#idk i think it would be super cool if we had like. a house md newsletter that went out every once in a while and said like
realbeefman · 11 months
i think we need to bring back fandom-specific newsletters i think it would be so so awesome if i could just like. get an e-mail once or twice a month going "HERE'S SOME OF THE REALLY AWESOME NEW FANWORKS WAHOOO!!!!" i think that would be so so cool.
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desire-mona · 6 months
yooo hello fellow allison cameron is a lesbian enthusiast!
i was wondering if you would like to be mutuals?
i need more house obsessed mutuals that i can yap to! and you seem v cool too:)
(hope that this doesn’t come across as weird)
YES HIIIIIIII!!!!!!! im using this opportunity to talk abt comphet!cam bc shes soooooo on the mind, i thiiiiink i stole this point from @blue-boulder in case u want another lesbian cam mutual
camerons comphet was so on display basically the entire time she was on the show to the point where its comical. first of all her "relationship" with chase (or lackthereof) being PURELY sexual and based off the fact that she was just bored and saw him as suitable enough. r u kidding me. also the only other time where she had sex with a man (still chase, womp womp #chasehater) being when shes high. exploding at that. and also side eyeing chase soooooo fucking hard, that man has zero understanding of how consent works.
i think cameron and wilson have a lot in common in terms of their reasoning for why they get with/ are drawn to the people they are. and thats also a big part of wilson comphet too, bc they both rly like feeling needed. now ofc cam goes abt it in a much better way bc she doesnt cheat on anyone, but you can tell with her marriage, while not lacking love, was most certainly based off of her desire to be someones lifeline per se. her brief sorta fling with that charity guy in that one episode is another example of this as well, but i do think another factor was her admiration for his morals and character. and again with house, which i will always laugh at because if that isnt the biggest case of "i can fix him" in the entire world then idk what is. wilson however just kinda gets with women who need him (or who he perceives as needing him) and then gets bored when they. dont. speaking very surface level bc this post isnt abt him. either way, wilson could learn a thing or two from cam in the comphet department i suppose. i really really wish we got more of cameron, if she stayed thru the whole series i think a whole lot of my life problems would be alleviated at the very least. i wanna see her get a girl crush!!
also, she absolutely 100% dresses like a queer woman, even for the early 2000s, like look at this
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because wdym waistcoat and white button down with puffy sleeves.
n e way not a super in depth analysis cuz im kinda spitballing and not in a place of house md analysing but its good enough. hello new mutual!!!
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yaz-the-spaz · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by the lovely @ziamflowers thanks so much for the tag babe! :)
How tall are you? 5′0″
What color are your eyes? brown
Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? glasses (no contacts cause I'm very averse to things going in or anywhere near my eyes/eyeballs)
Do you wear braces? used to. thank god that's over. (*war flashbacks to high school*)
What is your fashion style? ideally if I had the money I would love to go full 80′s cause I just love that style and always have but alas I am poor so it's mostly just a mix of things that kind of emulate that style--like leggings or washed out jeans with oversized shirts/sweaters--with some contemporary stuff thrown in here and there (and when I'm feeling real lazy which is a big percentage of the time basically just jeans and a comfy t-shirt lol)
When were you born? ′93
How old are you? 24
Do you have any siblings? two brothers, two sisters
What school/college do you go to? used to go to umbc (university of maryland, baltimore county - it’s a mouthful but nobody ever knows what it is unless they’re from the md/baltimore area cause it’s not super well known so i usually end up just saying the whole thing all out loud which is annoying af) but i graduated almost three years ago now
What kind of student are you? was always a pretty good student tbh but just quiet (i.e. almost never wanted to raise my hand/speak in class unless I was fairly sure I had the right answer cause I was so scared of being wrong and the social embarrassment)
What are your favorite subjects? english and history all dayyyyy (and art when I had it but at the schools i went to it was usually only offered as an elective that wasn't available all the time)
What are your favorite movies? indecisive af and can’t choose a favorite anything so not answering this but at least a couple of them, if not more, would probably be something marvel
What are your favorite pastimes? reading and writing, watching shows and movies, hanging out on this godforsaken site
Do you have any regrets? my entire life lol jk but there’s honestly too many to list...not speaking up as much as I should/should have, giving up on things too quickly/easily, obsessing and overanalyzing every little thing people say or do to me/for me, talking too much, not talking enough, saying or doing something stupid, etc. etc. i have a lot of issues okay
What’s your dream job? anything that involves allowing me to work from home and make my own hours, preferably involving writing/editing and/or reading >>> also this will pretty much probs always be my answer to this question
Would you like to get married? yeah someday...sigh...but i’d need a relationship first and who knows if that’ll ever happen lol
Do you want kids? How many? yup. ideally 2 (maybe 3 max), i’ve always wanted twins (either two girls, or a girl and a boy though just my luck i’ll get two boys and have my hands full lmao) so putting that out there in the universe for good vibes
How many countries have you visited? u.s. of a (where i live), cuba, mexico, and the u.k.
