#idk i'm a bunch of symptoms in a captain america hoodie rn
kalgalen · 5 years
briwhosaysni replied to your post “sazandorable replied to your post: sazandorable ...”
Yeah, I didn't realize until I was like, 20 that I might have adhd because I'm not active or traditionally hyper, and often don't mind repetative tasks. But then I started looking into the other symptoms and was like "Oh. Hyperfocus? Racing thoughts? Trouble with emotional regulation? Memory problems? Disorganization? Inability to ignore stimuli? Trouble with switching tasks? This all sounds Very Familiar."
hmmm yeah I am Terrible at emotional regulation (they tried to give me antipsychotics back when i did therapy bc they thought it would help with mood swings but apparently we were looking at it wrong?) And I have huge trouble focusing on a conversation I’m having if there’s another one i want to listen on on next to be but i can also focus on a book in loud places so....
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