#idk if this is even confirmed (praying it isn't but it probably is) i just saw it on insta and died
panevanbuckley · 2 years
so umm... 6x13 isn't coming out until april 10th?? i literally cannot survive that long to find out context of that damned photo why are they doing this to us 😭
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safyresky · 11 months
Hello, I need to drop this in here before Season two of TSCS drop kicks me in a few days.
But I've had Fusion Au on the mind. In the brain. And I just frankly wanna know more about it. Whatever other information you can give I will GLADLY take. (Maybe even drop the fusion height chart 👉👈 if it is to be found)
Steven Universe has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I just wanna hear you talk about this silly little au that has been fluttering around lately.
F E L T. I have been hitting the ground RUNNING for Crystal Springs just to give myself decent AC for when the series picks up again (not sure if I'm gonna post the same day of the new episodes or the day AFTER, but New CS will be there to comfort me and maybe others in my our time of need).
I am not ready. I NEVER will be. I hope and pray that the Council isn't butchered, bc if we've got three confirmed Legendary Figures, I can't see us NOT getting the others. Or, maybe it WILL just be Sandy and Cupid and EB 2.0!! But idk. Idk man. Idk. I really want the snowball that gets thrown in Scott's face in the trailer to be courtesy of Jack. I know it won't be. But I fucking WISH and HOPE and AH.
I have a height chart floating around somewhere, but it is a stick figure doodle, so I will ATTEMPT to give you a proper?? Chart???
I think I said that Berline is about the size of two Elles stacked on top of each other (sitting on her shoulders) so I kinda eyeballed it based on that??? (me retconning so much about heights knowing that I had Berline pick Elle up and seat her in their palm lmao) So here we go, the main line up:
Tumblr media
I eyeballed the SHIT out of this??? I may boost them all a whole ass foot lmao but Richard was liek "DANI. SEVEN FEET IS TALL!" and I was like I GUESS.
Also, as an aside??? The height chart site has a 3D one?? That actually disturbed me??? Thank GOD I was able to switch back! If I find the shitty lil stick figure height doodle I will edit to add it. Or reblog to add it, lol. ANYWAY.
Some info, you request? Okay! Let me marinate it in my head and see what I can do throughout the day:
If the entire frost fam fused they'd be called Frost and they'd be a DELIGHT. They don't talk much except for to be polite and they will throw melty molten rock at you at the drop of a hat, so it's a GOOD THING that Jackie doesn't exists when Frost does! Because they WOULD drop their hat on purpose just to see a fire show
Frost probably freezes in place a lot while thinking since there's 6 whole ass sprites in there having a discussion, which is a very funny mental image--just this blob of ice and fire BUFFERING and then suddenly some asshole gets pompeii'd lol
They're very sweet! Very polite. Always say please and thank you!
When Fino and Fiera fuse, Fire is just the opposite of the THERE'S TWO meme. There's ONE. And they are making it YOUR PROBLEM (they also do unfuse in my head very similarly to the THERE'S TWO meme)
Fire is also the most humanoid looking fusion, for sure!
Diteline really likes flower crowns. She will make you a flower crown or a lil grass bracelet if she's left alone with no threats and a bunch of nature. She's a big old sweetie, an absolute delight
Diteline kids, meanwhile, are a pain when they learn about fusion, and incredibly hard to keep track of once they master it. Those three lil buggers will bounce from fusion to fusion, going from helping to causing trouble to wreaking havoc to trying to fix something as simple as "oh shit, mom and mater will be home soon and we DIDN'T CLEAN THE KITCHEN LIKE THEY ASKED"
Inter season squabbles take on a whole new meaning when it's "shoulder season" time, as 9/10 times it's because the two seasons have fused and are still doing their jobs 😂😂
Of all the Frosts, Fino is the least likely to fuse! It's fun but not like, a big deal, y'know? Orc Friend (who's name is, in fact, Ken, and then I saw Barbie and. Well. But I can't not see him with any other name! It's short for Kenothy) was tres relieved about this, had a whole crisis about if they'd have to fuse at all and of course, overthought it in leaps and bounds 🫠🫠🫠
Fiera and Normal Man (His name is Norm bc I am a SUCKER for a PUNNY NAME) probably would equate to the Stevonnie plotline lol. Like, they'd fuse and Fiera would be like "I DIDN'T KNOW ORDIBEINGS COULD DO THAT! WOW!" And they'd be so excited and have a regular time, bc the normal and absolutely unhinged wild crazy balance out :)
I think their fusion is named Norma lol
Blaise and Pyros never fused, ever. They were not allowed to bc it "wasn't proper" for royalty to resort to something like that
(King and Queen Frost had a very hands-off approach with...messier conflicts. There's a reason they managed to scrape by when The Call happened)
If a redemption arc ever happened for Pyros, it A) wouldn't be one like Jack's, it'd be a more "oh so this was a fucked up upbringing and I need to stop blaming others and confront myself and maybe fix my shit or maybe get worse, who's to say" kind of thing, and B) there'd deffs be a fusion related plotline in Fusion AU, potentially involving murder of parents and/or falling into a volcano.
