specific or what applies outside the fandom because I haven't ventured back out again yet. So let's see who I am now...
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 - don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -7
Would make me hesitate for sure. Depends a lot on the characters. If they're like... under 20, I'm probably not interested. If they're a little older, maybe? Idk, definitely sensitive here, but not quite a hard no.
Codependency: +3
Given how much I love Snowbaz, there's no way this is a turn off for me 😂
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +4
I'm going to quote artsyunderstudy's answer here because she already explained it perfectly,:
Complicated feelings. I'm kinda into it, so it definitely wont put me off, but jealousy as a trope can either be really fun in a story or really toxic. Like, I'm a little obsessed with Simon's jealousy in the series, because its not the kind where he gets mad at Baz, really, or lashes out at him, its very internal and about his own insecurity, but also really indicative of how very attached he is despite his assertions through wayward son that he was going to end things. I love a bit of possessiveness as long as its not the kind that hurts their partner or turns really bad to the point of me disliking the character. So, yeah, in most situations i'm a fan of exploring this, though I can't say I specifically look for it.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +7
Yes! I do love a good grumpy/sunshine, black cat/golden retriever combo. Solangelo, anyone?
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Boy do I love me an enemies to lovers, and this has always been true (Dramione was my first non-canon ship... followed by Zutara, so. There's a theme here.) That was one of the major selling points of Carry On when my friend told me about it.
And enemies with benefits only if they end up actually having feelings for each other, ya know? If it's like... enemies that evolve to have benefits but never really have the emotional connection, meh. Though I can't say I've really run into that.
Friends with benefits: -2
Aaaand quoting artsyunderstudy here again because she nailed it, which... um... hm. I maybe am questioning certain aspects of my sexuality now... so... anyway......... 👀 Though I changed the rating to -2 because unless there's a tag telling me emotions are involved and important and leading somewhere, it's a turn off.
Ehhh is it benefits to full on love? I don't really connect with allo perspectives on sexual relationships, like I get them intellectually but I don't jive with them on an emotional level, so there has to be that emotional draw for me, that underlying romance. I mean tho, @fatalfangirl stacy is writing an excellent fic on this premise right now that I absolutely love because there are clearly feelings involved. But it also might fall more into the realm of the next trope on this list ... which is ...
Sex to feelings: -5
This one is new with Snowbaz (this was not at all a thing I read in previous fandoms. I was not ready for sexy fics back then.) It's another kind of weird one for me. I feel like it has to be accompanied by something else, but I can't tell you what off the top of my head. Like I don't know what this is missing right now... I think I just want the feelings to be there first? Idk, maybe I'll go read some fics like this and see if I can work out what I'm feeling here.
Actually I'm already having thoughts. I think the context of the sex has to be right. I'm not super into things like hookups because that sounds personally terrifying. Like... character a meets character b at a bar/event/etc and there's physical attraction and that's all they need. Just doesn't jive with me.
The only example I can think of off the top of my head that gets close, though doesn't exactly fit, is @facewithoutheart's "to do, to know, to want" with Gareth the Cherry Plucker. Except for this Sex to Feelings scenario it would need to be Baz falling for Gareth (which... HAH. I... I can't with that image.) But anyway. Context. Baz is going to Gareth for help and would then would develop feelings during/after the fact, and that would be fine. And I guess that's probably still about emotional vulnerability. Also hatefucking. That's fine too? Anyway, I'm losing my train of thought on this one.
Fake dating/relationship: +8
I quite enjoy the fake dating trope, especially when combined with enemies to lovers.
Friends to lovers: +5
Yes! Very cute. But also can have a lot of angst and I am more cautious about reading those and making sure I'm emotionally equipped to handle angst. So yes, but handled carefully.
Found Family: +10
I looooove found family stories! I love seeing people choose to care for each other even though they don't have a traditional familial or romantic bond. This is a big part of what I've loved about all of my favorite YA series. People taking care of and understanding each other in ways their families can't or won't and filling voids... I'm actually getting emotional just thinking about it ok moving on.
Hurt/Comfort: +10
As artsyunderstudy said: "It gives me the swoops." Yes. 100%.
Love Triangle: -10
I'm not sure I ever loved this trope, but I was ok with it. Now I think I am just generally over love triangles. The angst doesn't usually hit right and I end up feeling more annoyed with the character doing the choosing than anything.
