#idk man maybe ill tag characters properly later when Im not running on 3 hours of sleep
teruelfxonsuvar · 7 years
Sexual Orientation Headcanons
In which I baselessly put everyone(almost) on the kinsley scale because it’s 3 am and I have nothing to do Please don’t ask for my reasoning for this, I can’t explain. I’m not very eloquent pls i am trying my best as it is, ill explain what i can explain. (Masterlist over here x)
Tredd Furia: A solid 2. But he’s not aware of it. Everyone can tell he’s a little gay, except himself. Is it denial? Is it a very intense case of mistaking one emotion for another? who knows! He just seems like That Type of "””straight dude””” he gives off  Those vibes. If you’re not straight you know what I mean.
Luche Lazarus: Like, 4. He won’t flaunt it but he won’t deny it either.
Crowe Altius: 3. See I was thinking. She’s definitely presented in a way you know she’s One Of The Boys, so saying she’s gay would be too easy/stereotypical and saying she’s straight would be too cliche and predictable. So obviously she’s bisexual.
Prompto Argentum: 3. He doesn’t care. Just love him. Someone, anyone, please, love him. GIVE PROMPTO ARGENTUM SOME LOVE. 
Gladiolus Amicitia: Like a 1 or 2. He definitely shows preference for women the most and we do know he’s in a relationship with a woman after the timeskip, but also he sorta seems like the kinda guy that’d try anything at least once, ya feel?
Ignis Scientia: See. Ignis is tough. Because I feel like he can easily be a 6 or simply not care at all about a potential partner’s gender (so like, 3) or also just be asexual (so X). Either way, there’s nothing about Ignis about that says “exclusively straight” to me.
Noct Gar: Idk he seems a lil straight for Luna but also a lil gay for prompto but also he seems too emotionally drained to be attracted to people???? so either 3 or X
Cindy Aurum: Listen this woman is AroAce and you cant convince me otherwise. At the very least, she might be a solid 6 but just never address it unless it’s brought up.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Listen. The thought of Lunafreya so much as thinking “I would engage in coitus with this other human being” seems utterly bizarre to me. When it comes to Romance though I feel like she doesn’t give a fuck man, r u a boy? a girl? something else? she doesnt care, she loves u anyways.
Nyx Ulric: Listen I want to say 6 but idk bcause when I see Nyx’s face all I can see is Johan Akan’s gayness shining through, and this has been a thing before I even knew who Johan was, I always Perceived Nyx as Gay. But now I feel like I might be being blinded by Johan Akan. So many people read him as straight/bi and I just can’t see it but also it makes sense to some parts of my brain... I could actually make a separate post about this to be completely honest.
Cor Leonis: 2. Don’t @ me.
Titus Drautos: 3 or 4.
Libertus Ostium: 0. Ah, our first straight person. I just can’t see anything but Liam man, they did too well with the modeling (If only they’d worked so well on Ravus hah... Kingsglaive Ravus who’s that?)
Pelna Khara: like a 0. but also, Pelna seems like he’d give anyone a chance if they’re sufficiently close, even if he’s not sexually attracted to them?
Loqi Tummelt: 4. Maybe 5. But I feel like saying he’s completely into men doesn’t sit right with me for some reason.
Aranea Highwind: 3. Don’t @ Me.
Ardyn Izunia: 4. When ure his age it probably stops mattering, to be frank. but at least if he fucks dudes, cis dudes at least, he doesn’t have to worry about accidental pregnancies.
Sonitus Bellum: 0. Mostly on the basis that he seems like the least likely of the glaives to be found sucking dick?
Axis Arra: like, 1 or 2. maybe even 3? Either way I feel like he’d be very Precious about crushes.
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