#idk if it's necessary to tag geeta and rika since they're not the stars of the show lmao
tvitr · 1 year
Well looky here Part 2
Yeah so let's continue this, shall we? :^)
Previously: Iono pesters Grusha into appearing on Iono Zone to talk about The Accident™️. Grusha fucks around and talks about a load of unrelated shite instead. Iono gets mad, Grusha gets offended, and finally snaps and tells her all about The Accident™️. Iono gets sad because as it turns out, The Accident™️ was a sad event. Who would've thought?
It's the next morning. As usual, Geeta is monitoring her gyms to ensure they've opened on time; each leader is given a key card which not only activates the power to the gym, but also lets her know they've arrived. It's a bit draconian, and she acknowledges that, but if she didn't watch them so closely, then Lord knows half of the barely interested motely crew she calls a League wouldn't even bother showing up to work.
Most of the leaders have signed in by now. All of them except for Grusha and Iono.
Now Grusha being late doesn't bother her in the slightest; she knows from the countless cancelled gym inspections that his gym's location makes it prone to closure due to adverse weather conditions. The weather can often get so bad that it's the only gym in Paldea with different opening hours depending on the season, as well as the only one with beds and showers in the event that staff find themselves stranded there overnight. Needless to say, him being a bit late isn't out of the ordinary.
Iono being late, on the other hand, certainly is out of the ordinary. Not only does she live within walking distance of her gym, but due to her gym career's popularity on her channel, she never misses a day off work, at least not without prior notification. Needless to say, her being late is definitely cause for concern, in Geeta's eyes anyway.
Geeta barges into the reception, likely interrupting Rika's escapades on Bumble, and asking her if she's heard from Iono that morning.
"No, why, should I have heard from her?"
"Well she's never usually this late."
"Hm. Strange." Rika's attention returns to her phone. This sounds suspiciously like a Geeta problem anyway. Only she's this anal about everyone being in on time.
"Grusha hasn't signed in either, could you call him as well after you've called Iono? It's probably just the weather in his case, but I just want to be sure-"
"Oh, apparently they were together last night. He was one of her streams. Didn't watch it myself but a few of my friends did-"
Geeta shot her a glare. "Are you suggesting they spent the night together...?"
Before Rika can respond, Geeta turns on her heel and leaves, demanding Rika call them both, just for putting the mental image of them making out into her mind. Rika huffs, closing Bumble and calling Iono. She's never off her phone, she'll answer for sure.
The number rings out.
She tries again, getting the same result. Third time, and the call is rejected outright. Either she's filming a video, or she really doesn't want to be contacted right now.
Assuming the former, and figuring Iono will just text her if she's currently busy, Rika then rings Grusha. He answers immediately.
"Listen, tell Geeta I'm on my way, it was really foggy this morning and it's only just lifted-"
"Yeah yeah, I figured. Listen, uh- wait you said you're on your way to your own gym?"
"Yeah, I just said that."
Technically he didn't, but she's willing to let that slide. "So you... didn't stay with Iono last night then?"
A loud fake retch from the other end. "Ew, no, why?"
"She hasn't signed in yet, Geeta says that's weird. Apparently."
"Well she wasn't exactly in good form when I left her yesterday. Not sure if that has anything to do with it."
"What do you mean?"
Grusha hadn't known what kind of reaction he was expecting from Iono when he showed her that photograph. He'd wanted an apology, sure, just... not a tearful one. He didn't like tears.
"I mean, you did ask."
Perhaps that was a bit too blunt for the occasion. Iono did seem genuine distressed and sorry after all, and he certainly didn't want to rub anything in.
But at the same time, she did ask.
She sniffed, wiping her nose on her oversized sleeve and regaining her composure a little. "I'm sorry, okay? I just..." Her voice trails off as the tears came back.
He sighs and sits down next to her, arms folded once again. "I'm not opposed to talking about it, you know."
She glares. "Then why didn't you?"
He leans back, eyes moving up to the ceiling. "Well, how would you feel if people kept asking you for interviews, but only about that one time you did a makeup video and your foundation was way too dark and-"
Iono groans loudly. "Why do you of all people know about that?"
"That doesn't matter. But you wouldn't want to be remembered only for that incident, would you?"
She suddenly seems to realise what he's getting at, and looks away sheepishly. "No. I guess not."
"But that's what it feels like for me." His voice grows quieter. "Ever since my accident, it's like nobody ever cares about what I actually achieved. It's overshadowed everything. Every tournament, every achievement, every competition I ever won, everything I ever did for that sport here in Paldea, it just... doesn't matter any more. I'm the most decorated winter athlete in Paldean history, but it doesn't feel that way any more. I'm just "the one who had an accident" now. That's it."
Iono pauses. "I... I never thought about it that way."
"Let's just say... she has a lot to think about at the moment."
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