#idk i’m in my treebeard feelings or something
fantasiavii · 1 year
I just think if you have to remove a tree from your yard out of necessity (root rot/irreparable storm damage/etc) you should plant another tree
And I just think that if you have a tree the last thing you should do is cut off all the branches until all that remains are ugly leafless stumps
And I just think if you have a tree you should actually take care of the tree
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regurgitatedskeleton · 8 months
Started Breath of the Wild today, here are my notes:
- climbed a tree
- jumped off a cliff and died (gotta test out fall damage and dying)
- the loading screen tells me that fall damage is a thing. I wonder if that is on purpose or just (un)lucky? Either way pretty funny
- picked up a stick
- pestered an old man
- tried to hit him with the stick but he dodged and didn’t care :(
- stole his torches, apple and axe
- set myself on fire and then ate the apple to heal the heart
- climbed an apple tree for its apples and then cut it down
- threw an apple at the old man and then cooked it
- killed some creature thing
- managed to turn off my destination in the tutorial where it tells you how to turn it on
- one shotted a slime w/axe. Nice
- Cut down another apple tree, tree and apples fell in water and I gave up on them
- cut down another tree bc I’m already doing deforestation so why not
- realised my destination was off and turned it back on
- killed a guy next to my destination w/his own sword and shield bc he dropped it
- realised that these guys drop loot (didn’t loot the other one)
- saw two more on a hill w/bows
- they shot the ground for a while but I took mercy and killed them
- now I have a bow lez goooo
- put tablet in stone and now there’s towers everywhere? They feel evil but idk maybe they’re good
- turns out the towers work for me? Still dunno if that’s good or not, i mean the second thing I did after leaving the cave was jump off a cliff, and I did set myself on fire on purpose at some point so…
- stuck on a tower am I supposed to jump off or something? Have already confirmed that this game has fallen damage tho
- old man comes flying in and says that jumping off of cliffs is stupid. I feel personally attacked
- oh no now I have to follow him I hope he’s not slow
- he is slow but he said the Treebeard thing so I guess I can spend the time entertaining myself w/Treebeard quotes
- jumped in water. Caught some fish. Everything says to cook but I hope there’s a better way than chucking everything on fire. Wonder if things can burn?
- man axes are so much better at cutting down trees than swords are
- got an acorn from that tree my sword killed
- drowned in mud. This old man sent me after treasure probably thinking it was fool proof but I died to mud before I could even get there. RIP
- found a treasure chest in the mud. Tried to jump to it. Drowned in mud. Actually fully died and now I’m back with the old man
- cut down another tree and now my sword is damaged. At least I got another stick, now I have like 4 so we should be sweet
- went inside and got magnet powers. Left and used magnets to get the chest in the water. Treasure was easy lol
- threw a box through the air for shits and giggs
- tried to use the metal boxes to platform through the mud to the chests
- broke all but one box because they are weirdly fragile
- go back downstairs to try reset boxes
- realise the floor is magnetic and Zelda “you found something” sound plays
- probably not as easy of a task as I thought
- am now wondering if I can magnet those chests towards me?
- left the cave to find more boxes and ran into a skeleton
- killed skeleton with his own arm?
- had to drop some sticks to pick up the other skeleton’s arm :(
- I like the weapon that’s still flailing around over the stick tho
- yay the box respawned
- took two over and stacked them in the mud, ran back for the third one
- found a chest in the water idk if I missed one or it respawned?
- the boxes in the mud despawned but it’s okay because I found a metal beam that was perfect
- got attacked by another skeleton. My skeleton arm broke so I picked up his and killed him
- dunno how much I like this durability. On one hand i don’t usually like it. On the other weapons are easy to get, especially mid fight so it’s probably fine
- chests had some arrows
- Shot a fire arrow to see if you could pick it up like the others but no, I’ve just added arson to my list of crimes. Oops
- okay I went back to the cave now
- lol the statue commended my resolve, I guess it missed the part where I ditched twice haha
- man some of these dialogue options are so rude. I refuse to demand his glider so aggressively. I have put this man through enough (and stolen enough ) so far and no doubt will do it again
- also rude
- this man backed out of the deal. Which is fair I did steal his apple. And he definitely knows more than he lets on. I like him
- such as the secret of teleportation apparently
- probs he has a sheila stone too and is trying to mentor me? For better or for worse ig. Hope he’s a good guy
- makes me find more smh
- turrets are mean also I used up a few more of my fire arrows and it did no damage also I died again
- snuck past these bitches it’s ok I guess. I got the the stone either way
- found some bombs
- blew myself up for science
- it hurt a bit
- half a heart is left but don’t die die die
- ran out of those fish I caught :(
- got thrown by a big pushy thing for science and fun and most importantly loot, we got more amber I hope it’s useful bc now I have 2
- how come I take fall damage when I jump off a cliff but these things can fling me a while and I take none? I mean I’m glad I don’t take damage here but it’s like they was me to go get that glider thing or something
- statue says I’m resourceful like bro did you miss the part where I blew myself up on purpose
- turrets are still there, unsurprisingly. Link tried Throwing a Bomb. It was not at all effective. Link tried Run Away. Worked like a charm
- went back to the starting area to cook my remaining apples. I see myself using them soon. Tried to cook the herbs that said they could be cooked but they just died. Maybe I need to find a pot?
- decided to go look at the old castle thing
- accidentally threw a lot of bombs in the castle but I don’t think I damaged anything
- immediately started smashing ancient and probably priceless antiques/relics, which is on par with what I remember from the DS games I played (mostly Phantom Hourglass, couldn’t get past the Zelda part of the tutorial for Spirit Tracks, oops) Also remember cutting grass with my spin move
- Got told to piss off and be better so I guess I’ll do that
- killed a pig(?) boar(?) some type of animal because why not at this point
- found more mobs
- my (admittedly very little) experience with bees in Zelda games says run away or possibly do the spin? Can’t spin so ran away
- shot the nest, shot the bees, got some honey
- found a house I think I’m stealing from the old man again. I don’t blame him for making me work I’ve stolen everything I can so far
- cooked a herb and it didn’t die this time so that’s nice
- read his diary like a weirdo. He sounds lonely he just wants his recipe but he’s gonna get home and I’ve stolen his pitchfork
- old man let me sleep in his bed. This guy is nice. I hope he doesn’t end up evil
- I cut some wood for him I hope he likes it
- he doesn’t seem impressed with my cooking, and now he knows I’ve been snooping
- he seems cool with it tho?
- idk if he knows who I am but I like the idea of an old wise man seeing a young person running around a fantasy world and kinda just adopting them
- found the spin move :)
- what do I have to climb a mountain now? Like how?
- okay I made it, it was actually pretty easy
- I love how the temperature is in Celsius but also doesn’t display a number, only colours. Feels targeted towards the USA ngl. Idk fahrenheit makes no sense to me but you do you
- so they’ve given me bombs, magnets and Force Slow. Is there gonna be a boomerang at some point?
- haha that rock flew
- for once I didn’t screw up a trial so I’ll take resourceful. Even if I did spend some time attacking random mobs. They’re just trying to have a family dinner but no, I have better ideas
- alright I think it’s time for me to sleep it’s late haha
Overall, this game is pretty fun so far, will play again
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