#idk if it was obvious but Linebeck swam down to save Leon
smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 27- matches, scars.
Hehehe I’m sooooo excited for this one it was a blast to write. I love Leon and Linebeck duo they’re so silly to me.
Warnings: uh…. An underwater monster, mentions of injuries, very mild
Searching for the heroes of Hyrule was not an easy task, especially since everything was working towards making that mission nearly impossible for the men searching for them. Strange portals had opened up and whisked them away from where they once were, leaving them stranded at Talon’s home. It wasn’t a huge deal, it was certainly a step closer than where they were before, but Leon still had no leads on where his son was. He, Rusl, and Talon went looking for his daughter in Kakariko and Castle town, but there was no sign of her. Talon decided to search in Gerudo valley next, but he wanted the men to rest up, since it was going to be a taxing journey. It had only been a few hours, but Leon had lost his patience. He tried to help with some of the chores around the farm, but he had no idea what he was doing, and he eventually let Ammon and Rusl finish the job. Finally, he decided to march out of Lon Lon Ranch and wandered towards Kakariko village, being around people for so long was becoming unbearable, so he supposed some mindless adventure would be good for him. Unfortunately, one of the men did not let him go alone, and he found himself accompanied by Linebeck.
The journey back to the village was not quiet like Leon hoped it would be, instead it was full of Linebeck’s complaining and annoying attitude. Leon suggested that Linebeck turn back, but he was insistent on staying with Leon.
“Listen, the last thing we need is for you to get captured by the puppeteer because you decided to explore alone!” Linebeck argued.
“And what will you do if he does try to capture me?” Leon rebutted, giving Linebeck a look. “Will you protect me? Because I have a hunch that it will be the opposite.”
Linebeck rolled his eyes. “Ok but if I was able to run away then I would be able to tell the others that you got yourself captured!”
“You would just leave me behind?”
“Does it look like I’ll be able to fight him off?”
Leon groaned. “You should just head back then seeing how utterly useless you’ll be to me!”
“I won’t be useless! I’ll tell the others!” Linebeck looked around as they reached the village, the villagers watching them weirdly as they argued loudly. “Where are you going anyways?”
“I don’t know, I want to check out Death mountain, it looked interesting.”
Linebeck groaned as they continued wandering aimlessly, and Leon eyed a strange cave when they crawled up the mountain. He ignored Linebeck’s complaining and entered the mouth of the cave, observing the darkness within it.
“Don’t tell me you’re going in there,” Linebeck snuck up behind him with a nervous tone in his voice.
“What will you do if I go in there?”
“I— it’s just dark.”
“Great! So you can stay out here and leave me alone!” Leon shoved Linebeck away from the cave and turned back to it.
“But what if the puppeteer is in there waiting for you? What if you—you wake up a monster! And then it tries to kill us both? What if you—“
“Linebeck!” Leon took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. He couldn’t lose his temper now…. “Linebeck please, just leave me alone. I need… I need to be away from people right now, alright?”
Linebeck raised an eyebrow, but didn’t argue. Leon nodded and entered the cave, ignoring Linebeck’s gaze on the back of his neck. The cave wasn’t very deep, at the end, there was a pool of water with torches circling around it. Luckily, Leon had matches that could light up the torches, and he wondered if that would activate a puzzle or something similar. He began to light up the torches when he heard a noise coming from the mouth of the cave, and he gasped when it suddenly went dark. A slamming sound assaulted his ears, and a door closed off the entrance of the cave. Leon stared at the door, the light from one torch being the only thing for his vision. He was barely able to make out a silhouette of a person, and Leon squinted at the familiar shape.
“I am so sorry.”
Rage boiled up within Leon and stomped over to Linebeck, holding the match in his hand.
“What did you do?” Leon shouted, and he saw Linebeck’s guilty face light up from the match.
“I—I just— followed you in and I must’ve stepped on a trap and—“
“I told you not to follow me!” Leon yelled, up close to Linebeck’s face now.
“I got worried! I didn’t want to be out there alone a-and I couldn’t see you and— I’m sorry!”