What is your scariest dream? idk I don't remember most of my dreams but I also hardly ever have nightmares so my scariest one that i can think of atm is not that bad tbh but it had something to do with these funny looking giant toy robots, some were good and trying to help us stay safe and some were bad and were trying to destroy/burn our house and my mom was trapped upstairs where they were starting the fire so i was mostly scared for her cause I was worried she wouldn't be able to get out but she did (the good robots helped her) and it was all fine, rip our house tho lol
Do you have a significant other? lol see above
Put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping put the first 15 songs
(was gonna do this on itunes like i usually do but decided to do it on spotify instead since that would be more accurate as far as the songs i’ve listened to in the last few years since i barely even use itunes anymore lol but anyway here we go):
reflections - misterwives (i don’t even know this song or remember adding it lmao i be adding random songs and then just never listen to them again so there’s probs a few more like that on this list but oh well; i do kinda like the misterwives though they’re cool)
don’t go - kevin ross (such a good song!!!)
worst behavior - drake
we own the night - the wanted
deeper - ella eyre
words - daya
lonesome loser - little river band (idk this one either lol i musta been on a weird country/folk music kick or something idk? like what is this band name lol?)
paper hearts - tori kelly
watch me - stella (who even is this lmao - update: woops just remembered this is carlos santana’s daughter who i found out a few months back does neo-soul/r&b and i went and listened to her album and saved all the songs and then promptly forgot all about it lol smh)
reflection - fifth harmony
memories (part ii) - big sean, john legend
magnets - disclosure, lorde
heatstroke - calvin harris, young thug, pharrell williams, ariana grande (this is such a bop!!!!! i can’t believe i forgot all about this song!)
body moves - dnce
truffle butter - nicki minaj, drake, lil wayne
sorry if you’ve done this already or just don’t wanna, feel free to ignore, but tagging @ohthathurt @waxxbutterfliess @cutie-louis @noshowolfie @wlwharrie @please-dont-freak-out @mcgenjiskid @peachesannndgravy
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cheerstocrazy · 5 years
Austin 7/4-7/7 Messy stories
I love Rainey Street!!! I’m so glad I got to go back and experience it fully. We went to Unbarlievable, and while the drinks and people sucked, the bar was playing BANGERS from all my fave artists: Daft Punk, Maggie Rogers, Kaytranada, Washed Out, and so many others! It’s so laid-back and open, which is how I like my bars. We bar hopped a lot and the drinks were so cheap, and each space had its own vibe and white people who couldn’t dance. I’ll move to the highlight of this trip. Jas and I went to Rainey St at night again bc we wanted to see how poppin’ it would be. We went to The Container Bar first, and I really loved the concept and layout. It’s so novel and cool! I didn’t like the music, so we went to Unbarlievable where the line was 2nd longest and the music was poppin’ again. Went inside, got our drinks, spiked the shit out of it. 2 lame dudes approached us to talk, but they had no social skills, weren’t cute, and were generally killing our vibes. I’m glad they realized we weren’t interested and left. Soon after, this really tall dude asks us, “Hey girls, do you want some drinks? I’ll buy them for you.” To which I screamed, “yes! LONG ISLANDS PLEASE.” They were weak as shit, but they were free. We got our drinks, and he didn’t even talk to us. What a nice lad! I think Jas talked to him bc she was nice, but I was like eh, Idc. He’s not cute, he’s wearing khaki pants with CHANCLAS. At this point, the cute Spaniards I had seen earlier approached Jas and started to talk to her/ dance with her. He was short, but his friends were fun, and it was nice to have lively people who could at least dance to the rhythm. We were all talking in Spanish, and Mark was still here, WGW as shit. He was all alone which