#idk i fully respect ppl who were against porter from the beginning but for me when i went from hating him on gorgugs behalf
even if you staunchly stood by emily/fig's suspicion of porter from the beginning, the reveal of porter being a multiclass paladin makes sense when you realize charisma is a paladin's spellcasting ability
this season, porter got both fig and gorgug to eventually warm up to him, and even though fig wrote on his teacher evaluation that she wasn't sure if he was evil or not, both of them gave him all 5's
porter has some very funny bits in this campaign and brennan really had me letting my guard down around him!! i laughed so much when he went into a rage to avoid having adaine detect thoughts; we thought it was to avoid her seeing his thoughts about zara
and all along it could be because if she pushed deeper, his plan would be revealed
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