#idk if th beetle needs an arachno warning but might as well !
newgroundstier · 2 months
Do you have any Transformers OCs?
yea ! i have a few of em, the only one ive posted is seahorse (she is not seahorse themed at all) tho because. the rest are stuck in half drawn ref* limbo dksjfksg
*i say ref but theyre all just like one pic of them from the front standing in a somewhat neutral pose
BUT here, a wip of a guy (who IS horse themed) !
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i wanted 2 make a knight who is also their own horse so. thats their thing lol. i would post the wip of their beast mode too but its uhhhhh a lot less substantial haha. also i was tryna think of a name for them n was like lol horsepower is an obvious one for a horse transformers oc but tbh i like it SO I GUESS THATS THEIR NAME. as of typing this 100% of my transformers ocs have horse in their name
other guys that exist in my mind and as scribbles include:
-spider monster truck + centipede train based on this funny guy ⬇
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-jet based on clear plastic tech. so i have 2 draw all their robot insides
-"what if the vatican city was a titan" (not the actual vatican city just like a cybertron equivalent lol)
-combiner made of three dudes called "judge" "jury" and "excecutioner" ("haha what a fun concept. what do u mean now i have 2 design 3 guys that feasibly merge 2gether 2 make a fourth guy. And their alt modes"")
um perhaps u see why i havent gotten around 2 drawing these guys fully haha
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