was really weird, and I asked him where his friends were. He replied, “Idk, lost em. *Shrugs*” I let him take some sips of my long island, and at one point, he took the long island and didn’t give it back. He took the straw. And I was like you have to buy me more!! You took my drink. So he did, and we got 2 more long islands :D He was so drunk and was taking pretty long to register/do simple tasks, but IDC, THE DRINKS WERE FREE. I think his friend came by at this point, and I yelled omg it’s your friend. Hey, what does Mark do?? His friend: he’s a doctor. I wasn’t interested at all thus far, until I heard that word. And I yelled, “A DOCTOR????!?!??!?!!! WHAT’S YOUR SPECIALTY??” And he replied MD. Who the fuck replies MD when they’re asked what they are. Usually, people would reply internal medicine, derm, etcetc. I didn’t believe him, but Idc too much either. He was really drunk at this point and somehow, it had become my responsibility to look after him. I took a foto with him bc I thought it was sooOOooOOoo funny how tall he was, and I wanted to remember this memory of a dumb guy whom I milked for drinks. He stayed with me and would put his pinky finger out to dance with me. So fucking weird, god white people. I played along whatever. I was drunk and having fun. And I always have more fun when i have a guy with me. I know it’s horrible, but nights without guys to mess around with are LAME. I don’t want to go to the bars if that’s not gonna happen. Anyway, one thing lead to another, and I’m not entirely sure of the event orders...but wait, I remember telling Jasmine: DON’T LET ME KISS HIM. Which usually means, I’m stupid and I’m gonna kiss him in 5 seconds. Back to the story, he turned me around (probably) and I ended up kissing him. He wasn’t a bad kisser, I’d give him a 6 or 7/10. It wasn’t wet; it wasn’t sloppy; he removed his lips from mine. It was nice--I liked it. I know I also screamed at him to move his hips, and he was incapable of it. We would dance with each other, and I know his hands were grazing my boob, and Jas told me too. It was fine, whatever. I wasn’t even paying attn to anyone else at this point, and I couldn’t have cared less. We kept on kissing, and soon the bar closed. We all left, and he came with me. I asked him where his friends were, and he didn’t care to find them. I walked his drunk ass out, and Jas was hungry, so I said we should all go to the food trucks and grab something. He was stumbling and couldn’t walk straight, so I held his hand and pulled him with me. I was hungrier in theory...and wanted everything, but had absolutely no appetite. We ordered so much food, and he paid for everything. He didn’t even care at this point. It was wonderful. In line, there was this incredibly cute Iranian who was dressed SO nicely with the most beautiful pearly whites. Wow undeserving. His name was Coby, something like that. Mark was so drunk, he put ketchup on the outside of his burger bun, probably thinking there was space to dip his fries. We sat across from these 2 really young college kids 21 and 22. Omg, I felt so old sitting near them. Somehow, the white kid mentioned politics, and I said I’m your standard California liberal...and Idk how or why, but Mark mentioned something abt AOC (maybe in defense of her?) I was so shocked a Southern boy knew about her and was praising her? Acknowledging her? Maybe I was drunk. All of the above. Mark gave the kids some life advice, and I was like do you really want advice from a 30 year old man who’s WGW??? They replied, yeah he’s older and he’s a doctor, we’ll take it. Smh. Anyway, we ended up leaving and we didn’t touch our food so Jas and I were forcing these black guys to take it, but they didn’t want us bc they probably thought we did shit to it. LAME, THIS IS EXPENSIVE FOOD YOU’RE GONNA BUY ANYWAY. We walked out toward the street, and Mark was like I’ll do anything you want or go anywhere you want. Something like that. Idr the exact words, and I thought, “Guess he’s coming home with me and staying on the couch ugh. He was a good enough kisser, this should be fine” Jas called the Lyft. We got in and we were probably