#idk i'm not sure what oda has planned but i'm pretty sure they will at least fight side by side before one of them dies
beanghostprincess · 2 months
The fact that shuggy will probably get one of them dies while they were on bad terms ending makes my want to die
..... Gotta be honest, I actually really, really, really want one of them to die. I genuinely think it's going to be Shanks because bold of you to assume a dear beloved mentor that shows up every 200 chapters survives in a shonen manga. That for starters. Let's get ready to say goodbye to the silly redhead because that man is dying for sure. It'd make sense that Buggy died instead/too but whatever, one of them has to die and I will not have it otherwise.
But!!! But here's the thing. Do I want the angst of these two not being able to make amends and Buggy mourning Shanks' death? Buggy showing that he cares after Shanks' death? After it's too late? Maybe even seeking revenge because somebody killed him? Or perhaps hating himself a bit more than what he already does because he didn't reach out to him sooner?
Or do I want these two to make amends and get along for a little while, fighting side by side, to then witness Shanks' death and see Buggy suffer the loss of his best friend? This time accepting his death is easier but it still bothers him that they didn't have enough time to be together.
Oda loves Buggy's character too much to not do anything amazing and angsty with these two, so I am not worried about it. I just know that I'm gonna cry a whole lot and I am going to want to die right after seeing one of them dying. So I get it, anon, it kills me. But as a writer though?????? I need them to suffer. I will want to die, yes, but do you realize how good and angsty it would be???
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wavytam · 23 hours
This is the most primitive question ever but isn't Nami's tatoo a windmill and a tangerine but it's obviously an S? Can you make a post about Luffy's POV regarding SaNami? I wonder how people ship him with Nami when he's fully aware about Sanji's affection to Nami they make him look like a heartless douche
Hello, anon! I don't know how long this ask has been here, so I apologize if it took so long to answer! I didn't see this message before!
Anyway, about what you said.
First, about the tattoo: sorry, but I think it's just coincidental that it has an S shape. I think Oda could still use the drawing of the tattoo for something related to Sanji, though... maybe a pattern in something he wears. Idk. But I don't think Oda made Nami's tattoo with Sanji in mind. Maybe... I can't read his mind lol. It would be really nice if it was the case heh
About how Luffy sees Sanji and Nami: first, I'm not going to say that LN is impossible to happen, honestly.
In my opinion, the interactions Luffy and Nami had feel more like that of a brother and sister than that of a couple, but we never know when it comes to how Oda writes romance. So... Yeah. I still don't see it happening, though, for a series of reasons.
First, like you said, I'm pretty sure that Luffy, in his own way, is aware that Sanji has feelings for Nami. Not only did he witness key moments where Sanji expressed how important Nami is to him, but Luffy also incentives Sanji to help Nami.
Even without caring about romance, Luffy saw Sanji:
volunteer to help Luffy carry Nami up a mountain to find a cure,
almost die in an avalanche to prevent Nami from getting hurt
get so angry over Nami being kidnapped that he lit himself on fire
talk about how Nami is important to him during Whole Cake
So it's safe to say Luffy knows there's something there. And I think that he even incentivates Sanji to help Nami when it's needed.
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You came up with an interesting point: considering the way Oda wrote things, specially how Sanji is so enamoured with Nami (again, more than any other woman) it would be weird to make Luffy end up with Nami, with him knowing about Sanji's feelings. I'm saying this in a writing perspective.
To add more fuel to the fire I remember how Oda clearly stated he doesn't care who Luffy is interested in - which is a question he gets frequently, apparently. And just like Oda doesn't care, Luffy also doesn't care about his own love life. His purpose was always to inspire people to seek freedom. I do think he might end up with someone at the end, but I don't think Oda is actively looking for opportunities to give Luffy romantic scenes in the manga.
Sanji's developement, on the other hand, always had to do with love and emotions. So the idea that Oda always planned a romantic stoyline for him is not farfetched, and the person he likes to write Sanji pursuing the most is Nami.
Again, I really don't know what is in that guy's mind, so maybe at the end he still pulls a uno reverse card and makes LN Canon and Sanji doesn't even care lol But I think it would be a really weird choice, considering the things you have pointed out and other moments we have in the manga.
Most of the LN moments can be interpreted as more of siblings growing a bond - rather than a couple having feelings. For SaNami, especially because of Sanji's side, we can't call what he does as sibling-ish at all, even if Oda calls the Strawhat a "family" and says their dynamic should be interpret as such, he was also the one who chose to make Sanji infatuated with Nami. There's also Robin, ofc, but Nami seems to be a lot more in Sanji's mind.
Once again, it all depends on Nami and how Oda writes her reacting to Sanji's pursuits or how she acts towards Luffy.
We have favorable and unfavorable moments, and every time, it was mostly because of how Oda wrote Nami. So let's wait and see.
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ohshanksno · 6 years
do you think shanks and ben will die, if luffy meets him? not killed by luffy! i mean what if when kid and blackbeard work together and would kill them? i don't want that, i'm crying when i tough about shanks dead.... but what do you think? i'm scared about something like this.
Hmmm it’s kinda hard to say but the way Blackbeard is going and how Luffy gotta meet him and Shanks, chances are Shanks is gonna get roped into it and get himself hurt pretty bad. Unless Oda pulls a whole Oda on us and someone completely unexpected dies (looking at you Marco).
In my honest opinion, Blackbeard looks like a man that prefers working by himself to get/do what he wants. Relying on others isn’t probably his forte (i.e. the battle of him and Ace) so him working with Kid is like, a super low possibility. Especially when Kid got his ass handed to him by Kaido and his other two pals bailed on him, I don’t think he’s going to be trusting on alliances for some time. Especially with Blackbeard? Who’s the fishiest fishy man to exist in the OP world? He’d rather get his ass handed to him again than try and get along with him.
Oda did state that Marineford was going to be child’s play compared to the ending he’s planning, so you’re gonna need more than a box of tissues. There were rumors going around about Zoro supposedly dying in the Ending, but, idk what that’s all about? Instead, my suspects are, Shanks, Blackbeard (magically), Marco (I know he’s making a comeback I can feel it in my bones!!! he better be there I wanna know), mmmmmmaybe…someone else…like…Jinbei…or maybe…Buggy…
It’s hard to say, but it’s someone that you do(n’t?) think has any value towards Luffy, but makes the sacrifice to make sure he does become Pirate King (thus I voted Marco, first, but here’s the catcher). In Impel Down, remember how Bon Clay stayed behind to make sure Luffy got out? Compared to everyone else? Jinbei, Buggy, Mr. 3, Ivankov, and whoever else I’m forgetting, went with Luffy, because Bon Clay did all he could. He wouldn’t be of any use fighting on the Marineford field like everyone else did (although Buggy was comedy value, I think?), so the best he could do was mark the path for Luffy to take. That’s probably how it’s going to go. To the viewer, he doesn’t have any value other than being a former-villain-now-best-friend to Luffy so him sacrificing himself and his life for Luffy probably threw a bunch of people off their ships.
Because. He’s least expected to save someone. He did show up in Alabasta and did his thing yes, but after Crocodile, he took a liking to Luffy? And you’re probably like “oh okay it’s the last we see of him okay cool” buT YALL WRONG
Everyone makes a comeback. Everyone. I bet even Buggy will show up in the Ending.
But I’m rambling here. My worst fear is that Oda makes Luffy die in the ending or he’s going to pull the “Our friendship was the One Piece all along!!!!” card and. no. Shanks dying is what I’m expecting, but…it’s a bit too expecting, so chances are he won’t really die in here. But someone will.
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