I think, somehow, of ALL the fusions, Elline (Elle and Jacqueline) are the most chillest one. She is SO chill. She probably always has sunglasses on or on her person. She's got great advice. She'll go with you for ice cream any day! She has such good vibes it's unREAL.
I want to/am in the process of giving the inter-season fusions names. So far we've got:
Flora: Spring/Summer
Fauna: Spring/Autumn
Mud: Spring/Winter.
She's very insistent on this name presently, but I think a wintry plant would be cuter, like Winterberry or Poinsettia or Snowdrop (my personal fave tbh) but NO. She's like "I make Mud therefor I am mud."
Everyone calls her Snowdrop and she's like "No, just Mud for short is fine" It's like. None of those letters are even IN "Snowdrop" Mud, the FUCK? CAN'T YOU CHARACTERS BE NORMAL. TO A POINT.
Evergreen: Autumn/Winter
Sunflower: Summer/Autumn
(I was torn between something plain and obvious like "Harvest", or a silly crop related pun like "Melony", then I remembered that in SDV Sunflowers grow in Summer and Autumn, you know, like they do in IRL and went OH THAT'S PERFECT!)
Summer/Winter fusion is definitely the poster fusion for vacations, lmao. Probably I'll think of something like THAT for their name. Maybe Snowbird? Bc that's what they call people who fly south for the winter on vacations? Lol
(smacks head of Season sisters) These ladies can fit SO MUCH PUNS in 'em
Blaise and Winter I don't think really fuse with the kiddos, not until later years. I know for sure Winter and Jacqueline on occasion have! She's called Flurry and has the MOST energy ever always and is a sentient storm's WORST NIGHTMARE
Blinter the fusion. Can deffs. Pull other fusions apart. They can just pick up a fusion and be like "nope" and separate their asses. They do not abuse this power; it is just something they can do and it came in handy a LOT during the War of Succession
Which is probably actually when they first appeared! Trauma bonding 🥰🥰
So that's what I managed in a day! The heights are...average, I'd say. Not gospel, but like, the differences between the fusions? Solid. I eyeballed it 100%. I'm like MAKE EM BIG but then I'm like I WANT THEM TO BE SNEAKY AND BLEND IN WHEN THEY CAN AS JUST VERY TALL PEOPLE HUEHUEHUE. For some of them. SO YEAH. I HOPE THIS SATISFIES THE LIL ITCH? THE LIL TICKLE? THE LIL FUSION BUG??
I gotta like. Tidy Fusion AU up now that I've got Crystal Springs tidied up, too! It'll make it easier to write the Jackie Frost instalment, lol.
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ambalambs · 1 year
So idk if this is something strange to post but ive been trying my hand at writing fanfic about miko lately since I dont trust my art skill to do the little scenes that I come up with. But I also have zero skill in writing so this probably isn't any good either lol but im having a good time with it. And if anyone cares about my little miko musings I figured I'd share
"If you have a moment or two to spare, pray consider playing a little tune or two on it to practice."
Miko trailed behind Artoirel and his manservant through the Firmament, but he immediately froze in his tracks as they came upon the twin grand pianos the man had been describing.
"Often it takes time to get accustomed to a new instrument," the manservant continued.
Miko, however, was barely listening as he slowly approached the pianos. The pair truly were a spectacle of craftsmanship. One was pure black, the light of the day peeking through the clouds brightly reflecting off it. The other was white. The soft ishgardian snowflakes dusting its surface just barely visible as they rested upon it. Miko made his way to the white one, his fingertips barely brushing along the edge of it as if his mere touch would mar its surface.