Leon cursed and grabbed another match, lighting it up and shoving it into Linebeck’s hands. Linebeck yelped at the fire and looked at Leon confused.
“Make yourself useful and light up the damn torches!” Leon seethed, marching away.
Linebeck silently helped light up the torches, and Leon was surprised at how well lit up the place was. It wasn’t dark in the slightest, and it helped him see something at the bottom of the pool of water in the cave.
“Alright, all the torches are lit up, you happy now?” Linebeck leaned against the wall, fiddling with the match. Leon just glared at him before returning to watching the deep water. “Oh come on, you can’t be mad at me forever!”
“I can and I will.”
Linebeck snorted but he quickly turned away when Leon gave him another glare.
“What are you looking at anyways?” Linebeck asked, staring at the water.
“There’s something glowing down there,” Leon muttered. Linebeck stepped away for a moment, then returned, a lot closer to Leon than he liked.
“Is it a key? There’s a keyhole on the door that shut us in.”
Leon looked at him. “Is there really?”
“Yeah, and I know that it’s a keyhole, I’m not stupid.”
Leon rolled his eyes and stared at the object in the water. “You live on a boat, you think you could swim down there and grab it?”
“Oh! Uh…” Linebeck scratched the back of his head and looked away. “I’m not… a very good swimmer.”
Leon stared at him for a long moment. “You live on a boat.”
“Yeah on a boat! Not in the water!”
Leon was practically shaking with fury as he shot up and started to take off his armor, mumbling to himself on how useless Linebeck was. He undressed himself where only his trousers and undershirt were on, and Linebeck looked at him weird.
“You’re swimming in that?” He asked.
“What else would I be swimming in?”
“I can't imagine it’d be comfortable swimming in clothes. If you’d at least take the shirt off you wouldn’t have anything wet you’d need to get into when you come back up.”
Leon stared at him baffled. “Why are you wanting me to take off my clothes?”
“Well I—“ Linebeck stopped, then his eyes widened in realization. “I’m just— I’M JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU! Goddesses I— GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!” Linebeck smacked Leon and backed away from him, his face turning beet red. Leon would have laughed if he wasn’t still upset with him.
“Oh hush up and let me get that thing down there my own way.”
Linebeck crossed his arms and grumbled, pressing himself up against the wall of the cave and Leon jumped into the water. It was surprisingly warm as Leon swam towards the object, and it was very deep. The closer he got, the more obvious it was that it was a key.
Thank the goddesses, he thought to himself as he grabbed the key, ready to get out of the stuffy cave. He pushed himself off from the bottom of the pool and broke the surface with a gasp.
“Did you get it?” Linebeck asked, and Leon held up a key. “Thank the ocean king, now we can get outta here.”
“Yeah, and I can get away from you.”
“You know what, next time I’m just gonna leave you to die, how about that?”
Linebeck almost smirked at that, and he offered Leon his hand. But before the first knight was able to grab it, something strong wrapped around his ankle, and he yelped as he was pulled back into the water. Leon looked down and saw a blue tentacle squeezing around his ankle. He tried to smack it off, but it dragged him closer and closer to the small hole it was coming from. He flailed his arms around and slammed the key into the tentacle, nearly gasping in water when he felt it stab into his ankle. He swam against the wall of the pool, away from the creature when it let go, but it continued to writhe around at the bottom of the pool, forcing Leon to swim up the hard way. The creature almost latched onto him again, but something above the first knight grabbed him, and he was pulled out of the water. Leon gasped when he broke the surface and scrambled out of the water, getting as far away from the creature as possible. He heard gasping beside him and looked in surprise at Linebeck, who was wearing nothing but his wet trousers.
“L-Linebeck?” He sputtered, and the sailor looked over at him.
“If you dropped that key, I swear I’m going to kill you.”
A smile tugged at Leon’s lips and he laid his head back, waving the key at Linebeck. “I didn’t drop it, don’t worry.”
Linebeck let out a chuckle and sigh of relief. “Good. I hope that… thing… that grabbed you won’t follow us up here.”
