#idk if theyre brothers or just friends or whatever and im waiting for the dub to come out but im also lowkey petty and want it to be
acoraxia · 2 years
Yo rhy
As a shadowpeach king, what do you think of the new ship going around called sunstone?
Swk x the azure lion
i feel like if i answer this i'll get swarmed and anons will start going off in my inbox about things..
but i don't like it. like at all.
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dangeles · 3 years
also! - hi again - something that really comes to the forefront i think in the college tapes is how good the ensemble writing is? with all the college kids now there are way more scenes with way more people and more happening than just two people in a room talking. we had a bit of that in the original series but honestly im just so impressed with the ensemble writing.
like i was just relistening to episode 12 and that scene with all of them at the apartment? there is So much going on in that scene and theres so much, like, relationship writing? idk what to call it. the relationships between characters are being developed super efficiently with very little words. AND it's all under the cover of getting them all to the next plot point basically. like how many people are in this scene? like eight? and all of them are active participants. thats amazing. like:
OLIVER: We've come to storm the-- oh my God we invaded a preschool.
CALEB: (annoyed) Nice. (then) Everybody, most of you have either met Mark or have heard me talk about him. This is Dr. Bright's brother. (we already know caleb and mark are friends but this places that relationship within the context of all calebs other friends for us. plus the mention of dr bright. fills in a lot about calebs relationships. not necessarily stuff that we couldnt have guessed, but it's so nice to, like, idk, these two sentences do a lot imo)
MARK: Um. Hi. Sorry about him.
OLIVER: Him is Oliver Ritz, pre-eminent alchemist, you've probably heard of me. (adhsgjhg i love how he just assumes everyones heard of him like yeah the general population is totally aware of pre-eminent alchemists like thats even a real profession to have 😂 also i think it's interesting how hes switched from identifying himself as a chemist to an alchemist. i think in the am archives he calls himself a pre-eminent biochemist. makes sense that hes switched now that hes not working in that field anymore but it really changes, like, the focus on a big part of his identity from something he does to something he can do, you know what i mean?)
SFX: Oliver walks further into the apartment.
OLIVER: Did we walk into a party? Do kids play beer pong this early?
SADIE: Kids?
MARK: Oh god, there are... so many of you. (reacting in part to being exposed to a electropath and whatever ben's power is called, im assuming, in addition to caleb and oliver also there)
CAITLIN: No kidding. Want to take a couple of them off my hands? (unaware of mark's power, restating her relationship with all the bu people)
FRANKIE: (playful pouting) Even me? (making his move on caitlin because he has incredible timing adsghhsfg)
MARK: I don't think our hotel has the space.
CALEB: That's actually not a bad idea..if you guys are willing to share a bed, it shouldn't be a problem... (then, as if just thinking of it) Unless... there's only one bed? (interesting realisation for caleb to have. out loud. like he knows mark well. he knows of oliver, but this is only like the second time he sees them together, i think?, after the hectic introduction in the library? and hes immediately like 'wait a sec')
anyway sorry i dont really have a point i just love the writing in this show xD later on when theyre with beck too it's just the ensemble writing is so lively and efficient
I agree that this is literally one of the best things about the show, and I think you’ve pointed out of my favourite scenes! 
A single line of dialogue from each character and you get this understanding of them that isn’t too direct or unidimensional. It was much more intense in TBS because its a one-on-one exploration of the characters which is awesome because it needs that level of detail to work as a story. But in TCT, the ensemble writing, as you dubbed it, works perfectly for the story its trying to narrate. 
In this single scene there's so much, like you’d pointed out. Especially when you have a set of young adults and actual adults, and they all just bounce off of each other so splendidly. Its like having pop-rocks go off in your mouth all at once, but you can still distinctly tell who’s who :
Oliver being both condescending and overwhelmed by the ‘children’ which is just hilarious in itself, because he’s also in possession of a haunted artefact and he’s clinging to Mark while also not clinging to Mark,
Mark trying to be the middleman for Oliver while also worried Oliver will run off again because, lets face it, he’s attached AF to Oliver to the point even a stranger comments on their domesticity,
Caleb trying to be a middleman for the squad while also distracted by Adam every two seconds because he’s still hopelessly in love with him but does not trust the new facets of his ability after it pokemon-evolved out of his hands.
Sadie actually trying to get answers because she's grounded and practical, as has been handling atypical shenanigans for a bit, despite being nonatypical herself,
Caitlyn, completely unaware of the Atypical, tired with her exams, and confused at the sudden ensemble, and concerned at Adam hanging out with his ex’s posse after she’d spent a long time helping Adam through the breakup,
 Adam wanting to get to the bottom of things as his own person on his own merits despite being nonatypical because he’s insecure and feels he’s not special enough or good enough to help, while also doing the ‘will-they-wont-they’ tango with ex Caleb who he’s still hopelessly in love with, 
Frankie shooting his shot with Caitlyn every chance he gets because he may have just found The One like Caleb did Adam even though his timing is just notoriously obtuse, 
Ben still shell-shocked that not only do they have atypical friends (yaay) but they survived a kidnapping by an atypical cult (yikes) and they can’t remember anything of how they escaped/were let go.
All in one scene. Its a lot. 
And it feels just right. And so much fun to follow along and doesn't derail from the story itself. 
The fact we have the overarching story of the Twisted Empath Blackwell and his scheme with the Book, running parallel with the romantic tension of Adam and Evolving Empath Caleb who doesn't trust himself? The combo would have been distracting, but the way it was constructed makes it meld together.
And when the whole group goes to Beck and his ability activates out of the blue, we get to see a peek into what transpired between Adam and Caleb without actually taking us out of the current issue at hand with the cult and the book. And it think that’s clever use.
The whole thing is just *chefs kiss*
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