He moved around to the bench before the piano and immediately took a seat. The keys laid out before him just beckoning to be played.
"I must say our hero might not need much time to practice at all, Foncrineau," Artoirel grinned. "You look right at home, my friend. Have you played the piano before?"
Miko smirked lightly and placed his hands upon the keys. He didn't press down just yet, instead taking a moment to simply get the feel of it again. Being as musically inclined as he was, Miko had tried his skill on many instruments. If he put his mind to it he could play just about anything to a relatively pleasant extent. Enough to carry a tune at least. He found he was most fond of anything with strings but there was something special about the piano.
And as Miko felt the weight of his fingers on the keys it occured to him just how long it had been since he played. It really had been too long. And as he mused upon this thought a memory seemed to push itself forward. Not in the way the echo painfully did, no, but simply just a memory of his own from a simpler time.
Miko was just a boy in this memory. No more that nine or ten summers old. He had only just begun staying at this farm and its hyuran family for a couple of days. It had been strange but not unpleasant. The trauma of his loss was still fresh during this time so it was still difficult for him to truly allow himself to settle in. He still hung onto the expectation that his father would find him soon like he promised and take him home.
On this particular day he found himself wandering around the family's home. The man was somewhere out in the fields tending to whatever farmers busied themselves with. The woman was in the back of the house putting their small child down for a nap. This left Miko unattended for a time so he claimed the opportunity to quietly explore.
He wandered into the living area and trained his focus on a particular piece of furniture that had grabbed his attention when he had first arrived. It was big and wooden, but although the top of it seemed flat enough to hold trinkets, it was clearly not a shelf. Or at least not one he had ever seen before. There was, however, a booklet of some kind resting against the front of it. Miko glanced back over his shoulder for a moment to confirm he was still alone and reached out to skim through the booklet. He wasn't sure what he expected since he was well aware he wouldn't be able to read its contents even if he wanted to. But he didn't expect the strange lines and scribbles that filled the pages. He was fascinated by whatever these strange symbols could mean but he quickly lost interest in their mystery for now and placed the book back in its place.
What next caught his eye, and honestly the main reason the piece of furniture had caught his attention in the first place, were the small intricately carved designs on the wood. There were leaves and vines and flowers, all clustered together in the corners and along the surface. And among them were carvings of little creatures he instantly recognized to be sylphs. He had seen sylphs before playing among the toadstools while gathering herbs with his mother. She always warned him not to get too close. The green ones were nicer than the purple ones but they were still known to be tricksy.
As Miko reached out and began trailing a nail through the grooves of the carving, he liked to think this sylph was one of the green ones.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
Miko jumped, immediately dropping his hand from the carving and whirling around to stare wide eyed at the woman behind him. His ears pressed flat against his head. The woman stood there leaning against the entryway with a soft smile. She had told him her name once when he first arrived but he still felt little reason to commit it to memory. He'd be leaving soon, after all, once his father returned for him.
"Oh goodness sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," she laughed lightly. Her laugh was sweet just like his mother's and it briefly tugged at Miko's chest as he inwardly berated himself for being so easily snuck up on.
"It's called a piano," the woman continued and gestured to the furniture before him. "Here let me show you." She tottered her way over to him, a hand on her pregnant belly. Once she made it to him she moved to reach beneath the piano and pull out the bench hidden below that Miko hadnt noticed before. He quickly hopped in to pull it out for her and she thanked him with a warm smile. She sat with a sigh that only a young mother can give and patted the spot on the bench beside her expectantly. Miko hesitated a moment before relenting and sitting beside her.
The woman tapped a finger to the wooden surface before them. "Go on, lift it up." She sounded almost giddy as Miko turned his wide eyed gaze from her to the spot she was pointing at. He wasn't sure what she expected of him to be honest. It didn't look like something he could lift, but as he curled his fingers into what seemed to be a seam in the wood and lifted, the panel easily gave way to reveal a long row of black and white keys beneath. Miko was instantly captivated. It was like he had revealed something mysterious and magical and hidden.
"My grandfather used to be a very skilled carpenter," the woman began. "He used to make all sorts of things but musical instruments were his specialty." Miko listened as he gazed at the keys before him. This was an instrument? They had many kinds of instruments in his village that he had played and loved but nothing like this. Suddenly the woman leaned in close to him, their shoulders bumping and whispered, "You know they say he even made some violins for an ishgardian orchestra that played before the archbishop himself."