Poly, open relationships: -3
I'm pretty sure this is my bias coming through. My introduction to the concept of open relationships was through some people that were... not... great... imo... I recently realized how much that first introduction colored my perspective and I'm trying to undo some of that. In addition, just the idea of my partner also being with other people makes me so incredibly jealous, which I know is also my own issue to work on. So I should probably actually read more fics in this area. Fics often help me work through these kinds of internal issues.
Mistaken/hidden identity: 0
I don't know if I've ever read a fic with this trope? Not feeling any particular way about it either.
Monsterfucking: +8
Oh, this is certainly new with Snowbaz. I remember a time when I was like "wow, no, absolutely not. I do not get it." And then Spadey came along...
Does this apply outside of Snowbaz? TBD. I so far haven't been interested in even Shepard's scandalous stories, so this may be Simon specific.
Pregnancy: -1
I am very confused. This is new with Snowbaz, which on it's own was a "?" moment for me. I was very unsure about mpreg at the start of this journey, but wanted to try it out and very quickly became fine with it. mpreg specifically is probably at a 0, maybe -1.
But pregnancy in general terrifies me. Not in the way where people are like scared of/grossed out by pregnant people. Other people being pregnant is fine. It just sounds so incredibly uncomfortable and painful that I'm like... no thanks? Don't really want to think about it for me. Very excited about it for you, though. But I haven't really read any non-mpreg fics, so I'm not sure where pregnancy as a whole falls... I'm going to go with like -1 because if it's not me it should be fine... maybe...
Second Chance: -9
artsyunderstudy again:
breakup angst wounds me deep ya'll. I hate thinking of them not together. I hate thinking of them thinking they are better off not together. I hate IT it makes me cry all of my tears.
But where she loves the coming back to each other, I just can't get past the breakup/betrayal/whatever it is that needs a second chance. It hurts too much to even finish.
Slowburn: +8
YES, but in the right mood. Sometimes I just need fluff and falling fast and I need it NOW. But otherwise, yes yes yes.
Soulmates: +6
I feel like I've missed out on this entirely. I can't think of any soulmate fics I've read? Or what qualifies as a soulmate fic as opposed to other fics with magical ties between people. So maybe I have read them? Idk. Sounds nice though.
I don't think I've seen anyone's posts for this game come across my dash aside from Ashton's, so if you've already done it... oops! My bad. Or consider this a last-minute Six Sentence Sunday tag: @onepintobean @thewholelemon @technetiumai @iamamythologicalcreature
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flyingcatstiel · 3 years
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I posted 1,422 times in 2021
6 posts created (0%)
1416 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 236.0 posts.
I added 1,002 tags in 2021
#deancas - 226 posts
#cas - 137 posts
#misha collins - 115 posts
#season 16 - 108 posts
#spn crack - 84 posts
#spn prequel - 82 posts
#season 17 - 70 posts
#s15 - 69 posts
#destiel wedding - 58 posts
#spn meta - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 75 characters
#i remember our fic rec blog gave out 3 invitations as a prize for something
My Top Posts in 2021
2 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 11:46:06 GMT
💗💕 for being kind and lovely, have a kiss on the forehead! pass it on to 10 people 💕💗
Thank you so much and back atcha!
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2 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 06:44:46 GMT
I feel really dumb for asking this but I am not super involved in the SPN fandom these days but can you explain the [gunshot] [omitted] [redacted] meme I keep seeing on my dashboard since the big jared gutted drama? I'm sorry :(
Oh, this is an interesting question, I’m not sure I know how it started but I can try. But you know, like with all memes this is more about gut feeling than logical explanation. If someone has better ideas, chime in in notes! 
Ok, iirc [gunshot] has been used already for some time, in tags or short posts. I think it’s used in place of a word that we think would be cut out by the CW. Idk if this goes together with CW sniper meme? The usage relies on the reader actually knowing which word is being replaced. Something like - We know that Dean and Cas are in [gunshot]. Point being that saying out loud that they are in love will get you killed. It’s a hyperbole of course but sometimes it feels like it in fandom, what with all homophobia and anti destiel peeps. Or like questions about destiel were literally forbidden in Creation Cons. 
Same goes with [redacted]. It’s just a less violent way to say the higher powers didn’t like something and it was removed. Like we KNOW what was supposed to be there , but it was taken out and that’s how we know it was gay and destiel-y. Like any meme, it is also open to interpretation I think. The point is that something was removed bc it was too gay. And then we sometimes even get a proof what exactly was removed. Most proof comes from spn scripts nowadays. Like just yesterday we learned that 12x19 script actually had the paradise vision that Jack shoved to Cas. And it was very very destielly. 
