#idk i still dont rly know what constitutes rwde vs just...venting
firelxdykatara · 4 years
while im still thinking about Things That Bother Me, in RWBY and in the fandom.........im still not over the lost fable, and i don’t think i’ll ever be.
our heroes really watched a man get brutally murdered by his wife--after he (and they) witnessed her killing his children (and no, i don’t care how you think that fight played out, if you think ozma and salem fought and the girls were caught in the crossfire--that is still 100% on salem, just like it would be if ozma were a battered wife trying to sneak away from her husband and he pulled a gun on her, which went off when they struggled over it and killed their child [and im irritated enough rn, im not gonna get into how if ozma’s and salem’s gender’s were reversed, i have a feeling that scene would’ve been received very differently, especially in fandom])--and never showed him a single, solitary ounce of compassion.
not a bit. not even an ‘i’m still angry about the secrets, but that was messed up’. not even an ‘i’m sorry you went through that, and countless more deaths besides over the last thousand years’. not so much as a ‘wow, no wonder you’re so cagey; i would be too’.
i remember at the time (because i hopped into the fandom a few weeks before v7 began, and binged the first six volumes in two days), being assured that ‘they were just angry and scared in the moment, and then the farm/apathy/argus happened, but they’ll have time to think about it later’. well, it’s been two volumes and change (the rest of v6, all of v7, and nearly half of v8 now), and i haven’t heard a single word of sympathy--not even from oscar (who, by the by, qrow never apologized to for punching him in the face cause he was mad at his brain passenger)--for ozpin, let alone the slightest iota of understanding for the position he was in. nothing that even indicates that ruby maybe now gets why he was hesitant to extend complete trust even to his most trusted inner circle, nevermind a few teenagers he barely knew.
and nothing to suggest that these supposedly compassionate human beings even care that they literally witnessed a man trying to save his children from an abusive situation, only to be murdered for it.
i’m not sure what’s worse--the idea that the rwby crew flat forgot what their heroes witnessed (or just what they wrote for ozpin’s backstory), or that the alphabet soup squad genuinely do not care about the thousand years of trauma ozpin suffered for daring to care about the world and trying to find a way to save it.
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