Leon shook his head. “It won’t. It was in a small burrow of sorts, we should be safe.”
“Good,” Linebeck sat up and eyed the water. “Well, let’s get changed so we can get out of here then.” Leon watched as he turned around and grabbed his shirt. “Oh look! My shirt is dry! Should’ve listened to me Leon, now you’re going to be sitting in wet clothes for a while!”
Leon didn’t respond, instead he stared at Linebeck’s back. There was a scar on it, a scar that looked painful. It stretched up to his neck and along his spine, with jagged edges that almost wrapped around his torso. Leon frowned, not understanding what could’ve possibly have given him such a scar. He reached out without thinking, almost brushing his hand along the scar, but Linebeck grabbed his hand firmly.
“Don’t,” Linebeck glared at him from over his shoulder, and Leon pulled his hand back. He’d never seen Linebeck this serious. Leon sat up, looking away.
“I-I’m sorry,” he quickly said, and Linebeck only glared at him silently. “I’ve uh… I’ve never seen an injury like that before, and I suppose I’m surprised that it happened to you of all people and—“
Linebeck’s glare grew more cold, and Leon rubbed his head. Stop talking you buffoon, He thought to himself, but the curiosity was eating him up inside.
“W-what gave that to you?”
Linebeck turned away and threw his shirt over his head, covering the scar. “None of your business.”
Leon bit his lip, the tension in the cave becoming unbearable. The wet shirt was growing uncomfortable and Leon tore it off, squeezing the excess water out of it.
“Well, you were right about the shirt thing, I kind of wish I listened to you, hehe,” Leon said awkwardly, but Linebeck only stared at him silently. Though his eyes wandered to Leon’s torso, where a scar of his own was. Leon looked down at it and pointed at it. “I got that from my son.”
Linebeck’s eyes widened. “How’d he manage that?”
Leon smiled slightly and looked back down at the scar. It was a big one, with lines spewing out from the center. Though it made him cringe, he couldn’t help but feel pride for his sons whenever he saw it.
“Darkness attacked our castle, and the demon Vaati put… some spell on me. I was in a trance that I couldn’t escape from, a trance that told me that I needed to kill demons disguised as my son. When I was fighting them, they shot all their force at me. Luckily my armor protected me, so I didn’t die but,” Leon gestured to the large scar on his abdomen, “it hurt like hell. Snapped me out of the trance.”
Linebeck listened intently, a look of understanding on his face.
“My son apologized profusely for it, anytime he saw the scar he would feel guilt for what he did to me. But honestly, I’d rather die than hurt him. I’m glad they gave me this scar.”
Leon relaxed his post and leaned on his arms, feeling sight embarrassment for rambling about such a touchy subject for him. He still shuddered at the thought of him killing his sons, killing the last hope of Hyrule. He looked over at Linebeck bashfully who looked shocked himself. He rubbed his neck which also seemed to have scars across it, along with his arms.
“You almost killed your kid,” he said softly, so softly that Leon almost didn’t hear him. Leon panicked for a moment, wondering if Linebeck thought that he was a terrible person, but the sailor sighed, relaxing his pose as well. “I know the feeling.”
Leon raised his eyebrows and stared at Linebeck in shock, he was about to press the matter further, but Linebeck grabbed the key from Leon, walking towards the locked door.
“Let’s get out of here, shall we?”
Leon nodded and got up, gathering his clothes and armor the best he could. Linebeck unlocked the door and the setting sun shone into the cave.
“It’s getting dark, the others will be worried about us,” Linebeck stated, and Leon sighed.
“Well, we’ll head out first thing tomorrow. I don’t think it’d be wise to travel the field at night.”
Linebeck groaned. “I guess. But the others are gonna kill us.”
Leon snorted. “Yeah, but at least I won’t be alone when they tear us a new one.
Linebeck smirked as he left the cave, walking towards Kakariko village. “Glad I can be your emotional support buddy when being ripped apart by the others.”
The two men laughed as they entered the village, and they headed to an inn, ready to get rest from whatever happened in the cave.
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