Miko stared at her in awe. He didn't know what ishgard or an archbishop was at the time but it mustve been something truly important if she was being so secretive about it. She smiled and lightly giggled as she leaned away, Miko's attentive gaze never leaving her, hoping to learn more. But she instead gestured to the keys, "Go ahead. Push one."
Miko glanced at the keys with wonder. He carefully placed a finger on one and made to press down but it was sturdier than he anticipated and didn't give at first. So he tried again with more force.
Miko jumped, ears once again flattening as he turned in the direction of the bedrooms where the toddler was sleeping. Immediate fear filled him. He hadn't expected it to play so loud.
The woman beside him laughed lightly again. "Dont worry about waking the little one. Once he goes out not even a calamity could wake him. Thank the Twelve for small mercies." Miko nervously looked back to her, calming a little. What happened next would remain in Miko's memory forever. The woman placed her hands on the keys and began to play. It was a pleasant tune. Something light and relaxing but Miko watched as her fingers seemed to dance along the piano. He found himself already placing each note and position of her fingers into his memory, the melody already latching onto him for later. He had always loved the sounds of the instruments back in his village, the strings and the flutes and the drums. Each would fill him with their deep and winded tones. But the sound of this was so different from any he had heard. It was almost like a chime but it rang so deep he could feel it run right through him and into his core. Oh he was already in love with this. He wanted to keep hearing more. To test out its limits for himself.
As the woman beside him played she began to speak to him as if the very act of playing the instrument was second nature. "This piece has always been one of my favorites. You strike me as someone who can appreciate it, too." Miko quietly nodded without taking his eyes off her hands.
She then suddenly stopped just as quickly as she began and gently placed a hand on her belly. "I hope to teach the little ones someday, but I dont think their hands will be quite dexterous enough for quite a while." She looked up towards him then, a gleam in her eyes. "How would you like to be my first student?" She said as she briefly booped a finger on the tip of his nose.
Miko's face scrunched up at the sudden contact but he turned his gaze down to the piano before him. He carefully and slowly placed his hands on the keys just as she had. For a moment he pressed his lips together in thought, then began to quietly hum the melody he had just heard her playing. It was soft, a bit raspy and broken in his throat from lack of use. But he ever so gently began to play the first few notes. It was slow going but the ease at which he so quickly picked it up was impressive. He felt a small smile tug at the corner of his lips and immediately stopped. Letting his hands rest upon the keys he thought, maybe it was okay if his dad took a little longer to find him if it meant he could learn how to play this just a little. He let the smile fully claim his face, as small and soft as it was, and turned to look at the woman next to him. "...sure."
As Miko pulled himself away from the memory he found himself smiling that same soft smile to himself. Remembering Artoirel had asked him a question he quickly straightened himself up and ran his fingers down along each of the keys with trained skill. "I have but I confess it's been quite a while," I replied with a grin.
"Well, it seems the Firmament will be in for quite a show," said Artoirel.
Miko chuckled and quickly scanned over the sheet of music already placed on the piano before him. Artoirel claimed he had written this piece so Miko was already determined to do his friend's creation justice. He softly started humming the new melody to himself, as he was wont to do with new pieces, before turning his attention back to Artoirel.
"You keep up writing music like this and you'll soon be writing symphonies for the Eorzean orchestra."
Artoirel chuckled, "Please, you praise me overmuch."
Miko laughed softly and turned his attention back to the piano before him. His heart suddenly warmed at the thought of performing before the people of the Firmament despite the cold of the snow. He'd have to write home about this and let mom know he got to perform a musical number to the esteemed ishgardians.
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hospitalterrorizer · 5 months
another opening shift tomorrow.
and i also get paid!! i also got a check today cuz i forgot it lol. i also just used it all . lol!! but i'm okay with that because i need an external hard drive, i should also stock up on skincare and clothes while i can also. things to assuage whatever... idk, desires and anxieties, to last long enough.
i will probably finish discipline and punish before work tomorrow, and i brought agua viva to work today, just to get into that book. should be a quicker read, i basically only got to where i was at when i started it last, but restarting is good, i will say, i think bringing a pen to work to take notes in the book, this used to be my ideal way to read things, taking notes in the book, but maybe not anymore? it feels like it gets in the way. so i will drink the book as i read it and not take notes for now, until i read something that seems to beg of it. i tend to underline too much anyways because i love every line i guess.
