#idk if i have anything coherent to add so i figured i'd just contextualize for the reader
faggotry-enjoyer · 9 months
I didn't want to re-reblog and clog up ppls dash, but I saw what you put in the notes and we're 100% on the same page.
So many people will say "criticizing Israel isn't antisemitic" while like... actively denying Jewish ties to the Levant or saying that we control the media or something else stupidly antisemitic (theres been... a lot of blood lible thrown around lately).
Criticizing Israel isn't inherently antisemitic. It just seems that most people aren't capable of actually separating the two.
the notes being referred to here:
#when people are like "you can't criticize israel without being called antisemitic" it's like #yeah #because *you* are incapable of criticizing israel without being antisemitic #not everyone #you #<prev #criticizing israel isn't *inherently* antisemitic but that inherently is an important fucking part of the sentence #95% of the people who pull out 'criticizing israel isn't antisemitic' aren't even engaging in meaningful critique #just sweeping generalizations and double standards #you're not criticizing israel you're just hating israel and those are two very different things #the former? fine and good. the latter? is antisemitism dressed up in progressive talking points #and if you didn't know that on some level you wouldn't be so pre-emptively defensive #’i'm not antisemitic' is the refrain of antisemites and cowards
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