Now, [omitted] is the most recent one. I think it comes from spn finale script reveal where they literally printed [OMITTED] instead of certain scenes. Which was just a stone cold proof that yeah, a lot of scripted material was either redacted or omitted from final shooting scripts or even left on cutting room floor. I always thought this meme is an expression of fandom’s powerlessness but with an angry bite back. Like we know that destiel was written in the scripts but the only proof we have is the empty spaces, words redacted and omitted. So we turn this bitter feeling into a meme to say that we know. And like any meme it conveys the feeling instead of detailed information. That’s why it is used on short posts and in tags. So, nonny please don’t feel dumb for not getting it. It’s fandom speak and it’s not easy to keep up with it.
If you mean posts where all three words are used together, I think that’s a very recent development, after we got omitted. So we have a full set now. And then we got [gutted] thanks to j*red, so fandom is just running wild with these memes. In short, I think this particular meme is fandom dealing with the things we were  robbed off. It’s an angry expression of knowing that we were right. 
Ok, so I swear i think I reblogged post with [redacted] [omitted] [gutted] over Dean, Cas and Sam pics, and it is actually very fitting. Dean’s text was usually redacted, Cas was omitted/ his scenes cut out, and j*red is gutted bc it’s funny and he said it himself. ETA - found it! 
4 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 06:40:54 GMT
Thanks @porcupine-girl for tagging me, let’s see what I’ve been doing lately.
Last song I listened to: Technically, Birds of Prey: The Album, but practically I’ve been listening to Evermore by Taylor Swift on the loop for weeks.
Last movie watched: I am such a flighty watcher, I’ve a bunch of movies started and I intend to finish them buuuuut. The last one I finished and actually liked and played in the background couple of times - Blade Runner 2049. Oh, and Birds of Prey, of course, the last movie I rewatched this week again. 
Currently reading: Dinluke aka Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker fic, devouring fic, maniacally checking the tag every day, subscribing to bunch of WIPs and reading every update. OK, let’s call it just reading. I guess this is my soft pairing after the angsty destiel. (hit me up if you want some recs!)
Currently watching: Finally catching up with The Good Place. And I guess I better finish The Falcon and the Winter Soldier soon, if I want to browse tumblr freely next week.
Currently craving: Sleep
Currently working on: fandom wise - trying to keep my destiel sideblogs alive. I never ever ever expected to keep them running for so long. Or for destiel fandom to be so active still. Tagging art on @destielfanworks is tiresome since autofill tags disappear every few months; I keep plotting new rec lists for @destielfanfic but it’s kinda difficult because of the fics I read now. waffling about making a dinluke art, fic and gif side blog. as a treat
Currently playing: TsumTsum on my mobile, short games, fast refills, instant gratification, momentary stress relief. 
Tagging: everyone's welcome if that’s your thing but also @kyrie101,   @magnificent-winged-beast , @some-people-call-it-tragic , @super-sootica, @nguyenxtrang, @helianthus21
No pressure tho, only if you want!
5 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 13:05:07 GMT
10 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 03:12:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
xxx Tumblr, ya dumb cookie (barely affectionate)! This is blatant side blog effort  erasure. You’d think I made only 6 posts last year. I gotta do everything by myself on this site, it seems. So, here
@destielfanworks - tagged and reblogged around 1700 posts
@destielfanfic - tagged and reblogged some 90 posts, including 37 brand new posts.
the most popular post was Destiel Fic Starter Pack with 3,170 notes
8 posts in My First Destiel Fic survey were also rad
@frogsfordinner - my brand new Star Wars and The Mandalorian side blog dedicated to reccing dinluke fic and reblogging dinluke fanart and other cool stuff.
tagged and reblogged some 870 posts, including my 10 dinluke fic rec posts
the most popular post was  The Helmet Stays On with 70 notes
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flickerline · 4 years
It s one of dos days I regret havin Ni as me son... All jokes aside, he just called them out which s rude. They were jokin n he said "lemme ruin them on here, it s not like me fans gonna ruin them (I deleted Twitter so idk but they most probably did)". Some times he acts like da CEO of Twitter, which s annoyin af. Yeah maybe they couldn't make it sound like a joke as much as they wanted but him makin them feel dis bad s unacceptable. He s still angry at da pap pics I guess n just yell on Twitter
listen...ive literally been off this site for days but the first thing I come up to when I log in is drama? when tf it's gonna end. look, people can have their own opinion on this shit but to me personally it's SO annoying to see him searching his name to find the dumbest tweets to respond to when he's not even tagged like the point of it?? yeah he said hes trying to "help people" understand not to judge him just cuz he's a famous person but all this time, did that even work? or just made a whole cringe show for everyone in the fandom. oh, not to mention how his defense squad would ruin that person's whole character and make them delete which has happened before; which despite all the stupidness I don't think it's fair to fuck up someone's life like that over a screen and make them scared of going online. it doesn't matter if a hundred fans call that person out but the second the celeb reacts to it... get a grip please. (I'm talking about tweets and jokes like today tho, ik how some other people are SO mean but even responding to them...doesn't change a thing.)
