#idk if he'd feel remorse but i dont think he'd regret it
em1e · 8 months
sorry im thinking about geto and like ... how do you think he felt killing his parents? how do you think it went down? were they happy to see him and he just does it or does he let them down easy and makes it quick when they're sleeping?
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steelycunt · 2 years
I don’t know if this will fully be addressed in the prank fic™️ but how do you think Remus and Sirius’ relationship was affected by the prank, both short and long term? like, ik you like them getting together/realizing their feelings for each other after the prank, but how else do you think their dynamic shifted? How does it affect them navigating their romantic relationship and how does it differ from how they choose to handle their friendship?
I’m also curious about how both of them would feel about it years later, like seventh year - beyond (assuming this is a universe in which they all survive and they get to grow old together, yk?)
Sorry for all the questions in this ask, I just really enjoy hearing your point of view/very correct opinions and interpretations :)))
hi hi!! ok i have lots of thoughts on this!! honestly my view is somewhat dependent on whether they are together before/after the prank but either way there are definitely some constancies :-)
i think the prank is quite undeniably a very significant point in their relationship, which i guess sort of contradicts canon in that even years later when its mentioned in poa sirius doesn't seem particularly remorseful? and obviously a lot of details have been filled in by headcanon regarding what actually happened, but that still feels extremely ooc to me. it doesn't make sense. for a character whose whole thing is loyalty, down to being literally loyal as a dog, to a) pull such a stunt in the first place, resulting in remus nearly being outed + kicked out, if not arrested + imprisoned, as well as james being almost mauled to death by a werewolf, b) not even recognise years later what a betrayal of his friend's trust it was, is difficult for me to rationalise. i guess in that sense im going to deviate from canon is as much as: he's going to fucking regret it this time!!
the problem with remus is that however angry he is at sirius i feel like he'd be reluctant to drag it out for too long. there will come a point where he feels that his distance from sirius is placing a massive strain on the group as a whole/forcing his friends to pick sides (which personally i dont think should be a problem since sirius tried to use remus to kill somebody but whatevs xx) and he'd be incredibly guilty and thus possibly inclined to 'forgive' sirius even before he's ready, because remus doesn't want to make a fuss, or be a problem, or a burden. i won't go into their romantic relationship too specifically because hopefully i intend to go over that a little in the fic? but in a broader sense i think its a bit of a jolt for remus. as in, he has become so used to his friends treating him as Remus The Person (as they obviously should) and not caring/letting his condition affect their perception of him that to then have it made quite clear that, no, sirius does still think of him as A Werewolf, and more than that A Werewolf that can and should be weaponised to frighten/hurt/kill?? someone?? (idk, whatever he expected to happen to snape) is a harsh reminder that is going to probably result in remus drawing in on himself again/becoming less trusting, because its like: ah, maybe i'm not more than that, because the person closest to me doesn't seem to think i am. so he'll forgive sirius, because of course he will, because he is unhealthily in love with him, but that is always going to be There in a way it wasn't before. never quite forgettable. i also think in terms of their dynamic, it might actually balance things out a little as sirius has to earn remus' trust back.
in later years (and again, this is contradicted by sirius' daft canon attitude towards the incident) i'd just imagine it being a bit of a sore spot that isn't much spoken about, because sirius is always a little concerned that remus never truly forgave him, because it was essentially unforgiveable. like, his whole thing is wanting to distance himself from his family and what they stand for, but the prank demonstrates that at that age he still has a (maybe reactive? depends what actually led him to say it) capacity for cruelty and violence--sirius is not an idiot, he mustve known the possible consequences of snape going down there, and he did it anyway. it's a moment where he has to reevaluate his reactions, and how he treats people, and more than that he has to demonstrate to remus that he is undergoing that reevaluation. so on the one hand you've got sirius feeling like he has a mountain to climb with getting to occupy the space in remus' life that he used to, and then on the other you've got remus who was always sort of inevitably going to forgive him, partly out of a somewhat selfish desire to just have sirius near him again, because he loves him and he wants to be loved. hope this sort of covers ur questions!! hope it sort of makes sense??
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