#idk if you noticed from my alarm goingn off at ass o clock this morning but I have a new job lol
laesas · 2 years
a ship wildcard: big/tankhun (i also want a should they fuck raw rating for them please and thank u)
BigTankhun: ...........???????????????
This might be the first and only time I've come across a ship where I genuinely I genuinely... dont know. I usually have an opinion on to ship or not to ship but there is just.... a void.... where an opinion should be.
I think this is very much a case of Unstoppable Force (wanting only good things for Tankhun) meets Immovable Object (Wanting only gorgeous angst for Big) and my brain cannot figure out for the life of it how to marry those two things.
I think I'd have loved to see them become friends, or become friends early on then fall apart. I think Tankhun would have a lot of respect for Big's outbursts to protect Kinn, and while I think Big is subtly resentful over the fact that Khun left Kinn the role of heir he also kindof knows it wasn't Khun's fault at all. I think that if a teenage Big was allowed in to Tankhun's rooms with Kinn he'd be able to stand Tankhuns outbursts for a lot longer than Kinn. And maybe he'd probably want to try and see if he could help Tankhun for Kinn's sake.
This is a bit of a dark path but in a universe where Kinn dies and Khun decides he's well enough to step back up and take up the mantle (to protect Kim), Big and Tankhun could be a super interesting dynamic to write. Unfortunately I can't really imagine a world where Big isn't in love with Kinn, it's so central to his narrative, and I think Tankhun is too perceptive to miss it and too kind to ignore or overlook it. Maybe in another life.
God maybe I've actually talked myself out of it??
Rating: Should they fuck raw?......[FOGHORN NOISE REDACTED]/5 Maybe? no? probably though!??? but also maybe not?????? I want them to but I also dont and also I don't... know how that would happen. They'd look beautiful together but I think they'd have to be fundmentally very different people....... on that point:
BOC?? Nodt-Tong series WHEN????
Literally Mile Phakphum I'm begging sobbing crying in front of your house. PLEASE I NEED it.
💌 Chat Ship Get..... opinions i guess idk - Send me asks with your favourite/left-field ships! ✨
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