still holding hands. Idr what was going on, but he would pull my face over to kiss him, and I felt so embarrassed bc Jas was sitting right next to me!! And he kept doing it to me ugh. Then we got inside the house, and she ran up, and I went to the living room to grab my shit to change. I had my clothes downstairs, so I went to that rr to change. I think he got some water??? And I got into the couch tired as shit, and he had already undressed himself and CLIMBED ON TOP OF ME!!! Omggggg, I’M TOO YOUNG AND SMALL FOR THIS SHIT. lmao. Anyway don’t really remember much of the details besides he fingered me, and he was really slow with the process, which I guess is better than shoving it in there and DJing. Could be worse. I gave him a hand job, and his dick was smaller than I expected. Damn. And he went down on me!! And it felt so GOOD. But I was also thinking holy fuck, I haven’t showered. I’ve sweat 10 buckets today. Poor dude. And then I asked him if he had a condom, and he said yes he did. So he searched, couldn’t find anything, then I searched and couldn’t find anything. I was so pissed. Ugh, i WANTED TO HAVE SEX!!!!!!! So he took his dick and was a tease abt it, and dicked it around my vagina, which was SO SHITTY. I felt like a teenager who had to restrain herself, and ugh I’m a grown ass woman, JUST PUT IT INSIDE ME. Unfair. It was nice nonetheless. Was he the best? No. He was good enough and he made me go on top too, which #feminism #equality--I’m all about that. And he would hold/hug me sometimes, and it felt so nice to be held by a significantly bigger man. It was after the first round at 3-4am, and I googled on my phone the closest Walgreens and told him to go buy condoms. He asked “you really want to fuck??” YES I DO!!!! bITCH!! Sometimes he would get thirsty and get up to drink straight from the sink when I had a glass of water on the table. It made me laugh. I saw his pale ass small butt there. I’m not a big butt person sorry...esp not his heh. When we “fell asleep,” he would hold me completely in his right arm, and I was really surprised. Generally, guys cant sleep like this and also their arm goes numb. But he fell asleep holding me the whole time. It was nice, but I was so fucking exhausted, and I couldn’t sleep with him snoring. Then he woke up and get second wind and we did it all over again, this time in the light…..He asked me if I could go down on him, and I did it no questions asked bc dammit I guess you eat me out, I have to return the favor. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing ever. And he kept making me give him a hand job, and all I could think about was Julian’s tweet. I’m not even good at this!! My right arm is tired!! He took so long to come, I was feeling unsuccessful, aND I WAS THIRSTY AND TIRED AND SWEATING. MY GOD. I kept blowing him and I wasn’t even switching up the pace. I tried to go around the head. I was getting so thirsty, at one point I even felt so baby barf. So I quit and said I’m thirsty. I was so sweaty. I lay on top of him for a little bit to not make it so awkward….Then I drank water and came back, “we fell asleep.” I gave up after and slept on the couch next to him or lay down on it. Idk I was losing my mind at this point. I was so tired. I slept for an hr finally and went up to chat with the girls. I was asking them what protocol was for kicking someone out bc I really wanted the couch and to be able to sleep. Oh ya, he was sleeping completely naked on the couch, and I was so worried about my friends coming down to see him naked!!! He did look so peaceful and cute sleeping though. It warmed my heart a bit and softened him to me. I digress. They said to come upstairs to sleep and let him go home alone. I thought that was weird, and I thought what if he stole shit. Also if I were in his position, I’d feel super fucking weird to be left alone. Anyway, came back down to lie down on the couch, and he awoke. He looked over sleepily at me, and asked me if I wanted the couch, to which I replied, Yes, MOVE. Oh ya he had asked me earlier twice if I was alright, or is this okay? He moved afterward. It felt so weird bc I didn’t know