another thing on my mind, is the real frustration with seeing protestors at various college campuses, the people occupying buildings, setting up tents, trying to do something (anyone can say oh it is useless or whatever, but we do not know this for certain until it all comes out at the end, even if it demonstrates possibility, can we say that it is useless? that is a beautiful thing to illustrate for us all) as anti-semites. it is a total fabrication and distortion of the goals of these movements as far as i can gather, they are simply agglutinations of a desire not for 'justice' but the fact of an end to genocidal empire, imperial meddling, and so on. this is an important desire, the fact this is put forth in the media as anti-semitic terrorism on the rise, is psychotic and stoking the fact that we have seen so many actual fascist turns in this country as a way to increase panic towards anything radical and 'abnormal,' and even 'unnatural' as the unnatural is what prevents the continuous flow of regular life. demonstration of that as non-continuous, something you might step outside, the law, pigs, work, school, discipline and the facts of hierarchy, even in miniature, even if for seconds, even if these communes (in miniature) fail into these kinds of terrible organizations once again, there was something there where it did not confirm these facts. the world is praying on failure. i hope they remain strong in organization, that they are not treating one another poorly, that they are sharing. that they resist their being painted as terrorists (not that they don't destroy anything really who gives a fuck about property, i mean resist the guilting at work, this super-parental-punishing complex these apparatuses of the state would like to mobilize against the students and faculty).
it makes me sad that there is nothing near me. perhaps there is, and maybe i can only talkabout wanting it? it on some level, makes me feel like a failure. i hope i am not. there is something soon and i'll try to go but it seems...idk. it's 'a night of resistance' where they are serving 'free middle-eastern food' which isn't bad but it's got the air of a meet and greet rather than, idk, anything else. but maybe this city and campus is so distant a meet and greet could accomplish more than i imagine. i will be there to try and listen i suppose.
that is all i can do, it feels like.
(shell out money also but it's rude to talk about such things seeking eyes upon the act (is this a bourgeois moralism lodged inside my heart? i cannot tell. it feels true to me, no matter what. (and i wonder, under all this quibbling, i am supposing my saudi friend would say something about how i talk about this, the same way many crackers do i guess. it's a pathetic way to wish the world were better maybe.)))
anyway, i worked on the last song in that list, so i am back to the 3 songs that need vox and that's it. hope i get on that soon.
i hope i have the day off of work for the strange palestine thing. there will be poetry there, i hope it is good poetry. i am worried it will not be.
i worry a lot of things will be bad, i guess. maybe that's obvious. it gets in the way of living often. the fear is an engine too though, it propels me, maybe misshapen to the idea of life lived right, without fear, maybe i am wrong, but i hold onto the pulsions of my will(s), whatever they are, they take me to something, at least.
passion/(dis)passion, they seem almost equal voices perhaps.
anyhow i really must be getting to sleep now. last night was so sleepless, it seemed like maybe only an hour, and then at work, a profound waste of time came upon me when i was told i had to, along side my coworker, lift extremely heavy boxes of tiles because the owner came and said 'i don't like this. it makes no sense'. terrible stuff to happen to a (thing, androgyne, girl/boy,) like me, who needs sleep and to not be sore.
but i liked what i ate today, so that is nice.
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plushpinkfox · 2 years
poster musings
saw this while illegally scrolling my phone in a steak n' shake drive through and i (already a victim of slightly shaky hands) almost threw my phone out of excitement. i did not, but i did dm kate immediately. this is INSANE! IT'S REAL!!!
absolutely so insane to see this. like i knew it was real beforehand but seeing this on official netflix accounts is just the strangest thing for someone who's been waiting since like 2015 when i first picked up a copy of sge and it doesn't feel like a real, tangible thing that is going to come out and be seen by hundreds of thousands of people
watch out sge. the tiktok editors are coming. been thinking about this one a lot lately; the fact that sge is going to be a mainstream fantasy film is going to prompt so much... CONTENT. like so much. probably not a lot of book-related stuff but the movie is absolutely going to revitalize the hell out of this fandom and i have a feeling the edits will be out of this world
so proud of netflix for making a real poster that isn't another goddamn celebrity tower! celebrity towers are such cop-outs imo because posters are such a cool way to introduce story elements and draw in an audience so it's cool to actually Have a Poster Design
also the fact that it looks GOOD on top of that is, you know, also nice
have to agree with the (i think it's popular) opinion that the font looks just a bit strange. like i don't know what kind of font i would have chosen to replace it, maybe something a little more similar to how it looks in the cover of the books (not because i'm a stickler for book loyalty in most cases but because it just Looks Better), but it's not AWFUL so i'll forgive it i guess
was hoping for a specific release date (maybe tmr with the teaser??) but it is a bit sad that there's a confirmation of a fall release date. ah well. it is a school movie i guess i was just hoping it'd be more of a summer blockbuster sort of situation
so so so adorable to see sophie and agatha on the bridge staring at each other even though they're too microscopic to actually. Be Seen! like there are my girls!! our girls!! they're coming!! (now where's the Boy.)
