#idk if there is much of a boosh fandom on here but oh well
k1ng0fth3m0ds · 2 years
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Noel and Julian photodump <3
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ladadee195 · 4 years
Boosh asks 7 and 14 (hope these are right numbers, I'm number-dyslexic).
14. Have you seen the Mighty Boosh live?  Nope, never got close to a chance. I’d give an arm and leg to see it now though lol if they EVER DID IT AGAIN! 
7. How did you become acquainted with the Boosh? OH yay!! a chance to talk about my first experiences! my favorite subject. 
WARNING, long rant ahead.
  Let me take ya’ll back to wonderful year of 2006. It was May (oddly enough) and my High School (I was 16 at the time) is hosting its annual May Day fair. That’s not important however, I just wanna set the scene. Those were the days, I thought I was in love (I REALLY wasn’t) and I was on top of the world (as most 16 year old’s tend to think) We (me and my what...two friends? I don’t remember anymore) had gotten bored of the fair and had decided to drive out to the shops. I believe we visited Barnes and Noble, and we ended up at the only (at the time) Panera Bread in the area. 
Now if you know Panera Bread you know they have free wifi, and lots of people like to take their laptops with them. My friend (whom I thought I was in love with) had brought his laptop along and had it set up on the table with Youtube on. This is where I first watched The Legend of Old Gregg. I don’t remember if it was the full episode or just the Gregg clips but I think it was the episode. When ever I watch it now, certain scenes read differently. Like my old memory takes over. Its real weird. ANYWAY. That’s how the Gregg meme entered my life. I knew of the Boosh but I had never seen anything else. I didn’t even know there WAS anything else. I just knew that it was a show. I thought it was older then it was. I had no idea it was BASICALLY NEW AT THAT POINT. I just new Gregg and all the good things that Gregg was. 
THEN, because I was a teenager and fickle I forgot about it (for the most part) because I was in love and the Pirates of the Caribbean two was coming out in two months. 
Fast forward to 2009, fresh from dropping out of community college. I had nothing but time and late nights on my hands. By this point the Boosh was basically over and Adult Swim started airing it (and other BBC shows) on Sunday nights at 1 am. I remember being super excited to see it then, because obviously I knew what it was but I had never seen it cause being an American we don’t get a lot of chances to see these things. Not like I do now where I know where to find it. I remember a lot of stuff freaking me out (in a good way). I got to share it with my brother. We had fun with it. It was a good time. But I still didn’t grasp the cultural enormity of it, or the hidden depths it had. It was still just a silly surreal show that me and my younger brother would quote at each other. 
(almost done, this got long srry)
Okay so, I’d seen pretty much the whole show. (I’m convinced there are episodes I missed but you can’t always catch a show at 1 am on a Sunday) An yeah it was a thing, quoted it. It was there in the background of my TV experience. Like yeah hey I’ve seen that, wonderful.  I joined Tumblr in 2011. Still very much into only just pirates of the Caribbean, and a few other things. I remember seeing a fan blog, like so many of us have now and thinking “oh hey aha this person REALLY likes the Boosh, remember that?? thats fun!”  I followed that blog because I was curious, that was my first moment realizing that there was...something there. 
But that blog soon after deactivated and I forgot about it AGAIN for 17 YEARS (Okay what??) I had a lot going on!? other fandoms! other ships! other fanfics! and yes also some real world issues. Getting a job, learning to drive, falling in and out of love with the SAME PERSON (I hate him) getting my own place to live, etc. THINGS.
Now fast forward REALLY FAST to 2018 and I’ve just moved into my own apartment with my roommate. I wasn’t really into anything at the moment, just small things, and revisiting old fandoms from time to time. (btw I still love Pirates of the Caribbean if your curious, but not like I used to be) An heres where it gets kinda...weird cause I’ve no idea how it happened or WHICH ONE OF YOU DID IT but I found a fanfic. Somehow, idk. Maybe I saw a gif and got curious, by this point I’ve had my Gay Slash Glasses (tm) on for a long long while. So yeah idk but I read a fanfic, maybe two, maybe three, idk its a blur. An then....I found myself watching the epsiodes again (thank you Boosh docs) and well 3 years on i’M STILL HERE!  17 fanfics under my belt and more friends then I’ve ever had in a fandom. 