idk man, I'm not a celeb, but I do know that being a famous face has it cons with it. u can't just try to MAKE people not say shit about you or not get involved with your personal life. (yeah i wished but not everything is candies and rainbows, is it?) also I do think if he really wants to stop all these stuff the only way is for him to just ignore and stop searching his name up. do I have to mention that it clearly hurts his own feelings as well? like maybe we don't know him at all but I think it is obvious, simply by the way that he's just so obssesed with making controversy, call them out on a daily basis cuz it hurt him the second he saw that specific tweet when he was scrolling carefully throw his own name tag.
all I'm saying is that for him to actually make an effect on this topic of "ordinary people shouldn't judge famous people" is that instead of ranting on twitter (0 points to it) and make everyone's day shitty, he could SIMPLY do:
an IG live, a podcast, IG story, an interview with an expert, etc. all on this topic which are easy to do for him since he's done em all with different topics that maybe weren't even as triggering as this one is for him. in this essay I will-
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zet-sway · 3 years
i got tagged!!!! Thanks @barbex!!!!
1: Why did you choose your url? I've been Zet on the internet since like uhhhh 2006. Sway is really only cause Zet is already taken. Zet-sway is a reference to a character named Zetsuei from s-CRY-ed and I got tired of people calling me zet-sooey so I spelled it phonetically. Unsurprisingly, this is all rooted in my World of Warcraft days.
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. Yeah uh, they're all inactive right now but: designisafourletterword - a time capsule from my college days sunsunsunflowers - another college blog, it was for an assignment 310flyingeese - empty right now, but I'll posts my quilting stuff there if I ever get the stamina to quilt again.
3: How long have you been on tumblr? Archive says since August 2012. I went inactive around the end of 2014 / start of 2015 when I realized I was going to have to be a Real Adult and I was going through the damn thing. My first reblog is apparently extremely fucking weird.
4: Do you have a queue tag? It used to be 'queue queue moar' as a dumb way of spelling 'qq moar' from my vanilla wow days. Recently I'm just using "shrios queue tag."
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place? I honestly have no idea. My friend invisiblecatfish probably got me into it. I remember thinking it was weird at first. I used to be my17thredeye but I changed to zet-sway cause I wanted to.
6: Why did you choose your icon? I just think hanar are so dumb and weird and silly. I really wish it was a hanar with some kind of cheese ass retro background though. Time to warm up photoshop.
7: Why did you choose your header? Because I'm retrosynth trash. Honorable mention for my previous header which was just pure OG ME nonsense:
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8: What’s your post with the most notes? Probably the one where I posted my friend's mobile hotspot called "Garruss Tight Alien Asshole"
9: How many mutuals do you have? I'm not sure :0
10: How many followers do you have? 449. Idk how I got that many but you're all amazing, big hugs
11: How many people do you follow? 310, less than I thought actually.
12: Have you ever made a shitpost? You mean like this one?
13: How often do you use tumblr each day? A lot. Tumblr is way better for scrolling than facebook.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? No, and I hope I never do.
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? Offline activism is just as valid as online activism.
16: Do you like tag games? Yes :D !
17: Do you like ask games? Yes!!! especially if they involve me writing drabbles.
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual? Well it appears we aren't mutuals anymore but it's been like seven whole years so I can't blame people for moving on from fandom. But yeah my favorite shrios fic writer used to follow me and that was a huge 'senpai noticed me' moment and i had a very respectful writer's crush on them
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I'm supposed to tag people but I'm actually petrified of tagging people? I get really nervous like "what if they get annoyed by my tag????" Or I feel like someone will feel left out fjslfsj I am a nervous wreck and the lexapro can only do so much. So here's what we'll do. If you're reading this and you thought "damnI wish I got tagged," go forth and tell everyone I tagged you and do the meme <3 cause chances are, I wanted to tag you and I was too anxious.
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