loving the tagline too idk it's not a big deal but i like it
also just another little satisfying thing: obviously they were going to list sophia anne caruso and sofia wylie above everyone else because they're sophie and agatha but also. a little part of me was like: oh god what if they do the big huge stars first. please don't. but they DIDN'T! it's our girls first! our girls!! (i'm so happy)
i guess overall the more they hype this movie up and release official netflix branded content for it, the more i'm just PRAYING it's not a flop. like there's been so much put into this that i think it'll be a commercial success for netflix's standards no matter what but i really hope that critically it's a success too. not that i wouldn't enjoy it no matter what, but i want it to be a Good Movie!!! a good one! (please!)
i'll be back with teaser analysis tmr i suppose as soon as i can after i'm home from my theatre workshop
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madammonkie · 2 years
Hi Riko, I wanted to tell you that the anon who made you feel horrible about the ships involving Nezha and MK are none other than Antis.
I know this because my friends and I were attackked by them and they threatened us half to death and one of my friends ended up having their lives ruined.
Also, just a few actual info, Dad!Wukong is NOT canon, if he was MK's father, thenn that would confirm that he hooked up with someone and/or fell for them and had MK, which is indirectly a confirming a ship, even thoughh no other ships (besides IronBull ofc) will ever happen.
And about NeZha, the whole "forever 12 years old" thing is in fact a LIE, idk how it started but I guess a person had spread rumors about him being 12 and it poisoned a lot of people's minds, my friend and I started Taoism last year and our teachers told us that he is over millienias of years old, and it turned out to be a hoax.
So if anyone tries to spread extreme rumors around, just know that they are getting reported and dealt with, lying about crimes is deemed illegal.
Ahaha i appreciate your concern about this, but they were not making me feel horrible about it as I Share the same opinion about it, Dont worry! I just felt like a moron for so confidently use the wrong tags. The content was indeed supposed not to have any ship in it other than Dragonfruit
I'm so sorry that happened to you and your friend, I agree that threatening someone is no bueno and i really suggest you perhaps talk it over or Perhaps Ignore them or block them.
And about the Dad wukong, Yeahhh Its not canon, bUuutttt I really like the mentor mentee, dad and Son dynamic, it doesn't have to be biologically related, they just have that bond ya know and I can't see it any other way.
Prince Nezha was Indeed dubbed "forever 12 years old" while having to live for millennium, and I may have not know the Taoism lessons, But I do know that he is eternally stuck in the body and a mind of a child.
Many medias portrays Prince Nezha as a child because it tied to how he become a Lotus Prince in the first place. I believe he committed s*icide to pay for his sins to the Eastern Dragon King. And his Master, (I forgot the name of the God) reincarnate him in the Heaven into a lotus Root.
While I do understand where you are coming from I do believe a misunderstanding of Chinese myth isn't necessarily to be a crime. Aside from actual gross usage of the said Myth into a gross content.
I'm not fully understanding Prince Nezha's story but I really do believe he is potray as a Child God where parents pray to him in hope for him to bless the children to grow up to be obedient and respectful Children.
Also I am aware that Lego Monkie Kid Prince Nezha is aged up, and ngl thats kind a neat idea. I don't think thats the core problem with my mistake of a Tag, the core problem is that In the mandarin Dub, Wukong called Prince Nezha as his Little brother, probably meant as sworn brother, and the idea of shipping them kinda gross.
Again I appreciate your concern, but I do think this is all just a misunderstanding and miscommunication. I hope your friend can get up from the said horrible experience,
cheer up💕 Its not worth it to have your life ruin for some dumb online argument, let's all just enjoy the show however we like! (Within Reasons of course)
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