Now that I had time and the ability I found that it did indeed have a huge impact on culture and had some CRAZY hidden depths. So many things I never knew about if only I had checked back in 2006.  
thank you for coming to my ted talk aboout my Journey Through Time and Space and how long it took me to get here. 
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ladadee195 · 4 years
Guys! its the end of a decade tonight! Its also the end of the year!? can you believe that? I know I can’t, it just sneaks up on you sometimes. Its been a pretty good year all things considered. Many things happened these past couple of months. There were tattoos gotten, friends met, travels taken, fanfics read and written. Its truly been a productive year, and I hope the next year is just a productive and strange, heres to 2020 friends! 
I wanna talk about the decade a bit however. 
I’ve been on Tumblr since 2010. An I’ve gone through 6 or 7 different fandoms and ships through the years. Idk if that’s normal for people, specially after 10 years, but maybe I’m just crazy lol Who knows. Either way, here’s a look back at a few of them.
1. Pirates of the Caribbean! first and foremost and yes the its aged and gotten slightly problematic in its old age but I still will forever adore it. Plus I’ve loved it SINCE 2004, that’s commitment that is. 
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More important, over the last decade I’ve come to appreciate Sparbossa as a ship more then I ever thought possible
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 2. The Mad T Party show at Disneyland's California Adventure! It stuck with me from 2012 till oh 2014? off and on mostly. It felt short lived. it had and still has fans to this day even though its been gone now for well over 4 years. If you love Alice in Wonderland, Disney, and cover bands with way over the top characters it was great. 
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And it introduced me to a ship I never thought about. No not Hatter and Alice, tho they were heavily shipped as well. I mean the Dormouse and the Hare on the guitar and bass guitar.  Their antics and energy were exciting and addicting to watch. An since the show was inspired somewhat by Tim Burton’s version they came with names, backstories and quirks that you couldn’t help but love. I wish they had a proper place om Ao3 but most of the fanfics and fanart were here on Tumblr or DA.  I miss them. 
3. Rise of the Guardians is certainly one of the weirder things that I’ve hyper-fixated on.  This 2012 movie is a goldmine of warm fuzzies, and seasonal good times. Its based on a series of children's novels by William Joyce. I’ve read them all but the movie stays with me. If you ever wanted to follow the trials and tribulations of Santa, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth-fairy this is your movie!  plus it came with the still ever popular Jack Frost, played by everybody’s favorite Chris. Chris Pine. 
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An of course what weird fixation would be complete without a weirder ship?
Idk what it was but there was something amazing about Jack Frost paling around the Hugh Jackman’s Easter Bunny (Aster) that still brings me great joy to think about it.  An don’t ask I know I know it was weird. 
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. The Hobbit is a well loved book by many, the movies? not so much, at least not as much as the LOTR trilogies. Even so it wasn’t until 2015, when the LAST Hobbit movie came out that I decided I needed to fixate a hell of a lot more on Tolkiens work.  It didn’t last long for me since the fandom by that point had had enough. But I think I gained a better understanding of LOTR as a whole in that time period. I wasn’t a huge LOTR fan back in the day so it was strange to revisit it as an actual fan.  
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by this point in my fandom life I’ve noticed a pattern with my ships, they all seem to feature the same or at least close to the same dynamics and one person always seems to have blue eyes. Coincidence? or are blue eyes simply more popular and genetically abundant? Idk I’m not a scientist.  Point is. Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield were an amazing ship. Royalty? sassy Bilbo? first time finding a pair that regular switches? I good time was had by all
(LOL the gif is pink? idk)
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    5. and lastly. That thing I’ve been fixated one for the past two years, about to be three. The Mighty Boosh. I don’t gotta explain anything to you all because hopefully who ever is reading this is also a fellow Booshlr. All I’m gonna say is that, yes it might be strange to fixate one something that’s well over a decade old. But being late to a party has never stopped me from enjoying the party and I’ve got some wonderful friends along the ride. So if you’ve made it this far down my rambling post, congrats. Here’s some Howince
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