#idk just kinda fascinating to track having watched s4
theghostofashton · 5 months
rewatched 1x09 and one of the things that hit hardest for me was owen and tk's conversation, with the added context of 3x16. because we now know that owen was talking about not having left physically, the way his dad did, while tk was talking about owen leaving emotionally, choosing the family he rebuilt at the 252 over gwyn and tk. and i think what gets me about this is the 3x16 of it all, the way owen was determined not to repeat his dad's mistakes, but how he inadvertently did (for reasons mostly beyond his control). the way we can accidentally hurt our loved ones without meaning to, the way that hurt isn't intentional and isn't malicious but is painful, nonetheless. owen didn't set out to leave but tk felt like he grew up without a dad. owen did the best he could but tk still has to deal with the ramifications. it's so incredibly human and one of the things this show does really well, imo, how complicated and messy relationships often are. people not realizing, not knowing, causing pain nonetheless, but it never being out of a lack of love.
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3416 · 2 years
I've been into F1 since 2009 and I love love love how Drive to Survive had got so many more people into F1 (and given it a Tumblr fandom - honestly it's hilarious a lot of the time )
However Drive to Survive does not accurately represent the sport at all! F1 is a billionaires playground and is a toxic hot mess of ridiculousness! ( I watch every race and will follow it until I die but I am under no illusions of how absurd the sport is)
Do not expect these very rich, very privileged men to not let you down (Rafael Silva's and Ronen Rubinsteins they are not !)
To answer your question though - Hamilton is a very divisive person in F1. His die hard fans love him but lots of fans hate him (this happens every time a driver wins too much because they say it gets boring, they say he only wins when he is in a good car etc etc)
He also did not grow up rich and is black so he has faced racism and classism all through his career
Especially after he started talking about it all so publicly he gets a lot of criticism (sometimes justified but mostly not!)
Then there is the issue of Max Vertsappen (again depending on who you talk to he is either a god or the actual worst!)
The Hamilton/Max championship fight in 2021 got super super messy and most fans picked a side and will strongly defend that position
Personally I think Hamilton is incredible, he is undoubtedly the best driver of his generation and he is a fascinating person off track too (he loves fashion, and makes music and sky dives and goes to the met gala and campaigns for human rights etc) and he has grown so much as a person and a driver and a celebrity since his career started
Honestly I could talk about F1 all day so if you have any questions please ask!
Loving the 911 lone star/F1 mash up of interests!
hey there!! thanks for popping in with this-- i love to see that other people know about it and love it... esp ppl who know more than me at this point, lol. i find it so funny there's a whole fandom for it here on tumblr, and i appreciate your perspective!!
i honestly have seen a lot of criticism about drive to survive, but i think anyone who knows anything about professional sports can see f1 for what it really is in that way. like they have to craft some narratives every episode/about the teams, but it's a wealthy mans sport and only the ppl with the means can even get that far for the most part so... idk if it's that i'm already jaded by professional sports and celebrity culture in general but i'm certainly not finding it interesting from the standpoint of idolizing any of them, lol.
i can see where hamilton's very divisive as a consistent winner!! i was getting the sense in s1 of the show that there were clear tiers to the teams and they never even bothered to cover mercedes or ferrari bc they were always 1 and 2 (which... even liking the winning drivers/teams has to get kinda boring, right?) but i actually love how spread out things seem to be now in s4... even outside of the show, i saw a lOT about the verstappen/hamilton stuff from last year, so i look forward to finishing s4 and seeing what happens (even tho clearly max wins... wanna see the drama). obviously this is just a sport full of huge egos and none of them are very good losers, but... some of them are very...................... ☠️☠️☠️. it can be fun to watch grown men throw tantrumsflkdsjxz. i'm really liking lewis and a couple of the other drivers tbh. i think seeing the principals of the teams has arguably been more fun though. they're all such instigators, and i honestly think the show does a pretty great job shaping a narrative that doesn't heavily favor anyone. like... there are obvious signs that things are going to happen later on in the season which is already set in stone by reality, but it doesn't seem like the show's pushing you to hate anyone tbh and i like that.
anyway THANKS AGAIN!! for the info and for sharing!! can't wait to finish the show and catch up with the current actual season.
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