anything about him. Also during hooking up, I was like, Omg Im so tired, I just want to sleep, and it felt so impersonal bc it was and I was with a stranger!!! He moved to the couch and then he went back to sleep. Then he made up some BS excuse abt his back being sunburnt and wanting to lie on the floor. But I knew it was an excuse to lie down next to me. AND IT WORKED UGH. My hand was dangling off the side, so he grabbed it, held it, and kissed it. And I was like ugh my cold, dead heart. He held it close, then put his foot up to play with mine. Finally, he asked me if I wanted to come lie down with him, to which I replied yeah :\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ He asked me questions about what I did for fun in California. So weird. I asked him bare minimum questions bc I didn’t believe he was a doctor, and I didn’t really care to get to know him. We talked a bit more about nothing. Then Martin and Jenny also came down at this point. I think we started to kiss again, and he started to finger me. Jenny was being so fucking loud, I honestly wanted to slap her!!!! She’s so annoying!! I yelled shut the fuck up jenny!!! She was ruining it. It felt so nice to be held by him. I felt so safe and secure ): He fell asleep. I moved up to the couch and I had such a bad headache by this point bc I had only slept 1.5 hours max, and I wanted to die. I was being so negative to him lmao. Jas and Jenny finally left after I asked them one billion times when they were leaving. As soon as they left, he tapped me and said something, but I didn’t hear. I immediately said out loud, “Ok, let’s go upstairs to get some rest.” I wanted a fucking bed!!!!! We both went upstairs and he complimented the house. Backtracking to our convo downstairs earlier. It was so weird bc he asked me so many questions, and I get it, this was him trying to figure out who I even was. He assumed I lived in Austin, and that this was actually my house, when I was visiting and this was an AirBNB. Anyway, we went to the bedroom, and I lay to the side bc I really wanted to rest (knowing full well I wasn't). He was there with his phone texting and Idr when he told me, but he said he friends left without him. I had asked him earlier when he was leaving and he said today actually. I was kind of sad bc I was hoping he was staying until the day after so I could spend more time with him. After he finished texting, he cuddled me from the back, and we started fucking around. Then he proceeds to tell me has a condom, and I'm like what don't you get? You are actually stupid. You don't have one!!! His breath also tasted like milk at this point. Not that it was a bad thing but he hadn't brushed his teeth in a while. He went down on me again which was gr9. He asked me if I wanted to have sex without a condom, to which I replied “no, idk you.” He laughed it off. I took off my shirt and it got stuck on my big head, and I was so mortified haha. We kept doing the thing where he'd tease me with his dick outside and he’s dry hump me. And I rolled my eyes, I was tired and too sober for this. He kept making me give him a hand job and my right arm was so tired, I wanted to die. He ended up finishing himself off, and he came all over my stomach while grabbing my boob. Oh ya before that he would let me lie down on top of him, and he would hold/hug/squeeze me. It was so nice and comforting. He also had a habit of tapping his fingers on me, which I felt endearing. I asked him for a towel to wipe myself off. He said he hoped his friends were still there and that his checkout time wasn't until 4pm. I can't believe he chose to stay with me knowing full well he had to leave. He couldn't find his briefs, but I found them in the sheets. I walked him down, grabbed his sunglasses and watch for him, and he pulled me in to kiss me a few last times. He squeezed me tight and it was so sweet. I enjoyed it. We said goodbye at the door, and he did the lingering hand, and I'm sure if I gave in to kiss him, he would've pulled me in again. I've never met or been with anyone who’s so obsessed with kissing. 
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